The next day, there was a bird chirping outside the room, and Qin Feng quickly woke up!

Of course, Qin Feng didn't let Erica sleep, he was not a good person, he knew that the battle with the gods was imminent, so he naturally wouldn't be greedy for beauty and pleasure, and the other reason was to recover the power consumed by crossing the dimension!

Qin Feng looked at the side, Erica was sleeping peacefully next to her, at this time, Erica looked like an angel-like beautiful girl, only wearing the inner one, the color was blue, the high-end design was divided into upper and lower two-pieces, as for the body did not wear other clothes, the figure was like a foul, surprisingly material, and the curve from the waist to the buttocks was also very perfect.

"Is this tempting you to sin?" Qin Feng shrugged his shoulders and gently covered Erica with the quilt!

He needs to make a trip to Lucurazia and get the Prometheus Secret!

"You're here!Lord Godslayer!" Lukurazia smiled slightly, staring at Qin Feng with eyes that hadn't woken up yet.

"Hmm, I've got the slate!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"Got it!" Lukurazia smiled, then threw the slate to Qin Feng and said, "This is what you need!"

"Has the hall been here?" After taking the Prometheus secret, Qin Feng asked casually!

"Hmm!" Lukurazia nodded and said, "After he gave this to me, he went back to Japan!"

"Very sensitive woman!" Qin Feng sneered and said!

"Lord God Slayer, don't look at me like that, is it because my heart is taken away by my beauty, but it's no wonder, although he is a king, but the essence is still a young man who thinks about spring, and there is no way to meet a beauty like me, he will be so passionate!" Lukurazia then smiled slightly! Just yesterday, when talking about the Guardian Hall, "Six-Nine-Three" Lucurazia was keenly aware of Qin Feng's fleeting killing intent, so she sent her own Shikami, and then intercepted Prometheus in the hands of the Guardian Hall on the way, without even having a chance to let the Guardian approach!

"Forget it this time! The next time I meet Hutang, it will be when he dies!" Qin Feng smiled slightly!

"Wang, why are you obsessed with killing a young man you don't know?"

"Don't you know that the king is willful!" Qin Feng picked up Lucurazia's delicate chin and sneered: "I don't need a reason for my decision!"

"Forget it this time!" After speaking, Qin Feng's gaze fell on the stone slab, but there didn't seem to be the power of the [White Horse] inside!

"Because of the abandonment of the Guardian Hall, the [White Horse] was summoned back by the God of War!" Seeing Qin Feng frowning, Lukurazia explained!

"That's it!" Qin Feng waved his hand and said, "Then forget it, anyway, I didn't think about getting the power of the [White Horse]!"

At this time, "Is it raining?" Qin Feng, who was looking out the window, muttered, and suddenly noticed that the sky had become overcast, and after a while, gray clouds appeared, covering the sky like heavy curtains.

Immediately afterward, thunder shook, lightning struck, and the wind began to intensify rapidly.

The storm, without any signs, the storm struck!

"No, it's not!" Erica hurried out in a red shirt and said, "Because of the Mediterranean climate, it basically doesn't rain on Londing Island!

"Of course!" Qin Feng nodded, and the two hurriedly walked out, and at this time, the golden light suddenly flashed.

They saw a four-legged beast flying leisurely in the storm, and the goats were present in the sky.

The huge [goat] with no feathers and no wings leads the wind, clouds and rain into the distance!

"My king, Ariana is going to drive, and we will be able to catch up with this [goat] soon!"

"[Goat], then get this power first!" Qin Feng sneered!

"Flame Hoof, come out!" Suddenly, a white steed with a blazing flame walked down!

"It's... Is this [White Horse]?" Seeing this, Erica was slightly stunned!

"No!" Qin Feng shook his head and said, "You can understand that this is a divine beast that I have summoned, corresponding to the 12 constellations in the sky, come up!!"


"It's amazing that he has the same power as the [White Horse], but he is not the [White Horse], the seventh god killer!"

"It's getting closer to [Goat]!" Watching [Goat] get closer and closer, Erica said with some excitement!

"The heart of the lion king, give you the son of God and the weeping of the Holy Spirit, and become the spear of Longinus!" "Erica finished reading the word, and the long sword in Erica's hand turned into a spear, with the spirit of despair on it, so that the heart of the lion king has the same magic power as the holy spear that assassinated the son of God, and even the god can inflict damage and make it bleed, and a magical weapon was born.

"Go!" Erica tossed the spear away, giving it a cursed throwing that would soon make a deep wound in the goat's lower abdomen.

"My king!" Erica naturally doesn't have the ability to kill gods, even if it's a divine beast!

"Die!" Qin Feng's whole body was shrouded in shadows, and the big knife formed was about to give [Goat] a blow!

"Thank you!" Suddenly, the flames of the sun dispelled Qin Feng's shadow, and a golden sword swung down from the sky, directly stabbing the [goat] to death!

"Is it the god of war?" Seeing that his prey was robbed, Qin Feng frowned!

At this time, Xiao Zhengtai in a white robe appeared in the sky, he was looking at Qin Feng fiercely, and said, "You are the god killer who has obtained the power of my [Mountain Boar]!

"Erica, you stand back first!" Qin Feng snorted coldly and said to the military god: "If you want to kill me, then you can make a move!"

"Don't be ashamed! You, who only have the power of [Mountain Boar], can't even resist my thunder light!" the military god sneered, and then, blue lightning continued to fall from the sky. The ten powers of the God of War almost encompass all abilities, which can be said to be very practical, of course, this is Qin Feng's goal!

"Yan Hoof!" Qin Feng shouted, and Yan Hoof rushed away!

Boom, thunder, two seconds ago, where Qin Feng was, was hit by a strong lightning strike.

"It's really interesting!" Qin Feng sneered: "Come out, lion's gold!"

Suddenly, the yellow thunder that erupted from Qin Feng's body rushed straight up, welcoming the purple lightning strike!

"Blocked?" On the side, Erica was surprised to look at the yellow thunder erupting from Qin Feng's body!

"What is this? It can be compared to power?!is it also power?" Erica thought to herself! But the next moment, she was surprised again, because she found that the yellow thunder did not disappear because of this, but turned into a lion-like monster guarding Qin Feng's side!

"Is this a divine beast?" Suddenly, Erica remembered what Qin Feng had said to her, could this also be the corresponding zodiac sign?

"You can summon such a thing?" the god of war seemed surprised, and then said, "It's really interesting, something that is tightly formed with magic power can be compared to my power!"

"Something formed by magic?" Hearing the words of the god of war, Erica was stunned, if it was formed by magic, it should be a demon or something, or a shikigami, but neither of these things have such power!

"What's even more surprising is yet to come!" Qin Feng sneered: "Lion's gold, tear him up for me!"

"It's useless!" the thunderbolt of the lion's gold slammed into it, but it was on a golden defensive shield!

"It's already surprising that something formed by magic can be comparable to power, if you want to defeat me, it's impossible!"

"Die!" another thick thunderbolt fell!

"Come out, King Kong of the Divine Sheep!" The powerful magic that erupted from Qin Feng's right hand transformed into the appearance of a giant beast with a flash of light, a dense and tumbling collection of magic that was even self-aware, and was given the flesh of a diamond, a huge bighorn sheep that was so large that it was staggering.

"Stop it for me!" After Qin Feng gave the order, the Divine Sheep roared with the crystals of the gems, this is the Divine Sheep of the Diamond that will not be injured no matter what kind of attack, and can return the injuries suffered to the attacker.

Then, as if to seal the movements of the alien monsters flying in the air, countless gem barriers filled the sky.

Purple lightning bolts landed on the gem barrier, and immediately after, a purple thunderbolt blasted out towards the god of war!

"How is this possible!" The purple thunder still hit the golden defensive shield, but the military god was stunned!

It was his attack just now, and now it's back to himself!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's amazing! With magic power, it can really compete with the gods!" Erica became more and more frightened the more she looked at it, Qin Feng's powerful magic power made her feel terrified, and what surprised her the most was that Qin Feng could compete with the power of the gods with magic alone!

Erica has already made up her mind, after this incident is over, she must ask her uncle to find out which force the seventh king with powerful magic power is, and this kind of fighting method comparable to the gods must be obtained!

"You can't escape!" Qin Feng smiled slightly, the military god was already surrounded by his own gem barrier!

"Hmph, thunder!" The god of war summoned the thunder again, but without exception, the summoned thunder was all directed towards the god of war!!

"It's a rebound attack!" the god frowned, then smiled pleasantly, "You're really amazing, but do you think this little barrier can trap me?"

"Golden Sword!" After speaking, the god of war took out a golden big sword in his hand and swung it out suddenly, directly opening a big hole in the gem barrier!

"The golden sword that can cut off the godhead, the power should not be underestimated!" The gem barrier was broken, and Qin Feng was not in a hurry!

"So calm, it seems that you still have a back hand!" The military god saw Qin Fengruo calm, and said with a smile: "But my injuries have not fully recovered, when I have recovered my strength, I will fight you again!"

"You want to run away?" Qin Feng sneered! "Could it be that the so-called ever-victorious military god is like this?"

"It's not about escaping, it's about retreating, in my eyes, the only way to win or lose is life and death!"

"Then I can't let you go so easily! Come out, Yemo's black sword!"

A greatsword falls down at a rapid speed!

"It's useless!" The giant sword passed directly through the defense shield of the god of war and fell heavily to the ground, but the voice of the god of war with a faint smile came from the sky!

"It's all gone!" Qin Feng frowned, looked at Erica on the side, and said, "Do you know where the God of War and the God King healed?"

At this time, Erica was stunned, she didn't expect that the god killer could match the gods without using her powers!


"The aura is strong, where is that?" Qin Feng asked again! The military god was right, victory and defeat were life and death, and he had no intention of waiting for them to recover from their injuries!

"I know this, my king, I'll take you there now!" Erica thought for a moment, thought about it, and said!


When the sunset dimmed, with Erica as the guide, riding the hot hoof, the two of them marched through the lush forest 0....

The ruins of St. Basti that Erica is referring to are in the vast woods next to it.

"My king, this is it!" Erica smiled and said, "There are many remnants of Nuragai and many settlements that are not in a very good state of preservation!"

At this time, when the sun has not yet fully set, the majestic posture of Nuragai is a very good view, the red lush forest, the ancient tower standing tall, Nuragai is the tallest building on the island, the buildings standing here are high enough to overlook the tall trees, and from the outside of the forest, you can also see the figure of the building made of stone.

"The god of war should be in here! And Nuragai exists, which means that this is the remains of an ancient settlement, and at that time the settlement was a more sacred place than a temple or a tomb, and the disobedient god was attracted by the aura of the land, and it was common for him to enter the abode of the god who had nothing to do with it. Erica explains!

Soon, the two of them came to a clearing, which looked like a square with a good view, and although it was covered by spreading weeds, it was difficult to read, but there were traces of various settlements made of fine stones.

"Is it there?" Qin Feng's eyes looked over and he sneered!

Where Qin Feng's gaze was, there was only a big tree with a thick trunk, and there was a mountain of stones that had collapsed out of nowhere, and there was something like a hole on the ground hidden by these.

"The entrance of the gods!" Qin Feng muttered, and after confirming it, he walked down, and at the entrance of the cave, Qin Feng retracted his Yan hooves and walked down a long staircase!

"That's... Lord Qin Feng, may I ask... What is your horse?" said Erica, hesitating!

"You want to ask about the origin of this power, right?" Looking at Erica's hesitation, Qin Feng smiled slightly!

"Uh-huh! I... 2.4 I want to get this power too!" Erica seemed to feel that she was asking too much, and continued: "I hope to be able to solve problems for Lord Qin Feng!"

"You're really an ambitious girl!" Qin Feng smiled again and said, "But this is a power that belongs to me alone, of course, I can give you this power and let you have the power to rival the gods!"


"Then let me see your loyalty!" Qin Feng smiled slightly, becoming a second-generation vampire can awaken the power of the beast, which has not been confirmed in the world of god killers, and can summon the beast, and will not be the opponent of the gods, Qin Feng can defeat the god of war, in addition to the strength of the beast, magic power, bloodline are very important factors!

Underground Temple, Qin Feng didn't expect that a people who worship primitive nature would have such a fine building, and the interior of the temple is also cleverly stacked with stones, and then the gaps are covered with stones.

"Lord Qin Feng!" The divine power diffused, Erica's face changed, and she said!

"This feeling is not the god of war!" Qin Feng quickened his pace, and soon, the two met!

"Who are you, and why are you intruding into my territory!" his deep voice sounded like a loud noise coming from underground.

Following the sound, Erica saw a middle-aged giant sitting on the waterside altar, unkempt hair that had probably never been barbed, and a beard that covered the lower half of his face was impressive, very wild appearance, more than two meters tall at will, and bulging muscles, just looking at it felt very threatening.

Dressed in a very rough garment, dirty rags and a leather cuirass on his chest, and a tattered cloak on his body, but he exuded a sense of majesty.

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