The Stone of Gorgon had fallen into the hands of that fellow, and Athena had this instinct as she stepped on the rubble of the Colosseum.

There is still the breath of the Stone of Gorgon here, and the condensed and frenzied weather energy seems to be the power of Mecal, and now it has become the power of the god-killer who met!

More than a hundred people around were visiting the surrounding attractions, but none of them were aware of her existence, and ordinary mortals could not even notice her presence.

The disciples of Hermes, magicians in human terms, entrusted the Stone of Gorgon to the godkiller who did not know what to do.

That godkiller doesn't seem to have given him the Stone of Gorgon as promised!

But forget it, since the Stone of Gorgon has left Italy, it's good to catch up with it yourself!

She will not fail to find the Stone of Gorgon, and the Serpent has an incorruptible bond with her, and this bond will lead her to the Serpent's side.

"What I ask for is the Stone of Gorgon, which used to be carved on my shield, and where I reside in the memory of the ancient serpent. "Naturally, old songs are sung in the mouth.

"What I ask for is the Stone of Gorgon. Lead me on a journey that disobeys the Queen, O ancient serpent, and grant me once again the wisdom of the shadows, the earth, and the heavens. And just like that, Athena crossed the ocean and embarked on a journey to Japan!


"You girl!" Jinghua is an ordinary person, naturally it is impossible to kill the Ganji Winter Horse who is proficient in ninjutsu! Although it is a surprise attack, but because Jinghua is an ordinary person, it did not achieve the effect of a sneak attack, and the palm of the Ganji Winter Horse was raised, and an enchantment appeared on the ground, controlling Jinghua inside!

"The new king forgives the sin, let you see such an indecent scene!" After subduing Jinghua, Ganji Dongma immediately said!

"I'll take this girl down at once!" said Gan Ji Dongma again and again!

"Who said they were going to take her down!" Qin Feng glanced at Jinghua with interest and said, "This girl is very interesting, follow me in the future!" After speaking, Jinghua's enchantment shattered! Without the confinement of the enchantment, Jinghua once again rushed in front of the Ganji Winter Horse with a knife, and she vowed to kill this person who killed her brother!

Ganji Dongma didn't dare to fight back, and he didn't dare to imprison Jinghua again, because Qin Feng said that this girl would follow him, that is to say, this girl would become his woman, when he thought of being remembered by the king's woman, Ganji Dongma felt a little like crying without tears, and this crime was also very wronged, he was forced to die for the king!

But fortunately, it is better to be hated by the king's woman than by the king, like the guard, without the king doing it himself, the protector chose to commit suicide!

"Hmm!" Ganji Dongma really took a few knives from Jinghua, looking at the bright red liquid left behind!

Because he didn't dare to resist, the Ganji Winter Horse was seriously injured by Jinghua, but Jinghua didn't want to let the Ganji Winter Horse go like this, and was about to stab him in the neck and end his life!

But Jinghua found that her body suddenly couldn't move!

Soon, Jinghua knew the reason, and the only one who could do this was the king! Seeing the king save himself, the sweet meal winter horse breathed a sigh of relief, but he thought that this little girl was so ruthless that she would really want her own life!

"Okay, little girl Jinghua, he has already received the punishment he deserves!" Qin Feng said lightly!

"To be duly punished, what about my brother's death?"

"You can't blame anyone for your brother's death!" Qin Feng smiled and said: "The Japanese government didn't want to hurt your brother's life, and I just want to punish it, but your brother's mental quality is too poor, well, I can only blame your brother's psychological quality is too poor!"

"Hmph!" Jinghua thought about it, and said the same thing! But she was still very dissatisfied with the Japanese government!

"Wang, may I ask if there is anything that can help you!" Jinghua asked as the three holes left on his body were still bleeding, and the Ganji Winter Horse was still holding on!

"There's nothing fun to do in Japan!" Qin Feng muttered!

"Don't say that, there are so many fun places in Japan, and there are so many scenic spots!" said Ganji Fuyuma again!

"These are not interesting!" Qin Feng smiled, "It's better to live here for a while and experience life!"

"That's good!" Qin Feng's request also met the requirements of the Japanese government and the three major families, and Ganji Dongma hurriedly said!

"Well, you can go through an admission procedure for me, two people, me and Erica!" Qin Feng smiled, and then said to Ariana on the other side: "Ariana, the daily life matters in the future will be handed over to you!"

"Then I don't know which school the king is going to attend?" asked the horse.

"Which school is Youli in?" Qin Feng asked!

"Private Chengnan College!"

"Then let's enroll in this room too!" Qin Feng said with a final word!

After seeing that Jinghua was really fine, Wanli Gu Yuri breathed a sigh of relief! She and Jinghua knew each other, they both went to school at the private Chengnan College, although they were in different classes, but they were both members of the tea ceremony club, so they knew each other!

Erica looked at her sister Jinghua and sighed a little, this little girl is really lucky! She actually won the king's favor in this way! But she also admitted that this kind of unexpected behavior can really attract the king's attention, but the slightest carelessness will also cause the king's anger!

Now I can only say that this little girl is lucky!

Soon, Qin Feng and Erica were taken to a luxurious villa, the environment is very beautiful, the courtyard is also large, it seems that Japan is very well prepared in order to receive the king!!

Although Ganji Dongma didn't know why Qin Feng wanted to enter school, but thinking of Wang's age, in addition to his noble status, Wang was just a teenager!

In fact, half of the semester's courses have already been taken, and transfer students should not be accepted, but this is not difficult for Gansu Dongma, and soon, Gansu Dongma will be arranged, of course, Qin Feng's identity needs to be kept secret!


This day is Qin Feng's first day of school!

"Qin Feng, what do you think of my costume?" Now Erica's address to Qin Feng is more intimate, which comes from another intimate exchange and contact yesterday night!

"Isn't it good?!" Now Erica has changed into the uniform of the private Chengnan Academy, and her long golden hair with a red luster is very beautiful, giving people the impression of some kind of luxurious crown, but the part that attracts her attention is not only that, the most striking thing should be the gorgeous aura that she exudes from her whole body, and the unruly and noble self-esteem that she thinks attracts everyone's attention is a perfect balance between the two, and the domineering look on her face.

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, Erica, who had received higher education since she was a child and learned aristocratic etiquette, naturally had a temperament that others couldn't match!

"Then let's go!" Erica grabbed Qin Feng's arm as always!

At this time, a class of Chengnan Academy exploded!

"I've heard that some students are going to transfer to our class!"

"It's not possible! it's been more than half a semester!" one of them muttered in disbelief!

"Hehe, I heard what the class guide said, it can't be fake!"

"You're eavesdropping on the class guide!"

"Hmph, it's true anyway!"

"It's unbelievable to say that!

"What's the matter, I heard that it's a beautiful woman from Italy, now it's blessed! A two-dimensional creature like this is absolutely rare! I heard that it's still a noble lady!"

"Hey, it's a pity, why isn't there a handsome guy!" Seeing a certain acne man speak, another female compatriot couldn't help it!

"No, there is also a male compatriot! because there are two transfer students! The other is a man, but I still like Italian beauties!"

In the class, many students were discussing lively, but Wanli Gu Youli was worried!

When she got up this morning to comb her hair, she found that her comb was broken, which means that the future she sees is approaching step by step!

"How can we stop the new king?"

At this time, there was a sound of clapping, and the sound was made by the female head teacher of this class, who was standing on the podium at this time.

"Okay, everyone, please note, I would like to introduce you to the transfer students. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Beside her, a blonde girl stood there, her face was beautiful and delicate to the extreme, and her figure was even more criminal, for this age, this was simply a foul figure, and then, a black-haired teenager also walked in, compared to Erica, Qin Feng's good looks also received a lot of women's attention!

"It's so beautiful!" a man sighed!

"The man is so handsome!" the woman was also stunned!

"Hello everyone, I'm Erica Balonetree, the first thing I need to explain is!" "Inheriting the title of her uncle,Become a new generation of red demons in the magic worldThe Italian genius beautiful girl introduced to a group of ordinary high school students in her opinion.,In terms of action etiquette,It's completely impeccable,But in terms of content,It's bold and can't,At least in the ears of the high school students present,It's just exciting!

She directly grabbed Qin Feng's wrist and said, "I have a lifelong appointment, and it is the king by my side, Lord Qin Feng!"

Erica's blunt declaration stunned all the boys in the class, and the girls were stunned!

"Is the crush that hasn't started yet going to be stillborn!" This was the inner thought of all the male creatures, and they all looked at Qin Feng with hatred!

"Wang, is that man a prince!" Compared with the boys, the women are much more attentive and sensitive to Erica's words!

"Oh, O prince, which country is the prince?"

"Family background, appearance, can be called perfect, is it really a winner in life?" The male animals came back to their senses and couldn't help complaining!

Of course, Erica's shocking act was not over, and she walked up to her sweetheart and tiptoed to offer her fragrant kiss when almost everyone was stunned.

The female teacher was also stunned, she seemed to be the first time she had seen such a crazy girl!

"Please... Please don't behave in public like that!"

"Hehe, it's Youli's classmate!" Erica already hung her hands around Qin Feng's neck, and said very affectionately: "Isn't Youli used to seeing my intimacy with Wang, or do you want to try it yourself!"

"Hmph, I... I'm not as shameless as you!" Yuri has this inexplicable hatred for this foreigner!

"If my shamelessness can bring pleasure to the king, I can be more shameless!" Erica laughed frankly!

"Okay, don't make a fuss!" Qin Feng said lightly! Qin Feng didn't dislike Erica's approach, and he didn't stop it, because Erica's showdown would stop many beast men who didn't know the height of the sky and wanted to confess, after all, Erica's appearance was there, which also made Qin Feng worry a lot!

The king's woman can't be coveted by others!!

After a short farce, Qin Feng and Erica found a place to sit down! Listening to the teacher's nagging on it, Qin Feng suddenly felt that these courses were too boring! As a god killer, his ability to accept knowledge can be said to be unforgettable, no, more exaggerated than unforgettable, just like a camera, he can copy what he sees and hears in his mind, if it were changed in his previous life, he has this ability, and the identity of the top student is estimated to fall on his head!!

And now, whether it is "Bloodthirsty Attack" or "God Slayer", he is the one who stands at the top of the world!

Going to school is just a pastime for him!

As soon as class ended, Erica was glued!

"'Please don't do such a rude thing to the king!'" At this time, Yuri also came up and said angrily!

"Oh, are you jealous of the witch, have you been conquered by the king's charm?!" said Erica with a smug face!

"What are you kidding!" Yuri's face turned red, and he hurriedly denied it like fried hair!

"Okay, don't play tricks on Youli!" Qin Feng smiled and stood up!

"King, can you go up to the rooftop with me?"

"Then I'll go with you!" said Erica immediately!

"No, you can't go!" Yuri snorted!

"Hmph, do you want to be alone with the king? I won't let you get away with it!" said Erica, who didn't want to!

The two women don't give in to each other, and in the eyes of other boys, their nature has changed!

"What kind of rhythm is this, is she also depraved?" said one of the boys, jealously!

"No, my Yuri!" Indeed, Yuri is a recognized beauty in high school, and is very popular with boys! Like Erica, they are both beautiful women with natural beauty, of course, the two of them have very different temperaments, if Erica is a huge camellia, then this outstanding temperament Yuri is as cute as a blooming cherry blossom.

Qin Feng knew that Youli had spiritual vision, and he should have known that he had brought the Stone of Gorgon to Japan, but Qin Feng did not refuse her invitation!

In this way, the two came to the rooftop where few people were in the envious eyes of others!

"Please forgive me for my rudeness, (Zhao Hao) you and I have come to this place. As soon as he came up, Yuri bowed deeply and said.

"Then you came to me alone, what do you want to talk to me?"

"Yes, because I may say something to offend the king next, so I am alone, if my gaffe offends you, it is only my sin, please raise your noble hand and vent your anger on me alone!"

However, Youli thought about it a lot, Qin Feng wanted to kill Hutang because he was the original owner, not because of the majesty of the king or anything, it was only a year from crossing over to the blood-devouring attack, Qin Feng was not so pretentious, of course, if someone really died, he wouldn't mind killing a few guys who weren't long-eyed, but in general, Qin Feng rarely dealt with ordinary people, if you want to say the reason, it is that he is a person of the world!

"I really hope that you, as the Demon King, can calm your anger after killing me, and in any case, please don't kill innocent people for fun, and I will bear all the blame alone. Yuri complained in awe.

"Okay, don't say these things seriously!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "I'm not as brutal as you think!

"Well, did you bring an artifact from Italy, can you show it to me?" Yuri hesitated and thought for a moment, and said!

"Are you spying on me?" Hearing this, Qin Feng said with some displeasure! Every king will attract the attention of the world's forces, and Qin Feng is no exception, but he doesn't want to live under surveillance every day, and he also knows that the Japanese Official History Compilation Committee is a secret organization controlled by Japanese spellcasters and psychic powers, and it should be able to do this!!

"No... Don't get me wrong!" Hearing this, Youli hurriedly shook his head and said!

"I'm just a spiritual vision, and I can see the future intermittently, Wang You will bring a lot of harm to Tokyo, and the fuse is the magic tool in your hand!"

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