"My God, why have you forsaken me!" said Erica, who was delighted, with a desperate voice and the strongest incantation.

"My bones are displaced, my heart is melted like wax, and you have laid me in the dust of death, and wild dogs surround me, and evil parties surround me!"

"Come quickly, O my Saviour, and deliver my soul from the sword, from the mouth of a lion, and from the horn of a buffalo!"

"We show that in the name of our lord god, we will serve the emperor at the center of the world, and praise him!" With the completion of the incantation, Erica's surroundings immediately continued to surround with desperate words, and the temperature around her body plummeted by nearly twenty degrees in an instant, and the sound of depression, sorrow, and roar that could not be heard by ordinary ears continued to accumulate into one, stopping the accumulation of cold air.

"Goddess Athena, Erica, a knight under the command of the King of the Right Path, has officially challenged you!" Erica declared in a sharp tone, the blade of the long sword in her hand facing Athena.

Hearing this, Athena turned her gaze to the human maiden for the first time.

"Hehe, it's a brave girl!" Athena narrowed her eyes and smiled!

At this point, the negative words turned into arrows and shot at Athena.

Although Erica had been blessed by Qin Feng's divine power, Athena still shook her head slightly, facing the oldest god, even if she blessed the attack, it would not be enough!

In the original book, after Erica was protected, she had the ability to fight the gods reluctantly, but only reluctantly!

At this time, Erica had already mobilized the divine power that Qin Feng had blessed her, and the power of the words and spirits she used was even higher!

"O lion of steel, I attach to him the spirit of sighing and wrath, so that it may lodge the weeping of the Son of God and the Holy Spirit, and bathe in the final blood of the Holy One, and hereby manifest the holy spear Longinus!"

Impatiently, Athena shook her body slightly, and she avoided the slash with this slight flash, but Erica's sword did not stop.

Without the slightest hesitation, the sword light of the wind and lightning kept attacking, and whenever the sword approached, Athena turned her body to dodge.

In the face of Erica's unpredictable attacks from all directions, Athena could no longer dodge, and could only use the back of her hand to block the blade swung at her wrist, which would normally cut off her wrist entirely, but the slender hand flicked her opponent's sword away like steel.

After bounced off the opponent's attack, Athena glanced at her hand and muttered, "It is worthy of being a person who dares to challenge the concubine, there is indeed a set!" In normal times, Erica could not be Athena's opponent at all, and she didn't even have the ability to hurt a single hair of her, and it was impossible for the weapon made on the ground to hurt the gods in the slightest, but after blessing Qin Fenggen's divine power, a bright red fine mark appeared on the back of Athena's hand who had blocked the heart of the lion king just now.

From the bright red streaks, blood was slowly flowing out, and a new wound appeared on the flesh that was supposed to be immortal.

Athena smiled and stared at the blood flowing from her hands and said, "It's so rare, I've forgotten how long ago I was last injured by a human." "

"Now I can have divine powers!" said Erica haughtily!

In addition, Yuri was a little surprised, she didn't expect Erica to really be able to slash Athena!

"King of the Righteous Path, I'll go to war too!" Yuri said!

"Let Erica be alone!" Qin Feng still smiled, "She can handle it!"

"Human, you're right, that sword is also a very dangerous weapon for the concubine body, but if you want to defeat the concubine body, you are still far away!"

"Holy Lance Longinus!" As soon as Athena raised her divine power, Erica immediately reacted, facing Athena, she felt like a lonely boat sailing in the sea at this time, and was in danger of being destroyed at any time, in a hurry, Erica shouted, and the long sword changed its form and turned into a spear!

Erica landed and brandished the heavy spear, poking it three times at high speed, and saw Athena provoke to retreat!

"O red cross, tear the dragon scales and rip out the guts. O knight of martyrdom, I beseech you to grant me your exploits!" After chanting the incantation, Erica shot the spear in her hand, leaving it and flying towards Athena's heart like a silver comet.

"Have you given up your resistance, girl?" Seeing the weapon flying over, Athena paused the spear with a single look, and finally broke it into a pile of fragments.

"Erica, she... She's going to lose!" Yuri said worriedly when he found out that Erica's weapons had been shattered by Athena!

"I never thought she would win!" Qin Feng smiled! Erica's strength is good, but compared to the gods, it is still a step behind!

The long sword, which had been cut into several pieces, began to move and deform again, and stood up after turning into a lion, but under the impact of Athena's divine power, the lion suddenly collapsed!

"Erica, come back, it's not up to you to deal with the next!"

Of course, Qin Feng has the power of blessing, but Erica can't use Qin Feng's power, otherwise, after Qin Feng's blessings, the godkillers would have already flown all over the sky! And the gods are not so fragile, if you want to describe it in one word, after the blessing, they have reached the peak of mortals, and they are already invincible among human magicians, and they have stepped into the god realm with one foot, but they can't match the gods no matter what!

"Hmm!" Erica nodded, knowing that she was able to fight Athena because of her blessings!

"God killer, are you finally going to make a move?" At this time, Athena's gaze fell on Qin Feng!"It is true that the part of the concubine that is the god of war in her body and mind thinks that you are an enemy and is eager to fight you, but the part that is the goddess of wisdom warns. Athena's pupils, as black as the abyss, lit up as if she was interested.

"As Athena's wisdom, tell the concubine that you are a very dangerous person, and if you attack you casually, you may be hit back with a painful response!"

"Maybe it's because you haven't become a true Athena yet!" Qin Feng narrowed his eyes!

"I'll leave this stone to you!" Qin Feng smiled and continued, "But you have to be careful! Mortis is your mother!"

"Hmm!" Athena fought what Qin Feng was saying, after taking the Stone of Gorgon, Athena's posture changed, stretching from her back, her hands and feet became longer, the cute girl's figure became a beautiful girl, and her young face gradually disappeared, just looking at her appearance, she looked like she was seventeen or eighteen years old, and her clothes changed from modern clothes to ancient white robes.

"Alright, now that I've got the Stone of Gorgon back, I'll give you a piece of advice!

"Didn't you say it!" Qin Feng shook his head and said, "As long as you lose, you have to listen to me!"

"Looks like you've chosen to fight!" Athena smiled, "Of course, if you win, I'll keep the bet!"

Athena is the goddess of the night, the goddess of the earth, and the goddess of Hades, the Trinity!

In Greek mythology, Athena's mother was named Metis, the first wife of Zeus and the goddess of wisdom, but the union of the couple was not a good story. There is a theory that Metis was raped by Zeus, who was incarnated as a fly, and thus became pregnant with Athena.

For Zeus, Metis was just an object to vent his desires, and the reason why he married her was only the result of rewriting the myth in order to maintain the image of Zeus, and after learning that Metis was pregnant, Gaia and Ouranos made a prophecy. If a boy is born, he will become a god beyond Zeus.

Zeus was afraid of the unborn child, so he swallowed Metis and the child, intending to destroy the mother and son, and at the same time absorb the wisdom of Metis for his own use, but Athena, which Metis was carrying in his womb, was born from Zeus's head.

That is to say, Athena is a goddess born at the same time as the destruction of her mother Metis, these two words have the same meaning, and they are also the names of goddesses that are deeply related to Athena, war and wisdom, the trinity composed of Metis, Medusa, and Athena. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Godslayer has a strong patience for magic, which is not only effective against enemy magic, but also harmless beneficial magic, even if it is used by a companion, the Godslayer will bounce it away, unless the magic is directly injected into the body, which is a different matter.

Qin Feng's golden sword is destined to require him to understand the birth of the other party so that the god's name can play a role, and only after understanding the knowledge of the hostile god can Qin Feng use the golden sword! Erica immediately taught Qin Feng the history and nature related to Athena in detail, and the words injected from Erica's lips conveyed a huge amount of information to Qin Feng's mind.

A huge amount of knowledge flooded into his mind, and now he knew more about Athena than he knew before!

At this time, it is far from the time of darkness, but the Trinity, known as the goddess of shadows, everywhere Athena goes, shadows, moons and stars fill the night sky together, this is Athena's power, the earth falls into shadows, and all kinds of light created by human beings cannot be lit at this moment, which is the goddess Athena's favorite time zone.

First of all, the street lamps lost their light, followed by houses, offices, complexes, shops, izakayas, neon lights, car lights, and even flashlights and small light bulbs.

All man-made light was gone, and when the man-made daylight was gone, the city was filled with pure shadows, an endless abyss that could not even be seen a few meters ago.

When the darkness began to spread, the cars and locomotives began to gradually stop, and soon they stopped moving, and the lights that had illuminated the front were completely extinguished.

People who noticed that their cars were abnormal came to the road in a haunted way, and the people on the road endured the fear caused by instinct while staring at the shadows and looking up at the sky0...

Those who were lucky enough to arrive home safely were at a loss for their dwellings in the darkness, and they gathered in front of their houses in groups and began to tremble uneasily, nostalgic for the light that showed no sign of recovery, and for the horror of the shadows, and for the light.

The earth is completely in the shadows, and Erica and Yuri are instinctively terrified!

Humans are born with fear and aversion to shadows, otherwise they wouldn't have invented the light bulb!

Qin Feng grabbed the hands of the two women slightly and asked them to settle down!

"You guys retreat first!" In the dark night, the two girls with spiritual vision looked at the firm backs in front of them, and couldn't help but feel a little relieved, especially Youli, after seeing Qin Feng and Erica's fiery kiss just now, her whole cheeks turned red, and she kept secretly scolding Erica in her heart for being shameless, and on the other hand, she was also fantasizing about the feeling of kissing with the king!

It must have been very comfortable!

"Order in Athena's real name, let the dark night appear here, dispel the favor of the sun, and destroy the fire of Prometheus, the sky is full of stars and the dark wind, and the ancient night will be recreated here!" Because of Athena's words, the earth fell into darkness, and Athena sang while walking towards Qin Feng.

"Qin Feng, you have the power to make the concubine miss and disgust at the same time!" she gently stretched out her hand, the soft and white jade pointed at Qin Feng's forehead, before the finger arrived, there was already a fragrant wind wafting, the skin of the goddess, white as snow, can be broken by blowing, her eyes are full of tenderness, tickle people's hearts, she is a famous goddess in mythology, not only clean and flawless, but also represents the ultimate beauty.

Qin Fengming killed two gods on his face, but his three illusion gods of the beast gave him the power of the underworld, the power of the earth, and the power of the sun!

Qin Feng's power almost includes all the powers of Athena, and all Qin Feng is sure that even if Athena becomes the real Athena of the Trinity, she will not be his opponent!

Approaching Qin Feng, Athena stretched out her hands like lightning and hugged Qin Feng's neck.

In a sympathetic whisper, the goddess Sakura's lips kissed Qin Feng like this.

"Qin Feng, your breath and your life will be taken away by the concubine, and you will walk alone into the dim underground, the wilderness of the cold underworld. "

At the moment of kissing, Athena said the words, and with a cold exhalation, it flowed into Qin Feng's body!

Now that the spirit of words was dead, Qin Feng felt the murderous intent emanating from Athena's body, and the aura of death was like a surging river and sea, constantly impacting his body!

Athena has a good idea, if she fights with Qin Feng, it may take a long time to tell the winner, but this method is different, through the spirit of words into the breath of death into the body, even if it is a god killer, it will not be able to resist this kind of spirit that starts to destroy from the inside, but Athena met Qin Feng, and the power overlapped with Athena's Qin Feng!

Qin Feng's soul was not introduced into the underworld, on the contrary, he felt very refreshed, his whole body was weak, his blood was boiling, and he admitted that he was deeply attracted by the kiss of the goddess!

"I underestimated you!I didn't expect that 2.7 you would have the power of the underworld, no wonder you can bear the death of the concubine!"

Gods are not tired, and the same is true of Qin Feng, who is a god killer, Qin Feng and Athena kissed willingly, but Athena was a different matter, and she seemed to have a blush on her face!

Now the cherry blossom on her beautiful face is even more cute, one hand grabs the palm pressed on her fierce breast, and the other hand grabs the "claw" that pokes under her!

"Moreover, as a god killer, you actually think about the goddess and feel that you are being underestimated!" Qin Feng's idea was naturally caught by Athena!

"Move that kind of mind to the god of disobedience!" Hearing Athena's words, the two girls were also thundered!

Just now they saw Qin Feng and the goddess Athena kissing, of course, they would not have the idea of a man and a woman, they were only worried about Qin Feng, because Athena's death spirit directly entered the body of the god killer from the mouth, and if Rao was a god killer, he would not be able to bear it, when Erica was about to save Qin Feng, she didn't expect Qin Feng to have nothing to do, but she was willing to hug Athena, and then take the initiative!

At this moment, they were stunned, this king is so strong that he can't even use the spirit of death!

However, soon, they knew the reason, because Athena told them that the same as Athena, Qin Feng also had the power of Hades!

"When did Qin Feng have the power of the underworld?"

"Could it be that he used to be a god killer, a god killer who is not known to the world?" The more Erica thought about it, the more she felt that this was possible! If Qin Feng really had the power of the underworld, then Qin Feng's power would be more than the sea! If they knew that Qin Feng also had many powers such as agriculture, sky, and sun, they would be shocked!

"Erica, do you know what's going on?" Yuri couldn't help but blush when he saw the two kissing together!

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