"How's it going? who won?" Erica asked Yuri anxiously in the distance! In the distance, they only saw fireballs and ice cubes colliding together, and the actual situation could only be known through Yuri's vision!

"It's white, it's not clear!" Yuri closed her eyes, and in the white steam, she couldn't see a single figure!

"Look, Ena is back!" said Liliana, pointing to Ena who had fallen from the sky!

"Ena, did the king win!" Erica asked again!

"I don't know!" Hearing this, Hui Na shook his head and said, "In the final battle, I was sent out by the king!"

"Well, that level of battle, even if you have séance, you can't intervene!" Liliana witnessed the battle of the three kings all the way, this kind of earth-destroying power is really not comparable to mortals!

Yuri has entered the state of vision!

Her consciousness searched in the white vastness, and suddenly, a pair of dark green eyes stared at her fiercely!

"Marquis of Woban!" was frightened in his heart, and was about to withdraw from his psychic state, when a sword cut off the dark green eyes!

Youli looked up, and sure enough, he saw that Qin Feng was holding that jet-black long sword and piercing the head of the Marquis of Woban!

"Win!" At this time, Youli knew that Qin Feng had won this battle!

After Youli withdrew from the spiritual vision, Qin Feng also appeared in front of the women!

In this battle, Tony's life and death are unknown, Woban was killed, and Qin Feng was victorious, it is conceivable that after this battle, Qin Feng's prestige in the world will definitely rise!

But now Qin Feng is also tired, after appearing here, no matter who it is, he leaned directly on!


When Qin Feng woke up, Qin Feng found that he had come to a strange place, a very large bed, and it could be seen that this was a very high-end bedroom, much like the place where the rich people lived in the movie.

"Where is this?" Qin Feng muttered, after he slept for a while, all the negative effects disappeared!

"Well, this bed is really comfortable, sleep for a while!" muttered this, Qin Feng turned over and seemed to touch something very soft and elastic!

"Eh!" Qin Feng knew who it was, because only the most daring Erica could do this kind of thing, and then, he lifted the quilt to take a look, and at the same time, a pair of snow-white arms stretched out from the quilt, and then wrapped his arms around Qin Feng's neck and pulled Qin Feng in!

"Hmm!" The lips met, and Qin Feng asked about a girl's fragrance, which was the smell of Erica's body!

After a long time, after the two separated, Qin Feng could no longer suppress his desire, turned over and pressed Erica underneath, and then after a round of conquest, Qin Feng asked, "Erica, where is this?"

"This is the Seicho-in family, and 113 was destroyed for Tokyo, so we had to bring you to Kyoto!"

"Oh!" Qin Feng nodded, the destruction of Tokyo was expected by him!

And Kyoto is the stronghold of the Qingqiu Academy, Qin Feng came here, and no one else would object!


Kyoto, the capital of Japan before the capital was moved!

Because Tokyo was destroyed, Qin Feng had no choice but to move to Kyoto, but there is a Qingqiuin family in Kyoto, and Qin Feng's place of residence is not bad!

After defeating the two kings, even if Tokyo was destroyed, the Japanese side still worshipped Qin Feng as an ancestor!

As for Tokyo, it was really destroyed!

The storm destroyed the entire transportation network of Tokyo City, not to mention, the fire also destroyed all the buildings, and Tony's sword, has cut the entire Tokyo City in half, the official explanation is that this is an earthquake, but this earthquake, combined with the daunted blizzard, fire, lightning and thunder, has caused nearly nine-tenths of the dead and injured, and now, this tragedy has shocked the world.

The world is shocked that Tokyo doesn't know what kind of sin has been created, it is so hard, the blizzard and earthquake together, and there is no greeting at all, in short, what kind of humanitarian aid, condolences and other things have come, and in the world, many people are terrified of the combat power of the three kings!

Now they are really afraid of the battle between the kings!


"Qin Feng, let's go in!" After speaking, Hui Na looked at the big courtyard in front of him with satisfaction! And several other women also followed, they have all become Qin Feng's women now, so they naturally want to be with Qin Feng!

"King, since you have won the victory, what about the King of Swords and the Demon King, are they dead?" Erica and the others all wanted to know what happened to the King of Swords and the Demon King!

"I'm not dead!" Qin Feng thought for a while and said!


"I saw you...!" Yuri said again!

"Godslayers don't die so easily!" Erica said in a deep voice! Indeed, needless to say, the King of Swords, although it is said that the breath of death enters the body and also sinks to the bottom of the sea, but a body comparable to steel should not die so easily, and the Marquis of Warban needless to say, his power [Black Dragon of the Underworld] can make his body temporarily enter a state of suspended animation, and the spirit body will become a black dragon, and then go back and forth to the underworld, and finally consume a lot of divine power to resurrect!

"That's right!" Yuri muttered with some regret!

"King of the Right Path, why don't you bring the Demon King of Woban to justice, how many people in Tokyo have he killed!" Yuri said seriously again!

"This is to blame (afai) for the government's inaction, knowing that there would be a conflict between the King of the Right Way and the Marquis of Woban, but not evacuating the population in advance, so many people died in Tokyo, Japan, and the Japanese government will also pay half of the responsibility!"

And Liliana also stayed by Qin Feng's side naturally!

"Please let the king give orders, we Bronze Black Cross are very sorry for the rude behavior of the King of Swords!" After Qin Feng won, Bronze Black Cross immediately formulated a strategy, abandoning the King of Swords who only had the way of the sword, and getting close to the King of the Righteous Path!


Soon, a month of life passed!

During this period, Shizuka was a kind girl in the end, and she felt that Japan had also been duly punished for the number of casualties, so a smile gradually appeared on her face!

And in the space of a month, the Sage Council also figured out the life and death of Woban and the King of Swords, and the two are still in the world!

Five days later, the King of Swords was salvaged from the South Pacific, his whole body was covered in darkness, it was Qin Feng's breath of death, only half a life was left, and then he was taken to Italy by the Red Bronze Black Cross, and he has not woken up yet, Marquis of Vauban, no different from ordinary people, is a real ordinary person!

According to the records of the Council of the Magi, the price of the Marquis of Warban's resurrection was that he could not use his divine power for several months, and now, he has also returned to Europe!

As for the city of Tokyo, it is uninhabitable, it is the after-effect of the battle of the three kings here, the change of climate has made it impossible to live here, and now the city of Tokyo has become the world's largest wonder, a large storm mass composed of several tornadoes, a large area of dense thunder, hail larger than a person, and the downpour that falls with these hailstones.

Because Qin Feng's night black sword smashed a big hole in the ground, and now the big hole formed a lake, and the lake was divided into two halves by Tony's sword! half was the half of the fire used by the Marquis of Vauban, and the lake water boiled like boiling water, and then rose! On the other side, there was a smooth and smooth lake!

This strange phenomenon has come together to form a spectacle, which has given Japan an unexpected income, because many people come to Japan to see this wonder!

However, Japan would rather not have this income, because there are so many people who died in this battle!


Within a month of moving into Kyoto, Qin Feng also began to get used to life here.

This mansion in Qingqiuyuan is not in the urban area, the nearby is mountainous, the environment is very good, by the way, the land around this belongs to Qingqiuyuan.

Of course, in this month, Qin Feng first discussed life issues with Erica, then Huina, and then Liliana, anyway, Qin Feng got involved with many beauties in line with the principle of killing mistakes and not letting go, including many beauties in Qingqiu Courtyard, who were enough winners in life!

Now, Qin Feng doesn't go to school anymore, but as a god killer, as a person, he can't stay at home in Qingqiu Courtyard all day long and have nothing to do, so now Qin Feng wants to kill gods!

He asked the people of the Japanese Committee to tell the world that he could help get rid of the god of disobedience, but few people came to him for help, because they were all horrified by the terrifying and destructive power of Qin Feng's battle with the two kings!

In their eyes, the righteous king is a person who does not know the severity of his actions, and if such an incident happens in the country under their rule, then they are sinners of the country!!

However, Woban and the King of Swords have been unconscious, and they haven't woken up yet, when the god of disobedience appears, they will eventually ask Qin Feng for help, the god of disobedience is a god, if there is no god killer to kill, let them come, their destructive power will not be less than Qin Feng, and it may even be the next Tokyo!!

The bronze black cross is such a one, they have already served Qin Feng as the master, that is to say, not to mention that the King of Swords is unconscious, even if the King of Swords is awake, he can only ask Qin Feng for help, so at this time, they can only ask Qin Feng for help, two months ago, they found a ruins in Naples, and there was a divine tool in the ruins, the Earth Mother Divine Apparatus, and the Hera Stone Pillar!

If they didn't solve this problem, they would attract the god of disobedience, so they asked Qin Feng to take action to solve this thing!


On this day, Liliana received a request from the Bronze Black Cross, saying that she would let Qin Feng go to Italy and then solve the problem, of course, Liliana didn't know what the problem was, she just knew that her grandfather wanted to meet Qin Feng!

In the company of all girls, even if there is no god killer, Qin Feng's life is not boring!

"King, you... Can you go with me to Italy?" said Liliana, blushing!

"What are you going to Italy for?" Hearing Liliana say to go to Italy, Qin Feng remembered that there was a Hera stone pillar in the bronze black cross that had not yet been solved, the Hera stone pillar was a column made of black stone similar to obsidian, in the riverbed of the underground temple quarry a long time ago, it grew like a tree, and there was a line drawing like a curled serpent carved on the surface, with a height of about twenty meters, and the person who found this stone pillar and worked very hard to move it to this place was the Neapolitan witch hundreds of years ago, the ancestor of the bronze black cross, and the Hera stone pillar was a sacred sacrificial instrument for the witches of Europe, and it was also a divine toolIt has something to do with Athena, the god of disobedience!

"My grandfather wants to see you!" Liliana hesitated!

"Won't you have to call your grandfather to Japan!" Qin Feng muttered, but when he thought that it was the problem with the Hera Stone Pillar, Qin Feng saw Liliana's somewhat depressed mood again, so he smiled and said, "Okay! I'll go with you!"

"That's great!" Liliana laughed excitedly!

"Liliana, do you know what my grandfather called me over?"

"I don't know, I guess I want to witness the king's demeanor!" Liliana paused, shook her head, and said!

"Hee-hee, I heard it, I'm going too!" At this time, Erica popped up and said with a grin!

"Don't mess around, we're here for business!" Qin Feng said with a straight face! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Oh, it's a good thing to meet your parents, Wang, then my grandfather wants to see you too!" Erica pasted up, leaned her whole body up, and said affectionately!

"See... Meet the parents!" Hearing this word, Liliana's face turned red all of a sudden!

"Isn't it!" asked Erica!

"Okay then! Let's go together!" Qin Feng thought for a while and said!

"Oh, then Liliana and I will tell them the good news!" After speaking, Erica smiled and pulled the red-faced Liliana away, I have to say that the serious Liliana is still very cute when she is shy, and when they were leaving, Qin Feng vaguely heard Liliana's muttering: "It's obviously just two people!"

Qin Feng smiled, not caring much, but soon, the door that had been closed was pushed open again!

"Erica, why are you back?" it was Erica who appeared in front of Qin Feng, "Didn't you go to inform Hui Na and them?"

"Hee-hee, I'll inform Ena, Liliana will inform Yuri!" Erica flicked her proud, slightly reddish blonde hair, and she looked extraordinarily gorgeous, with a smug expression!

"So you didn't go to inform Hui Na, and then turned back, right!" Qin Feng asked rhetorically!

"That's not the case, I'm just delaying the notice, it's all the king's fault!" said Erica without any guilt at all, and Erica said with a very happy expression.

"My fault?" Qin Feng was stunned!

"Well, the king and I have too little time alone, and there are too many girls around the king!" said Erica, who was quite resentful!

"It's still less!" The corners of Qin Feng's mouth twitched slightly, every night, Erica would climb into his bed, and when he woke up the next day, Qin Feng would see a body pressing himself, it can be said that Erica is much bolder than any woman, but on the contrary, Qin Feng can't stand Erica's temptation, and will fight with Erica every night!

Later, after Huina knew about these things, Huina also joined in, so that there was less time to be alone with Erica! As for Liliana and Yuri, although they also had a relationship with Qin Feng, the number of times was far less than that of Erica and Huina!

Now, Erica is wearing thin clothes, exuding a charm that Qin Feng wants to appreciate, and the degree of skin exposure is also very bold, the skin of the two is in close contact, their faces are gradually getting closer, and their lips are slowly shortening the distance as if they want to be seduced, until in the end, the two of them have evolved into a big battle again!

As soon as Qin Feng came out, she was blocked at the door by Youli, although she always had a pure Japanese atmosphere on her body, but because she had brown black hair, she gave people the impression that it was not simple, and she was also a beautiful girl who was just right and had a sense of transparency, but now, the eyes of Youli, who had always been very stable, looked very terrifying.

"Are you angry?" Seeing Youli's expression, Qin Feng knew that Youli was angry in his heart!

"No, I'm not angry, I'm here to advise!" Youli's tone was still so serious, and then he said: "As a king, you can't indulge your desires every time, I hope the king can recognize himself!"

Qin Feng knew that this was Youli expressing the dissatisfaction in her heart in an alternative way, not so much dissatisfaction as jealousy!

As a king, Qin Feng was originally very disgusted by Youli's behavior of admonishing at every turn, but for some reason, Qin Feng liked to see Youli's jealous appearance! In this regard, Qin Feng couldn't help but sigh: The male really likes to be cheap, and even he who has become a god killer can't get rid of this law!

"Youli, are you angry?" Qin Feng asked funny!

"I'm not angry!" said Yuli angrily, "I'm just surprised, it's daytime, and the king can do those things with other women at such a time!"

"Why not?" At this time, Erica, who was wrapped in a white bathrobe, walked out, and at this time, her face still had an abnormal crimson color!

"Hmph, you're a scourge to the king, vixen!" said Yuri!

"You're a vixen!" Erica also confronted!

"Don't make any noise! That's it!" Qin Feng smiled, and then regardless of Youli's resistance, he hugged Youli, and then walked into the room.

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