"The knights around the new king?" Hearing this, Jonny was stunned again: "Has the new king been co-opted by a certain force not long after becoming a god killer?

"It's also ironic, the bronze black cross, it was at the moment when the new king became a god killer that Erica and he met by chance!"

"Is it really an accident?, then the bronze black cross is lucky!" Jonny muttered and said, "Although he is the new king, he killed the god of war, the god king of Mecal, and his divine power is comparable to that of any king!"

"Isn't it better? he'll fight the Luo Hao Sect Master!"

"I'm afraid it's not that simple. This trip to Japan, where will Japan not give up the opportunity to win over the new king!"

"Then Japan has picked up a bargain!"

"Not necessarily! Killing two gods, its style reminds me of the demon king on our side. Jonny said again!

Speaking of the demon king, the woman looked at Jonny with some sympathetic eyes, "Actually, I have long wanted to ask, the church is a servant of God, and there is actually a god killer in Italy, it's a shame that you can still stay together." "

"Neither God nor God Killer can do anything. Jonny didn't seem to care, he shrugged his shoulders!

"That demon king, I already told our predecessors this back then, and I'm more curious about how those Japanese people will deal with the relationship with the new king!"


At this time, in the small western-style building in Italy, the people of the red bronze and black cross were holding a meeting of the new king!

Erica was also present at the meeting!

"Erica, tell everyone about everything at once!" Paul said, glancing at the higher-ups around him!

"Yes!" Erica nodded and said, "Things have to start with the battle between the god of war and the god king of Mekar five days ago, when they were both defeated, and the new king Qin Feng inadvertently killed the god of disobedience who escaped, and then obtained the power [wild boar], and then the new king went to the ruins of St. Basti to kill the god of war and the god king of Mecar!"

"What, he really killed two gods?" said one of them in surprise!

"I can't believe it!" If the Bronze Black Cross can be protected by the new king, then who will be the opponent of the Bronze Black Cross!

"Be quiet, all of you!" Paul began, "the new king, who has gained great power, is a rival to some of the old kings, so we want to decide here what the copper and black cross will take next!"

"What do you mean?"

"930 Because of good luck, Erica has become the knight of the new king! Of course, there is also bad news, that is, the new king seems to have plans to go to Japan!"

"Isn't this a refuge in the new king, we are the people of the King of Swords!"

"Yes, if the King of Swords is not satisfied, the Bronze and Black Characters will be destroyed! And the new King is not in Italy!"

"That's why I thought that Erica would follow the new king as a knight, without any political stance, those Japanese would definitely try their best to keep the new king in Japan, and Erica, your task is to sabotage the plans of the Japanese, and if necessary, you can sacrifice your precious body!"

"Well, I see!" Erica was originally more bold and natural, and when she heard her grandfather's words, she also nodded!


The Three Illusion Gods have gained a huge amount of divine power, and they seem to be closer to the existence of the gods! That is to say, when one day, the Three Illusion Gods really turn back into the mythical gods, then he is the one who drives the gods!

The prototype of Obelisk's giant god is the ancient Egyptian god of the earth Geb, the god of the earth and fertility of ancient Egypt, the son of Hugh and Tephnut, one of the nine pillar gods, Gebu is a goose-headed human body with a red body. Geb imprisons the souls of evil people so that they cannot enter heaven.

The sun god's winged dragon is based on the brilliance of the sun god, or the son of the sun god!

The prototype of Osiris's Sky Dragon comes from Osiris in ancient Egyptian mythology, the king of Hades in Egyptian mythology, one of the nine pillar gods, one of the most important gods in ancient Egypt, the god in charge of the underworld, and the god of fertility and agriculture.

With the support of divine power, the three illusion gods will become an existence close to them, and Qin Feng's original intention has also changed, hunting the god of disobedience is not just for power, after all, the birth of power is completely because of the spell left by Epimetus and Pandora, Qin Feng doesn't want to be controlled by others! And Epimetheus, the younger brother of Prometheus, the man of hindsight, the stupid man, is actually not like this, here, the people who can kill the gods are because of their stupidity, the wise people will understand the gap between them and the gods, and choose to escape, only the "stupid", the people who can't see the gap between the two rise to the occasion and complete this feat, which is very similar to Epimetheus, so Pandora will call the god killer his own child!

Now, more than ten days have passed since the god-killing ceremony!

At this time, the capital of Italy, Rome!

Qin Feng, who came out for a walk, didn't expect to meet a girl who looked like she was only thirteen or fourteen years old, her appearance was as delicate as a mythical angel, her slightly long silver hair was draped over her shoulders, flashing with a silver glow like moonlight, she looked very similar to Xia Yin, but her temperament was completely different, because the girl's pupils were as dark as the night sky, extremely mysterious and beautiful.

Qin Feng knew who the girl in front of him was, and from her, Qin Feng felt more, such as danger! The strongest god Athena was not a god of war, Mecal and the like could be compared, now, Qin Feng and Athena did not know each other, and Qin Feng would not believe that Athena would appear in front of him for no reason!

The body was completely spontaneously tensed, and the strength was constantly pouring out.

"You have the nasty aura of a concubine!" Athena said as soon as she came up!

"Eh!" Qin Feng suddenly grimaced, this is too straightforward! But it is normal for the god of disobedience to hate himself, because he has the breath of a god-killer on his body, but why didn't Athena hate the guard! Sure enough, the original book has to die! At this moment, Qin Feng admitted that he was jealous!

"I heard that there is a god killer who calls himself a knight, a man who is armed with a magic sword that can cut off all the magic swords in the world, is that you?"

"No!" Qin Feng was silent for a while, and then spoke, Qin Feng knew that what Athena was looking for should be the King of Swords, Tony!

"Understood, but judging from the breath on your body, you should also be a god killer, so, although the concubine body has the purpose of retrieving the snake, do you want to enjoy the battle with the concubine body?" Athena's pupils seemed to be a snake-like structure, but it did not give people a terrible feeling, on the contrary, it added a sense of beauty.

"It's not time for us to fight!" Qin Feng smiled and said!

"Strange Godslayer!" Athena said, seemingly intrigued, "and when do you think it's appropriate?"

"After you get the snake back!" Qin Feng thought for a while and said!

"The concubine body is your enemy, you will let the concubine body take back the snake!"

"Even if you get the snake back, it won't be my opponent!" Qin Feng smiled confidently!

"Very confident god killer, I really want to fight you!" Athena snorted!

"Don't you believe it, in that case, do you dare to make a bet with me! After you get the snake back, we'll fight to your heart's content, and if you lose, you'll be by my side, how about it?"

"The bet between the god of disobedience and the god killer is really interesting, so this bet is accepted by the concubine! But what if I win?" Athena looked at Qin Feng with interest!

"If you win, I'll follow you too!" Qin Feng smiled slightly!

"The concubine body is not used to bringing a person by her side! But forget it, if you lose, then you are finished! On the contrary, if the concubine body loses, you can resist the temptation of the concubine's power, then the concubine body will follow you!"

"Then it's decided!" Qin Feng smiled!

"God killer, remember the name of the concubine, the concubine is called Athena, the goddess of wisdom and victory!" In an instant, Athena was gone, nowhere to be found, only one sentence floated into her ears.

The encounter with Athena is just an episode, but the agreement with her is an unexpected bonus!

At this time, Erica looked at a small Gorgon Stone in her hand and was a little distressed!

Just before, the red bronze black cross discussed the treatment of the Gorgon Stone, originally she didn't want to take over this hot taro, but when she thought that the Gorgon Stone would bring a powerful god of disobedience to (aedg) Italy, Erica couldn't help but think of Qin Feng, if he handed over Gorgon to Qin Feng, he must have a way to solve it!

Next, Erica volunteered to take the Stone of Gorgon!

What we have to consider now is how to let Qin Feng take over this fast stone!

"It's a headache!" Erica was a little distressed, Erica, who is known as a beautiful girl, has no problem with Qin Feng, who has a changeable personality!


Japan, one of the three major families, in the courtyard of the Seiaki-in family.

At this time, a young girl is wielding the long sword in her hand! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Long black hair, but very soft, with a very pretty face, but when you laugh, you will have a mischievous look that cannot be hidden.

Because of the full exercise, the figure is very good, the waist is thin and the buttocks are raised, the fierce part is also very plump, and the shape is also very good, such a figure, coupled with a beautiful appearance, can probably arouse the evil thoughts in the hearts of those men who are not very determined at a glance, from a man's point of view, it is completely the level of a stunner.

Seijoin Halla, this is the girl's name.

After practicing for a while, suddenly, the sound of the mobile phone vibrating sounded in the bag on the floor on one side.

The hand wielding the bamboo knife stopped, and Cina walked over and took out his phone.

"Hey, I'm Qingqiuyuan Yina!" Ena smiled and said, a nice voice, or rather, it's not so much a good sound, but it is completely refreshing to listen to.

"Grandpa, do you have something to do?" The other end of the phone is her grandfather, in the Qingqiu Courtyard, grandpa is the best for her, of course, this has something to do with her ability, she can hear the voice of God, she is an advent warlock!


"That's right, and the new king has already decided to come to Japan!"

"Ah, the new king is coming to Japan, grandpa, are you kidding?"

"Well, I heard it was because I was going to kill someone!"

"Is it another king? Is Tokyo going to have two kings?" Even if it is a Na, I don't think there is a big city in the world that can hold two kings.

"It's not a king, it's just an ordinary person!"

"Ordinary people deserve the new king's shot?"

"I don't know the specific situation, I heard that it was because of the dispute caused by the magic guide book, but that ordinary person offended the new king for sure!"

"And what ordinary person is so unlucky?" asked Ena again!

"A high school student named Godo!"

"So grandpa, do we need to help the new king solve this ordinary person?"

"Still no, we are not sure of the king's character, but we can't meddle in his affairs at will, as for how to deal with the guard, it is the new king's business! And we, we just need to encircle the new king and let him stay in Japan! I have decided, this task will be handed over to you, but you have to pay attention, there seems to be a Western woman next to the new king, you want to get rid of her, you know!"

"So, alright?" her eyes rolled, and she suddenly laughed, "Before the king returns, he will be well prepared." With that, she hung up her phone.

And the new king is coming to Japan, and the forces that are concerned are naturally not only the Qingqiu Academy, but also the official history compilation committee!

Nanchio Shrine, not far from Shiba Park and Tokyo Tower, is a small road that clings to the main road, connecting the shrine to high-end hotels, schools, television stations, radio stations, embassies, and other places.

There are 200 steps, and the shrine is on a high platform behind the stone steps.

Yuri Mori Valley,It's the shrine maiden of this shrine.,A very cute beautiful girl.,Of course,It's in the eyes of ordinary people.。

In the circle of non-ordinary people, she is still a shrine maiden, but she is not an ordinary shrine maiden, she is one of the high-ranking shrine maidens in the Kanto region called "Yuan Shrine Maiden", and she has a very precious and very powerful spiritual vision.

The environment of the shrine is very good, at least there is a lot of red here, and the environment inside the shrine also makes it easy for people's minds to calm down.

And in this morning, after Yuri Wanli had just finished dressing up, he walked to the front hall with an uneasy expression.

Because she sees an intermittent future, Tokyo seems to be turned upside down by the arrival of a new king!

"Yuan Wunu, when we meet for the first time, can we take a little time for you to talk?" At this time, a man called out to Yuri Wanli Gu, the man seemed to be a very frivolous and casual person, but from the way he walked, it could be seen that he was not so simple, wearing leather shoes, stepping on the pavement covered with fine pebbles, but there was no sound at all, not an ordinary person.

"May I ask who you are?" asked with a frown!

"It's really rude, I just introduced myself to you so late, I'm Ganji Dongma, this is my business card. The man named Ganji Dongma smiled and handed over his business card, and unlike his frivolous and casual expression, his movements were very regular.

"The people of the official history compilation committee, what is the noble matter of looking for me?" Wanli Gu Yuli silently read the contents of the business card, and then looked at the Ganji Winter Horse.

"Here's the thing, there is something that may bring unprecedented disasters to our country, and of course, it may also be an opportunity, so I hope to use your strength to visit rashly, please forgive me. "When the horse says something that sounds like something terrible.

"Sure enough, it's coming, the new king's business!" "Waniya Yuri muttered and said, "I advise you to refuse the new king's entry into Japan!"

"Why?" asked the Ganji Winter Horse, who was slightly stunned!

"Because the new king will bring disaster to Japan!" said Yuri Wanya seriously!

"Ah!" Hearing this, Ganji Dongma was stunned again, how could he have the right to refuse the new king to come to Japan, and if he refused the new king, that would be a catastrophe, but he knew that the witch in front of him had excellent spiritual vision and could see what would happen in the future, which could not be ignored!

I'll have to go back and discuss a surefire solution!

"If it's as you say, Japan needs your help even more!"

"I really can't help!" Yuri muttered, she's just a witch, where can she help!

"If you encircle the new king, then Japan will be like the new king's maiden family!" said Ganji Dongma with an analogy.

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