From star abyss

Chapter 878 093 Canary

Previous work? Black history! ——Some explanations about "The Eternal Speaker" and "From the Star Abyss"

In fact, Scarlet Red has talked about this topic more than once, but there are still people who think again and again that 'you can't understand this book without reading the previous work, so the author is deliberately doing bundle sales.' So I think, I It must be explained again.

[First, is it really necessary to watch the previous work? 】

The answer is: There is no need. Not to mention that the previous work only has 1.1 million words, and the timeline is confusing. Even if you read it, you will not know what story the Eternal Speaker told.

What's more, from Star Abyss has actually moved all the plots of Eternal Chancellor, and you won't get any value by watching the previous game.

If you really care about who the so-called ‘Leozi’ is, then I can make it clear to you here:

Leoz is the final villain whose appearance in the previous film is less than 500 words.

[Second, is the inheritance relationship between the previous work and this work important? 】

Answer: It's not very important. If you really want to read it, just read the last chapter "The End of Leoz". And after reading it, you will find that these contents have actually been stuffed in the Star Abyss a long time ago.

For example, this paragraph:

"So, let's think about how Leos can solve it."

As Ampolo spoke, he suggested:

"I can't bear to kill Leoz, even if Leoz challenges and retaliates against me later, I will be willing to do so."

"Me too. After all, we are the invaders." Lyle nodded: "If He has the ability to rise in the future, then come and take revenge. I welcome it."

"No one is a good person, it's just that Red King is a particularly badass. I have also made many mistakes and killed many innocent people. I don't want to say anything like: living for better redemption."

Ampolo sighed:

"I deserve to die. I am also responsible for Red King becoming like this. In fact, if it hadn't been for what happened to us on the Qiantian, Lei Wenyuan would not have disembarked and would not have been infected by Leviathan Dar..."

"If you are addicted to the past and refuse to move forward, it's better to die." Gaia punched each of them with dissatisfaction and said angrily:

"Let me tell you, you two children, if you say anything about death or death in front of your mother, it will only make your mother uncomfortable! Big bad guy! Whoops!"

Lyle and Ampolo looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

"Then, let's banish Leoz."

Lyle said:

"Actually, I'm quite looking forward to him coming here for revenge... If he can succeed, our sins will be redeemed. Me, I cheated and betrayed my best friend, and I'm not ashamed of it. If it weren't for the secret society , I’m afraid I’ve already been punished by God—oh, I’m God, so it’s okay.”

"Invading other people's territory, you have to be prepared to be pushed to the capital." Although Lyle's attitude was too playful, Ampolo basically agreed with the content: "Mother Gaia, please remove Leoz's soul from the divine body. Take it out so that He can be exiled to the endless dimension."

"If the divine body enters the endless dimension, due to the strong resistance of divine power, it will easily arouse the oppression of nothingness and be annihilated together with the soul."

Gaia stepped forward happily and struck out with a palm, knocking Leoz's body to the ground. His soul was knocked out and flew rapidly towards the endless star abyss of endless dimensions.

Lyle suddenly thought:

"Then this Mephidria..."

"This," Gaia said, "she is mine."

Lyle and Ansaluo paused for a moment, then saw Gaia opening her big mouth, revealing her dangerous fangs.


Then this paragraph is expressed differently in Xingyuan:

"As for Red, don't worry about him for the time being. After a few thousand years of calm, he will probably regret it - so, let's think about how Leos can solve it."

[Emperor] Ampaolo said:

"Since this guy is just a cannon fodder god, he doesn't have any talent, so just eating him is a waste of resources."

"I have an idea." [Scholar] Lyle said: "Ambaro should know that on the battlefield, wounding can cause more trouble to the enemy than killing. If you deliberately maim the enemy without killing him, then the enemy must not Not treating the other party is a waste of logistical manpower and medicine."

"You mean... we can cripple Leoz and put him into the next battlefield?"

Ampolo shook his head:

"It's just cannon fodder. Do you think the final enemy we have to face, the Will of the Star Abyss, will really recycle him?"

"Well, you don't have to worry."

[Scholar] walked up to Leos and said:

"Speaking of which, Amcharo, did you know? The poorer a person is, the easier it is for him to fall into two extremes."

"What did you say?"

"Either they have seen through the warmth and coldness of the world and want to climb out of their own class by any means, so they abandoned all moral bottom lines and became bottomless people like Red and Leoz."

[Scholar] raised his hand and touched Leoz's breastplate:

"Either you become extremely emotional and don't want the tragedy that happened to you to happen to others."

"The former requires abandoning morality and using benefits to lure people, but the latter requires a lot of education and delicate humanistic care."

Lyle touched his chin and said:

"Although Leoz is a cannon fodder god, he is not unusable. Killing his existence is a waste of our resources and will immediately reveal that we have conquered the Murphydria universe - but if Leoz is found Opportunity, how about being exiled to the Star Abyss?"

"...Don't you think this is letting the tiger go back to the mountain?"

"No, that's hard to say."

Gaia said:

"As a cannon fodder god, Leoz has no independent character at all, but if he is stuffed into a mortal's body, he will be easily influenced. With luck, his character can be more delicate, and he may be able to be [ society] to recruit them.”

"But..." Amcharo hesitated for a moment: "What if Leoz still supports Xingyuan? He is Leoz after all. After all, he is also a tyrant who has dominated the universe for billions of years..."

"I did something simple with Leoz."

Lyle crossed his arms:

"Leoz's core abilities are the four powers from Mephidria: gravity, weak force, electromagnetic force and strong nuclear force. As long as he is present, even the Discrimination Eye cannot affect the abilities in these fields - so, I erased all His perception and understanding of these authorities.”

"Not only that, when his soul is expelled later, the mark implanted in his consciousness will also be activated. No matter whose body Leos possesses and seizes, he will be regarded as a hidden personality and will have no chance to come out."

"It doesn't matter even if he comes out. Leoz has lost his understanding of the four major authorities and his supporters. No matter how strong he is, he can't reach the point of this life - on the contrary, Xingyuan will definitely be suspicious, and the creator is dead. Why didn't Leozi's agent die in the battle? Could he be an undercover agent sent by us? Was he instigated by us to rebel?"

"This will not only delay time and provide a good cover for our full arrival in Xingyuan, but also make Xingyuan suspicious of Leoz and keep suppressing or even destroying him. It is best to force Leoz to break with Xingyuan and turn into enemies."

"It's a good idea - maybe in the end, Leos will become our companion."

Gaia smiled:

"Then, let's banish Leoz."

"Mother Gaia, please remove Leoz's soul from his divine body so that he can be exiled to the endless dimension."

Lyle reminded:

"If the divine body enters the endless dimension, due to the strong resistance of divine power, it will easily arouse the oppression of nothingness and be annihilated together with the soul."

Leos knelt on the ground with his head hanging down. He heard all the other party's plans clearly.

The other party is using him to fight against Xingyuan. If he does what the other party does, he will only delay the date of his death, and in the end he may be eliminated by his own people sent by Xingyuan.

[We cannot sit still and wait for death, we must act. 】

I have just been seizing the time to recover and gained some divine power. But now there is not enough time.

Gaia had already raised her hand and walked towards Him.

【Time is running out. 】

Leoz immediately made a decision, and his divine power roughly etched his soul. He did not hesitate to damage his memory and willpower, but also carve his own traces.

【Leotz. 】

[After the soul is engraved, no matter where my soul is accommodated, it will instinctively react to the name and its consonance, and will subconsciously pursue and be affected. 】

[I lost the power of [destiny] - but this way I preserved my will to the greatest extent. 】

[The inside of the secret is not monolithic. I will not let it go when I get this news. 】

Gaia stepped forward happily and slapped it with her palm.


Leoz's body was knocked down with a bang, and he knelt on his knees, quickly turning into stardust fragments and drifting away with the wind.

And his soul was directly knocked out. Driven by the power of Gaia, it penetrated the cosmic membrane of Murphydria, quickly flew towards the endless star abyss of endless dimensions, and finally landed.

[There is still a little bit of divine power...]

As his soul flew at high speed, Leoz felt that his consciousness began to blur, and the curse from the star abyss began to wrap around his body.

Curse of the Abyss: Balance

It's not like he has never left his native universe. In his impression, he has an understanding of the native star abyss.

Layer is a plane, and the curse of Layer Abyss also revolves around "flat". This universe can only tolerate reforging five times - according to Xingyuan, that is the strength of Kappa (10).

Every planet has its limits, and stronger individuals will not be allowed to appear unless in times of crisis. In the Abyss, the more powerful an individual is, the more people need to support him. Those who exceed their limits will be cursed to oppress their bodies and be unable to move normally.

Leoz felt that his soul was quickly wiped out by the curse of the abyss. Not only that, but the power in his soul was also taken away and absorbed by the abyss.

[Entering the Star Abyss will force the exploitation of power. I have exceeded the limit of the Star Abyss and will be crushed by the curse of the Star Abyss - I need to find a weak host immediately to suppress my strength in order to continue to exist. 】

However, the power of Gaia in Him was too powerful.

I don’t know how long it took, but He kept floating and wandering in the universe, like a dying comet, burning its own life while quickly moving through the universe.

[The trajectory must be controlled, otherwise, I will die. 】

Just as Leoz was trying his best to control his soul and try to get rid of Gaia's power, a leisurely figure suddenly appeared in the universe of the star abyss.

"I realized there was something wrong with the filter, and I was immediately disconnected. Now I have to start the advent in advance - alas, it's a pity that the timeline has only been updated to version 14.0. I feel that it can be stronger before I can be sure."

The lavender figure tilted her head and stretched:

"Forget it, we're already here. Let's take a look at where it is...Dragon Satellite? Ah, this place is a bit far away. I have to find a way to open a portal to get there."

[Porcelain skin, lavender armor, and a dragon-like shape - the Xingyuan Protoss, but their strength is very weak, only - the level of a mortal? 】

Gods at the level of mortals were simply unheard of.

Leoz quickly scanned it and suddenly understood the reason for the opponent's weak strength:

[He is also the star abyss who just dived in? Moreover, the strength is controlled very well, and the mortal level can be perfectly integrated with the biological soul of Layer Abyss. 】

In that case——

Leoz used his limited divine power to deflect the trajectory slightly.

"Deploy this, and then deploy this to the Azure Star. In this way, I can travel back and forth. To purchase materials at advanced resource points such as Dragon Satellite in advance, it is like Qin Shihuang eating peppercorns - winning."

The purple-armored god calmly landed on the ground of Dragon Satellite, deployed the teleportation mechanism, activated the reaction, and was about to step into it when he suddenly noticed something.

He turned his head and saw Leoz's figure approaching instantly, like a blue meteor, hitting him directly!


I think that although these two paragraphs are about Leoz being exiled, the perception cannot be said to be different, at least they are very different.

[Third, I just think the plot of the previous work is very important. Without it, it will seriously affect my reading experience. 】

Answer: Leoz only appeared once in the previous game. I really don’t know where the important plot you mentioned appears. It’s like you can understand The Wandering Earth 2 even if you don’t watch The Wandering Earth 1.

To be honest, the world view of the previous game is different from the world view of this game. In the final analysis, the previous game was just messing around on a planet, and it didn't even reach the abyss.

There is a 5,000-year timeline difference between the previous work and this book. Not only that, except for a few secret citizens, all the characters who appear in this work are new and original from this book.

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