At that time, Godo really thought that he was going to die, but then a man appeared and saved him!

It seems that the middle-aged man called Ganji Winter Horse looks very casual, but he is serious when he speaks!

After the bald donkey left, he was full of joy and thought that he was saved, but the reason why the Ganji winter horse saved himself made him stunned!

His fate is completely in the hands of that king, and no one else has the right to dispose of it!

Because of this, the bald donkey retreated!

It's really ironic, from that day on, two men in black appeared beside him, saying that it was to ensure the safety of his life, that is, during the period when the king did not come, no one dared to harm his life, and he also knew that the two of them also had a function, which was to prevent themselves from escaping!

However, he knew that when the king came, it would be his own time of death, and the thought of death made the guardian become sullen!

These days, the already fragile nerves of the guard hall have been tormented by the people and things that they keep encountering, and her sister Jinghua has noticed the strangeness of her brother the guard.

"Brother, what's wrong with you? Are you out of love?" said Jinghua tauntingly!

"Sort of!" Godo nodded, he had inadvertently broken into this dangerous world, how could he explain it to Jinghua and then bring her into this dangerous world!

During this time, the grandfather of the Godo also returned!

He was also worried, Lucurazia had already told him everything, and the trip to Italy was suggested by him, but he didn't expect that this time it would bring so much trouble to the guard, and he was targeted by a king! From Lucurazia, he knew the character of the new king, capricious, powerful, and very close to the Marquis of Vauban in Europe!

"How so!" he had tried for Lucurazia to intercede with the new king, but Lucurazia said that the new king would not listen to anyone's advice, at least when the woman did not gain the trust of the new king!

"How can we keep Godo alive!" This is the question that the new king has been thinking about before he came to Japan!

"Is there really no way?" he muttered!

And Godo was also in a state of panic all day long, because he learned from the mouth of the Ganji Winter Horse that the new king would come to Japan in the near future!


Ichiro Kusanagi's perspective:

The time for the arrival of the new king in Japan is getting closer and closer, which means that the life of the grandson is about to enter the countdown!

What should I do? My grandson died because of me!

Watching his grandson's figure lose weight day by day, he was tormented by troubles, and he was also distressed!

It would have been nice if he hadn't gone to Italy!

He must have hated me for a long time! After all, he asked him to go to Italy!

Is there any way to save the church!

There is no way, the king will not care about the life of an ordinary person! I have this feeling after I heard that the Marquis Vauban can destroy a city with his own hands!

Can you let me die in the place of the guard?

The king must not be willing!

I called Lukurazia for help, and asked why Godo had offended the king!

It turned out that that kid dared to contradict the new king!

At that time, I could only smile bitterly, in this way, even Lucurazia would not be able to help herself!

But I really didn't expect that Godo would have such courage, if it wasn't for Lukurazia's help, maybe Godo wouldn't have been able to return to Japan, after all, the king's authority cannot be provoked!

The government has no way to help itself, no, it should be said that no one in the world dares to help itself! Because the Japanese government is the party that does evil, those two men in black must have come to monitor the guard, and they also think that if they can sacrifice a person's life to gain the favor of the new king, they will not hesitate to end the life of the guard!

In the final analysis, it's your own fault!

Just when I was in distress, I remembered Lucurazia's words!

A woman who has the trust of the new king may be able to change the new king's decision, so my eyes are on Shizuka!

Although she is young, she is a beautiful embryo, she should be able to win the favor of the new king!

Admittedly, compared to a noble witch like Erica, Shizuka has no comparison with the pungent and eccentric nature, but you have to give it a try, don't you!

It's just that I'm a little wronged by Jinghua!But Jinghua will agree, because Jinghua has a good relationship with Gotang!

Finding an opportunity, I told Shizuka about it!

Jinghua was taken aback at first, and after knowing that the guardian had offended the king, she became silent!

From my mouth, Jinghua already knows that the king is a person who can kill the gods, and no one can match him!

Actually, she also noticed something, because the guardian has become very strange recently!

"Grandpa, leave it to me!" Shizuka agreed!

Because there was still some time before the arrival of the new king in Japan, Shizuka decided to go to Italy, and during this time, Shizuka tried her best to get the new king to take back the order!

But before Jinghua set off, a bad news came!

Hutang committed suicide, and he was overwhelmed by the torture and pressure, so he chose to commit suicide and end his life!

He jumped from the height of the fifth floor, his head fell to the ground first, and because of the traction of gravity, his whole head exploded, and Bai Huahua's brain mixed with blood flowed to the ground!

Shizuka, the sister of the Godo, saw such a scene and fainted with a scream!

"Why is this happening!" I can't believe that a person who is usually very cheerful would commit suicide! It's all because of the Japanese government and because of the new king!

But the matter is not over yet, and immediately after, the Japanese government sent people over, and their expressions were panicked!

I am afraid that I will face the questioning of the new king, and I am afraid that the new king will bring trouble to Japan.

Suddenly, I felt an indescribable pleasure in my heart, retribution had come!

The new king had better come down and ruin this Tokyo!

Now, Shizuka and I are also imprisoned!

I want to come to Jigotang, and the two of us are the Japanese government's explanation to the new king!

Now Jinghua's mood is not a problem, and I am worried that she, like her brother, will embark on a path of no return!

That's why I've been taking care of Shizuka all the time!

Soon, Jinghua's mood stabilized, but I could tell from Jinghua's eyes bursting with hatred that there was hatred in Jinghua's heart!

"What should I do?" I'm a little worried, if Jinghua has a hatred for the new king and annoys the new king again, then she will also die!


Kusanagi Godo perspective:

"Why would God be playing such a joke on me!"

"What did I do wrong?"

"Why would such a powerful person want my life!"

I confess, I'm afraid of death, but who is not afraid of death!

The day before yesterday, my sister Jinghua saw her eccentricity!

Also, even if he smiles in front of his family, he still can't hide the depression in his heart!

So Jinghua came to ask herself, but how could she let her sister get involved in such a dangerous world, so I had to follow my sister's meaning and say that I was out of love!

At least after his death, he won't be involved in his sister!

Soon, my grandfather came back, and he was also tired, in fact, he knew his own business!

It was my grandfather who let me go to Italy, so to speak, I was involved in this turmoil, and my grandfather played a very bad role!

But the future is unpredictable, and grandfather probably didn't expect that he would anger the new king!

Although I have hatred for my grandfather, I understand more, because my grandfather didn't close his eyes for a few days and nights for his own affairs!

I know, grandfather didn't think of anything that worked!

Until that day, my grandfather called Shizuka over!

I felt weird, so I quietly followed and eavesdropped!

Originally...... It turns out that the grandfather wants Jinghua to gain the trust of the new king!

But can Jinghua do it? The new king has a strange temper, and the underage Jinghua can arouse the interest of the new king, if not, it will be two lives in a minute!

It's all herself, if it weren't for herself, Jinghua wouldn't have made such a dangerous choice!

"Hey, it's better to die!"

"I've been tortured for the past few days, and I'm going crazy!"

"If he dies, then he should be able to stop!" Thinking of this, Godo closed his eyes and jumped down from the height of the fifth floor!


Kusanagi Shizuka perspective:

I'm Shizuka Kusanagi, the younger sister of Godo, and a few days ago, I found out that my brother Godo was sullen and his body was thin!

So I walked over and asked, "Brother, what's going on?"

"It's okay!" my brother smiled, but I knew that my brother was smiling reluctantly!

Growing up, I came into contact with ordinary people, and I didn't know that there were gods in the world, so I thought things were simple!

"Hee-hee, brother, are you out of love?"

At that time, my brother nodded and agreed, and I really thought that my brother was out of love, so I didn't take it to heart!

What I didn't expect was that my brother was not out of love, but because I thought things simple, and everything had to start with my brother's trip to Italy!

The elder brother met a young man there, and later heard from his grandfather that it was the king!

At that time, she didn't understand what a king was, and then her grandfather explained it to her!

The king is an overlord because he has slain the gods of heaven and seized the supreme divine power held by them.

The king who kills the gods is the king, because he holds the power usurped by killing the gods, and because he dominates the mortals of the earth.

The king is a demon king, because no mortal in the world has the power to compete with him, and no mortal can fight against him, only the god-killers of equal power or the angels who serve our heavenly father, and the pagan gods who are considered taboo!

To sum up, no one can rebel against the king!

And his brother was killed by the king because he offended the king!

Now the entire Japanese government is looking for trouble with him, that's why my brother is so haggard!

It was my grandfather who asked my brother to go to Italy, but I didn't blame my grandfather, and I guess my grandfather didn't expect this to happen!

But I was in a hurry, so I hurriedly asked him if there was a way to save my brother!

But Grandpa shook his head and told me that there was one way: a woman who would become king!

Although I am still young, I know the meaning of this sentence!

My brother is my relative, so I can't let him die!

I took my grandfather's suggestion and rushed to Italy to become the new king's woman before the new king came to Japan, and then begged the new king to spare his brother!

Unexpectedly, my brother committed suicide by jumping off the building! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Jumping from the height of the fifth floor, the brains are splashing out!

My brother must have thought so at the time!

Grandpa is anxious about his own affairs, and his sister has to complete a life-and-death task for herself!

Why is my brother so stupid, death can't solve any problems!

I fainted when I saw my brother staring at him, and when I woke up, I found my grandfather waiting for me by my side!

In the days after my brother's death, I was very irritable, and I was surrounded by strange men, who were sent by the Japanese government.

The king's authority cannot be provoked, and the Japanese government must want to use itself and his grandfather to appease the king's anger!

Poor brother, suicide did not solve any problems, in a few days, he and his grandfather will also be sent to the king by the Japanese government!

The ridiculous Japanese country, for the sake of the king, even the citizens of the country have to be abandoned!

It all comes from the king's authority!

Suddenly, I hated this so-called king!

I want to kill the king, because the king is an accomplice to my brother's suicide, but I hate the Japanese government even more, because the Japanese government is the culprit of my brother's suicide!

I'm just a weak woman, how can I take revenge!

I heard that the king has the power to destroy a nation!

So I plan to use the king's hands! I learned from my grandfather that in this world, in addition to the new king, there are six other kings! The Luo Hao sect leader in Jiangnan, the black prince of Kangwal will definitely not help him!

And the Marquis of Vauban and the queen of the Enchanting Cave are both very cruel kings, and they are estimated to kill themselves!

Then in this century, one of the strongest swordsmen in Europe also obtained the qualification of king, and he had no way to help himself, and the last choice was the new king who had recently arrived in Japan!

It's ridiculous that my brother died because of him, but I want to throw myself into his arms!

But if you want to take advantage of the new king, you have to find a way to get his attention!

How can I get the attention of the new king, and how can I get rid of these guys?

No, it shouldn't be, because these guys will definitely bring themselves to the new king and then hand them over to the new king!

What you need is an opportunity!

Grandpa saw his own look in his eyes!

"I know you want to avenge your brother, but the king's strength is not comparable to that of mortals, so you better give up!"

"No, I don't want to give up!" I nodded on the surface, but in my heart I warned myself that I would not be extravagant to kill the new king, but at least I had to bring the culprit who killed me to justice, no, since the government could not help me, then I would use my own methods to take revenge!

Finally, I waited so hard that this day finally came!

Because government workers are going to take themselves to the airport!

At this moment, I knew that the new king was coming to Japan, and I had taken the first step of revenge!

I was escorted to the airport, and in the distance, I saw the king, the young king!

With black hair, he is a Celestial Empire man, and he is also very handsome, and the smile on his face is enough to charm many cardamom 0.6 Huaichun girls!

Oh, just like the kings of ancient times, when you get off the airport, the high-ranking personnel of Japan come to pick you up!

There are two beauties beside him, one with blonde hair and the other with blue hair, both of whom are beautiful and fragrant! With their own advantages, no, compared with them, they have no advantage!

My only advantage is age! I'm only a teenager.,A real Lori.,I've heard that someone likes Lori.,I don't know if the new king will like Lori! If you don't like Lori,,Then it's in vain!

But I still need to give it a try and try to attract the attention of the new king!


The day when the new king arrived in Japan came, and at home, sitting in front of the dresser, Yuri Wanri sighed slightly!

Since ancient times, Japan has had a sorcerer or psychic who inherited spells, and she was one of them who was given the noble title of Yuan at a young age, and held the duties of the highest shrine maiden.

And she sees the future, the new king will make a big fuss in Tokyo, and the cause of the incident...

Soon, she remembered what the man named Ganji Dongma had been looking for him the other day!

"As a shrine maiden of Musashino, you also have the obligation to assist our official history compilation committee, I don't know if you know, as for other questions, please put aside for the time being, and listen to me first. "Ganji Winter Horse said!

"Of course that's fine, so what do I do?" she thought for a moment and said!

"Approach the new king, become his woman, and let him stay in Japan!"

As soon as he heard the request of the Ganji Winter Horse, Wanli Gu Youli categorically refused!

Wang,That's the synonym of the demon king who is spread in Europe and has a heinous crime.,But when it comes to this term,The first thing she thinks of is the evil eye of the old demon king.,Instinctively feel fear.,Youli will never forget it in this life.,The emerald red pupils like the tiger's eyes burning in the shadows.,Later, I heard that this demon king has the power to turn the living into salt just by staring.,It deepens Youli's fear of him.。。

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