From star abyss

Chapter 963 178

Miracle, in the language of the earth, is called miracle.

In the culture of the earth, there are two types of miracles. One is created by the gods they believe in and the creation of heaven and earth. It is more appropriate to call it a miracle, and it is more appropriate to call it a manifestation of divine power.

The other one is a very small possibility, but it will eventually lead to a certain result.

But no matter what, the reason why a miracle is a miracle, in the eyes of people on earth, must be a small probability event that seems incredible but has a certain reason for it to happen.

Either subjective or objective.

And the miracle must be incredible.

When the executioner's sharp blade slashed towards Li Ozi, his brain was completely unable to react.

This knife carries the divine law and has killed countless philosophers who betrayed nihilism. It has also opened the door to narrative for those who embrace the void who are desperate for the status quo of existence.

Unable to dodge, invincible through penetration, as long as you are targeted by it, you will be hit directly even if you are out of range.

Only hard resistance.

Silent, silent, slow and slow, reluctant and unforgiving.

It is so slow that one cannot get rid of it and feels tortured and painful.

It was so fast that even time and space could not react, and air resistance and heat energy did not hinder it at all.

But just when the blade was about to hit Li Ozi's neck - a miracle happened.


The sound of metal colliding and clashing was extremely clear, like a clear and rapid stream falling quickly from the sky, tapping, shaking, and scattering lightly on the ice cap, and finally poured out a clear silver light.


Executioner Hamer Jialai tilted his head:

"What a surprise."

His surprise was not because someone blocked the blow.

But the person who blocked the blow was really...

When the silver light dispersed, a thin, gray-haired man wearing a shabby cloak appeared in front of him.

"Thank you so much for your blessings, Mashgar. You finally understand the use of this ring."

The man held the sword with one hand, as if holding a plate of pizza, steadily, and a lazy and resentful voice slowly sounded. His voice was hoarse and low, with a weak sense of electricity, just like those old The sound coming from the radio.


The man crushed the sword light with his hands, slowly turned his head, looked at the confused Li Ozi behind him, and sneered:

"What? You don't recognize me? That's right. After all, I was in the ring and yelled at you for several months, but you didn't respond. You must not know who I am now, right?"

"You mean the ring?"

Li Ozi was stunned, and took out a simple and old ring from his pocket - the pure color before had dissipated, and instead showed a complex hollow structure like a craftsman ball.

Just touching the surface, a strange and familiar feeling arises spontaneously.


Just like the soil and air of his hometown, although there is nothing special about it, Li Ozi does feel a comfortable and friendly feeling from it.

"Is this... Origin Earth?"

"Yes or no, to be precise, this thing is rarer than the Origin Earth. It is the substance that shaped the six original path gods when the battlefield was opened outside the Yuan. Originally, the Yuan of the Yuan Dynasty relied on special environmental advantages. , some remnants can be cultivated, but they are quickly divided up by the ascensionists of narrative civilization."

The gray-haired man explained:

"You must have never seen this thing, because this thing comes from the earth. It was taken by the outer society from California on the west coast of the United States of America in 1964. In that plane, the demons have turned the earth into their seedbed of purgatory. It’s one of the few we have that has a positive record against the secret.”

Li Ozi raised his head and looked at the man:

"So, you are the guy sealed in this ring."

"Yes, that's me."

The man shrugged and lifted off his cloak, revealing a weathered face. His neck was completely hollow, and the intricate machine structure and metal muscles pulsated and undulated like a real creature.

As he showed his true face without reservation, the man exuded an extremely strong and sharp aura, as if the whole world was rejecting his existence.

"The Speaker of [Machine Society] is also the [Machine Father] who once served as a god-supporter under Leoz—Meganeroz."


Harmajialai whistled, interrupting the exchange between the two. He poked the ground with the tip of his knife and gave a friendly reminder:

"I don't suggest you do an ice-breaking ceremony right now, because I'm still here - but this is really rare. The Speaker of [Society] actually gets along well with the civilians on the Star Abyss side."

"Yeah...that's true."

Meganiobium Ross tilted his head, the crosshairs in his eyes were fixed on Harmagai Lai, and he suddenly realized:

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten you!"

After saying that, Megaros immediately straightened his face, stood at attention, and gave the other party a military salute:

"Thank you, Comrade Hala!"

"Sorry, my name is Harmajialai." The executioner corrected him carefully.

"Okay, add vegetables to the toad."

"Hamagai." The executioner said with a smile: "I can keep correcting you, but your condition won't last long, right?"

"You are so boring, creatures of the Abyss."

Megaros spread his hands and looked at Li Ozi:

"Do you smoke?"

Li Ozi said frankly:

"I used to smoke, but then I quit."

"You don't mind the smell of smoke, do you?"

"I am a very tolerant and kind-hearted person. People give me the nickname Our Lady of Galaxy Eyes."

"That's fine."

Megaros swung his cloak and strode towards the executioner:

"The smell of cigarette smoke will be very strong after a while, and it will probably last as long as a cigarette."


Harmajialai was quite surprised. The execution knife was dragged on the ground, and he covered his face with his left hand. As if he was trying to suppress his smile, he sneered at Meganiobros:

"You want to challenge me? Just you? As a speaker, you can't even feel the aura of heavy forging on your body, and you actually dare to walk towards me?"

He said this, but as Mega Niobium Ross got closer and closer, Hamerjarai also dragged his sword and strode towards the opponent.

Bang bang bang!

"Our mechanical civilization once had a famous saying: If you don't come towards the machine world, the machine world will come towards you."

Megaros walked faster and faster, and the cloak on his body moved automatically without wind, revealing the rusty but still angular mechanical body underneath.

Bang bang bang!

"What a coincidence, we in the void also have a similar saying - what is more terrifying than ignorance is self-righteousness."

Harmajialai's face gradually became serious, and the broadsword in his hand scratched across the ground, leaving eye-catching traces of sparks and void erosion.

Suddenly, Hamerjarai's speed increased, and he rushed in front of Megaros in an instant. He swayed slightly and faked to deceive the opponent. Then he picked up the long sword, stepped forward, turned around and slashed, and slashed cleanly. On the back of Megaloth!


The blade cut through the cloak, penetrated the rusty armor, and hit Meganiobros's movement system.

Mega Niobium Ross' figure swayed and froze in mid-air.

"Let me explain in advance, my strength is only faction level (15). Don't cry and complain in front of your [society] mother after you are killed by me."

Harmajialai said calmly:

"I don't like that those who die in my hands are all confused idiots. It seems that I have taken advantage of you."

"I have to say, I was really shocked when you rushed towards me. I have only felt that invisible temperament from a distance when [Dusk Qing] communicated with [Void Emperor]. .”

"It's a pity that you may have been very powerful in the past, but now you are just a pile of slag and scrap iron."

Harmajialai regretfully said his eulogy, turned his wrist, and drew the knife back.

The knife doesn't move at all.

The next moment, Harmajialai's expression froze.

He tried hard to draw the weapon back, but he still couldn't pull the blade out of the opponent's back.

Before he could start to be stunned, Megaros lazily stood upright, like a crane, and hoisted Harmagai Lai together with the weapons stuck on his body.

"Sorry, not long after it was released, the body parts are aging and a little stuck."

Megaloth scratched his neck, then plucked it from behind, and threw away the Harmagai Lai and the decapitating knife.


Hamejialai flipped half a circle in the air, staggered when he landed, stabilized his center of gravity, raised his head, and there was no more contempt in his eyes.

"There's something wrong with this power. It's different from [society] and the path."

Harmajialai said in a deep voice:

"What kind of power is this? Why is it so powerful."

"Didn't I tell you everything?"

Megaros put his hands in his pockets and said lazily:

"In addition to being the Speaker, I also served as a god to Leoz - [Machine Father]. All Haynes' machines are my children."

Harmajialai frowned:

"What does this have to do with anything?"

"Why, can't you feel it yet?"

Megaros said pitifully:

"My point is clear."

"I am the Speaker, and I am also God, [Machine Father]."

"Even if I am separated from [Machine World Society], I am still a god. To deal with you, I don't need the power of the Speaker, only divine power is enough."

He opened his arms, and the rust stains on his body were quickly blown away by the wind, revealing traces similar to porcelain.

"From the unicycle to the mechanical fortress, all machines are my descendants!"

After saying that, Megaros suddenly clenched his fists and his eyes burst out with cold lightning:

"It seems that my body is still not working well, and I haven't done enough to deal with you."


"Let my children teach you a lesson."

Megaros raised his hand and said in a loud voice like a radio announcer:

"The Invincible Iron Man William - come out!"

The earth roared, and the ocean not far away slowly separated a path from it. A huge demon god with a tall figure, like a black iron castle, rose from the sea.

"Sun Fighter Pilot—arrive!"

At the limit of the horizon, a flash of light flashed, and the next moment, an exaggerated, eagle-like fighter plane that violated aerodynamics came from the sky, shining brightly and dazzlingly.


The head of the fighter jet was raised, like a living steel eagle, its mouth opened, and it let out a sharp roar. Hamerjarai, who wanted to take action, covered his ears, with a restless look on his face.

"Electronic Dragon White Doragon—come on!"

The digital network instantly unfolded in the surrounding space, and a large amount of data flowed and intersected, converging into a miraculous light at this moment.

When the light dissipated, a snake dragon with nanotubes and electronic circuits all over its body was suspended behind Mega Niobros.


The giant iron man and iron bird fighter planes arrived one after another. Mega Niobium Ross put his hands in his pockets, stood in the shadow of the three giant mechanical creations, and said lightly:

"The Holy Spirit, the Code Talker, and the Quantum Mechanic, the three major machine races, were just tools in the universe to provide cheap labor for demons and earthlings at first, but now the combined power of these three great races is enough to explode. A power beyond the universe."

Megaros grinned, revealing a mouth full of iron teeth, and said to the executioner:

"Do you believe in miracles?"

"If you think that you can defeat me with just these scraps of metal and numerical superiority, you are really fanciful."

The executioner snapped his fingers, and violent void energy spurted out from the void gate behind him. A large number of purple monsters poured in, like a mountain roaring and a tsunami, countless and endlessly destroyed.


Megaros smiled and said:

"Then let me show you what it means to be a super machine person!"


Li Aozi held up the city-burner and said:

"Although I don't understand what happened, I can deal with the miscellaneous soldiers."

"Oh, please, Mr. [Blacksmith]."

"You're welcome, [Machine Father]."

Megaros smiled slightly, and then his eyes suddenly became extremely determined. He punched forward suddenly, grasped and closed his hands, and roared low and powerfully:

"Mobile Demon God Geta King - Fusion!!!"

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