"Where to go!" the orc was about to stop Sayaka, but Yukina leapt to her feet and delivered a spell-inflicted, fierce heel kick.

"Thunder!" With the muffled sound of the frontal bone cracking, the orc immediately flew upside down!

But the other orc began to move, and he kicked it out as well! Yukina jumped up again, kicking in a flying kick, but the blow infused with all her strength slashed through the void without any feeling.


"Illusion!?The orc used a spell!?" Yukina looked stunned, and she hit the phantom created by the spell. It is extremely rare for orcs with extremely high combat ability to deliberately learn spells, but there are very few races with special abilities since birth, and most of them are called superior races, and they have a powerful power that ordinary orcs cannot match!

Another orc unleashed a huge hook at Yukina, who was tilting sharply.

"You're underestimating me too much!" Yukina snorted coldly, lowered her head slightly, and punched the orc in the abdomen!

"Bump!" Yukina took out a piece of meat from the orc's abdomen with a single blow!

"The victory has been decided!" Yukina muttered, although these two orcs were stronger than ordinary orcs, they also lost without any suspense!

"We're not going to lose!" the orc glared at Yukina with bloodshot eyes, then whispered.

"Touch!" Immediately after, the orc's magic power exploded, and the shockwave it brought out shook the two of them back!

"What's going on??" Yukina was slightly stunned by the strange scene in front of her! The already huge orc body further expanded to more than twice its original size, and gradually changed its posture, transforming from a human form to a complete beast form, becoming an ominous leopard with a body length of four or five meters!

"Divine beast!" "Divine beast!" Yukina was a little surprised, even in the orc race, it is a special ability that only a very small number of upper species have, this is the first time that Yukina has actually encountered this, through the huge consumption that even the life span will be shortened as a price, the orcs of the upper class will transform their flesh into divine beasts, becoming a mythical existence that can rival the phoenix and the dragon, and it is said that its combat ability is even above the vampire's beasts!

"In order to get the evil god, it seems that the United States has made a lot of money!" "Yukina muttered!

"Come out! Blue-eyed white dragon!" 04 Na also knows that he has to summon his own beast!

"Tear the Wind Ball!" The blue-eyed white dragon spewed out a ball of light with a whirlwind pulling force from its mouth, directly hitting the two divine beasts!

The violent explosion caused smoke and dust to billow, but after the smoke and dust cleared, the two divine beasts could not be said to be uninjured, but they did not lose their combat ability.

"It is said that the orcs in the state of divine beasts have the combat power of vampires and beasts!

At this time, in the body of the beastly orc, the huge magic power began to swell... It's a flame that is going to cast a burst of flames and condense magical power!

"Yukina doesn't seem to be good at using beasts to fight!" In the distance, Natsuki, who watched the two fight, muttered, this can't be blamed on Yukina, now that Xuexia Wolf's handy weapon is not there, Yukina's combat power will also be affected!

"I have to deal with you as soon as possible!" Yukina sneered, and the magic power in her whole body soared!

The soaring magic power was mixed with its own spiritual power, almost covering the magic power of the two divine beasts!

"Huh?" However, suddenly, Yukina had a creepy feeling, which was a dangerous intuition, and Yukina subconsciously lowered her face, and then a loud bang sounded, and a scorching shockwave brushed over Yukina's cheek.

"O Demon Strike Tyrant King!" A giant bird of prey wrapped in flash appeared with a cold young voice, its huge body with a wingspan of several meters wide, falling from the sky!

"Who is this beast?" Yukina was slightly stunned, she hadn't seen this beast before!!

"I didn't expect it to be Vatra's old department!" That month naturally saw this beast, she frowned, she didn't expect Vatra's people to come out at this time, and they also attacked Yukina, thinking that because Qin Feng killed Vatra, and his old department came to seek revenge!

Then, a handsome young man came to the side of the two divine beasts! He was none other than Vatra's old subordinate, Jia Jiang!

"Who are you?" Seeing the man in front of her, Yukina asked coldly!

"Vengeful man, come out, Crashing Steel King!"

General Jia sneered and summoned a new beast.

It was an iron-gray ape with a body of forty or fifty meters high, made of dense magical power, a steel golem. It swung it down with its big iron hands at Yukina, hollowing out a piece of the ground.

"Revenge, do you and I have a grudge?" Yukina jumped away slightly, and then asked suspiciously!

"Hmph, I don't have an enmity with you, but I have an enmity with the strongest True Ancestor!"

"Have a grudge against the senior?" Hearing this, Yukina didn't have doubts, but nodded and said, "Since you have a grudge against the senior, then I'm sorry, I have to kill you today!!"

"I'm going to kill you too, so that Qin Feng knows the pain of losing your loved ones!" Hearing this, Jia Jiang's face turned hideous.

Jia Jiang's pupils turned red, emitting a strange magic light, the light of the invisible beast he named the magic eye, which could invade the brain of the person whose eye was opposite it, and control its consciousness.

Soon, Yukina stood motionless! Immediately after, the Steel Golem launched an attack on the motionless Yukina.

"It's useless!" Yukina sneered, it was supposed to be an attack that was absolutely impossible to dodge, but Yukina dodged this nirvana attack by the side.

"How is that possible?" General Jia was stunned!

"I don't know what grievances you have with your senior, but I won't let you hurt your senior!"

"Kill him for me!" Yukina snorted coldly, and the blue-eyed white dragon pounced on the giant bird of prey, and its big mouth opened and bit the wings of the giant bird of prey at once!

"Boom!" The huge bird of prey that lost its wings wanted to incite another wing, and then, with a flick of the tail of the blue-eyed white dragon, it whipped the giant bird of prey away, and the giant bird of prey could not maintain its materialization because of its magical power!

"Hmph! Crash King!" Jia Jiang snorted coldly, wanting to strike again, and then the ground at Jia Jiang's feet shook like ripples.

From the ground spat out silver chains, the locks of the Capture Ring Ring forged by the gods.

The countless chains manipulated by that month suddenly captured Jia Jiang!

"It's the witch of the void!" Jia Jiang couldn't break free at all, looking at the chains wrapped in purple magic power, and snorted coldly!

"How are you?" Yukina muttered, and a magic circle appeared in front of Yukina, and Natsuki's petite figure walked out of it!

"Yukina, you go and clean up those two divine beasts! Just leave it to me here!" That moon looked at the two divine beasts behind Jia Jiang and smiled slightly!

"Yes! but..." Yukina knew that Nayue's strength was stronger than herself, but she had a question in her heart, that is, who was the man in front of her, and why did she want to seek revenge from her senior!

"Xuecai, it's understandable for him to seek revenge on Qin Feng, because Qin Feng killed his master!"

"Qin Feng killed his master, so who is his master?" Hearing this, Xuecai was slightly stunned, the master of the vampire is also a vampire, so the identity of the master is self-evident!

"That's right, it's Vatra, the snake tricker, he was killed by Qin Feng!"

"I see!" Yukina nodded!

"Hmph, I will definitely kill Qin Feng to avenge Vatra!" Jia Jiang said: "Jira and I are hiding on the String God Island, just looking for a chance to destroy you, and now the United States seems to be getting the key to summoning the evil god from you, so I think this is our chance!

"It's troublesome!" Na Yue smiled slightly, "I'll kill you now!"

"Jira!" Jashon shouted, and he was quickly answered!

"Corridor of Flame Web!" Then, Jira's clear voice echoed all around, and the blood mist flew from his fingertips, and the red mist turned into red-hot lava, covering the moon's side like a spider's web, and Jia Jiang also raised his magic and freed himself from the chains.

"I almost forgot, Vatra seems to have two generals!" said Natsuki smiled!

"Hmph, Demon Strike Tyrant King!" Jia Jiang summoned again, and with the amazing magic power, it turned into a huge bird of prey shrouded in flashes, and it turned into a scorching flash of light, and instantly came towards the moon!

Countless brilliant sparks burst out in all directions, but the moon was already very lightly dodged!

"A little bit of strength!" In an instant, the magic power released by the moon made Gila speechless, and the lava spider silk spread all over the surroundings, and the body of Gila's beast exploded.

"What a powerful magic!" Out of the void was a humanoid beast!

"Chaos Warriors, kill them all!"

The black giant knife brought up a long black shadow, and before the two of them could react, they had already been hit in the abdomen, and Jia Jiang's head had been cut off!

"Jia Jiang!" Ji Ra shouted!

"Don't worry, you'll go with him too!" Natsuki snorted coldly, and then, a black shadow flashed, and Jira's head was also cut off!

"It's so strong!" Yukina was shocked when she watched Nayue kill the two of them without difficulty!

"Then I'm going to hurry up too!" Yukina muttered, glancing at the two divine beasts!

"Please die too!" The blue-eyed white dragon seemed to feel Yukina's intentions, roared angrily, and flew towards the two divine beasts!

"Sister Wuye, they're coming!" it was Liliu who spoke, her consciousness had been extracted by Qin Feng, and then implanted on Nina's body that she had refined with an alchemist!

"Hmm!" Kiriha was wearing this black dress and nodded expressionlessly!

"Then let's make a move!" After speaking, the misty leaf jumped up, and the figure quickly moved in the direction of Anjkali!

"Oh no, the magic is approaching again!" Just now, the familiar magic disappeared, and she knew that the two orcs had been defeated, and they could defeat the orcs in such a short time, which really surprised Anjkali!

"Yukina, they're such a shit, they let you run here!" Soon, Misty Leaf appeared on the roof of the building, looking at Anjkari and the others below, showing a playful smile! "But that's the end of it!"

At this time, Qin Feng had already extracted the seed that symbolized the power of the evil god from Seat's body!

No, now it has grown and turned into a sphere, floating in the air!!(Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Measuring from the sphere floating in the air, several red shots were spat out, and the tentacles easily restrained an additional artificial island, and then ripped towards the center of the sphere.

"What's going on?" Seeing the huge ball of light floating above the castle, Nayue was slightly stunned!

"That month, what was that just now!?" Yukina also asked suspiciously!

"That sphere wants to merge with the string god island. "

"Fusion?" Yukina didn't understand the meaning of Natsuki's words. Zazara Majiu itself is actually a collection of energy generated by the dragon vein, but it is only through a huge magic device set up in the temple in the seat that it has obtained the entity, and the original function of the evil god should not include the fusion with the island of the string god!

"It wants to make up for the lack of magic by paying tribute to the entire inhabitants of String God Island. This may indeed be able to obtain the energy needed for materialization. But in this way, the materialized will no longer be the Dark God King, but will only be a simple monster, appearing as a real evil god!"

"Tribute... Do you say!"

"In other words, the entire String God Island is estimated to be eaten?!" said Natsuki calmly.

Yukina couldn't help but gasp when she heard this: "That month, then let's hurry up and stop it!"

"You can rest assured about this! With Qin Feng here, it will be fine!"

"The evil god is about to wake up?" Angelica was also stunned when she saw the huge ball, and then gave up on her opponent, and used her strange magic equipment to meet the blocking vines, and advanced towards the ball.

At this time, the sphere is still expanding!

In the vast void that stretches across the void, another world born of the power of the evil god is constantly devouring the real world and growing at an accelerated pace.

"Hehe! Even my magic power has to be absorbed!" Qin Feng sneered, the vine-like tentacles that erupted from the sphere, the moment Qin Feng's wrist was caught by the vine, the huge magic power in his body was instantly taken away.

"What are you doing?" Just as Saya Hua was about to take down An Jie 337 Lika, a bombardment blasted at her, and the person who shot it was Misty Leaf!

"Have you become a traitor?" Sayaka sneered!

"On the contrary, I am following Qin Feng's orders to ensure Angelica's safety!"

"Keeping her safe?"

"Why is that?" asked Sayaka again!

"Who knows! I might want to deal with Angelica with my own hands!" "Fog Leaf spread his hands and said, "Really, but except for Angelica, everyone else will die!"

"Hmph, I can't believe your words, after this incident, I will tell Qin Feng what I have seen and heard, and see what he says!" Saya Hua glared at Wu Ye and said!

"That's whatever!"

The two argued, and Angelica also appeared on the top floor without danger!

"It's finally here!Angelica!" Seeing the woman who came up at the end, Qin Feng smiled slightly!

"Hurry up and devour this ball into your body, and then let the evil god descend!" Qin Feng knew that Angelica had been transplanted into his body by the magic device that had materialized the evil god, but this was also the purpose of her coming here!

"Hmm, you dare me to fuse the evil god!" this was Angelica's purpose, but she couldn't believe that the man in front of her would let her fuse the evil god, and she was ready to fight!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng smiled, if he didn't let the evil god come, then he wouldn't be able to get the power of the evil god!

"Hmph, whatever your purpose, you'll regret it!" Angelica sneered!

In Qin Feng's gaze, Angelica swallowed the ball into her body with the queen's embrace, and got the possession of the evil god, at this moment, Angelica completed her task!

Soon, Angelica's skin lost all color, dyed black like the dark night, and her body, which could no longer see the human form, was expanding and changing its posture, which was like a huge bird, like a snake, and like a vicious chick that had just hatched from an ominous egg, and there was still the shadow of when she was still human, only three arms wrapped in obsidian scales, and the posture that spread its wings was more than seven meters tall, and it continued to grow, and on the black scales covering her body, golden magic patterns like electronic circuits appeared, and the center of the circuit was Angelica, her limbs seemed to be buried in the forehead of a monster, and her expression looked hideous!

"Is it finally fused?" At this moment, the moon with the parasol walked up! "Angelica has a magic device in her body!"

"The Temple of Syat, a magic device, was built using technology from thousands of years ago. With today's magic integration technology, there is no need for such a large device. It is possible to hide everything in my body alone. Just make it into a one-centimeter-sized quadripartite integrated chip!" Angelica, who had turned into a monster, smiled fiercely!

"It seems that her research results have controlled the evil god!" said Nayue with a solemn face!

Sure enough, the arm of the evil god covered in obsidian was wrapped in pitch-black flames, and the terrifying heat shook the atmosphere, holding that black flame!.

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