"Has Athena, the god of disobedience, submitted to the king?" asked Liliana again to make sure what she was thinking!

"That's right!" Qin Feng nodded, but Athena didn't do it!

"Little girl, I didn't submit to the god killers, as a god, I can't surrender to anyone, I'm just keeping my bet!" Athena said tepidly!

"Oh!" Liliana nodded, being called a little girl by a goddess who looked like a little Lori, Liliana was really a little uncomfortable, but from the perspective of age, Athena, who was born since the mythological period, is an antique among antiques, so it's not too much to call her!

However, what Liliana was puzzled about was how dare Qin Feng rest assured that he would bring a god of disobedience by his side, you must know that the god of disobedience is the enemy of the god killer!

The facts are already in front of him, Qin Feng, as a god killer, has really subdued Athena!

"King, I've already brought the Sweet Meal Winter Horse!"

"Well, let the Ganji Winter Horse talk to me!" Qin Feng smiled and said!

Soon, the Ganji Winter Horse, who was wearing a suit and looked a little lazy, walked up, but the tone and expression of his voice were very different from the temperament he showed!

"Honorable King, may I ask if there is anything I can do to help you!" Ganji Dongma had already asked Yuri, but Yuri also shook his head, not knowing what was going on!

At this time, the Ganyu Winter Horse was panting, thinking that after receiving Qin Feng's order, he rushed over immediately, although Qin Feng's battle was over, but the Ganyu Winter Horse could not rest, because there was still follow-up work to deal with, although the Japanese government had prepared in advance, but the battle between the godslayer and the gods spread widely, how could it be bound to this open space, so the entire outskirts of Tokyo were destroyed, fortunately, the casualties were not many!

What the Ganji Winter Horse has to do is to prepare for the follow-up call for help and deal with the work!

"Well, Athena has been subdued by me!" After speaking, Qin Feng pointed to Athena beside him!

"Uh!" The moment he saw Athena, the pupils of the winter horse, like Liliana, were also shrinking, and his heart was about to stop beating!

The god killer and the disobedient god are natural mortal enemies, how could Athena surrender!

Of course, they were also worried that the god of disobedience would take advantage of Qin Feng's inattention and make a black hand behind his back, but they didn't know that the gods also paid attention to promises, such as Athena!

"Congratulations to the King of the Righteous Way for subduing the God of Disobedience!" Gan Ji Dongma said happily! In fact, he had already made a plan in his heart, lobbying several concubines of the King of the Righteous Path, and persuading the King of the Righteous Way to kill this 073 god of disobedience, after all, it was too dangerous for the God of Disobedience to stay by the side of the God Slayer, especially the daughters of Youli!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded with satisfaction and said, "From today onwards, you will announce to the whole world that as long as there is a god of disobedience in the world, you can inform the king of my righteous path, and I will accept and kill the god of disobedience to protect the safety of mankind!"

Listening to Qin Feng's righteous and awe-inspiring words, Youli's eyes were filled with heart, this kind of Qin Feng was really too charming! She didn't think that Qin Feng was crazy, on the contrary, she felt that this was Qin Feng's contribution to all mankind!

Qin Feng didn't expect that after his words came out, he would confirm Qin Feng's title as the king of the righteous path!

"I know!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Gan Ji Dongma was stunned at first, and then he was overjoyed, Qin Feng said this, that is, he intended to settle in Japan, which is good news for Japan! From Qin Feng's ability to defeat Athena, it can be seen that Qin Feng is a powerful king!

"I'll definitely complete your mission!" said Gan Ji Dongma respectfully, and left in three steps and two steps!


The next day, Qin Feng, Erica and Youli went out in the uniforms of the private Chengnan Academy!

As for Athena, she was naturally left at home, and as soon as she heard that the god of disobedience would stay at home, and there was no Qin Feng waiting by her side, Liliana and Arianna's faces changed, and then they quickly shook their heads, with tears on their faces, looking at Qin Feng pitifully, the meaning was self-evident! Athena put too much pressure on them, when Qin Feng was there, they were still able to settle down, but they would still be afraid in their hearts, and now that Qin Feng was not there, they were even more afraid!

Athena can understand the feelings of the two, but she doesn't care, she is a god, mortals worship God, pray to God, fear God, be happy because of God, brave, strong, intelligent, drunk, crazy, and even destroy are all things that are taken for granted, and Athena certainly can't show concern for these mortal actions!

Just when Qin Feng was feeling embarrassed, Athena offered to go out for a walk!

"Qin Feng, I want to go out and take a look, there seems to be a familiar force outside!" Athena paused and spoke!

As soon as they heard that Athena was going out, the two girls were very happy, but Qin Feng flatly refused: "No, what if you slip away?" Qin Feng knew that the familiar aura that Athena felt should be the Stone of Gorgon, that is, her mother Metis!

"Don't worry!" Athena glanced at Qin Feng, stood on tiptoe, kissed Qin Feng's cheek, and said, "The concubine is not an untrustworthy person, so you can rest assured!"

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded: "Don't think about leaving me, otherwise even if you return to the Mythology Realm, I will pull you down from the Mythology Realm!"

After kissing goodbye, Athena's body turned into a wisp of breeze and disappeared in front of everyone!

After Qin Feng went out, Liliana began to contact for admission, as the king's knight, Liliana felt that it was a matter of course to be by the king's side!

When I came to school, the classroom seemed to have exploded because of what happened yesterday night! That's how it should be, not only is the strange nature of the moon shrouded in darkness so simple, but even the artificial light source can't be lit, this is the point of discussion, the earth is in darkness, time seems to flow back to the Stone Age, people are panicking!

However, when it returned to normal, people's emotions calmed down, but the discussion was certain! Especially after the darkness, a place on the outskirts of Tokyo seemed to have been hit by countless shells, and the ground was full of potholes, and even buildings collapsed, but fortunately there were no major casualties, which aroused people's curiosity!

However, the Japanese government quickly gave an explanation, because of the geographical location and other reasons, there was a rare thunderstorm on the outskirts of Tokyo! This explanation was quickly accepted by most people, because at the beginning, they did notice that there was a flash of thunder on the outskirts of Tokyo, which was the light emitted by the collision of Qin Feng and Athena!

Because of the relationship between Erica and Yuri, Qin Feng has become the focus of the class, this guy is the winner of life, this is the idea of many male compatriots in the class, a young man with strong blood, he goes to school and goes home with the super beautiful girl in the same class every day, and it is still two, which is indeed reminiscent of boundless.

Of course, Qin Feng doesn't care about other people's eyes, this is the sorrow of the god killer, because the god killer is equivalent to a god, and the extremely high starting point makes Qin Feng have very little pursuit here, so Qin Feng doesn't care at all, because their opinions and ideas can't affect Qin Feng's actions!

Power, power is power, from Japan to send all the high-level to meet Qin Feng, money, this is the same, the same meaningless, the god killer doesn't even need money, what does he want, he has someone to offer, women, this is not to mention, the beauties who want to create offspring with the god killer, if you count the number, you can probably directly form a country.

"Classmate Qin Feng, have you seen anything strange yesterday night?" Although Qin Feng is hated by most male compatriots, there are also some people who are willing to be friends with people like Qin Feng!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded!

"It's amazing, I didn't expect the whole of Tokyo to get dark, and I couldn't even turn on the lights!"

"I don't know if it's my delusion, yesterday night, when the lightning and thunder were roaring, I saw two phantoms!"

Those two phantoms were naturally Qin Feng and Athena, this time, Qin Feng was surprised, even Erica couldn't see the battle of the gods with the naked eye, but this ordinary person did it, of course, Qin Feng was just surprised, and he wouldn't take this matter to heart!

After Qin Feng nodded, a certain class guide had already stepped onto the podium, with a shallow smile as always!

"There is a transfer student coming to my class today, everyone is welcome!" said the class teacher with a smile, and took the lead in clapping his palms!

"Who is it?" As soon as the class teacher said that there were transfer students, the classmates became enthusiastic, of course, they were more concerned about whether it was a beautiful woman who came in!

"Qingqiu Academy, you can come in!" After finishing speaking, the class guide said to the door!

With a bang, the door opened, and a girl in uniform walked in.


"What a bright girl with afaa!" among them, even the boys sighed!

Qin Feng also looked at it, the girl in front of her had a strong feeling of classical beauty, and her figure was really good, even better than Erica!

Erica's face changed after seeing the people in Qingqiuyuan, and finally calmed down! And Yuri was a little surprised, because Qingqiuyuan Ena was her playmate when she was a child, and it was indeed very surprising that Yuri could meet again here!

Although Ena looks like a classical beauty, she still has a quiet temperament, but the tone and look of her speech are difficult to match her temperament, well, her boldness is comparable to Erica's, it is even better!!

Hui Na stood on the podium, and in the expectant eyes of everyone, he slowly spoke: "Hello everyone, my name is Qingqiu Yuan Hui Na, and I came here for the purpose of becoming the king's lover, by the way, Qin Feng who is sitting there is my lover!"


"How bold!" the girls sighed in unison!

And the boy, who was originally happy, suddenly turned even more ugly than eating!

"Damn, is this a hidden winner in life?"

"Isn't it enough for this guy to have an Italian beauty, isn't it enough to have Yuri?

"I actually called out my name at the beginning, isn't this completely depriving people of a chance!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Burn this heretic!"

"Strengthen our division, FFF regiment goes out!"

Once again, Qin Feng became the object of envy and jealousy of the male animals in the class!

And Erica sighed, the expression seemed to say, sure enough, as for Yuri, her face turned red again, I guess she didn't expect her good friend to be so straightforward!

The language is there, and the action is naturally indispensable, after Hui Na finished speaking, he came directly to Qin Feng's side, and in front of many people, he staged a scene of Kiss again!

"Wang, I finally see you!" Ena opened her beautiful eyes and looked very cute!

"This classmate...!" Hui Na finished speaking, without waiting for Qin Feng to answer, Hui Na had already set his eyes on the classmate behind Qin Feng!

"Okay, I see!" With Erica's example earlier, the boy naturally knew what Ena would say: "I'll give up my place!"

On the podium, the female teacher looked at this scene helplessly, these are all students with problems, but the school director specially explained it, they can do what they like, in the eyes of the female teacher, Qin Feng is a family with a prominent background, who does not learn and has no skills, and Hui Na They are the kind of beautiful girls who love vanity!


After hanging up the phone, the female teacher's expression was a little unnatural, and she said in a stiff tone: "Everyone, be quiet first!"

The female teacher's words still worked, and the originally chaotic class quickly quieted down!

"I forgot to mention just now, there is another female classmate who has turned around!"


"Liliana, come in!" the female teacher smiled and said!

The door was pushed open, and Liliana, with silver hair and a ponytail, walked in!

"Wow, it's really good, it's the same level as Huina!"

"I'm so happy, there are so many beautiful women in our class!"

"Woo, my wounded heart is comforted!"

When Liliana walked up to the podium and her eyes fell on Qin Feng again, all the male animals felt that something was wrong!

Shouldn't this beautiful girl be the same as Ena, who is here to hit people!

Sure enough, Liliana spoke: "Hello everyone, my name is Liliana, I am the king's woman, please advise!"

"There's no chance again!" said a boy very sadly!

"Classmate Qin Feng is so happy!" Like Hui Na, Liliana also drove away a classmate, and now Qin Feng can be said to be surrounded by beautiful women, which is so enviable!

Qin Feng didn't think it was strange that Liliana would come to school, but he didn't expect Liliana's movements to be so fast!


On the rooftop, Qin Feng, Erica and Yuri came to it as always, and of course, there were also two new beautiful girls, Liliana and Ena!

"Ena, why are you here?" Yuri finally spoke!

"I am the king's woman, so naturally I want to be by the king's side!" said Huina, of course, "Youli, I heard that you are living with the king?"

"I... I didn't!Erica was!" Youli's face turned red, shook his head decisively, and said!Youli also wants to live with Qin Feng, but he still has a younger sister to take care of at home, so he only moved the house closer to Qin Feng, at least they can meet together every day, and then go to school!

"Oh! Then the two of us have to join forces!" said Huina, looking at Erica and the two girls who were also chatting together, thoughtfully!

"It was so rude to you the king before, but what you did was not to want to be above the king, but just to avoid unnecessary contact with other members of the opposite sex, after all, I am the king's thing. Hui Na, who looked lively and free in the classroom, suddenly knelt down and sat down, and knelt down very traditionally! It can be said that Hui Na's consciousness is the highest, of course, Qin Feng also knows Hui Na's essence, and she is also a relatively shy little girl, of course, this kind of shyness will only show up when two people are alone!

"Qingqiu Yuan Huina, it's the maid who came to serve you!" Huina positioned himself very low: "If you can, Huina hopes to be favored by the king, so that Huina and the king can embark on the king's overlord road together!"

In the original book, Qingqiu Yuan Hui Na seems to say the same thing to Hutang, compared to Hutang's clumsy temperament, Qin Feng honestly accepted the loyalty of Qingqiu Yuan Huina, not only Huina, but even the Qingqiu Yuan family also followed Cheng Cheng!

Ena looks like a lady with generous manners.,The bumpy figure also has a charm that doesn't belong to women like Erica.,But the style of talking doesn't match what it seems!。

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