"What a terrible battle!" Suddenly, an abrupt voice sounded, and the soldier found that the gun in his hand had failed!

"How is this possible?" Before the soldiers could make a surprised sound, the shadow swept through like a canopy, and then, the shadow swallowed all the soldiers! The person who came was naturally Qin Feng, who had been away from the National Ceremony for more than half a month at this time, and at the founding ceremony, Qin Feng had lost the face of the Lion King Agency, and in the face of the pointing and pointing of others, the Lion King Agency finally gave up rescuing Scarlet Tao, a shameless woman!

Subsequently, the relationship between the Qin Empire and the Lion King became tense, but Aldikia became its vassal country greatly increased the prestige of the Qin Empire, and economically it was not afraid of the Japanese blockade, and in terms of strength, not to mention, Qin Feng came to the tropical deep forest to rescue the bride of the Dark God King, and also added a favor!

The girl's stiff body relaxed and collapsed on top of the altar.

"It doesn't seem to be too late!" she heard the sound of leisurely and graceful footsteps.

Soon, the girl saw an elegant young man with black hair and a black suit appear in front of her!

The young man looked down at the old man in the priest's uniform who was lying in a pool of blood, and smiled pityingly.

"Who are you, and why did you save us?" said the old man softly, self-deprecatingly, breathing in pain.

"The strongest True Ancestor!" Qin Feng smiled faintly!

"I didn't expect you to come in person!"

The battle around the temple ended imperceptibly. No more gunshots could be heard, only the stench of corpses wafting through the air grew stronger.

"What about them?" asked the old man intermittently.

Looking at the outside of the temple, Qin Feng smiled casually, "Don't worry, I have already killed all the people outside, but unfortunately, all of you who are guarding the Holy Domain have been wiped out!"

"Really?!" the old man coughed up blood in his throat. His life has come to an end.

Using his last bit of strength, the old man stretched out his hand uneasily, pointed at the girl on the altar, and said, "The strongest true ancestor, please take that adult away!"

"Please rest assured, my purpose is her!" Qin Feng smiled, and after seeing that the old man had lost his breath, he looked at the girl on the altar!

"Tell me, your name!" The girl was still stunned and looked at Qin Feng under the altar, but she didn't expect that in an instant, Qin Feng came to the girl's side!

"I... My name is Seat!" Looking at such a handsome man up close, Seat's face was slightly red, and then said!

"Then let's go!" Qin Feng smiled slightly and stretched out his palm to Seat!

"That's... Where are we going?"

"String God Island!"


Xianshen Island, inside the palace, Qin Feng brought back a box!

Under the curious gaze of everyone, the box was opened, and it was immediately surrounded by pure white mist, and the temperature in the room dropped suddenly. But no danger was felt. There is no odor or irritation. It's just unprovoked cold.

"Qin Feng, what's in there?"

"Look at it!" the white mist cleared, only to see a human being placed in a box. It was a petite and delicate figure, it was Seat, because Seat needed dragon qi to survive, and as a last resort, Qin Feng had no choice but to let her fall asleep, and then bring her back to String God Island!

"Qin Feng, who is this woman, why did you bring her back!"

"Her name is Syat, I'm going to use her to summon Zazara Majiu!" Qin Feng smiled!" Qin Feng smiled!" And she is the bride of Zazara Majiu, the person who was favored by Zazara Majiu, and the egg of Zazara Majiu was conceived by her! Of course, the egg is just a metaphor, she has the magic seed in her body to resurrect Zazara Majiu!"

"Zazara Magiu?"

"Zazara Majiu is a god. "

"What?God?" Hearing this, the shallots were slightly stunned!

"That's right. The unbelieved, forgotten god, also known as the Dark God-King, is the so-called evil god, the king of Hades who brought slaughter and destruction, and according to the records left behind, it was believed in a small city in Central America 1,200 years ago. "

"I don't know much, but that means it's a little god that no one remembers?" muttered shallots!

"Sort of. But the problem is that Zazara Majiu has appeared once before!" At this time, Natsuki, Yukina and the others walked out!

"Has it appeared?" means who summoned it?" Although it is difficult to believe for a while that the summoning of a god to materialize it is a nonsense, there are legends of gods coming to meet people's prayers, both ancient and modern.

"Probably, but I didn't leave detailed information, so I don't know the details, after all, it is said that due to the appearance of Zazara Majiu, the city of Syat, the city that believed in it, the city within a radius of 500 kilometers was destroyed, and more than two million people died overnight!"


"This is going to ask Qin Feng!SEAT is the host of the evil god! Her arrival will bring disaster to Xianshen Island!" That Yue looked at Qin Feng with a smile and said, "But with Qin Feng's strength, it is not a difficult thing to solve a small god!"

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded and said, "I promised Gada to help her solve the turmoil in her country!"

"Third True Ancestor, do you have a deal with the Third True Ancestor?" Hearing this, that month was stunned!

"What. Why should we help the Third True Ancestor!" Shallot muttered! "You shouldn't have taken a fancy to that Third True Ancestor!"

"Hehe, because I took two things from her, I owe her a favor!" Qin Feng smiled, narrowed his eyes, and said, "Yukina, you discuss it with Saya Hua, in a few days, there may be guests visiting, because Syat is not only a shrine maiden, she is also an important sacrifice necessary to summon evil gods, and an irreplaceable living sacrifice." "。

"Well, I see!" Yukina nodded, judging from what Qin Feng said, there should be someone snatching Seat, because their purpose is to summon Zazara Majiwu, the so-called god!

After everyone went down to work, Na Yue didn't leave, but muttered, "You want to summon the evil god?"

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded!

"Do you know the truth about the catastrophe that led to the catastrophe back then!" "That month couldn't help but have a headache for this wayward king!" The people of SEAT have assembled a magic device in their temple to materialize the dragon vein! Like the vampire's beasts, it is a high density of magic that materializes through one's own will, and if it can be materialized, then of course it can be controlled!"

"But I can't figure it out, with your strength, why do you want to resurrect the evil god! And you brought Syatt here, you must have taken a fancy to the power of the dragon vein!"

"That's right!" Qin Feng nodded! "I want to devour the power of the evil god!"

"But have you ever thought that if you fail, the String God Island will be destroyed!"

"Accident! How is it possible!" Qin Feng sneered, in the original book, the half-hung ancient city can solve the problem of the evil god, can't he!

"Forget it, you tell me, what deal do you have with the Third True Ancestor!"

"The United Nations of America and the civil strife in the Chaos Realm, you should know this, they provide weapons and funds for the rebels, and they also incite the people! But no matter how good the United Nations of America is at working in the shadows, the civil strife in the Chaos Realm will not last long!"

"I know this, because there is a third true ancestor, civil strife will definitely not work!"

"Then if I say that the rebels have weapons that can fight against the vampire True Ancestor, things will be different!"

"Do you mean that those guys are trying to use the evil god as a tool for war?!" Natsuki was shocked, if they really gained the power of the evil god, it was not a joke!

"That's right!" Qin Feng smiled, "But the so-called evil god is just a third-rate little god, and in the eyes of the True Ancestor, it can also be easily solved!"

"If you solve it easily, you won't throw this mess at you!" said that Yue seriously!

"I got two dependent beasts belonging to the Fourth True Ancestor from Gada, so it is also appropriate to help her solve this trouble, and besides, devouring the evil god, maybe it can surprise me a little!"

"Hmph, don't you play with fire and set yourself on fire!" said the moon!

"Don't worry, but you also need to be on guard, because the United Nations of America is likely to send someone here!"

The power of the evil god in Seat's body has not yet grown, so Qin Feng can only wait until the power grows to a certain extent before absorbing it, and at this time, Nayue also received a notice from the garrison, and immediately, Nayue left with space magic, and the destination is the security control room located on the top floor of the airport building, where it is the starting post that directs all the guards in the airport, and there are eight communicators and control room chiefs on standby in the bridge-like room like a warship. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now the monitors in the control room are covered with countless warnings, the roar of wireless communication is almost full, and the head of the room is standing behind the communicators who are desperately tapping on the keyboard.

"What's going on, Director!" asked the Blue-faced Head of the Control Office casually.

"Natsuki-sama!" Although Natsuki's size has become smaller, her strong strength has made her more prestigious in the garrison, and when the head of the room discovers her figure, his face shows an expression like she has been saved!

"There was a disturbance at the gate of the entrance to the island! Just as we were about to take the passengers suspected of forgery to another room, they seemed to be trying to break through by force!"

"Is it a woman from the United States?" Looking up at the monitor in the control room, Na Yue muttered, she didn't expect the United States to make a move so soon! Breaking into the territory of the Qin Empire without permission, doesn't he know the consequences of offending Qin Feng? No, compared to the consequences, if the evil god can be awakened, then this consequence can be ignored!

"Tell the squad leader. The enemy is a special unit of the army. Even if the other party doesn't have a weapon, don't be careless, I'm afraid there should be her accomplices nearby!" announced the moon as she unfurled her lace-edged fan.

The airport guard who has already defeated several people who want to subdue her is a fashionably dressed woman named Anjkali, with the title of Bloodstained, a cold personality, the whole body can be mechanized, the left hand can release an invisible blade, the right hand can fuse things in contact, and has combat power comparable to that of the vampires of the old generation!

Now even if she is surrounded by armed SAR Guards, she walks leisurely, although the SAR Guards continue to warn and intimidate shots, but she doesn't care about these at all0....

"Special forces, but what can you do without weapons and magic tools?" muttered the head of the control room.

But before he could finish speaking, one of the correspondents screamed. "No, two members of the sixth detachment were wounded! No, there were eight wounded! Communication was cut off! All were wiped out!"

"What!?" the headmaster's expression froze. Natsuki glanced at the monitor with a blank face, but the surveillance cameras in the vicinity had all been destroyed, that is, serious action had begun.

"The outer wall of the fifth sector has been breached! The fifth and seventh detachments have not answered! The gang of prisoners is about to arrive in the hall!"

"Uh! Gather all the troops that can make a response. Block the gates!Don't let them run!Get in touch with Yukina-sama and Saya-sama!"

"Wait a minute, Director. Don't block the door. That month's words overshadowed the head of the control room, and the head of the room showed a look of disbelief.

"But... But, Lord Natsuki!"

"The safety of civilians comes first, the guys who may break through the outer wall empty-handed, even if they block the gate, it's useless!"

After listening to that month's calm guidance, the head of the room seemed to understand. It seems that although he was shaken a little by the sudden commotion, he was not a man who was incompetent enough to judge the situation.

"Tong, notify the captains of each detachment! Avoid excessive fighting, and give the highest priority to ensuring the safety of ordinary passengers!"

"Understood. Notify the detachment leader. Lift the blockade of the gates!"

"The 13th Detachment has lost communication! Apply for the ambulance squad!"

The control room became more and more chaotic, but on the other side, Angelica and the others who appeared in the waiting hall were walking solemnly! However, they didn't dare to kill them, because Qin Feng's prestige was too great, if she started to kill, Qin Feng would be furious, and she didn't dare to guarantee that she would be able to retreat with her whole body! And doing so could also delay the combat strength of the garrison!

"Then let's test it a little before Yukina and the others arrive!" Natsuki muttered, then waved the folded fan.

Then the ground at Angelica's feet shook like ripples.

Silver chains spat out from the ground. This is a lock forged by the gods to capture the magic equipment precepts.

The countless chains manipulated by that month are about to capture Angelica!

At that moment, a dazzling purple flash rushed through the space around Angelica.

The silver lock was wrapped in the light and knocked away. Then, the window glass of the control room in front of that moon shattered and scattered without warning.

"Lord Natsuki!?" the head of the control room shouted Natsuki in a trembling voice, but Natsuki did not respond to it, but casually fanned her fan, dusting off the shards of glass that had fallen all over her body.

"The magic is good!" The moment when he was attacked by the chains of that month, it should have been released by Angelica with her bare hands, and it was a huge magic power that could rival the vampires of the old era, and that magic power 2.3 was attacked by the chain against the current, so there was such a scene!

"What should we do now?" said the head of the room, trembling!

"Yukina and Saya Hana haven't arrived yet?" asked Natsuki softly!

"Natsuki-sama, Yukina and Saya Hua are almost here, and at this speed, they should meet the invaders!"

"That's it, then leave it to Yukina and them to solve!" Natsuki muttered, in Natsuki's eyes, this kind of magic power, Yukina and Saya Hua can deal with!

"And you!" Natsuki glanced at him and said, "Go and evacuate the people, and make some room for Yukina and Saya Hana!"

"Yes! Lord Natsuki!" the head of the room nodded, and hurriedly informed him of the order!


"Yukina, there's a battle ahead!" muttered the two women, looking at the fire in front of them caused by the explosion!

"Well, let's go over too!" Yukina sneered!

"Hmm!" At this time, Anjkari also felt the magic on Nayukina and Saya Hua!

"You two stay and stop them, and I'll rush to the palace!" Anjkari sneered and said to the two orcs behind her!

"Got it!" the two orcs nodded, and Anjkari rushed towards the palace where Qin Feng lived, her purpose was not to fight Qin Feng, but to snatch back the Seat, if possible, she would summon the evil god here, and then fight with the strongest True Ancestor!

"You two are orcs?" Soon, Yukina and Saya meet two orcs who have stayed behind!

"Hmph, hand over Seat, she's ours!" the two orcs shouted!

"She is already the property of my king, and it is impossible to hand it over!" Yukina sneered, and then said to Saya Hua, "This is handed over to you, you hurry up and catch up!"

"Hmm!" Saya Hua nodded, two orcs, with Yukina's strength, it should be easy to deal with!.

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