"Do you know what you mean by saying that?" Qin Feng looked at Hui Na with interest!

"Hui Na knows that the king means that he is interested in Hui Na's body, don't worry! Hui Na has already bought a house and can give birth to Wang at any time!" Hui Na spoke more bluntly, but the blush on her face could not hide the shame in her heart!!

"Okay then, I'll accept your loyalty!" Qin Feng nodded: "Together with your Qingqiu Courtyard family!"

"Yes, Wang!" Hui Na nodded happily, crossed Erica, and grabbed Qin Feng's arm, a part of Qin Feng's arm, and suddenly fell into an incomparably soft~ soft!

There are four major families in the Japanese cultivation world, and the committee is the official body of the combination of four generations of families, led by the Saya Gong family, the Seichoin family is different from the other three, the other three are very professional, they all evolved from the spell family, and the Seichoin family was a prince during the Tokugawa shogunate, and their first identity was not a sorcerer, but a prince, so the Seichoin family was more politically influential!

Now, the four major families in Japan seem to be wooing themselves, which can be seen from the actions of the committee, and they also have certain purposes, such as Qin Feng instructing Ganji Dongma to collect information about the gods of disobedience in the world, and the Japanese side will definitely use his prestige to expand Japan's influence!

And the power of the god killer is very strong, but after all, it has a human heart, and it is by no means the same as the gods in mythology, and it is precisely because of this that the Japanese beauty plan can work!

"It's not good!" Looking at the Japanese woman who appeared again, Erica really felt the pressure!

"Liliana, how did you get through the enrollment procedures so quickly?" Liliana's speed surprised Erica!

"Because the Bronze Black Cross also helped!" said Liliana!

"Grandfather also made a move?" Hearing this, Erica was stunned!

"Hmm!" Liliana nodded and said, "That's right, because you can't deal with the Japanese shrine maidens, so the Bronze Black Cross begged us for the Bronze Black Cross, so I will come to help you!"

"You're kidding!" Erica snorted and said, "Who said the Bronze Black Cross was in trouble!"

"You don't have to worry about this, I'm here to help you anyway!" Liliana blushed and said again!

"Okay! Even though we've been enemies since we grew up, we're going to have to stand together at this point!" Erica sighed and said! She didn't want to do that either, but Yuri seemed to know the new Ena, so Erica had to find a trusted ally, and Liliana was the best choice!

At this time, after chatting with Huina for a few words, Qin Feng found that Youli seemed to have a sad look on his face, and Huina also noticed it!

"Yuri, what's going on? His face is so ugly!" Hearing this, Yuri was slightly stunned, and then remembered a nightmare he had last night!

The damp breath did not affect the whole basement, and in the corner of the wall, moss had grown, and the dim candlelight would be extinguished at any moment, and under this candlelight, a slender shadow gradually approached, and then lengthened!

And the little girl who was curled up on the side was already frightened, and looked up at the person, but could not see the face of the person who came, only the terrifying eyes that glowed with green light!

"Did you see something?" Qin Feng knew that Youli's spiritual vision was not simple, before he came, she saw that she would bring disaster to Tokyo!

"If that's the case, don't worry! With me here, no one will hurt you!" Qin Feng smiled and said!

"Hmm!" Ena also nodded, she didn't understand why Yuri was so scared!

"Wang, I see a pair of green pupils!" Yuri took a deep breath and said!

"The green pupils, it seems to be the guy from the Marquis of Woban!" Qin Feng smiled, it seems that he is finally coming to find himself?

Speaking of the Marquis of Woban, Hou Huina's body also trembled slightly, he has been accumulating power for a long time, Woban is a demon king who has given the cultivation world a headache, I heard that he still has multiple powers, and his strength is not strong!

And Erica also has a dignified face!

"It's finally here!Youli, call Ganji Dongma and ask him to keep an eye on the whereabouts of the Marquis of Woban, this time I'm going to eradicate this scum!" Qin Feng sneered!

"I'm going with me!" said Erica, thinking for a moment!

"I'll go too!" Liliana stood up!

As far as I know, Marquis of Voban is not a weak god killer, and with your strength, you can't get involved in such a battle!"

"King, you can bless me!" Erica knew that Qin Feng's [Youth] power could make the person she was protecting possess divine power!

"It also depends on the individual!" Qin Feng glanced at Erica and said, "[Youth]'s protection is not as simple as giving divine power, you should be able to use my power temporarily, and you haven't been able to use my power, so say...!" Qin Feng didn't say any more, after all, this was a blow to Erica!

"Is that so?" However, Qin Feng underestimated Erica's ability to resist blows, Erica nodded and did not speak!

"Let's let Ena go with me!"

"Ah, King, why do you want to bring Ena with you?" Yuri asked hurriedly!

"Don't worry!Hui Na's physique can use divine descending, so I think that with my blessing, Hui Na should be able to use some of my powers!" Qin Feng explained!

"That's it!" If Megumi can use her powers, then Megumi will be equivalent to a god killer!


Before the decisive battle with the Marquis of Woban, many things need to be prepared, the reason why Qin Feng brought Huina is not only Huina's physique, but Huina's cultivation in the deep mountains, his strength is not trivial, it can be said that he is the strongest existence among the four women, and the power of wielding the Tiancong Cloud Sword when the gods possess him is unmatched, and he can even fight with the god killer!

The most important thing to activate is to encounter a dangerous situation!

At this time, Yuri hurriedly walked in!

"Youli, what's going on?" Qin Feng looked at the reckless Youli, frowned and said!

"Wang, it's not good, according to the news from the Ganji Winter Horse, not only the Demon King Marquis Woban, but also the King of the Sword seems to have come to Japan!"

The King of Swords is a person who pursues the limit of swordsmanship, and at the same time likes to fight with enemies, and Japan, there is only one person who can be his opponent, and that is Qin Feng, the King of the Right Path, if it is placed in normal times, the Gansu Winter Horse will not worry, but now it is different, the Marquis of Woban also came to Qin Feng's trouble, if it is not handled well, Qin Feng is likely to face the attack of the two kings!

Needless to say, Marquis of Woban, and the King of Swords was able to rob Marquis of Woban for the successful God Slayer, it can be seen that before he became a God Slayer, the way of the sword had reached a peak, in other words, both of them were very powerful kings! No matter how powerful Qin Feng was, he would have to hate defeat in the face of the two kings!

Erica and the others frowned at the same time, with her understanding of Tony, it was estimated that most of them had come to Qin Feng to duel, but this duel was very inappropriate!

"I heard that there is a feud between the King of Swords and the Old King, and I think I can take advantage of this!" said Ena calmly!

"Well, indeed!" Erica nodded and said, "Of course, the god of disobedience summoned by Woban was robbed by the King of Swords, and the grudge between the two was settled, as long as the two do not join forces, I believe that with the power of the king, they can definitely be defeated!" Judging from the fact that he can subdue Athena, Erica vaguely feels that Qin Feng himself also hides a lot of secrets, especially the power of the underworld that Athena said at that time opened Erica's eyes!

Speaking of Athena, Erica couldn't help but feel depressed, if Athena was here, she would definitely help Qin Feng stop one of the kings, and when Qin Feng solved Woban, the King of Swords would not be a problem!

"You've got to think of a perfect strategy before you do that!" Liliana interjected!

"No!" Qin Feng sneered, and then said, "Since the two of them are looking for death, then I will kill them all!"

"Wang, but you...!" Hearing this, Hui Na said worriedly! Hui Na knew that Qin Feng's strength was very strong, but for the words of the two kings, no matter who it was, it would be difficult!


At this time, the entrance of the Tokyo Library, although it is not yet night, is already a little quiet, of course, this library also has a role, that is, the stronghold of the committee!

"What is the King of the Righteous Path thinking, since he wants to challenge the two kings!" "Gan Ji Dongma frowned, just now, he got the news from Youli that Qin Feng planned to face the two kings head-on, which surprised Gan Ji Dongma, after all, he was still the new king, and the three victories had already carried away his mind!

Gan Ji Dongma thought in his heart, he had a feeling of hatred for this new king, because he defeated the god of disobedience, Athena, but did not kill her and seize her power, how did he know that Qin Feng not only had the power of the god of war and the god king Mecal, but although he did not kill Athena, he also got part of Athena's power, and he gave birth to Hades like a small world, as well as a set of Hades arms!

Treadmill walked in, but as soon as he entered, something was wrong, because there were people in the reception hall, and they were responsible for suppressing the crowd that forced them in, but now they couldn't see a single one! Not only that, but there were no human figures in the corridors, reading rooms, stairs, etc.!

"Is there a mission?" thought the puzzled Sweet Meal Winter Horse, but more uneasily!

Walking up to the second floor in one breath, the Ganji Winter Horse didn't see a single person, only the white salt on the ground!

"Not good!" Seeing this, Ganji Dongma still doesn't understand, Marquis Woban came to the door, and I heard that anyone who has seen Marquis Woban's eyes will turn into salt!

Fear began in my heart, and the winter horse began to run! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Ganji Winter Horse, that's you!" Suddenly, a well-dressed old man was looking at Ganji Winter Horse with emerald pupils!

"I've seen the Demon King!" said Gan Ji Dongma respectfully, holding back his fear!

"Hehe, I won't kill you today!, you can send me a message!" said the Marquis of Woban calmly!

"Whew!" Hearing that Marquis Woban would not kill him, Gan Ji Dongma breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, you know, Marquis Woban is the most ferocious demon king in the world, and even if he is killed, he will die in vain!

"You go and tell the King of the Right Way that at 12 o'clock tonight, I am here to wait for his arrival, if he doesn't come, the Tokyo district will become a sea of fire!" "Marquis of Woban actually used the people of Tokyo to threaten Qin Feng, it seems that Woban was also deceived by Qin Feng's resounding name, thinking that Qin Feng was really a virgin!

"Okay!" Gan Ji Dongma immediately agreed, and then walked away, after all, staying by the Demon King's side was too stressful!

Ganji Dongma knows better than anyone else that Qin Feng, the title of the King of the Righteous Path, was simply bragged about by them, as for Qin Feng's thoughts, there is definitely no title like that, absolutely righteous!

However, Youli is kind in his heart, and if he knows that tens of millions of people in Tokyo are in trouble, he will definitely ask Qin Feng to help!


Greenwich Council of the Magi, the origin of the Council of the Magnes, what is insisted on should be the circle of the do-gooders.

Magicians, secret scholars, fairy doctors, etc., people who have a deep relationship with magic. Or, the circle of scholars in general, the researchers, priests, priests, monks, priests, artists, bourgeoises, nobles, royalty, royal families, and other aspirants who were separated from the experts, the circle of scholars who were separated from the experts, the wisdom of the council gradually increased, and the influence gradually increased, and then the base camp was established in Greenwich, London.

Of course, Greenwich's influence is not in violence, but in intelligence, intelligence about the Godslayer!

Some time ago, they knew about the birth of the new king, and now, they are even more excited, because the new king's previous slap in the face caused the anger of Woban, and now the three kings have accumulated in Japan, and the Marquis of Woban, the Demon King, and the King of Swords of Italy have rushed to Japan, no, it should be on the territory of Japan!

Soon, the news spread, and the eyes of all the forces were on Tokyo, Japan!

They also have a certain understanding of the new king's ability, at the beginning they killed the two gods, the god of war and the god king Mecal, just a few days ago, the battle that broke out in Tokyo, Japan also confirmed that Qin Feng and the god of disobedience Athena had a fight, and the victory and defeat were also divided, Qin Feng did not kill the god of disobedience, and Athena also followed Qin Feng as agreed!

Judging from a series of god-killing actions, Qin Feng is undoubtedly very powerful, so Qin Feng has received a lot of attention, and now, Qin Feng is facing Lao Wang, can he continue to win!


At this time, Qin Feng and the fourth daughter took leave and returned home! Athena has not come back yet, although Qin Feng is worried that Metis will devour Athena, but he senses that Athena's breath is still there, so he also relaxes and concentrates on dealing with the next big battle!

"Wang, the Ganji Winter Horse has called!" As soon as he returned, Youli received the news from the Ganji Winter Horse! At this time, Youli's face turned pale!

"What did that guy say?" Qin Feng grabbed Youli's little hand, calmed her down, and said!

"Ganji Dongma said that the Marquis of Woban had invaded the stronghold of the Council, and that everyone there had been killed by Woban, and he said that he had prepared excellent food for the king, and that if the king did not go, tens of millions of people in Tokyo would die!"

"That's it! Then let's do it tonight!" Qin Feng narrowed his eyes, it didn't matter how many Japanese people died, but if he didn't go, Woban would also come to the door, since Qin Feng released the words of humiliating Woban last time, Qin Feng knew that the relationship between the two was endless, and there was no room for reconciliation at all!!

"I'll go with me!" said Yuri, "My psionic vision will see the power that Woban wields!"

Erica also nodded in agreement, it is also very beneficial for Yuri to follow, the condition for the activation of the golden sword is to know the name or power of the god!

"No, Hui Na can go with me!" Qin Feng smiled, but Ariana also hurriedly walked in, still holding a vibrating mobile phone in her hand!

"Miss Erica, Master Paul's call!"

"Grandfather's phone!" Hearing this, Erica answered the phone, but it was not her grandfather, it was Tony, the king of swords in Italy! But Erica quickly figured out why her grandfather's call was on the King of Swords, because it was the King of Swords who went to find Paul, after all, he was by the side of the King of the Right Path, and Paul definitely couldn't refuse the King of Swords' request!

"It's... It's the king!" Hearing the voice of the King of Swords of Italy, Erica said politely!

"Alright, King Righteous Path is by your side!Let him listen to the phone!"

After Qin Feng took the phone, "The King of Swords of Italy, what are you looking for me!"

"Hehe, I called to tell you that Marquis Woban has come to Tokyo to seek revenge on you!"

"So what?" Qin Feng frowned, he didn't like Tony's familiar tone!

"I'll tell you this important news, and you'll have to repay me, well, like a fight with me or something!" Tony said excitedly!

"Is this a challenge to me, I'm going to kill you!" Qin Feng sneered, this kind of behavior reminded Qin Feng of the vampire named Vatra!

"Whatever, if you have the power to kill me, four!".

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