"God killer, the one who killed you!" Qin Feng squinted at Mecal's thick chest muscles, there was a golden sword deeply inserted into it, but the blade was broken in the middle, so there was no hilt, only about two-thirds of the original length, knowing that Mecal's injury had not yet recovered, he said!

"Kill me, then please report your name!" Mecal asked the two men in a smiling voice, as bold as the calm before a storm.

"Erica!" Erica was the first to speak, but Qin Feng could feel that the beautiful girl beside her was scared, because Mekar was the real king!

"Qin Feng!" Compared to Erica's fear, Qin Feng said indifferently!

"Then let's duel! Kill you worm before we fight the god of war!" Merca's laughter shook the underground temple, and the spring water made waves!

I don't know when, a crowd of locusts appeared on the rocky ground at my feet, and these little pests appeared in swarms, probably hundreds, thousands, thousands, thousands, no, more than that, there were countless locusts ready to move.

"Flame Hoof!" After Qin Feng took Erica in his arms, he summoned the white flame hoof with flames again!

The flames burned, forming a layer of defensive cover, protecting Qin Feng and the others, while the army of locusts kept coming, and moths pounced like flames!

The scorching problem, the crackling of burning, the death of a large number of locusts at every moment!

"Lord Qin Feng, we have to rush out, the locusts are Mercato's servants, and they can't be killed at all!" Erica said anxiously as she saw that the area around Yanqiu had been covered with all the locusts!

"Yan Hoof, let's go!" Qin Feng smiled and said to Yan Hoof, and Yan Hoof seemed to understand Qin Feng's meaning, hissed, opened fire, and flew into the sky!

"Arrogant godkiller, are you going to run away?" Mekar shouted from behind!

Flame Hoof ran all the way, and the locusts behind him chased after him!

"Lion's gold!" Floating in the air, Qin Feng stopped, but the locusts surrounded Qin Feng as always, and Qin Feng summoned the lion's gold, and then, the yellow thunder continued to bombard!

"The army of locusts has some troublesome powers!" Seeing the dense army of inexhaustible 04 insects, Qin Feng frowned!

"Haha, you can't even fight my army of locusts, how can you be my opponent!" Behind him, the mocking voice of the God King Mekar was heard again!

"In that case, then turn you damn locusts into silver mist!!" Qin Feng sneered.

"Come out! The silver mist of the carapace!" The rich magic power that erupted from Qin Feng's hand formed a huge white beetle!

"It's foggy!" As soon as the beetle on Qin Feng's head appeared, a thick silver mist began to fill the surroundings, and his vision was obstructed!

What surprised Erica the most was that after the army of locusts touched these white silver mist, it seemed that they had assimilated, and their bodies had also turned into white mist!

"Well... It's so strong!" Erica looked at Qin Feng with a relaxed face and muttered!

"What a strange ability, is this your power? No!" Mecal muttered as he saw his locusts turn into shadows!

"As a god killer, don't you fight with your own powers?" Mekar sneered!

"Since you've said so, let's let you see, the power I've got!" Qin Feng sneered, and then shouted, "[Wild Boar]!"

Immediately after, Qin Feng's body seemed to be plated with a layer of golden light, and then, the ground where Mekar was standing shook up, and a hideous huge [Wild Boar] got up from the ground! The condition for the [Wild Boar] power to be activated was that the target of the attack was very large, and with the size of Mecal's giant, the power of the [Wild Boar] was also activated!

"Is it a wild boar? Could it be that you have cleaned up that god of war? No, the god of war's divine power is still there, it seems that you should have obtained a [wild boar] power of the god of war!" Seeing the familiar power, Mecal sneered and said: "Pathetic god of war, he was defeated by a mortal and made him a god killer!

"Why, you are disappointed that I defeated the God of War?" Qin Feng looked at Mekar with interest and said, "That's also, the God of War can hurt you like this, when he was doing nonsense outside, you just nested here to heal, and also laid such a powerful enchantment, completely insulting the title of God King!"

"I'm on alert!" Mecal laughed!

"Be vigilant, I think you're afraid! God, you'll be afraid of death!" Qin Feng laughed loudly, and the shadows began to surround Mecal! And the [Wild Boar] also rushed forward with a furious momentum!

"Damn God Slayer, you insulted me!" Mecal's divine power quickly increased, and his entire body emitted a golden light, and the huge [Wild Boar] rushed into it, but it didn't hurt him in the slightest, and the shadow was blown away by the furious whirlwind, and then, the whirlwind grew bigger and bigger, forming a storm!

"Come back!" Qin Feng withdrew the silver mist of the carapace and the gold of the lion, and the next battle was not something that a beast of this kind of combat power could handle!

The god king Merka is also the god of the storm, and then, Mecal once again wielded his power, like an army of dead men called out from Hades, like a flood, able to sweep away all waves, thousands of thunderbolts like heavenly spears, and other attacks.

"Thunder is useless to me!" Looking at the Thousand Thunders, Qin Feng sneered! "King Kong of the Divine Sheep!"

The powerful magic power gushing out from Qin Feng's right hand transformed into the appearance of a giant beast with a flash of light, and then, the divine sheep roared with the crystals of the gems, and then as if to seal the movements of the alien monsters flying in the air, countless gem barriers filled the sky, protecting Qin Feng inside!

"Boom, boom!" A thousand thunderbolts fought back and slammed into Melka!

"How is it? Your own attack fell on you, it doesn't taste good!" Qin Feng was unharmed, and Melka, because he ate the Thunder Strike, looked very embarrassed!

But Mecal's bold laughter resounded through the sky and the forest, and then the divine power exploded again!

"It's so funny, a mere godslayer can hurt the god-king's me! I admit that you are worthy of being my opponent!" Suddenly, the void was distorted.

From there flew out two sticks.

"Chase, banish, Chaser, a pair of weapons for my minions, pursue the godkiller in front of him, let him see the power of my fury!"

"Did you use your weapons?" Immediately afterward, two sticks—Pursuit and Banishment—rushed into the sky, one of them approaching directly above like lightning, and the other coming from behind like a bird.

"Come out! Yemo's Black Sword!" One of the sticks flew over, directly smashing through the gem barrier and flying directly towards him, Qin Feng no longer hesitated.

The huge and conscious black sword straddled in front of Qin Feng!

"This is...!" Looking at the huge black sword up close, Erica could feel the power on it!

"Sword of Judgment!" Qin Feng smiled slightly, and then, the entire body of the Yemo Black Sword became fiery red!

Then, the Sword of Judgment chased after the two speeding clubs!

"Boom!" was another earth-shattering loud bang, and a huge energy fluctuation lifted the trees of the surrounding forest into the air, revealing a yellow soil cover!

The surging heat surged, and in the face of all the monsters summoned by Qin Feng, Erica was already dumbfounded!

Whether it was the battle with the god of war or the battle with Mecal, Lord Qin Feng had never used the Prometheus Secret, that is to say, Lucurazia's guess was wrong, Qin Feng's purpose in getting Prometheus was not to deal with the two gods at all, and Qin Feng's hole cards were his many monsters that could be comparable to power!

She still knows a lot about the power of the Prometheus Secret, seizing the power of the gods, but if ordinary people use it, they will die of exhaustion, if it weren't for this, she would have snatched the Prometheus Secret when she first met with the Guardian Hall, but there is one thing she cares about is that if it goes on like this, Qin Feng may really become the strongest god killer!

Looking at Qin Feng's endless methods, Erica's mind began to change little by little, and the ambition that emerged was suppressed little by little!

"How is it possible? How can a mortal sword resist my artifact?" Mecal was shocked to see that his artifact had been suppressed!

"Is it a mortal sword, the Yemo Black Sword is a sword of judgment created by the gods to slay demons and eliminate demons!" Qin Feng sneered, and the sword body of the Yemo Black Sword throbbed again, and the powerful energy rippled out in a way that was visible to the naked eye!

"Created by God!" Hearing this, Mecal's eyes when he looked at Qin Feng changed, made by God, it is an artifact!

Erica looked at Qin Feng in a daze, too much surprise had made Erica numb, she was a little curious now, how many secrets did this mysterious boy who met her still have, how many monsters comparable to power could he summon?

"Bump!" The stalemate between the two was quickly broken, and the black sword of the night had already broken the two clubs!

"Yemo Black Sword, kill him for me!" Qin Feng said again! After speaking, Yemo Black Sword had already flown into the air, and then it continued to grow larger, blocking the sun and forming a large shadow below!

"Hahaha~!I'm a god, your artifact can't kill me!" Mekar said with a sneer!

"That's right!" Qin Feng nodded, "Without the golden sword that cut off the godhead, it would be difficult for me to kill you, and at the same time, you are a god and a demon god, Mecal, no, Baal!" "The Mecal god king worshipped by the Canaanites and Phoenicians, these Semitic language people, is Baal, originally the god of storm, lightning, and the sky, but his authority has been continuously strengthened, and in the end he has a lot of power, and this kind of sky god basically has a lot of nature!" As for his title of demon god, he was blackened by the angel god system after being abused into a dog by the angel god system, and Baal then pulled up the gods who were defeated by the angel god system to form the seventy-two demon gods!

But just this magic word is enough for him to destroy everything, because the night black sword is the sword of slaying demons and destroying demons!

"Arrogant Mecal, today is your death date!" Qin Feng saw that Mecal did not dodge, and wanted to resist the blow of the sword!

"Boom!" Mecal's entire body was split in half by the Yemo Black Sword!

Mecal's body, which was divided into two halves, did not fall down because of this, and the divine power still did not disperse!

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to really succeed in killing me!God Killer Qin Feng, I remember you!" Mecal laughed, "We'll meet again!" After saying that, Mecal's two halves of his body turned into a golden ability and merged into the wind body!

"Kill Mecal, the divine power that poured into his body is so powerful!" Watching the power that is different from the magic pouring into the body, it almost competes with the magic power in his body!

Qin Feng's strength is even stronger, but this also has drawbacks, because the two forces will fight with Qin Feng's body as a battlefield, even if Qin Feng is an immortal body, he will not be able to stand the killing of the two forces!

"We have to find a solution as soon as possible!" Qin Feng thought to himself in his heart!

"It really worked!" Erica muttered as she looked at Qin Feng, who was covered in golden light and looked like a god!

"Mekar is dead, next to the god of war!"

"Lord Qin Feng... But...... But don't you need a break in your state?" Erica said hesitantly!

"No need, because the next battle will be easy!" Qin Feng sneered!

"Relaxed?" In the face of many powerful military gods, no god killer will feel relaxed!

"It's just that his golden sword is a little troublesome!" Qin Feng muttered and took out the Prometheus Secret from his arms!

Prometheus is a god who appears in Greek mythology, the last descendant of the Titans, and his name means a person who thinks about the future, that is, he is a prescient sage. Zeus, the king of the gods, did not want to give too much wisdom to humans, but Prometheus took pity on their stupidity, so he stole the fire from the heavenly realm, and this god gave the fire to humans, and the humans who got the fire, the culture suddenly developed by leaps and bounds, and as punishment, Prometheus was locked 930 on the top of the Caucasus Mountain, and let the vultures eat his liver raw, and the body of the immortal god would automatically recover every sunset, and then the vultures would come and eat his liver again, that is, he must suffer this pain forever.

However, Prometheus's name of theft and deception is not covered, when the sacrificial cattle were distributed to the gods and humans, Prometheus prepared two plates, after hiding the meat and internal organs with a stomach bag, and then put them on the plate, and the other plate was skillfully used with tallow, the cow bones were disguised to seem delicious, he first asked Zeus to choose which plate he wanted, and as a result, Zeus chose the plate of bones, and even the dignified god king had to be deceived, it is conceivable that the terrible power of Prometheus!

"It's here! God of War!" Qin Feng quickly felt the fluctuation of divine power, and suddenly squinted his eyes and said! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Godslayer, we're meeting again!" A handsome young man appeared in front of Qin Feng, wearing a white cloak as always!

"Don't talk nonsense, let's do it!" Qin Feng said with a sneer!

"Do it!?" The military god seemed to see Qin Feng's physical condition, and said: "Your current body is not suitable for fighting, right! It is true that I admit that you who killed Mekar are very powerful, but the new power you have gained seems to be in conflict with the power in your body, and you are now desperately suppressing the two opposing forces, right!"

"You can't use that strange ability now!" said the god of war, affirmatively!

Hearing the words of the God of War, Erica was shocked, she didn't expect that Qin Feng after killing the God would be burdened by the power of the God, today is really not the time to fight with the God of War, so she has to buy time for Lord Qin Feng!

"This seems to be your best chance to kill me!" At this time, Qin Feng said with a faint smile on the corner of his mouth!

However, Erica had already jumped out, the long sword in her hand was drawn, and she said, "I can't let you hurt Lord Qin Feng!"

"Haha! Are you challenging me, who is the god of war? Well, very well, your will is indeed heroic, and you are a witch with a warrior spirit that is rare even in ancient times!"

"Then in response to your courage, I will also use a sword!Well, this will do!" The military god looked at the ground, and then picked up a branch, Qin Feng couldn't mobilize the energy in his body, and had become a turtle in the urn, so the military god was interested in playing cat and mouse with the girl in front of him!

The branch that the god of war picked up was the same length as the heart of the lion king that Erica was holding, but it was so slender that it seemed that even a child could easily break it.

"Well, this length is just right!" the god of war laughed as he waved the branch, only a ten-centimeter slash, but the rolled up sword qi was like a whirlwind, obviously only using such a small and light branch, this is the power of the god, which can exert the martial arts to reach the peak realm, so the size of the weapon held does not matter.

If you want to use a huge weapon perfectly, you have to learn how to use it very lightly, and if you want to use a light weapon perfectly, you have to learn how to use it to hit heavy attacks.

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