"In that case, let's go to Woban's banquet together tonight!" Qin Feng said with a smile! "The three kings must be very lively when they get together!"

"Okay then!" Tony nodded and hung up!


That night, in a palatial hotel, the hotel was brightly lit, but there was not a single service staff! The extra tables and chairs were removed, and even the service personnel were replaced, in the final analysis, all this hotel could provide was this floor and food.

At the small dining table in the center, an old man with neatly combed hair sits there!

"You're here, King of the Righteous Path!" Seeing Qin Feng and Huina walking in, the old man smiled slightly, his emerald green eyes looked very terrifying, and said, "First time we met, I am the Marquis of Woban!"

"Hmm!" Qin Feng smiled, pulled out the chair, and sat down as well! In addition to them, there was only the girl Huina.

"I believe you should know the purpose of my search for you!" Marquis of Woban looked at Qin Feng with a smile!

"I don't know!" Qin Feng took a sip of red wine and said, "Anyway, you didn't come to talk to me!"

The Marquis of Woban's meal was definitely not elegant, perhaps it had something to do with his power, greedy wolves!

"Hehe, a certain new king is a big talker and doesn't know how to respect the old man, so I specially came here to teach this new king a lesson!" the marquis finished speaking, but his brows furrowed, because there was another guest in this hotel, and that person he was familiar with, it was the king of swords who robbed him of monsters!

"Yo, Marquis de Vauban, it's been a long time!" Tony said with a sunny smile!

At this time, the three kings had already gathered in Tokyo, and when they saw Tony coming out, Ena's body trembled slightly, and there was an inexplicable panic in his heart!

"You're here too!" Qin Feng smiled slightly! His eyes were on him, in the anime, he had seen the appearance of the King of Swords, with a golden head "Zero Three Seven" hair, a very sunny and handsome young man! He remembered that Tony had four powers, one chicken rib, and [Torn Silver Hand] was Tony's strongest, The power usurped from the Celtic god king Nuada was first a hand of flesh and blood that changed into a silver metal hand, and then wrapped around the weapon with a huge amount of magic power, so that it gained a powerful power that could create miracles such as splitting the earth and changing the terrain and breaking through the sea. It was Tony's usurpation of power from the Norse hero Siegfried that turned himself into steel, which was incomparable in weight and hardness, making Tony's own weight greatly increased, and he would not be easily blown away, and it was also very effective to hit the enemy with such a body, [Raging God's Wine] It is Tony's fourth power, the power that Tony usurped from Dionysus, the god of wine in ancient Greek mythology, the power that can strengthen or activate all mysterious powers, making them run out of control, but when used, even Tony as a user can't control his own power!

"First meeting, King of the Right Path!" said Tony as soon as he said hello.

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded!

"Oh, King of the Right Path, your eyes... Oh, I've heard a little bit about you hunting Athena, the god of disobedience, is this the power you got?!" Toni asked, surprised! In fact, from the time he got Athena's power, Qin Feng found that the pupils became snake pupils, which were the same double pupil structure as Athena did back then, the outer layer was no different from ordinary people, but the inner layer became a pair of snake pupils, for ordinary people, these snake pupils are scary, but there are still very few people who can notice them, because they are usually ordinary, once they get serious, they will become snake pupils, if they are combined with transformation, they will become red snake pupils, and there are very few things that can make Qin Feng serious!

"Huh!" Hearing Tony's words, Hui Na beside him was also very surprised, didn't Qin Feng kill Athena, how could Qin Feng have Athena's power!

"But that's not right!" Tony thought for a moment and said, "I heard that you didn't kill Athena, so you shouldn't have gained power!"

"Killing is not the only way to gain power!" Qin Feng was very upright and pretended to be forced!

"Hmph, really, there is another little guy who doesn't know how to respect the old and love the young!" At this time, Marquis Woban was very dissatisfied and snorted! Marquis Woban saw that Qin Feng and Tony were chatting happily, and frowned, even if he was confident to defeat Qin Feng, but now that there was one more Tony, he was not arrogant enough to deal with two kings at the same time!

"Hehe, it's you bad old man again!" Tony didn't take Woban in the slightest, and said, "The King of the Righteous Way is right, you're an old dog with a convulsive head!"

"You're looking for death!" Hearing Tony's unceremonious sarcasm about himself, Marquis Vauban's face turned gloomy!

"Don't talk nonsense, if you want to fight, let the horses come!" Tony said again!

"Righteous Path King, you are really calculating, knowing that you are not my opponent, you specially called the King of Swords from Italy!" Soon, Marquis of Woban looked at Qin Feng!

Qin Feng's face was indifferent, and he said with a smile: "Marquis of Woban, I think you have misunderstood, because the two of you will be my prey!"

"Huina! be careful!" Qin Feng stood up, his divine power swept out, and rushed straight up like a whirlwind, and the main building was torn to pieces by the whirlwind, and finally collapsed!

"Do it!" Tony muttered as he watched the countless stones fall from his head, and if he didn't make any movement, he would definitely be buried alive underneath!

Soon, Tony took out a silver greatsword from the black box behind him, and after directly smashing the boulder, his body jumped out!

At this time, the sky in this area was completely darkened, and thunder was rolling!

Marquis Woban was the last to move, and just as a big stone was pressed down, Woban's body turned into a bolt of lightning, breaking through the heavy stone and heading straight for Qin Feng!

"King of the Righteous Path, I want you to pay the price!" The thunder flashed, the speed was very fast, and he appeared beside Qin Feng at once!

"Then it depends on your ability!" Qin Feng sneered, and the magic power in his whole body began to condense, and then erupted!

"Lion's gold!" erupted magic to instantly form a golden lion!

The golden lion turned into a thunderbolt and collided with the lightning of the Marquis of Woban!

"Boom!" thunder flashed, and a large number of nearby buildings collapsed!

The two of them appeared in the sky, and at this time, Woban slowly appeared in human form, and the lion's gold once again turned into a lion to guard Qin Feng's side!

"This lion is your power, it's really strange!" Because Qin Feng hunted the god king Mecal, and Mecal's power has the power of thunder, which is consistent with the attributes of the lion gold, and now the lion gold has been strengthened, just like the three illusion gods at that time, with divinity, the power is even more powerful than before!

"I am the god of the army, I will win undefeated...!" Qin Feng did not answer Woban's words, and began to recite the spirit of words!

"Come to me for victory! O immortal sun, give me a shining horse. O spiritual horse with a horse's feet, bring the chakra of light that symbolizes your lord. "This power is the highest combat power among the military gods, because Woban destroyed a large area of buildings around it, and the Japanese government did not take protective measures, and now the dead Japanese should be more than 10,000, so it is also in line with the moving power!

In the dark night sky, a flame appeared in the sky, falling like a meteor, it was a running horse!

There are many powers of godkillers, Tony and Marquis of Woban are both godkillers with plural powers, and Qin Feng is the same, but there are only a few commonly used, perhaps, some powers are their hole cards, and they are not easy to use!

Seeing Qin Feng and Woban fighting, Tony was also excited, carrying a sword, he was also going to join the battle!

"O power, come upon me. For victory, and for justice!", the chanting spirit spoke, and a bolt of lightning fell in front of Tony, blocking Tony's way!

"Haha, do you want to stop me?!" Tony didn't rush over, but looked at the thunder with a smile and said with a slight smile!

"I won't let you disturb the king's duel in the past!" The thunder disappeared, and Hui Na revealed his figure and said seriously! After Hui Na was protected by Qin Feng, he was able to use the power of lightning bolts, that is, part of the power of God King Mecal! (If you read the violent novel, you will go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Then you can be prepared for the consciousness of death!" After Tony saw that the other party was also a swordsman, but the surging divine power on his body also proved that the opponent in front of him was also an opponent who could bring him the joy of fighting, Tony became serious!

The sword in Huina's hand is the Tiancong Cloud Sword, which is part of Susanoo's power and one of the earliest steel attribute gods, it can be said to be a god of disobedience, in the original book, after killing the Tiancong Cloud Sword, let Huina use it through his own will, after all, Huina is not a god killer, and if you use the god of disobedience, it is likely to be counterattacked, Qin Feng also plans to learn from the Hutang in the original book after this matter passes, and then kill the Tiancong Cloud Sword first, and then give it to Huina after seizing the power, but now Huina has the protection of it, and he is not afraid of the god of disobedience!

"I am the strongest, and I have all the victories in my hands. I will crush any enemy who stands in my way, whether man or demon, and who frustrates his hostility in the face of all enemies!

"[Greedy Wolves]!" Marquis of Woban had no superfluous nonsense, nor did he have a long speech, and with a wave of his big hand, countless wolves poured out of the ground!

"It's useless!" the Marquis of Woban sneered with his big hand, and hundreds of huge and burly wolves pounced on him, and the enemy was a white horse falling from the sky!

Qin Feng knew that Marquis Woban was telling the truth, because these wolves had the attributes of the sun, so they couldn't hurt him! Apollo was the god killed by Marquis Woban, and he was also the god of the sun, but his predecessor was a wolf god who wandered like a night and hated humans, and a perverse god who had a huge contradiction on the surface and inside. Apollo has the titles of Apollo of Light, Apollo of Rats, Apollo of Wolves, Apollo of Disasters, etc., after becoming the sun god, Apollo finally obtained the breath of night, fortunately, what Apollo lost was the duty of being robbed of life, otherwise the power of the Marquis of Woban would be even stronger!

The speed of the wolf was very fast, and after the flame of the white horse did not work, the wolves had already appeared in front of Qin Feng!

"Fear those who have wings, evil people and powerful people, they are afraid of me who have wings! My wings will bring you a curse! The evil man will not be able to hit me!" Qin Feng's speed was faster than that of the wolves, and he suddenly came to the Marquis of Voban's side, the power of [Phoenix] is to speed up, this speed has no upper limit, it is a comparative level, faster than the enemy's speed!

"Pierce him for me, lion's gold!" Qin Feng snorted coldly, and the golden lion turned into thunder again!

"Only thunder can't bring me down!" the Marquis of Warban turned into lightning once again!

"O cow with shining golden horns, give me help!" Qin Feng used the power of [Bull]! Approaching Marquis Voban again, Qin Feng, who was already with extraordinary strength, increased his strength again, and punched Marquis Voban on his body, and Marquis Voban's body flew upside down like a cannonball, knocking down several buildings in a row!

Smoke and dust billowed out, Qin Feng looked at the direction in which Marquis Woban flew upside down, without the slightest relaxation, Wang was not so easy to kill!

Sure enough, the green divine power gushed out, the sky was covered with dark clouds, and after countless lightning bolts fell, the Marquis of Woban had already appeared in front of Qin Feng!

"Didn't I expect your old thing to be very tough!" Qin Feng sneered, the current Marquis of Woban also looked rather embarrassed!

"Wolves!" Marquis of Woban snorted coldly, and countless packs of wolves were summoned again!

"The gold of the lion! The deep crimson of the two horns!" Qin Feng smiled, there are too many restrictions on the power of the god of war, and now against the Marquis of Woban, there are only a few suitable ones!

In the face of the wolves that rushed up, the lion's gold turned into thunder and swept away, and the deep crimson of the two horns, the shock wave emitted by the two horns of the head, also smashed over!

"Although I don't know what kind of power you have, but in the face of my countless wolves, there is no chance of victory!" Woban said fiercely! The lion's gold and double-horned deep crimson rushed into the wolves, and the moves released quickly solved many wild wolves, but the wild wolves seemed to emerge from the ground endlessly, and soon, the lion gold and the two-horned deep crimson were drowned in the wolves!

"Yemo's black sword!" Qin Feng shouted, and countless magic power poured out, and in the sky, there was a sword hanging, it was an exaggerated big sword with a sword body far more than a hundred meters0.

Qin Feng summoned the black sword of the night and made a disturbance, which attracted the attention of Tony and Huina!

"This is...!This will destroy the city of Tokyo!" Ena's pupils shrank, but now that it was the time of the war, it was impossible for her to go up to stop it, and the residence of the Qingqiuin family was not in Tokyo, but in Kyoto, so if Tokyo was destroyed, their Qingqiuin family would not feel anything, especially the high-level of the Qingqiuin, maybe they would be happy because they destroyed the station of the Saya family!

"Sword of the Gods, obey my call and slay the enemy in front of you!" Echoing Qin Feng's call, the huge sword began to fall, and the blade that was accelerated by gravity was wrapped in blazing flames, its posture was like a meteorite falling from the sky, the atmosphere vibrated violently, and the sky became brighter as if a new sun had appeared.

"This sword!" Not only the Marquis of Vauban, but even Tony's body trembled!

And Erica, who was watching the battle from a distance, changed her face, and hurriedly called Ariana, bring Sister Yuri, and Shizuka and other girls, and stay away from Tokyo!

The king's divine power is extremely powerful, and she has also seen the black sword summoned by Qin Feng before, the black sword that can kill the god king Mekar! Listen to Qin Feng's explanation, it is a weapon forged by the gods, and it is an artifact like the Stone of Gorgon! At that time, the entire ruins of the entire Longding Island were destroyed, and now, the Yemo Black Sword is a hundred times more than what she saw before, covering the sky above Tokyo City, if you don't leave Tokyo as soon as possible, everyone will die!

The sword of the night motorcycle has fallen, and there are not many people in Tokyo who can survive!

Maybe by this time, they have a clear understanding of the king, even if they are righteous kings, they will not take the lives of ordinary people in their eyes!

"How can this be!" Ariana quickly left Tokyo in a red car, and Yuri raised her head and looked at the sky in a daze, this giant sword covering the entire Tokyo area, if it fell, how many people would die!

Youli was full of frustration, Erica naturally knew Youli's thoughts, and thought to herself, this girl is really simple and cute, she knows that Youli was fooled by Qin Feng, how can the king only be for the right path, in essence, the god killer is already out of the category of people, if you want to say it, they are close to the existence of gods, and naturally they will not care about the life or death of human beings, but it is impossible for her to say anything like the king of the righteous path to fool you, don't believe the king, on the contrary, she has to give Youli the most reasonable explanation for Qin Feng's practice, and continue to fool Youli!

"Yori, don't you think it's too cruel for the king to do this!" said Erica, thinking about it!

"Well, those people are innocent!" said Yuri bitterly.

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