Rewind the clock to five hours ago!

"Well, now that the new king's affairs have been dealt with, we should discuss who should be handed over to the Stone of Gorgon, which has plagued our brains?" asked Paul again!

"Who's going to deal with that? I don't think it's a wise decision, even though our leader Tony is not here now, it would be a shame to ask for help from a foreign king!

"Those who want to laugh are left to them, the important thing is the Stone of Gorgon, you should also know what kind of disaster the Stone of Gorgon will bring to Italy, if you don't deal with it as soon as possible, the red and black letters are very coverable"

"But we don't—a king I can rely on!"

"A joke is a small matter, but what if it angers the king? Once Lord Tony knows that we have turned to other kings for help, who will know what he thinks? Can we really bear his wrath?" These words were not uttered by ordinary old men, but even the old magicians, who were skilled in swordsmanship and possessed rare secret arts, still showed their reverence for the king.

Because no matter how powerful the magicians of this world are, they can't compete with the king, this is the truth of this world!

"But does Tony-sama really care about such trivial matters? We are like bees in a honeycomb in the eyes of that adult, and I don't think Tony-sama will be angry about the bees electing a new queen!"

"But which king should we turn to? The Stone of Gorgon is an ancient symbol of Mother Earth, and although it means a duel with the oldest goddess, the Marquis de Vauban must still be eager to try it. However, in conclusion, even if he escaped from the hands of the god of disobedience, he attracted the demon king of the Balkan Peninsula, and the gain outweighed the loss. You know, if that demon king goes to war with all his might, I'm afraid that one or two cities will be wiped out easily!"

"Hmm!" Paul nodded with a fixed expression, the power of the Marquis of Vauban is like this, almost all of them are the ability to completely crush, tear, and shatter everything that stands on the earth.

"There is another king we can turn to. At this time, Erica spoke!

"I heard that John Brut of the United States, Mr. Smith is very concerned about the safety of ordinary civilians, and is a rare king, do you mean to cross the Atlantic to hire him back?"

"No, that Guardian of Los Angeles seems to have more important things to do, and he doesn't have the extra energy to deal with us!

"It's not them, have you forgotten the new king?" Erica smiled slightly, just now the six kings all said, the old marquis of Eastern Europe and the martial arts king of southern China, as well as the queen of the demon cave, and then the alien hero who continues to expand the shadow of the New World, and the wise king who seized the British Empire is called the king of the dark prince, and then in this century, one of the strongest swordsmen in Europe also obtained the qualification of king.

What an irony, for you have not seen him in battle, or for you to believe that this new king can defend against the oldest gods?

Erica paused and continued, "Although the new king has only been king for a short time, I guarantee with the spirit of a great knight that he will be the most powerful god killer!"

"I agree with Erica!" Paul nodded and said, "Then this Gorgon Stone will be handed over to you!"

"Hmm!" Hearing this, Erica solemnly took the Stone of Gorgon!


"Whew, do you want to talk to Qin Feng directly?" Erica took a deep breath and looked at the woman with long snake hair engraved on it, remembering what happened five hours ago!

When I walked into Lucurazia's room, I saw Lucurazia coming!

"Little girl, you have the breath of God in you!" Lucurazia squinted and smiled with the sturdy strength on her chest, "It seems that you have brought a wonderful artifact!"

"It's the Stone of Gorgon!" Erica said, nodding!

"Oh my God, you've brought something terrible, but it's going to bring bad luck!" said Lukurazia again, "You should know it!

"That's why I want to give it to Lord Qin Feng!" Erica muttered!

"You're really trying to take advantage of that adult!" Lucurazia narrowed her eyes!

"I... Where did I take advantage of him, I'm... But Lord Qin Feng's lover is here!" Erica blushed and hurriedly defended!

"Hehe, I know, but I'll give you a little advice, explain all this frankly, it's good for you!" Lukurazia smiled, "Seriously, I don't want you to give the Stone of Gorgon to Lord Qin Feng!"

"Why?" Hearing this, Erica was stunned!

"From Qin Feng killing two gods, what did you see!"

"Lord Qin Feng is very powerful, unexpectedly powerful, stronger than any king!"

"I mean the personality!" Lucurazia coughed a few times and said, "Although he succeeded in killing the gods, it is undeniable that even the Marquis of Vauban does not have his madness, I can guarantee that the new king is the craziest king! If you give the Stone of Gorgon to the new king, the new king will not take the initiative to give it to Athena?"

"How could it be? He didn't know that after Athena got the Stone of Gorgon, the world would...!"

"Who knows, among the god-like godslayers, we are just ants!"

"But this Gorgon Stone can only be handled by the King! we have no choice, do we!" Erica thinks Lucurazia has a point, but this Gorgon Stone can only be handled by the King!

"It's up to you! I have limited power, and I don't have the ability to handle this stone!" Lucurazia smiled!

"Then where did Lord Qin Feng go?"

"I went out this morning, but I guess I'll be back soon!" Lucurazia smiled!

The Stone of Gorgon is a mythical century relic salvaged from the coast of Calabria, the symbol of the desolate goddess, the wisdom of the long-lost Mother Earth, the signpost to the shadows, and the goal of Athena this time!

Qin Feng, who unexpectedly met Athena, returned home and found Erica sitting on a chair!

"Erica, are you back?" Seeing Erica, Qin Feng smiled and asked!This morning, Erica went back to the Red Bronze Black Cross Station, it should be to report what she saw and heard to the high-level of the Red Bronze Black Cross, no, it should be said that she publicized her deeds of defeating the two gods, his divine might!

"Hmm!" Erica nodded, dressed in a bright crimson gown, with long reddish blonde hair and a black rose hair ornament, in the style of an empress.

The big battles were one after another, and Qin Feng, who didn't know the taste of meat in March, looked at Erica with squints!

"I... Is there something on my face?" Being stared at by Qin Feng like this, Erica subconsciously looked at her dress!

"No, it's beautiful!" Qin Feng shook his head!

"Of course! I chose this outfit very carefully!" said Erica proudly!

"No, I mean your people!" Qin Feng shook his head again!

Upon hearing this, Erica's face turned completely red and she stammered, "That... Of course, I... I'm a prodigy and a beautiful girl with a red bronze and black cross! Even if it's the king's praise, I... I...!" After all, Erica is still an innocent girl!

"Don't mess around!" Lucurazia whispered to Erica, who was flustered and strangely worded!

"Hmm!" Soon, Erica calmed down, thought for a moment, and finally pulled out a cake-shaped stone!

"It's a stone again!" Looking at the Stone of Gorgon, Qin Feng picked up a fist-sized badge and said, The material should be polished obsidian or something, the surface is carved with a clumsy portrait like a human face, as well as the pattern of dozens of snakes, the snakes depicted are like the hair of the human face in the picture, many places next to it have been blurred, and the stone itself has a lot of wear, it looks like a fairly old item.

"Lord Qin Feng, this is the Stone of Gorgon!" Erica said very solemnly! Of course Qin Feng knew that it was something related to Medusa, Medusa was born from scratch with a snake instead of hair, a beautiful enchantress in Greek mythology, in Greek mythology, Medusa is indeed an evil monster, but in fact, she is the goddess of the earth with an ancient history, and she is also the Holy Mother of Darkness who is deeply related to many ancient goddesses!

"Then I'll take it!" Qin Feng nodded, this is exactly the Stone of Gorgon that Athena wants!

Erica was stunned, she had already prepared a large number of rhetoric to persuade Qin Feng, but she didn't expect Qin Feng to agree so easily!

"Lord Qin Feng, you...!"

"Hmm, didn't you want to give it to me when you took out the Gorgon Stone?" Qin Feng glanced at Erica and asked rhetorically!

"Yes!" Erica nodded, "But take the liberty of asking, Lord Qin Feng, what are you going to do with this stone?"

"I heard that the goddess will become complete only when she gets the Stone of Gorgon, I think it must feel good to fight with the complete goddess!" Qin Feng smiled slightly, but Erica felt the cold of falling into the ice cave!

"How can this be! I was right by Lucurazia!" Erica felt a chill in her heart, the new king Qin Feng was really the craziest person!

"Lord Qin Feng, if the goddess gets the Stone of Gorgon, not only the people of Italy, but also the world...!" Erica stammered!

"Needless to say, I've already decided!" Qin Feng waved his hand and put away the Stone of Gorgon!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Qin Feng returned to the room, leaving Erica stunned!

"Well, I'll tell you!, the new king is a wayward and unconventional man!" said Lucurazia, who walked up and sighed!

"Doesn't he know the gravity of the matter?"

"No, he knows the seriousness of the matter!" Lucurazia shook her head and continued, "This is a sign of his extreme self-confidence!"

"Extreme confidence?!" Hearing this, Erica was stunned again!

"That's right, have you thought about it? At the beginning, the new king had only one power, but he was still not afraid to face the two gods, and finally succeeded in killing the gods! You are also a witness to the new king's killing of the two gods!"

"That's right!" Erica knew that Qin Feng had an endless stream of hole cards, and she still hadn't figured out what those monsters that could compete with power were all about!

"So, even in the face of the oldest and strongest goddess, Qin Feng may win!!"

"So what do I do now?"

"Help Qin Feng by his side and make sure nothing happens!" Lucurazia laughed!

"Oh, then I got it!" Erica nodded!

"I heard that Qin Feng is going to Japan, what's going on?" Lukurazia sighed and asked!

"He seems to be going to kill the ordinary high school student from Japan who gave you the magician!"

"Hey, I don't know why the new king can't get along with an ordinary person!" Lukurazia muttered, a little lost, she was friends with Gotang's grandfather, so naturally she didn't want anything to happen to Gotang!

"It can only be regarded as his bad luck!" Although Erica didn't understand why Qin Feng would target an ordinary person so much!

"I know this too!" Lukurazia nodded and said, "If you have the chance, I hope you will make a message to the new king and ask him to spare the guard!"

"But do I have that much influence?" Erika muttered!

"You didn't see it, the new king looked at you in a daze just now, no problem!"

"Speaking of which, your figure is not worse than mine, why don't you go and talk to him!I believe that the new king is also interested in your body!" Hearing this, Erica pouted and said!


Japan, the Godo family, since Godo returned from Italy, bad luck has been haunting him, Godo thinks so!

Originally, at the request of his grandfather, he gave the piece of Prometheus secret note to Lukurazia on the island of Longding, of course, the secret of Prometheus was only known to him later!

But halfway through, he meets a blonde girl, and then bumps into a young man!

The ability used by that young man frightened him, and a shadow could appear all over his body, and he wanted to take away this slate, but unfortunately, Hutang was a good person, and he refused to hand over the slate despite the fear in his heart!

Of course, Hutang didn't know that it was his refusal that brought him endless trouble, and if he had known what happened later, he would have handed over the slate a long time ago!

At that time, he was still complacent, because the young man did not mess around, but left!

Just as he was about to reach Londin, a talking cat appeared in front of him, claiming to be Lucurazia, and demanded that he hand over the slate!

That's right, it's the talking cat, which shocked him, and for the first time he realized that there was such a magical existence in the world!

Originally, he wanted to give it to Lukurazia himself, but the cat's words scared him!

"Boy, put down the slate and flee quickly!, and leave Italy, for the king has murderous intentions against you!" said Lucurazia in a cold voice!

Before that, he had already known from the mouth of the black cat what kind of existence the king was, that was the existence that could kill the gods, the power of the gods, he had already witnessed with his own eyes, because in the port of Italy, he saw a huge wild boar wreaking havoc in the port! He saw with his own eyes that the monster that could not be matched by mortal strength!

And he also knew that the young man before was the king, and because of his refusal, he was murderous to himself!

"What are you kidding!" "I have been rejected by countless people, if this is the case, I will kill many people!"

But Lukurazia told him that the king's mind was the most difficult to guess, that the king would destroy a city in a fit of rage, and that the king might forgive those who had offended him greatly, all depending on the king's mood!

Originally, he wanted to ask, don't the government and the police take care of it, but then he thought, how dare human beings rebel against the gods!

"Why can't you resist!" If Qin Feng was here, he would definitely praise Hutang for having the potential to become a god killer, because he was stupid, he wanted to win the gods with a mortal body, but it was this fighting heart that led to the birth of the god killer, of course, he couldn't obediently accept the fate of death, but for the sake of safety, he still handed over the slate to Lukurazia, and then hurried back to Japan!

In the days since he returned to Japan, he wondered several times if the cat was just talking, and if his trip to Italy was a dream!

But then, the guardian hall realized that the majesty of the king should not be offended!

First, some bald donkeys appeared in front of him, saying that they wanted to take themselves away and sacrifice them to the new king!

Then he tried to escape, but he felt that the students who had been passing by around him disappeared, and not only that, but the surrounding scenery was even more gray.

Not only the people, but the voices of the people around them were all gone, and they could even see the sand on the ground that had been blown up by the wind hanging in the air, and everything around them became a static existence.

At this time, he was scared! He couldn't remember what the bald donkeys said in his ear, he only knew that he was very scared and wanted to run away, but his body just couldn't move.

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