Qin Feng frowned, these scorching lights seemed to have a great suppressive effect on his shadows! But Qin Feng didn't take it to heart, here, he was still able to use magic power, and he could summon the three illusion gods and the strongest and most evil archmages that were comparable to power!

"How is this possible!" On the side, Erica was stunned, she didn't expect the slate to be so powerful that it could resist Qin Feng, who was a god killer, and she was also very curious about Qin Feng's shadow, what kind of ability was this, from just now, it seemed that Qin Feng was able to kill gods in large part because of these shadows!

"Prometheus Secrets!" Qin Feng muttered, "[Youth] has handed over the power of [White Horse] to you! Since the ignorant military god wants to fight with ordinary people, then the Prometheus Secret Recipe will be placed here for the time being!"

"Lord Qin Feng, he's just an ordinary person!" Hearing that the slate was Prometheus' secret, Erica said anxiously!

"What, this tone is exactly the same as [Boy], it's obviously mine!" Hearing this, the guardian muttered dissatisfied!

"Alright, let's go!" Qin Feng snorted slightly and ordered Ariana to drive!

"Hey, what are you talking about, can you give me a ride!"


Under the cloudless sky, Londing is a beautiful island with a beautiful wind~.

Soon, Qin Feng came to Longding Island!

The skies of Sardinia are both blue and deep, and they are very clear.

On the other side of the sky, there are powerful gods. The myths that have been passed down from ancient times to the present, the essence of heaven and earth and the stars, the constituent elements of the natural world such as earth, wind, water and fire, gold, wood, water, fire, and earth, are the core of these supernatural forces, and then the existence that manifests itself is God! However, some of the gods who appear rebel against the myth of the body are the gods of disobedience, and they appear on the land that has nothing to do with their myths, and bring calamity, and the power of the gods will have a bad impact on the human world just by appearing there.

Soon, Qin Feng and the three of them came to a small courtyard, the stone houses in the small courtyard had a very ancient atmosphere, wafting out from the whole house, and there were no other houses nearby, giving people a very lonely atmosphere.

"Lord Qin Feng, we're here!" Erica laughed!

The Witch's Pavilion, although it is a hut, but the appearance is very similar to this term, Qin Feng glanced at the courtyard, the weeds inside were growing indiscriminately, I don't know if he has no interest in gardening, or he is too lazy to tidy up.

"Hmm, let's get out of the car!" Qin Feng smiled slightly!

After Qin Feng and the three of them got out of the car, suddenly, there was a heavy sound from the courtyard, and the door opened automatically.

"Magic!" Qin Feng naturally felt the magic in the air, thinking about it, this door was opened by magic! This is the same as the magic power on Qin Feng's body, and Erica also felt the surging magic power on Qin Feng's body, which made her very frightened, thinking in her heart that Qin Feng must have been a high-level magician before he became a god killer, and he didn't know which family cultivated a genius boy, of course, what attracted her the most attention was Qin Feng's identity as a god killer, after all, no matter how powerful the magic was, it couldn't be compared with the god killer, she was a good example, she was already a powerful magician at a young age, but when facing the god of disobedience, she couldn't get involved in the battle at all!

Of course, Erica didn't know Qin Feng's particularity, and he could summon three illusion gods comparable to gods!

"Hehe, Freshface!" a black cat was waiting for him at the entrance of the gate. Suddenly, the black cat suddenly walked towards the depths of the house, stopping on the way, stretching out its paws and shaking it, as if to call a human, and then walked forward again. Qin Feng knew that this was Lukurazia's demon!

"Let's follow!" Qin Feng smiled at Erica beside him and said!

"Hmm!" Erica can be said to be an acquaintance of Lucurazia, so she naturally won't be surprised to see a talking cat!

Soon, Qin Feng and the others were taken to a room similar to a bedroom, full of the smell of medicinal herbs, the room was very messy, in one of the beds, there was a woman who only sat up with her upper body, just now the cat was in a ball in the corner of the room, yawning boredly, her blank eyes exuded an incredible charm, and her long flaxen hair was also very beautiful.

"Welcome to my house, my old friend's relatives!" Lucurazia said with a smile, "This is... Erica, is this your boyfriend?"

"Lord Lucurazia, please be careful, he is a new god-killer, Lord Qin Feng!" Lucurazia said to Qin Feng in a lazy tone, if Qin Feng was angry, this was not something they could bear!

"Godslayer, rare guest, so you are the seventh king?So, honorable Godkiller, what is the matter with you coming to me?" Hearing this, Lukurazia was slightly stunned, she only felt the surging magic power in Qin Feng's body, and thought that Qin Feng was a magician from a certain force, but she didn't expect it to be a godkiller!

"Prometheus Secrets!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "I hope I can get it!"

"That thing!" Hearing this, Lucurazia smiled slightly, then showed a look of remembrance, and said, "I'm sorry, Lord Godkiller, the Prometheus Secret Guide is not in my possession at the moment!"

"Lord Lukurazia, when we came, we saw a Japanese boy coming to you with a Prometheus Secret, and I think he will send the Prometheus Secret Script soon!"

"You ran into the Guardian?" Hearing this, Lucurazia was slightly stunned!

"We don't know his name!" Erica smirked!

"Since you've met him, why don't you just grab it!I think the Godslayer wants to take away a mortal's thing, and no one can resist it!" Lukurazia said with a smile! She really couldn't understand why the Godslayer would go to such lengths to come to her house and ask for Prometheus' secrets!

"I don't want to meet the God of War yet!" Qin Feng smiled slightly: "At least before he awakens the God King Merka!"

"Oh, that's right!" Lucurazia thought for a moment and said, "If the Guardian arrives, I'll give you the Prometheus Secret!"

"It's the best!" Qin Feng smiled slightly, and said again: "Your room is good, before I kill the God of War and the God King, I will requisition this house!"


Soon, Ariana took Qin Feng to find a large room, but Erica didn't follow!

"Hey, hey... Where did you get the Godslayer?" said Lucurazia, surprised, "And is he really a Godslayer?

"See it with your own eyes!" Erica thought for a moment and said, "You should have watched the news, there was a riot in the harbor this morning, and he killed the god of disobedience in the end!"

"Well, I don't know why he has such magic in his body!But it doesn't matter! According to what you said, he has gained the power of [Wild Boar]!" Hearing this, Lucurazia was slightly stunned, and then said: "In this way, it makes sense for him to ask for Prometheus's secret!"

"What do you mean?" Hearing this, Erica asked again!

"[Wild Boar] is one of the powers that belong to the God of War, and he should also know very well that after getting the power of [Wild Boar], I think he must want to completely kill the God of War and gain his power, but the other nine powers of the God of War are very powerful, if Qin Feng wants to kill him, it is impossible to rely on only one power, and he must steal the [Golden Sword] of the God of War!"

"The [Golden Sword] that cuts off the godhead?"

"That's right!" Lucurazia nodded, "That way he will have a chance of winning against the god of war!"

"But why didn't Qin Feng snatch the slate?"

"I don't know much about this!" Hearing this, Lucurazia smiled, and then said, "Did Qin Feng snatch the stone slab with his hands?"

"That's right!" Erica nodded and said, "But then he seems to have given up!

"In that case, he's a madman!" Lukurazia smiled bitterly and said, "He seems to be confident that he can kill the god of war, so if he wants to kill him after the god awakens the god king, he probably has the intention of killing the two gods!"

"What, how is this possible? He only has a [wild boar] power!" Erica was taken aback!

"Don't say that, if he succeeds, he may become the strongest godkiller!" Lukurazia muttered, continuing, "You have become his exclusive knight?"

"This...!" Erica said with some embarrassment, "He... He seems to want me to be his maid!

"You can't refuse, right?" said Lucurazia, smiling, "Are you lucky, or are you unlucky?"

Hearing this, Erica shook her head!

"I think you should inform your grandfather and make your next strategy, after all, Italy is the territory of the King of Swords!

"I see!" Erica naturally knew what she meant, the Bronze Cross had always served the King of Swords, and if she changed her course and caused the displeasure of the King of Swords, it would be worth the loss!

"Is the god of war really going to wake up the god king Mekar?" Erika asked in disbelief after hearing Lucurazia's words!

"Hmm!" Lucurazia nodded and said, "You should also know that the god of war is a god who is always victorious and invincible, so he pursues defeat all his life, and the god king Mekar is the opponent he chose!

"But if this continues, the island of Londing will sink, and Italy will be seriously damaged!" said Erica!

"Willful and powerful gods!Who cares if mortals live or die!" Lukurazia smiled and said, "The only thing now is to hope that Qin Feng, the bold seventh god-killer, can defeat the two gods, although this possibility is very rare!"

Ask for flowers

"We should do something about it too!" Erica said anxiously!

"The battle between the gods is not something we can intervene in, only the god killers can intervene!"

"Uh!" Erica paused, indeed, Lukurazia was right, mortals don't have the power to intervene!

"And is the God-King Mekar awake now?" Erica asked again!

"Wake up! Around Greece, Mercato is presented as a large man with a club, and a few days ago I witnessed the Merca god king appearing in this form! On the side of the pillar in the town of Sassari, I saw two gods fighting, one Mercato and the other in the form of a warrior and a god with a golden sword, and the result of a fierce battle between the two gods, and in the end both were defeated. Lucurazia said with a sigh!

"Could it be that they are the gods of war and the god kings?" Hearing this, Erica was stunned!

"That's right, Mercato used a stick and the god of war used the golden sword to give each other the final blow, both were seriously injured, Mercato turned into lightning and flew away, and the god of the golden sword was shattered like this. The fragments were divided into pieces, and each of them turned into a new form, and the boar you encountered was one of them!It's a pity, if Qin Feng had obtained the Prometheus Slate in the first place, with your assistance, he might have obtained the power of the God of War!"

"Then I'll go and get the slate back now, and then bring it to Qin Feng!"

"Don't worry, since the god of war will give the power of the [White Horse] to the Guardian Hall, you can't grab the secret of Prometheus in the future, after all, the [White Horse] is carrying the fire of the sun! And the god god and the god king should also recover, there will be a thrilling battle in a short time!"

"It's estimated that the time will happen tomorrow, so you should rest well, you will have to be busy tomorrow!" Lukurazia laughed!

"Aren't you going up up and helping?" Hearing this, Erica was stunned and asked!

"Hehe, in order to protect yourself in that battlefield, it is necessary to use magic that transcends your own boundaries. Thanks to this, my current mana is completely depleted, and it will take about three months to recover, and I can't use large spells for the time being, and I can't even move my body, which is really troublesome, so I'll leave everything to you after that!"

"You're shirking your responsibility!" said Erica, grunt!

"Have you forgotten the purpose of coming here?" said Lucurazia, in a tone that was not at all serious!

"Well, but it's hard for me to succeed alone!" Erica saw the power of the gods, and knew that it would be difficult for her to seal the disobedient gods!

"Isn't there still Qin Feng, maybe he can kill the gods!" Lukurazia said again! "But this shouldn't be the thing you should be worried about right now!"

"Isn't this it?" Hearing this, Erica was stunned again, is there anything more troublesome than killing gods!

"Have you forgotten who you are? The maid of the seventh king is going to sleep tonight!"

"What, you want to go to bed?" Hearing this, Erica's face suddenly turned red! Although she said that she had such an awareness, when she really got to this point, she still couldn't help but become shy!

"That's for sure!" Lucurazia nodded and said, "I think people have always been very accurate, he is a man with strong ambitions, and at the same time a man with a strong sense of possessiveness!"

"Very possessive!" Erica glanced at Lucurazia's crystal clear skin and said with a smile: "I think Qin Feng will take a fancy to you!"

"If that's the case, then it's the best, anyway, I haven't tasted a man, and a woman who is a godkiller won't fall into my name as a witch!" said Lucurazia, unashamed!

"It's nasty!" Erica snorted and walked out!

"Are you going to bed?" Erica was very confused now, "Forget it, let's call my uncle!"

"What you said is true?" Paul was surprised to hear Erica's antecedents and consequences on the phone!

"Well, I've seen it with my own eyes, and he's succeeded in killing the gods!" said Erica with a solemn face!

"And who are you now?" asked Paul again!

"Because he asked me to be his maid, so I agreed!"


"Well done, but will the King of Swords blame him?" said Erica, a little worried!

"Don't worry! You can't represent the Red Bronze Black Cross, from today onwards, you will serve the seventh king wholeheartedly!

"That's right!" Erica nodded and continued, "Qin Feng seems to want to hunt two gods, and he is now living in Lukurazia's house!"

"Hunt two gods, how dare he with only one power?"

"I don't know where he got his confidence!" Hearing this, Erica remembered the lingering shadow, he relied on this shadow to make a miracle, maybe his confidence came from that strange shadow......

Hanging up the phone, Erica muttered, since she has to serve the seventh king, then the next thing is to go to bed!.

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