From star abyss

Chapter 964 179 It turns out that you are the culprit!

"Stop! Stop!"

Ye Zhanjian raised his hand and stopped Li Ozi who was explaining what happened in the past three months. The other three people looked at him. Ye Zhanjian stood up straight, calmed his mind and said:

"Let me sort it out... In other words, you, the real general, are Li Ozi? The previous NPC from Azure Star, we thought he was the protagonist of the version, but the guy who died in the abyss was you!?"

"Yes." Long Yuqiong nodded: "He did mention this."

"The real general is actually Li Aozi. It seems that he has opened a trumpet?" Yu Tianxiao nodded.

"That's right." Li Ozi replied.


The three of them nodded.

After a moment, Long Yuqiong's pupils shrank and he looked at Li Aozi:

"You, Li Ozi?"

"Are you an NPC or a player?"

"I'm super, electronic male ghost!"

"Calm down, now that we've reached this point, you should probably know what's going on."

Li Ozi took a sip of tea and said:

"There is nothing to say about what happened next. The executioner was repulsed by me and Mega Niobium Ross, and then I took Feitrice to Daliang, and finally changed my job to [Infinite Immortal Lord]. No one blocked the whole process - in fact , and no one can stop it.”

"When I came to Daliang, because I showed the lost rock ghost finger bone, the emperor of Daliang met me personally. After talking with me, he gave me a generous reward and successfully completed the task."

"No one can stop me from this. The rebellion in Daliang was suppressed before it was even provoked. I thought Qi Xilei would secretly have a hand in it, but in fact she didn't."

"By the time I rushed back to the grassland, Qi Xilei had disappeared without a trace, so I easily eliminated the evil god Li Weisi, talked with the Golden Dragon Monk, learned about martial arts, and finally returned here to start practicing meditation. "

"Since then, I have become the most powerful warrior of Kexi level (14). In the entire realm, I am just invincible among those in the same realm. I can only tie with those who are one level higher than me. Even if a demigod comes over, I It’s just to save your life.”

Li Ozi's tone was very humble, but to the ears of the three of them, it sounded like Versailles.

Demigods are at the default Sigma level (18). The first level is 20, which is level 360.

280 vs. 360, this is completely equivalent to mantis trying to control the car!

Suddenly, Ye Zhanjian realized something was wrong:

"No, so the most powerful enemy you encountered along the way was the Void Executioner?"

"Although it sounds abnormal, it is the truth. No one can stop me except Hamerjarai."

Li Ozi touched his chin:

"Actually, after listening to what you just said, I probably understand where the problem lies."

"Ah, I understand too."

Yu Tianxiao complained:

"The risk doesn't go away, it shifts to us."

"Most of the various enemies, difficulties, and troubles we encountered along the way were caused by the invasion of the Void Executioners. Griffins were frightened by the breath of the Void to migrate, and various cities were under martial law because of the Void. "

Long Yuqiong said:

"But the main reason is because we are looking for the four holy beasts and the three wild gods who have fallen in the realm."

As he spoke, he showed his mission interface:

[God of Oaths and Glory] Dil Moonton - You need to collect golden bay leaves, cursed oath scrolls, and the body of a healthy, blond 17-year-old boy who is good at writing poetry and reciting.

[God of Health and Blessings] Rodney - Needs fragments of the sacred war hammer Clement, Demon Seed Heart*20, a girl born on the night of the silver moon.

[God of Praise and Order] Chabriel Weiss, he needs 15 dedicated policemen who love his career, the heart of the rainbow-tailed mermaid, collect the fragments of the divine sword Zamphrey, and a [Soul Sacrifice Master] talent Success calls.

"It just looks troublesome."

Li Ozi glanced at it and said:

"Don't talk about you guys. If it's just Kapa Stage (10) or Lambda (11), I may not be able to solve it myself."

"To be honest, Leanding's exploitation is too serious, and our strength is no longer enough to continue exploring."

Long Yuqiong looked at Li Aozi and said:

"But...can I ask you a question?"

"Feel free, but I won't necessarily answer."

"Lee Aozi, the real general - which one is you?"

Long Yuqiong asked.

Yu Tianxiao said hurriedly: "Long Yuqiong, it's not appropriate to say this at this time -"

"Now I'm the one asking the questions."

Long Yuqiong looked at Li Ozi intently:

"As far as I know, Li Ozi is a well-known terrorist in the Frost Plate area before the closed beta. He simply relied on various actions and main tasks to become the player's mentor, and he was successfully cleared and became a A hero who saves the planet."

"And you, True General, are a well-known PVP anchor. You only entered the game in the late S1. You were at the top when you debuted. You won a large number of amateur awards and became a well-known passerby king and major anchor."

"One is a virtual character in the game."

"One is the anchor of reality outside the game."

He looked at the well-dressed man in front of him, looking like a man asking for immortality, and expressed his truest doubts:

"Which one is the real you?"

"I've always been Lee Ozzy."

Li Ozi said calmly.

He no longer conceals this information, not just because the three of them have shown enough trust.

But, there is no point in hiding it any longer.

Hiding, camouflaging, and covering up are all practices of fragile creatures.

But now, he is invincible in the current environment.

[Infinite Immortal] is the final job change of a pure dragon sect warrior, and he is the first player to become this warrior.

In the process of growing up, no one could be as pure and proficient in the Dragon Sect as he was.

As long as he can enter the abyss smoothly, be promoted to Sigma level, and fight for a suitable god position, he can become a true god.

The rest is just to slowly and steadily improve and expand your power and followers.

In other words, although he is not even a demigod now, in terms of qualifications, he is closer to a true god than a demigod.

"Li Ozi..."

Long Yuqiong's face was complicated.

He still remembered that before this, Le Anding had casually said to him: Li Ozi should be cut off to reduce his influence on the players.

But now, Li Ozi is the player.

Not even Laian Ding was aware of his existence.

Long Yuqiong fell into confusion. But others still have their own doubts.

"Not only that. Li Ozi disappeared shortly after entering the abyss, but you found the caramel snail almost at the same time, and even dived into the abyss one step ahead of time."

Ye Zhanjian also spoke:

"To be honest, you actually know the real inside story of this game, right?"

"Real general, no, Li Aozi, ah, I don't know how to tell the difference. I really can't tell the two completely different guys. Forget it, I will call you Li Aozi from now on."

He pointed at Li Ozi's body, who was quietly meditating and sleeping on the altar not far away, and asked:

"What is the relationship between the child next to you and you?"

"That one." Li Ozi said easily, "That one is my big size."

"Can you still open a large account? With this kind of training, on a map as big as Jingyuan, you can actually afford two accounts?"

Ye Zhanjian was stunned.

"No, what he means is." Yu Tianxiao said: "This child is the real Li Aozi. The real general who has been communicating and fighting with us is actually a trumpet."


Long Yuqiong glanced at the three of them.

As professional brothers, their level has always been among the best.

But Li Ozi's trumpet is actually four levels higher than them, reaching level 280!

At this moment, they felt endless grievance and indignation.

There is certainly a reason for this, including security and exploitation, but what if this factor is removed?

To put it bluntly, even without Lai Anding, Li Ozi's growth rate can support two numbers to crush them at the same time.

What does their effort count for? Have you leveled up to the dog?

This is embarrassing enough.

"how about you?"

Li Aozi looked at Yu Tianxiao.

As the mage in the team, Yu Tianxiao is older and more mature, and he always thinks carefully about problems.

He was curious what questions he would ask.

"I do have my doubts."

Yu Tianxiao spoke, looked at Li Aozi, and asked clearly:

"Mr. Li Ozi, do you really exist in reality? Or are you just an aborigine from the Star Abyss?"

He finally asked the key question.

"I don't have a body in reality."

Li Ozi smiled slightly and said:

"I am neither."

"So, what kind of existence are you? Are you on the side of the star abyss, or are you in the real world where our players are?"

Yu Tianxiao pressed forward step by step, throwing out sharp questions one after another:

"What exactly do you want? What is the purpose of your previous overtures to the players of "Star Abyss"? After hiding it for so long, you suddenly reveal your sincerity to us, and why? After revealing the truth, you will still be the same mentor as before Li Ozi, is he still our real general, or are you planning to completely oppose the players?"

Ye Zhanjian and Long Yuqiong almost held their breath.

Now they are not like before, they can go online and offline at will. Once they really piss off Li Ozi and want to kill them guarding the corpse until they are extinct, they can easily do it.

But on the other hand, these questions are really important.

How should we treat the true general in the future - or in other words, Li Ozi.

"There are some words that you can't understand because you know the existence of filters, but I think Long Yuqiong should know a lot of inside information."

Li Ozi did not answer directly, but looked at Long Yuqiong:

"One thing is for sure, although the paths are different, I am the same as you."

"We all come from the Star Abyss."

As soon as these words came out, the three of them looked at each other with shock in their eyes.

"Could it be that we are all from Xingyuan?" Ye Zhanjian murmured.

"So there was never any game, this was just a war of colonial development..." Yu Tianxiao whispered.

"You," Long Yuqiong looked at Li Aozi in shock: "How do you know this?"

"Long Yuqiong, you have known this for a long time, right! "Xingyuan" is not a game at all, we are invading other worlds!" Yu Tianxiao shouted: "It is true that big figures in reality are so interested in this game. For these reasons! Go plunder other people’s worlds and take away other people’s resources!”

"The situation is more complicated than you think. It's not like that. You still don't understand."

Long Yuqiong took a deep breath and said:

"We are not colonizing, but the star abyss cannot leave us. We need to protect the six layers of star abyss, layer by layer."

"He's right."

Li Ozi said:

"You don't have to worry. We are all citizens of Xingyuan. There are no taboos. You can see that the recognition filter has not been triggered - of course, I think this is because after Laian Ding left, the operation team was under too much pressure and there was no original control efforts.”

"I don't stand on the side of Xingyuan, and I don't stand on the side of the real world. At this point, I already have the capital to form an independent force. You should also have discovered that if Lian Ding continues to have power, Controlling the life and death of all players, we will have no freedom at all."

In order to get around the sensitive word blocking of the awareness filter, Li Ozi changed his words:

"Before I talk about who I am, I want to ask you a question."

"The equipment you have invested time and effort in can be wiped out by the operators with just a click of deletion. Privileged players like Rand Lord rely on their relationship with Lian Ding to constantly seize your equipment. resource."

"Being exploited, enslaved, used as cannon fodder at will, working hard without complaint, living a life of no pay and no peace, are you so willing to live on?"

"This game should belong to the players and the residents of Star Abyss. It is the developers and operators who need the players, not the players who need development and operation."

"Come back and tell me who I am."

"My name is Li Ozi, and I come from the Star Abyss just like you. You and I are all brothers and sisters. The Star Abyss is my home, and so is the real world you live in. We all come from the Star Abyss."

"As for what my purpose is?"

"It's simple. I just want to get back what belongs to me."


Li Ozi's speech was really shocking to the three of them. Although his statement was as tactful as possible, it still had a great impact.

"So, what do we make of you now?"

Ye Zhanjian was silent for a long time, then suddenly said:

"If you want to take revenge on the real world and Ryan and them, we may become enemies. The real world is our home after all."

"This does not mean war. You can ask Long Yuqiong. I am still a person from Xingyuan, so naturally I will not do anything to my homeland."

"But you are not from the real world." Yu Tianxiao asked: "Xingyuan is our hometown, but our hometown is not the entire Xingyuan."

Li Aozi said calmly:

"One thing you can rest assured is that I will not destroy this world."

"I have another question."

Long Yuqiong asked:

"Why are you not affected by the cognitive filter?"

"I don't know about this. Maybe it's because I have never appeared in the real world, so I don't have this opportunity."

"Wait, what do you mean?"

Ye Zhanjian was surprised and asked:

"Is it true that in reality, filters are also recognized?"

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