"Zazara Majiu is the god of the night who rules death, burn it out under the karmic fire of the sun!"

The dim black flames fell silently to the ground, the excessive heat of the compressed magic, the black light burned the earth, and white bubbles erupted from the boiling sea.

"Well, you should get out of here quickly!" Qin Feng smiled! In an instant, countless shadows rolled out, spreading as quickly as radioactively!

"How is that possible!" The black flames entered the shadows, silently extinguished like boiling hot water meeting cold ice! Angelica was taken aback!

"The power of the evil god is mine!" the shadows continued to spread to Angelica's body, and Angelica tried to get rid of them with the palm of her hand. But the shadow spreads extremely fast, and soon, the shadow has completely covered Angelica!



After the Dark God King, the prestige of the Qin Empire soared again! Even the gods were killed, what else would be Qin Feng's opponent, many countries chose to rely on the Qin Empire, as for the Lion King and the Japanese government, they were completely silent, obviously wanting to reduce their sense of existence and avoid attracting Qin Feng's attention!

Of course, for the puppy that survives, Qin Feng will not let it go!

A year later, Qin Feng sent Ah Ye as an envoy to persuade the Japanese government to surrender, under Qin Feng's strong force, the Japanese government quickly succumbed, and the Lion King organ was also controlled by Yukina and Saya Hua, in addition, the Taishi Bureau was taken over by the fog leaves, directly serving Qin Feng, and the five female servants of the legion took over the security of the palace, Ah Ye and Youma took over the financial power, and Xiao Shensen took over MAR, as for Nagisha, because of the recovery of spiritual power, he assisted Xiao Shensen in his work!

As for the soft girl Agulola, she has completely become an otaku, and then she is waiting for Qin Feng's favor!

The ancient city, lost his memory, and lived with Yase as an ordinary person, and Yase's family, who gave up their property in Japan and emigrated abroad to live in seclusion!

This night, the palace seemed extremely calm!

"Oh yes, mom is still working~!" Nagisa muttered, and walked towards the place where the MAR Institute was shining!

"No, Mom can't work hard!

"Hey, what's that sound?" Nagisa was stunned when the voice came, and she remembered what she had seen before!

"Mother, she... Who is she talking to... Could it be that her mother is cheating?!" Nagisa was taken aback, and in order to avoid attracting her mother's attention, Nagisa's steps became light!

Through the gap, Nagisa saw her mother lying on the table wrapped up! And above, a man was constantly shaking in the form of a cart! And the identity of that man was Qin Feng!

"I'm really stupid, except for the senior male in this palace, the others are all women!"

"But why is it mother!" Seeing Qin Feng and his mother together, Nagisa was stunned, her mother was with the person she liked, there was nothing more distressing than this!

"Senior, I hate you!" muttered, and after that, Nagisa was about to run away, but was held in his arms by a strong arm!

"Senior, you... You let go of me!" Nagisa knew that it was Qin Feng who hugged him, and struggled to say!

"Nagisa, why are you here?" Xiao Shensen asked with a crimson face when his daughter saw his glamorous scene!

"Since Nagisa is here, then you mother and daughter can serve me together!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"Senior, you're really a pervert!" Nagisa muttered, but didn't resist!


"True Ancestor, are you looking for me?" On the top floor of the palace, Qin Feng was leisurely looking at the night scene in the distance, when Ah Ye walked up!

"Ah Ye, I want to hear your theory of that five-minute world!" Qin Feng smiled and said!

"Are you interested in this?" Hearing this, Ah Ye was stunned for a moment, and then said!

"Well, of course, didn't you say that forces like vampires and magic don't exist in this world!"

"Indeed!" Ah Ye nodded and said, "I think these are all things we have imagined, and they should not exist in this world!"

"You're right!" Qin Feng smiled, "Actually, I'm not from this world!"

"I have a guess about this, too!" Ah Ye nodded in recognition, "Although you can use magic, the shadow on your body can ignore all abilities, it is simply not something that this world has!"

"'~I'm from a world that thinks very similarly to you!" Qin Feng said again!

"You... You mean to say that you come from a world where there is no magic and no powers!" Suddenly, Ah Ye asked in surprise!

"That's right!" Qin Feng nodded, he still had something to hide, because this was clearly the world of anime, but he couldn't say that this was a fictional world, because Ah Ye and these people all had their own ideas and their own lives, and they were all living people, how could they say that they were fictional!

"Then you want to go back now?" Ah Ye asked again!

"Of course not!" Hearing this, Qin Feng shook his head and said, "I'm living well here, why should I leave?" You may not think of it, even if there is no ability, no magic, the world there is full of unfairness, and there are wars!"

"Hmm!" Ah Ye nodded, it was not difficult for her to come up with this, but she couldn't think of the purpose of Qin Feng's words!

"Do you want to?" Ah Ye asked suspiciously! (Li Zhao's) "I want to go to another world to see!" Qin Feng smiled!

"To another world?"

"Dimensional theory, I came to this world in a daze, that shows the correctness of the dimensional theory!"

"Does it really exist?" Ah Ye looked a little excited, and said, "Then you can take me too, I also want to see another world!"

Hearing this, Qin Feng shook his head and said, "My strength is considered to be the top here, but when I reach another dimension, I don't dare to guarantee that there will be an existence stronger than me, when the time comes...!"

"That's it!" Ah Ye nodded and said, "Then how long will it take you to come back?" (read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Five minutes of the world!" Qin Feng smiled, "I think, even if I leave this world, when I come back, this world will only be five minutes!"

"That's right!" Ah Ye naturally knew what Qin Feng was talking about!

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