At this time, in a Gothic-style western-style building, the bronze and black cross stationed!

"What can I do about this? I didn't expect to attract that demon king!" Liliana's grandfather, with a bitter face, muttered, and Liliana is a beautiful girl with a sword fairy, her appearance is not below Erica, her shrewdness is on par with Erica, she is omnipotent in housework, but she is extremely bad at political negotiations.

"Good luck with the Bronze Black Cross!" the other old man muttered!

"Well, that's right, in that case, you can actually meet the new king, the red bronze black cross is really good luck to come home!"

"Liliana, what do you think?"

"Since the Marquis of Woban wants us to serve, I'll go over and help him!"

"No, that guy's purpose is obvious, it's to summon the God of Disobedience, and in this way, you'll die!" Liliana's grandfather sighed!

"That's better than the destruction of the entire Bronze Black Cross!" Liliana was already planning to sacrifice herself to save the Bronze Black Cross!

"Hey, Liliana, thank you for your hard work!" "In the face of the godkiller's request, they can't refuse, and they don't dare to refuse, otherwise they will face the wrath of the godkiller, and now the only way is to sacrifice Liliana, because four years ago, among the witches summoned by the Marquis of Warban who did not obey the gods, there was Liliana, the survivor~!

"Why wasn't it you who met the new king!If it were you, you wouldn't...!" Liliana's grandfather sighed again!

"Is the new king powerful?" asked Liliana! Although she knew that a seventh king had been born, she was not very sure about the strength of the new king!

"Well, it's very powerful, I don't know the exact situation, I heard that after he became a god killer, he killed two gods again, one of them was a god of war, and the other was a god king!" Liliana's grandfather continued, "and he has recently sent a war letter to the Marquis of Voban!"

"He wants to challenge Marquis Voban, what's the matter?" At this moment, Liliana was stunned, although he said that he had killed two gods, but Marquis Voban had been a god killer for more than two hundred years, and the number of gods he killed was definitely more than two, how could the new king be so irrational!

"The new king seems to be very dissatisfied with Marquis Woban's approach, openly saying that Marquis Woban is a senile shit, and also let the Japanese official history committee spread what he said, and now the entire wizarding world should know about it!


"I don't know, I also think the new king is acting impulsively!" Hearing this, Liliana's grandfather shook his head!

Liliana thought for a moment and said, "Grandfather, do you think which side has a better chance of winning this battle?"

"Marquis de Vauban! he is a two-hundred-year-old king after all!"

"No, my thoughts are just the opposite, the new king can kill two gods, he must have his strength, even if he can't win against the Marquis of Woban, he won't necessarily lose!"

"And what do you mean...?"

"I think we can take refuge in the new king!" said Liliana solemnly!

"Isn't it a joke to take refuge in the new king, we are still under the command of the King of Swords!"

"It's the same as Erica's approach, if there is no organization involved, I can become the knight of the new king alone!"

"Yes, that's fine!" Grandfather thought about it and thought it was very feasible!

"But Liliana, can you guarantee that you will be favored by the new king?" said the grandfather the most important question!

"If Erica can, then so can I!" She and Erica are mortal enemies, and what Erica can do, she believes she can do too!

"Okay, I'll reply to the Demon King like this!" Grandfather nodded, Marquis of Woban must know about the disrespect of the Righteous Path King to him, so Marquis of Woban definitely didn't have time to trouble the Bronze Black Cross, but put most of his mind on the Righteous Path King!


The location is back to the rooftop of Jonan Gakuin in Tokyo!

Youli has become Qin Feng's knight!

"King of the Righteous Path, what are you going to do with the Stone of Gorgon!?" Two days have passed since that day's conversation, and the Stone of Gorgon is still in his hands, and Qin Feng's insult to the Marquis of Voban has spread throughout the magic world!

Now, Youli has called Qin Feng with a new title!

"Of course, it's for the things to be returned to their original owners!" Qin Feng smiled faintly!

"Ahh This will kill a lot of people!Wang, please think twice!" Hearing Qin Feng speak, Youli said anxiously!

"Hehe, it's not a bad thing to give back to the God of Disobedience!" Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and continued: "Can you see the ownership of this Gorgon Stone? In fact, it belongs to Athena, the goddess of wisdom and war!"

"Athena, how is this possible? she should be the enemy of the snake god!"

"Athena Trinity, no, not yet, only by giving her the Stone of Gorgon can she be considered a Trinity, the real Athena!"

"In that case, you can't hand over the Gorgon Stone!"

"Why not! Because she was deprived of age and status, she will not obey, as long as she returns this, she will be reborn, and when the time comes, she may return to the realm of mythology, and solve this trouble without blood, why not!" Qin Feng said lightly!

Athena, in Greek mythology, she was at odds with Poseidon, the king of the seas. But it does not hate the sea, because both the sea and the earth are deeply related to its deprived nature, which is the source of life.

What she really hated was the sun, the shining light, the glorious Sky Throne, the things that really made the Queen of the Night unpleasant.

Of course, that's just her idea of not turning back into a real Athena!

Now, Youli has been fooled again, what Qin Feng said is very reasonable, this is Youri's thoughts, if Athena, the god of disobedience, can really return to the realm of mythology, then Tokyo will also be spared, but from the future he sees in his spiritual vision, he knows that Qin Feng will most likely fail, he will fight with the god of disobedience, and then affect the whole of Tokyo!

"But my vision...!" said Uri after a pause!

"Have you ever thought that you only see the end of Tokyo in the future, but not the cause of things, if I don't hand over the Stone of Gorgon, Athena will also find me, and then we will have a fight!" Qin Feng smiled!

Hearing this, Yuri was stunned, it was true, she only saw the result, but not the cause, both causes could lead to the destruction of Tokyo, because whether it is given or not, it is possible to fight, if you don't give it, you will definitely have to fight, and if you hand it over, you may fight!

"Nothing can change the future!"

"Don't worry! There are some things that can't be stopped by manpower, just do your best!" Qin Feng smiled slightly and said comfortingly!

Youli has now fully accepted Qin Feng, the king of the righteous path, and Erica, who knows that Qin Feng is really facing, is being questioned by her grandfather Paul at this time!

"What, grandfather, what are you talking about?" Erica was a little surprised! It had been two days since she met with Youli, but Qin Feng didn't reveal a word to herself what was chatting at that time, and Erica didn't want to ask, but she didn't expect it to be such a trouble, the new king insulted the demon king Marquis Woban, denounced his cruelty, and then won the title of the king of righteousness!

Conflict with Lao Wang, such a big thing, why didn't Qin Feng discuss it with himself! Erica was a little depressed, since Youli appeared, she felt that her status was snatched away by that hateful Youli! But Youli is a beauty whose appearance is not inferior to her in the slightest, and because of her gentle appearance, it is easier to get the king's favor than herself!

Now Erica sees Qin Feng and Youli going in and out, and she looks extremely surprised!

"You, as the king's knight, don't know this?" Paul looked astonished!

"I don't know!" said Erica with some frustration!

"Erica, are you in trouble?" asked Grandfather!

"Grandfather, you don't know, the Japanese side is really powerful, and the beauty trick was used at the beginning, and now the new king seems to have a crush on that woman!"

"There is a woman who can compete with my granddaughter?!" Paul smiled kindly!

"That's... That one...... Isn't she just a little gentle, when it comes to beauty, I'm still better than her!" Hearing this, Erica said with a flushed face!

"Well, I see!" Paul nodded, "I'll find someone to help you!"


"Why not! If this continues, the new king will stay in Japan, didn't you say that the new king likes gentle women?"

"But... But I...!" Erica thought to herself!

"Erica, I know what you want to say, you don't have to deliberately change your personality, just feel free!"

"Then grandfather, who are you going to send?"

"Liliana!" Paul laughed!

"It's her, but isn't she a bronze black cross?" Hearing this, Erica asked in surprise!

"Hehe, the old man of the bronze black cross found me, and the conditions offered were not bad, so I agreed, you can remember to introduce Liliana in front of the new king!"

"What!" After hanging up the phone, Erica muttered, "Am I not gentler than Liliana!"

At this time, the bronze black cross stationed!

"Liliana, I've got everything done, you can leave for Japan now!"

"Go now?" Hearing this, Liliana was stunned!

"Well, when you go to Japan, look for Erica, and she'll introduce you to the new king!" said grandfather.

"Grandfather, have you gone to ask for the person of the red bronze black cross?" Hearing this, Liliana's face was a little ugly, red copper has always been the enemy of bronze, and now grandfather is going to ask for the red copper black cross, thinking that he is also in a very uncomfortable mood!

"It's not a bargain!" Grandfather muttered and said, "Liliana, you have to fight, I heard that Erica can't compete with the Japanese shrine maiden, so this is your great opportunity, you fight for the favor of the new king, and then explain to him the current situation of the Bronze Black Cross, hoping that he will lend a helping hand, in addition, the Bronze Black Cross also needs his help!"

"Well, I know it all!" Liliana nodded, and said, she was ready to defeat Erica, the nemesis she had grown up!

Immediately after, Liliana embarks on her journey to Japan alone!


It's night, the Witch Goddess Society, Qin Feng, Erica, and Yuri are already waiting for Athena's arrival!

The Stone of Gorgon has the breath of a serpent, and Athena, as the god of disobedience, will definitely find it, and it is a very simple matter!

Sure enough, ten minutes later, Qin Feng reunited with the silver-haired girl, Athena, the god of disobedience! No, Athena was wearing a thin sweater, miniskirt, and over-the-knee stockings, and a blue beanie hat on her silver hair, and the sea breeze blew the light of her silver hair, like a bright moon that illuminated the night sky!

"It's been a long time, Godkiller, and it's a pleasure to be with you again. "Athena's crisp soprano voice speaks classical words.

"Hmm!" Qin Feng smiled slightly and said, "I'm waiting for you!"

"You want to kill me and gain my power!" Athena squinted, smiled, and said, "It just so happens that I am the goddess of war and victory, and there will be a battle between me and the god killer!"

"I don't want to kill you!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "Have you forgotten the agreement between us?!"

"No!" Hearing this, Athena shook her head and said, "But as the god son of Epimetheus, you will make a pact with the god of disobedience, and you are really a rare god killer." "

Hearing this, the two girls were stunned, when did the righteous king have a gambling contract with Athena?

Looking at the puzzled looks of the two women, Qin Feng explained: "We agreed to fight, if I win, then she has to listen to me!"

"That's it!" the two daughters suddenly realized!

"King Righteous Path, can you not fight in the city of Tokyo?" Yuri said after a moment's hesitation!

"This is natural!" Qin Feng smiled, since you want to be hypocritical, then hypocrisy is better in the end! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Let's report your name first, the concubine is the god with the name of Athena, you must keep it in mind in the future, and the god killer, please also report your name!"

"Your name, concubine, hears your ears. "

"Qin Feng!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "Can you change the venue to fight!" Qin Feng didn't say the names of Youli and Erica, because he knew that a noble creature like a god would not take ants to heart, and even if he introduced it, Athena would choose to ignore it!

"Hmm!" Athena nodded and said, "I didn't expect you, as a godslayer, to have this conscience!"

"Then let's go!" Qin Feng soon came to the open space on the outskirts of Tokyo! Perhaps because he knew that Athena's God of Disobedience was coming, the Japanese Orthodox Committee had cleared a large space here in advance for Qin Feng to fight with the God of Disobedience!

"Okay, Qin Feng, you can hand over the Stone of Gorgon to me!" Athena stretched out her little hand and said!

The two talked without anyone else, and Erica on the side kept her distance little by little, avoiding herself from standing between Qin Feng and Athena, and at the same time, the corners of her mouth began to murmur slightly!

Qin Feng knew that the arrogant Erica was quite dissatisfied with this goddess, and she was dissatisfied with the neglect of her by others, even if the other party was a god!

"The Stone of Gorgon can be given to you, but you have to defeat the knights around me!" Qin Feng laughed again, he knew that Erica was very dissatisfied with Athena, so he spoke!

"With all due respect, mortals can't match the power of a concubine, even a magician!"

"I... Can I really fight the gods?" Hearing this, Erica swallowed a mouthful of saliva and said in a trembling voice!

"As my knight, you have to have this courage!!" Qin Feng smiled slightly, "Now I'll give you the power to rival the gods!" After speaking, Qin Feng hugged Erica and went to her lips!

Erica's eyes widened, and her whole body lay softly in Qin Feng's arms!

Now that Qin Feng has used the power of protection, in an instant, Erica feels that her whole body is full of power, different from magic, this is a very pure power, more powerful than magic, it is divine power, Erica who has obtained the power of protection will become a paladin holding a spear and wearing a bright red and black battle suit!

This is, Erica's change in dress made Yuri stunned!

"It's a blessing!" Soon, Yuri felt the power flowing through Erica's body, the divine power that belonged only to the Godslayer!

"It's...!" Erica herself was stunned!

"I didn't expect you to have a blessing in your power!" Athena was also stunned, then recovered and said, "Then, girl, you can already fight with me!"

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