From star abyss

Chapter 958 173 Believe in Niu Niu!

Generally speaking, pet followers are not regarded as a main combat unit in the game. They are usually used to assist players in playing, bringing players a rich interactive experience, providing spiritual entertainment, and preventing single players from feeling lonely when playing alone.

Among them, there are many characters such as hunters and beast kings, who improve their combat effectiveness by taming pet babies. However, it is generally difficult for this profession to play a major role in the team.

But, this is in "Star Abyss".

'Spirit Puppet' Feitrice, the best pet discovered in the 14.0 version, her exquisite and cute appearance, excellent numerical values, unparalleled mechanism, and exclusive special effects against the void make her one of the best pets in the 'previous life' version 14.0. She has been sought after by players since the launch of the server, and there are many secondary creations, fan books, and crazy quotes around her.

Especially as a rare Lolita type character in Star Abyss, Hawking, a great scientist from the Earth people, couldn't control it after seeing it.

With a petite figure of only 160 centimeters, she is full of the skinny beauty that makes feminists angry. Her face is slightly baby fat and has a pure and innocent face. She is simply an angel.

The most important thing is that she is a doll, lifeless, and can be dressed up, taken apart, and modified by players without breaking the law.

The subject of the law is a natural person, and Feitrice is at best a figure.

Skin that looks fair and breakable can actually withstand the high temperature and pressure of a star's core. He speaks softly and gently, saying "Lord" every word, which makes people's bones feel numb.

What, you said 160 centimeters is too tall and not considered a loli at all?

Hey, my friend, you have to discuss this in different worlds. There are six layers of the star abyss. Each universe is different and the gravity is different. How can there be a standard template for you to mess around with? Damn it. .

In Xingyuan, a world where women start at 1.75 meters tall, a cutie like Feitrice, who is only 160 centimeters tall, is as cute and cute as a pearl bird. No one will be confused after seeing her.

As an authoritative person from the Frost Plated Republic, Li Ozi defined this: Xingyuan women who are less than 1.7 meters tall are either underage or disabled.

Therefore, if you are 1.6 meters tall, you are a loli!

Of course, if it's just cute, it won't have any appeal at all to a strong person like Li Ozi.

As a person who pursues extreme strength when playing butter, the reason why Li Ozi would like Feitrice is very simple:

She is strong.

Not generally strong.

She is an absolutely popular pet that has dominated the charts for 27 weeks!

It goes without saying that it comes with its own recharge and battery life, but there are very few pets that can stack magic damage with recharge and battery life.

In particular, Feitrice is positioned as a spell turret. In name, she is a spellcaster focusing on continuous output, but in fact, when her passive "Gear Riot" is stacked, the damage begins to change qualitatively.

Therefore, after a quick glance, you can see how terrifying Feitrice's skill set is.

The passive talent is that releasing the next spell will return the cooldown time and mana, ensuring battery life while maintaining firepower density.

Coupled with the effect of Gear Riot, Feitrice will show extremely terrifying suppression power when dealing with an extremely large number of units.

The more skills are released at the same time, the more layers can be stacked to unlock two finishing moves.

A built-in kill will have a decisive effect on enemies that are difficult to kill, such as Sides, Waning Moon, Professor Mingji, and even Galina, so you no longer have to worry about something slipping through the net.

The other one tends to control the field and save lives, erasing the law of potential energy, which means destroying all melee units, and applying extremely effective damage reduction healing effects.

Picking up heavily armored kitchen knives like those on the [Destruction] path, and milk riders on the [Redemption] path, is just like playing.

Of course, Feitrice is not perfect.

One of the biggest flaws is that... she is incompatible with the Star Drop Technique, and their functions are highly overlapping.

Therefore, in the 'previous life', basically no Star Advocate player would choose her as a pet.

However, the situation is different now.

Li Ozi's body had just been killed once by Qi Xilei, and his body was still guarded, unable to be resurrected. In contrast, the True General of the Pure Dragon Sect just lacked the ability to kill on a large scale.

Rather than wasting experience and time on learning relevant skills to make up for the shortcomings in this area - it is better to directly choose Feitrice to make up for it.

Li Ozi closed the panel, stepped forward, and touched Feitrice's head:

"Your name is Featrix, right? I'll be relying on your help for a long time from now on."

"(Void Language) Respect the Lord's will and be sure to follow it."

Feitrice raised her head and said numbly:

"(Void Language) has detected language differences and is switching the language module..."

"(Void Language) Searching..."

"The search for (Void Language) failed and the relevant language module could not be found. Please give Feitrice relevant knowledge products."

"I almost forgot. After all, the setting is that you shipped it directly from the original factory from the void, and it has not been localized yet."

Li Ozi scratched his head:

"Wait a minute. You follow me first. When we get to the town, I will buy you two dictionaries."

Feitrice nodded and folded her hands naturally in front of her:

"(Void Language) Follow the Lord's instructions in everything."

In fact, some equipment should be prepared for Feitrice to cover up the traces on the void side. As a humanoid pet, it is good, and the equipment requirements generally do not need to be customized.

Although he is not good at raising pets, Li Ozi is not too stingy.

Just buy a mage suit from the market for 9.9 yuan with free shipping, and that's about it.

Setting Feitrice in follower mode, Li Ozi searched the ruins of the mansion for a while and fished out more than 2,000 Yuan Crowns and some evil props that were inconvenient to take. The former Li Ozi naturally accepted it and used it as a crusade against Qi. Use of Xilei's funds.

As for those evil sacrificial props, Li Ozi thought about it and left them where they were, letting the police detectives who came to investigate the situation see what the Mahamut family had done.

"That's about it. It's great to be stuck with the bug. Basically, I got a pet baby for nothing. Unfortunately, there aren't many bugs. It seems that Jing Yuan doesn't have a few chances to get stuck."

With regret, Li Ozi took Feitrice back to the ground:

"Niu, get ready to go back..."

He looked around and saw no one.


Li Ozi felt something was wrong, so he sent a message. After sending it, he remembered that this guy's system was broken.

"He should be back at the Stray Hotel. Without the system, he can't do anything, but he should be fine going home."

As long as he gets to the Stray Hotel, this guy will be safe. The Overlord King is keeping an eye on him, and Void should not dare to continue to intrude on him.

Li Ozi could understand that it was really uncomfortable when something like this happened, but it was not that he had not considered the issue of non-combat attrition.

Although it would be more difficult to fight alone, you can't take Caramel Snail, a player who doesn't understand filters and systems, and risk his life to accompany you there.

Moreover, Caramel Snail has been tricked by him several times. After all, Leo is not a god like Leo who only focuses on efficiency. He still has some humanistic care.

The caramelized snails should take a break this time.

The most important thing is... unlike myself, a true traveler who enters the Star Abyss in a physical body, the players are after all recruiting their bodies to come down.

Gio Skua's consciousness has been trapped in the void, and Li Ozi dare not guarantee that if something happens to Caramel Snail, it will be affected in reality.

Compared to Leos' trust in Gio Skua, Leos trusts this silly, simple and persistent caramel snail more.

It would be better to let Caramel Snail go back and stay safely aboard for a few days. When he comes back from the east, he will slowly solve his problems, and finally the two of them will face Qi Xilei together.

Just when Li Ozi was thinking this, Feitrice behind him suddenly raised her head and took the initiative to block in front of him.

"(Voice of the Void) Lord, please stop."

The sound of a spring spinning rapidly came from Feitrice's body, her eyes shimmered with purple light, her silver hair moved automatically without wind, and her gorgeous Lolita dress undulated like waves.

In just an instant, dozens of spells of various colors bloomed in Feitrice's open hands. She said coldly with a delicate and cute face:

"(Void language) There is a high-energy reaction ahead, and it can be confirmed that a very powerful Void side expert is approaching."

"A strong man on the void side?"

Li Ozi frowned, not noticing any changes with his senses.

"Wait a minute, if I can't feel it, it means that the other party's power is much stronger than mine, and at this point in time, in this place -"

Li Ozi's pupils shrank and he grabbed Feitrice's shoulders.

The buzzing buzzing——

The next moment, a dazzling light suddenly burst out among the ruins in front of him. There was no violent explosion, only bursts of strange tinnitus, spreading to the surrounding area.

Birds and beasts fled in panic, trees became desolate, the earth cracked, and mountains and rivers dried up.

A purple glow rose into the sky, lasting continuously, with a diameter of more than a kilometer. Under the continuous output, the frequency gradually became stable.

Gradually, the purple light curtain was like a door, slowly tearing a gap through it.


Li Ozi and Feitrice landed on a hill not far away. A touch of blood spilled from the corner of his mouth. The power of the void was too strong. Just by grazing, his lungs were penetrated by radiation.

"Damn it, I knew that someone must have touched the rift in the void to cause this aura to erupt."

Feitrice raised her hand, released the healing spell in time, and dispelled the void curse effect on him, and reminded:

"(Void Speech) Lord, once the void rift is completely opened, it will cause the inherent time domain of the void to spread to the local area, and a large number of monsters and Void Lords will come here through the rift."

"I know, I just killed a great king a few years ago - to be precise, he committed suicide."

His blood volume gradually returned to full, and he raised his head, filling his eyes with energy to enhance his vision. Li Ozi looked down and found the instigator without much effort:

"Let me see who it is—"

However, when he saw the silent and lonely figure slowly walking towards the gate of the void rift, Li Ozi's pupils suddenly shrank.

That figure turned out to be the missing caramel snail.

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