"The king is like the manifestation of the so-called ferocious ghosts and gods in Japanese legends, the incarnation of the taboo King Rasha, but if it is handled well, it will bring a lot of benefits to the country!" said Ganji Fuyuma again! "Especially when the power of the new king is even more powerful than that of the Marquis Vauban!

"Stronger than the Marquis of Vaubong?" Hearing this, Wanli Valley Youli is a little strange, the Marquis of Vauban has been a god killer for more than two hundred years, and in the past two hundred years, he has killed many gods and has a lot of power, where can a new king compare with him!

"According to the report of the Council of the Sages of Greenwich, the new king has defeated Mecal, the god of war and god-king in Persian mythology, on the island of Longtin in southern Italy!"

"Kill two gods at once?"

"That's right, it is said that they still took the initiative to confront the two gods! But the incident happened in Rome, and the news was also blocked by the people of the Red Bronze Black Cross, so we don't know the situation at that time!"

"Then I want to know about the new king, where is he from, and what is his name?"

"His name is Qin Feng, and I heard that the first time he appeared was that he fell from a height of 10,000 miles, and then killed a god of disobedience! Of course, the people of the Red Bronze Black Cross were honored to witness this scene!"

"What about his life, and what about the abilities he used?"

Hearing this, the Ganji Dongma shook his head and said, "The new king's past is blank, and no one knows which country he comes from!"

"That's it!" Hearing this, Yuri Wanli nodded!

When she was about to use her spiritual vision to look at Qin Feng's past, she found that she couldn't see anything in the white expanse!


Tomorrow, Qin Feng will take Erica and the two to Japan!

For Erica's sake, who has been waiting for her hard these days, Qin Feng agreed to meet with the high-level of the Bronze Black Cross at Erica's request, and the agreed location was in the Roman Arena!

The night is getting deeper, and the stars are hanging high in the night sky!

Qin Feng and Erica went to the hills near the famous Colosseum, in the distant A.D., the founding of Rome was surrounded by seven hills, which is quite famous in history, this is called Palatine Hill, one of the seven hills of Rome, once a high-end residential area in the republican period, but also a corner of the palace during the imperial period, and now it is just a ruin near the famous tourist attraction Colosseum, quietly deserted.

The ruins of buildings made of bricks, the paths also paved with bricks, strolling among the ruins, Qin Feng looked around with great interest and paid attention to the surrounding scenery... 11

"King, do you really intend to give the Gorgon Stone to the Goddess?" asked Erica, still unrelenting!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, now Erica grabbed Qin Feng's wrist, the whole fierce stick was attached to the arm, extremely soft, and the two looked like intimate couples!

"But the goddess is the oldest god of disobedience!" Erica said again, she leaned close to Qin Feng and began to murmur in her ear.

In the face of the seductive goblin's intimate behavior, Qin Feng's heart was also ready to move!

"I'm also the strongest god killer!" Qin Feng sneered, in fact, Qin Feng didn't plan to kill Athena, but to put her in the harem!

Soon, the two of them came to an open space! The huge, slender walls in front of them, perhaps the magnificent walls of the palace in the past, were almost surrounded by round stone pillars lying horizontally, only a few of them were still standing, and surrounded by these was a red clearing, where three first-arrived guests were waiting.

First of all, there are two old men, who should be the commander of the Mochida Black Cross that Erica said, and one of them is Erica's grandfather.

Then there was a young man, who, like Erica, was the Great Knight.

Erica came to an old man and said, "Grandfather, his name is Qin Feng, and he is the seventh god killer!"

"First meeting, Lord Xinwang!" the two said in fear, and the young man lowered his head!

In the face of powerful godslayers, they have no power to resist!

As for sneak attacks or something, Qin Feng didn't need to be guarded against at all, because every god killer and god would enjoy the blessings of the gods, and the level of attack had not reached a certain level, and there was no way to break through the defense!

"What are you looking for me?" Qin Feng smiled faintly and asked!

"I heard that the new king wants to fight the ancient goddess with the strongest posture, so we...!"

"Are you afraid that I will fail?" Hearing this, Qin Feng narrowed his eyes, and in the sky, dark clouds shrouded him, and thunder rolled!

A thundercloud began to gather rapidly in the distant sky, directly below the Colosseum.

In the thunderclouds, the light of thunder flashed continuously, and just by looking at it, you could imagine the power of it.

"No, no, no, the king misunderstood! We are not questioning your decision!" The three who knew that if they didn't speak at this time, the matter would definitely be big!

"We definitely didn't mean that!"

"Oh!" Qin Feng nodded, put down his hand with relief, and the thunderclouds began to disperse.

Erica was also drenched in cold sweat, when the dark clouds were thick just now, she really felt the infinite power brewing on the thunderclouds!

They already felt that the man in front of them, like the Marquis of Vaubana, was a very dangerous king!

"It's good if the Stone of Gorgon stays with me!I'll take care of it!" After Qin Feng dropped a sentence, his body turned into a bolt of lightning and then disappeared!

"Erica, then the new king will be handed over to you!" said the three of them after meeting the new king, and said to Erica!

"Hmm!" Erica nodded, "but what if the new king does hand over the Gorgon Stone?"

"I heard that tomorrow the new king will leave for Japan?"

"Hmm!" Erica nodded, her bags were ready!

"Then let him take the Stone of Gorgon to Japan and mess around!"

In this way, Qin Feng and Erica embarked on a journey to Japan!


Qin Feng, who has power, can go anywhere on the earth in an instant, but Qin Feng chooses the means of transportation like an airplane!

Soon, the plane landed in Japan!

Erica who came out holding Qin Feng's arm found that there were so many people who greeted the new king, but this is not surprising, there are almost 10 billion people in the world, and only seven people stand at the top of the world, and it is appropriate and reasonable to treat Qin Feng's arrival with such etiquette!

Of course, although Qin Feng knew the dignity of the king's identity, he didn't expect that so many people would come to greet him!

Now the whole airport is full of people, inside and out, all of them are people from some government departments, and there are also people from the three major families!

"It seems that the Japanese government has done me a great favor!" Qin Feng remembered what Erica had said to him before leaving!

["Lord Qin Feng, can you tell me the purpose of your coming to Japan?"

"It can't be for that ordinary high school student!"

"Then you don't have to go to Japan, because the high school called Godo died and was forced to die by the Japanese government!"

When he heard that Hutang was dead, Qin Feng secretly clapped his hands and applauded!

I was still struggling with how to get rid of Godo without arousing Shizuka's hatred, but I didn't expect Gotang to commit suicide directly under the coercion of the Japanese government! Although it is said that the Japanese government forced Gotang to die because of its own relationship, and Gotang's death has a lot to do with himself, but after all, he didn't kill himself!

And he didn't say that he wanted to kill the gotang, but the Japanese government's group of pennies made their own decisions and forced the gotang to death!

Although Godo is dead, he still wants to go to Japan!

After getting off the plane, as he expected, a man named Ganji Dongma walked up! (Read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Dear Wang, please allow me to introduce myself, my name is Ganji Dongma, and I am the person in charge of your time in Japan!" said Ganji Dongma!

"Hmm!" he knew that the middle-aged man who appeared in the anime, Ganji Fuyuma was a descendant of ninjas, and his hiding technique was very powerful!

"This is Wanli Gu Yuri, the witch we have dedicated to you! You can enjoy it with confidence!" In fact, it is also a helpless move for the Ganji Winter Horse to do this, Wanli Valley Yuri is a very good witch, but it is also because of her excellence, which has brought her a lot of trouble, the most obvious is that the Marquis of Vauban used them to summon the god of disobedience, and the guy of the Marquis of Vauban will definitely capture Wanli Valley Yuri again, and summon the god of disobedience, even if it is successful, there are very few witches who can survive, which can be regarded as a disguised protection for Wanli Valley Yuri!

Wanli Gu Yuli didn't speak, obviously, she knew what Ganji Dongma was going to say in advance, and she also accepted Ganyu Dongma's statement!

Qin Feng looked at the girl behind the Gansu Winter Horse, dressed in a white small sleeve shirt and a crimson pleated skirt, her appearance was very good-looking, the color of her hair was not so much black as black pearls, it was closer to coffee, it was not deliberately dyed, but she was born with such light-colored hair!

"Honorable King!" This time, Wanli Gu Youli saw Qin Feng's appearance up close, with black hair, and a slight smile, very good-looking, and very evil!

Wanli Gu Yuri's face couldn't help but turn red!

Seeing a woman who was not inferior to her in appearance, Erica was a little surprised, this Japan is really shameless, in order to keep the king in Japan, even the beauty trick was used, but as everyone knows, her own appearance next to Qin Feng is also the beauty strategy of the red bronze black cross, but Erica positioned herself as Qin Feng's first wife, so she didn't notice it!

Now, Erica was a little surprised, she couldn't figure out, since the guardians were dead, then the king should not have any reason to come to Japan! But why did he still come to Japan!

However, no matter what, this is the king she has a crush on, no matter what, she will not let a woman snatch Qin Feng!

"Very good, then you can stay by my side!" Qin Feng smiled at Wanli Gu Youli!

Seeing that Qin Feng accepted Wanli Gu Yuri, Gan Ji Dongma finally breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he accepted Wan Li Gu Yuri, it means that he accepted Japan's goodwill!

"Forgive us, honorable king!!" said the horse's tone, and he became sincerely frightened!

Hearing this man's words, Erica knew that he was going to mention the suicide of the Guardian Hall, in a sense, this is indeed considered Japan's incompetence, Qin Feng had already formulated to ask Qin Feng to deal with the matter of the Guardian Hall, but the Japanese government did not protect the Guardian Hall, and before the king came to Japan, the Guardian had already committed suicide!

"I can't let them pass like this!" Erica narrowed her eyes, now that Qin Feng has accepted the woman presented by the Japanese government, Qin Feng definitely doesn't care about this little thing!

"Gan Ji Dongma, right!" Before Qin Feng could speak, Erica spoke! "You're talking about the suicide of the boy who guards the hall! This matter is really your Japanese incompetence! Even the person designated by the king can't look down on it!"

"May I ask who you are...?" said Ganji Fuyuma a little annoyed when she heard Erica's words!

"I am the king's knight, and I am also the king's lover!" said Erica proudly!

"So you are the king's lover, but even if you are the king's lover, do you want to be above the king?" said the horseman without hurry!

"You... Where am I going to be above the king, you don't have to bring me a hat!" Hearing this, Erica said with a red face!

"The king has not expressed his opinion, but you have spoken and spoken, isn't this above the king!"

For the first time, Erica learned that this group of Japanese dwarfs is not so easy to get along with, they are articulate, and their hats are buttoned down in an orderly manner!

"Okay, don't argue, forget about that little thing!" Qin Feng waved his hand!

"This, Wang, although Hutang committed suicide, we have already arrested Hutang's sister!" After speaking, two men walked up with a girl of about 14, Qin Feng recognized that this girl was Hutang's sister, in the original book, Hutang's sister was a pungent, unreasonable, and very cheerful master, but now she was silent, and she knew that Hutang's death hit her hard!

"What do you mean by that?" Qin Feng frowned and asked!

"This, we want to...!" Seeing Qin Feng frowning, Gan Ji Dongma knew that he was already displeased, and said, "We know that Hutang has collided with the king, but Hutang's sister can replace her brother and atone for his sins!"

In addition, Wanli Valley Yuri is a little unbearable, the Japanese government forced the death of the Hutang is very unkind, and now he has arrested his sister, it is a big mistake, the king has not spoken, he will be in a mess first, but the Japanese government also has 750 of its own concerns, he is responsible for 100 million people, if the new king is angry with Japan because of the matter of the Hutang, then 100 million people in Japan will die, in a word, if the death of the Hutang can be exchanged for the safety of 100 million people, then the Japanese government will not hesitate to choose to sacrifice the Hutang!

"Wang, I think the king is a powerful king, the guards are all dead, but his sister is innocent!" After thinking about it, Youli still mustered up his courage and said to Qin Feng!

"Youli!" Seeing Youli express his opinion without authorization, Ganji Dongma's face turned pale, if this caused the king's dissatisfaction, then everything he had done before was in vain!

"Hehe, what's your name?" Looking at Youli, Qin Feng smiled slightly! But countless black clouds had already condensed towards the airport, and among them was lightning and thunder!

Seeing this situation, Erica pursed her lips, thinking that she deserved it, that a good situation had been ruined by this witch who didn't know the height of the sky! I guess this guy's intestines were all repentant! Erica's eyes fell on the sweet winter horse, he definitely didn't expect that the witch he found would fight with Wang Yili in such a public place!

"My name is Wanli Valley Yuri, Wang!" said Yuri respectfully although he was afraid!

"What you said makes a lot of sense!" Qin Feng smiled again, and suddenly, the dark clouds in the sky dispersed, and the sky cleared again!"I didn't plan to do anything about that young man called Hutang? It's just that he hit me in Italy, so I just want to punish him a little, I didn't expect him to die because of this! As for his sister, bring her over!"

"Hmm!" Seeing that the king was no longer angry, the Ganji winter horse breathed a sigh of relief!

"Wang!" Yuri exclaimed, thinking that the king didn't want to let go of his sister!

At this time, the younger sister of the guard, Jinghua, was brought up by two men in black!

"You two go down!" Qin Feng waved his hand, and saw the handcuffs in Jinghua's hand, and with a little finger, the handcuffs were broken!

"Are you okay!" Qin Feng looked at Jinghua, who was a little haggard, and said softly!

"You... You are the king of their mouths!" Jinghua looked at Qin Feng and said coldly, without much respect in her tone!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded!

"Wang, although you helped me, my brother also died because of you, and I will not be grateful to you!"

On the side, the sweet meal winter horse wiped the cold sweat, this girl dared to talk to the king like this, she was really tired!

"You're the sister of the high school student who committed suicide!" Qin Feng smiled, nodded Jinghua's forehead, and said, "You are more unreasonable than the king! I didn't kill your brother!"

"You don't kill Beren, but Beren will die because of you!" Jinghua said again: "I know you are telling the truth, but you are the fuse, but what I hate the most is the government, they actually forced my brother to death in order to please you!" After speaking, Jinghua's face became hideous, and there was an extra knife in her hand!

Shizuka turned around and stabbed towards the nearest Ganyu Winter Horse!

"You hateful government officials, I'm going to kill you all!" said Shizuka with hatred!

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