Qin Feng is going to travel to Italy, the Japanese are fried, they spent a lot of time, energy, force, and a Tokyo city to win over Qin Feng, in order to make Qin Feng the king of Japan, seeing that he is about to succeed, although he has paid 90 million lives, but Qin Feng has settled in Japan, all this is worth it, but if Qin Feng is gone like this, what should I do? After all, in a sense, Italy is now considered a kingless zone, and God knows what means the Bronze Black Cross and the Bronze Black Cross will use to keep Qin Feng!

The night before Qin Feng went on a trip, the four major families were all discussing how to deal with what might happen next!

It is impossible to forcibly leave Qin Feng in Japan, since Qin Feng defeated the two kings, there is no god killer in the world who can compete with him, and even the Eastern Luo Hao Sect Master may not be able to win the alliance between Woban and the King of Swords, but Qin Feng has done it! Now Qin Feng is even more powerful than the threat of a nuclear bomb!

People in many countries hope that Qin Feng can provide shelter to their country!

"Yori, tell me why the King of the Right Way wants to go to Italy?" said Saya Gongxin!

"It's Liliana who said it, the bronze black cross wants to meet Qin Feng!"

"I heard that the Bronze Black Cross has obtained a divine artifact, and it should have asked the Righteous Path King to go over to solve the problem, I don't think he wanted to keep the Righteous Path King!"

"I have to guard against it!" "Saya Gongxin muttered, in the battle of Tokyo, she Saya Gongxin lost a lot, if the king wants to leave, the four major families will become the three major families!

"Youli, you should also ~ go along!"

"Hmm!" Yuri nodded! "Ena is going with me, too!"

"That's the best, remember, after the trip, you must find a way to bring the righteous king back to Japan!" said Saya Gong Xin solemnly!

After the order came down, the next day, Qin Feng and the others officially embarked on a journey to Italy! Ariana and Jinghua did not go, only Qin Feng and Erica were the four!

It's still the same sentence, Qin Feng can turn into lightning and reach Italy in one fell swoop, but Qin Feng still chose the plane as a mode of transportation!

"King of the Right Path, you're here!" spoke a witch shaking a chaise longue under the eaves.

That's right, at this time, some of Qin Feng's people have already come to Italy, to be precise, it is the southern tip of Italy, a resort island floating on the Mediterranean Sea, called Longding Island, the area of the island is about the same as Shikoku, with a population of about 10,000 people, and most of them are concentrated in Cagliari, the largest city on the island.

The island's biggest industry is tourism, and in the summer, many tourists come to Europe for their vacations, especially in the northeastern part of the country, where the emerald coast is the color of the sea, so it has been built as a resort for the noble.

Now, Qin Feng and the others have reappeared in Lucurazia's house!

"Witch, long time no see!" Qin Feng looked at Lukurazia's unusually full figure and said with a smile!

"I'm going to requisition myself again, right!" Lukurazia smiled!

"It's really smart!" Qin Feng's eyes were stunned and looked at Lukurazia, who wore her inner body all year round, and said!

Ariana didn't come along, but diet wasn't a problem!

Yuri is also a master cook, much better than Ariana's torture cooking!

He remembered that Ariana's food was really unpalatable, and a few days ago, Ariana brought to the table stewed dishes that didn't know how to describe the taste and appearance, and Erica and Ena didn't even eat a bite, and they were all left, and Yuri desperately wanted to eat them all, but when they were halfway through the meal, they still surrendered, and although they wanted to share the rest of the soup with the wild cats, they ran away just by smelling it.

So, Ariana, like shallots, is a beautiful girl without any talent for cooking!

And Youli is much better, when she was in Chengnan School Park, Qin Feng's diet was prepared by her, but at this time, Youli didn't go to prepare a dinner, but preached to Qin Feng, no, it should be said to be advice!

"Wang, where did you put your eyes just now?" Qin Feng's gaze fell on Lucurazia, it should be said that it was seen by Yuli when it landed on a certain part of Lucurazia's body!

The level of terror in Yuri's eyes grew.


After four days of such daily life, Liliana, who had made contact with the Bronze Black Cross, returned!

"Wang, I'm back!" Along with Liliana, there was also an old man in a cyan uniform, who was Liliana's grandfather and the old man who had talked to Qin Feng on the phone!

"Hello King, I am Liliana's grandfather!" said the old man respectfully!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng smiled, and after glancing at Liliana, he said, "Say, what are you looking for me for?"

"Let the king come to Italy in the midst of his busy schedule, and I beg your pardon for your rudeness!" the grandfather bowed again before he spoke, "That's right, we found a ruin in Naples two months ago, and there is a Hera pillar in it!"

Sure enough, listening to the old man's words quietly, Qin Feng basically determined that the bronze black cross was to ask himself to come over and solve the trouble!

"I think the king should also have the impression that since the birth of the Gorgon Stone, the two divine tools seem to have sensed each other and been activated!

"So you came to me and wanted to solve the Hera Stone Pillar?" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"Well, please help the king!" said the old man again!

"No problem!" Qin Feng nodded, he could also feel the powerful divine power emanating from Naples here, it should be the Hera Stone Pillar!

"Then I'll go over with Liliana!" After Qin Feng finished speaking, he picked up Liliana, and the tornado rose under his feet, turning into a wisp of breeze, protecting Liliana, and driving away towards Naples!

"Qin Feng, you wait for me!" At this time, Hui Na rushed out with the Tiancong Cloud Sword, and just saw Qin Feng coming out of the wind, and couldn't help shouting!

"Really! Why only Liliana! It's so cunning!" said Ena dissatisfied!

"Huina, hurry up! Let's drive over!" I don't know when, Erica has already come over in the red car that Ariana drove before!"I know that Qin Feng is going to Naples, and it's too late for us to rush over now!"

"Naples, on the other side of the sea, will drive for a long time!" said Huina, but still got into the car, as a woman of the king, she must fight side by side with the king!

"Well, it's a long way off, if only Ariana were here, she's fast!" said Erica, who misses Ariana's speed!

After the four girls got into the car, the red car took a shadow and drove out!

And Qin Feng and Liliana are now at the entrance of the ruins!

"Let's go!" Standing at the entrance of the ruins, Qin Feng smiled slightly! On the uncovered ground, a four-corner cave was suddenly opened, and the stone stairs extended to the ground, and Li Yana and Qin Feng, who could be seen clearly even in the dark night, walked down the stairs without even bringing a flashlight.

This is a slender underground ruin passage like a waste tunnel, if you go back to BC, this was originally a quarry, so it is very natural that it resembles a waste tunnel, but the large number of murals carved everywhere on the walls is not the same thing, all are simple and simple line drawings, if it is carved by people in the Stone Age, maybe some people believe it.

"It's a snake!" Qin Feng smiled slightly, because there were many snake-like creatures painted on the wall, there were large snakes with long bodies coiled and curled, there were also hydras with several heads, and snakes with wings like breams, all kinds of snakes were depicted on the wall, and of course, some line drawings of other animals could also be seen!

"Well, the snake is a symbol of Mother Earth!" Liliana explained, during the Roman rule, the witches of the time came here to escape the hunt and carved these line drawings, because the snake was their faith, but with the spread of Christianity in Europe, it was lost from ancient times, and it can be said that it was suppressed and resisted, in the process, the witches who were supposed to be sacred were persecuted and became feared and taboo.

Athena, the goddess of the four seasons, Metis and many more are all famous Mother Earth goddesses, symbolized by the snake, so the snake is the symbol of becoming the mother goddess of the earth, the guardian of the witches.

"It's here!" Soon, Qin Feng and Liliana came to the Hera Stone Pillar!

Here, Qin Feng could feel the huge divine power inside the Hera Stone Pillar!

In Greek mythology, Hera is the wife of the god king Zeus, however, this goddess was originally the mother goddess of the Peloponnese, where after the invasion and conquest of the Indo-European horse-riding peoples who worship the god of the sky, Hera was forced to become the goddess of Zeus, and this dark stone pillar is naturally related to Hera!

"First meeting, King of the Righteous Path!" At this time, Qin Feng realized that someone had already come to the ruins, and it was a very young woman.

"My name is Diana!"

"Hmm!" For such a stern woman, Qin Feng knew who it was, she was Liliana's teacher and the head of the Naples branch!

"And what is the king going to do with this stone pillar?" asked Diana curiously!

"The disobedient god attracted by the Hera Stone Pillar should have sensed this divine power, I mean release this divine power, and then solve the disobedient god!" Qin Feng thought for a moment and suggested!

"It's... This can't be! how could it be possible to shatter the Hera Pillar!" Liliana said in disbelief!

"Leave it to me!" Qin Feng smiled! (If you read a violent novel, you can go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Come out! Night Mo Black Sword!" Qin Feng's body gushed out powerful magic power, and suddenly formed a normal-sized black sword!

"It's up to you, Night Mo Black Sword!" Qin Feng smiled, in the original book, Tony used his power to blow up this divine tool, and now, strictly speaking, Qin Feng's Night Mo Black Sword is not considered power, whether he can break this stone pillar or not, Qin Feng has no bottom in his heart!

In Greek mythology, Hera was the wife of the god-king Zeus, but this goddess was originally the goddess of the Peloponnese, where Hera was forced to become the goddess of Zeus, who was invaded and conquered by the Indo-European horse-riding peoples who worshipped the god of the sky!

"How is it possible to cut off the divine tool of the Earth Mother God!" Liliana couldn't help but shout, even the usually calm Diana's face changed, she was worried, if the Hera Pillar was really cut, then everything would be terrible, the Hera Pillar had stored a lot of divine power, if it broke out here, the accumulated divine power might be able to blow up the entire Naples!

"This, king... It's too dangerous!" said Diana euphemistically!

"Otherwise, do you want to wait here quietly for the changes in the Hera Stone Pillar?" Qin Feng asked rhetorically!

"It's... It takes the wisdom of the king!" said Diana again!

"Hehe!" Qin Feng smiled and expressed his disdain, so many people died in the first battle of Tokyo, and it is normal for Naples to die, and in the original book, the result of the explosion of divine power seems to be the formation of a giant dragon, and this dragon is still the companion of the witch, after all, the witch serves the Earth Mother God!

Also, Athena and the witch have a lot to do with it!

Speaking of Athena, the Stone Pillar of Hera is related to her, and she should be nearby, Qin Feng thought so!

The black aura continued to surround the night black sword, and Qin Feng's entire body began to be shrouded in a faint darkness!

"Wang, what are you doing?" Liliana noticed the strong magic power gushing out of Qin Feng's body, and when she wanted to rush up to stop it, she was bounced off with a bang!

"Liliana, don't waste your efforts!" Diana knew that Qin Feng had decided to destroy this thing!

With the blessing of divine power, the black sword flashed with dazzling black light, and then, Qin Feng swung his sword and slashed at the black column, and the Hera stone pillar was cut in two, and it was cut into two neat sections.

"Cut off!" Liliana muttered, she had seen a tremendous amount of divine power erupt like magma from the place where the Pillar of Hera had been split by the magic sword, and the divine power rushed to the ground in a dazzling black flash, and the mana shattered the ceiling of the underground ruins, bursting upwards.

Although the surroundings were covered in the darkness of the night, a huge amount of divine power rushed into the sky, bringing out a flash of light and illuminating the entire sky!

The black divine power that spurted up formed a new shape, and then gathered the essence of earth, water, fire, and wind to refine the huge dragon-shaped life energy.

With the length of the basilisk he defeated in mythology, the sea beasts, the people who looked up would probably scream in horror with a huge and terrifying face, then the wings like a bat, the unlucky huge wings growing on the back, and then the body grew short limbs reminiscent of a lizard, the head was shaped like a crocodile, and the bloody mouth had sharp teeth arranged like swords!

In the sky above the seaside city, a huge dragon spreads its wings and whirls leisurely.

"Is it a divine beast?" After the flash of light gushing out from the stone pillar of Hera rushed away from the earth, the ceiling of the underground ruins began to collapse, probably due to a rather violent impact, but with Qin Feng's protection, the two women basically had nothing to do!

"What shall we do now, King?" asked Liliana again!

"This thing is formed by divine power and the essence of this land, and it can't be killed casually!" Diana explained! She was afraid that Qin Feng would rush to kill this dragon again, and if she defeated it, Naples would lose the lifeblood of the city, and it would become a barren land and the Dead Sea, and this must definitely be avoided.

"But... But can you just let it go?" Liliana asked!

Now, the dragon is proudly looking down on the city of the Nether, its wings stretched out to say nothing less than thirty meters, and its scales glow like black gems!

"Actually, you witches can control this dragon!" Qin Feng smiled and said!

"Control the dragon?"

"As a servant serving the Earth Mother God, the witch is naturally able to drive the dragon!" Qin Feng said with a smile: "Liliana, you may be able to become a dragon knight!

"Oh!" Soon, Liliana tries to communicate with the dragon with her magic!

"Qin Feng, King of the Righteous Path, I haven't seen you for a long time!" At this time, Athena appeared in front of Qin Feng!

"Athena, you're finally here!" Seeing Athena, the little Lori who had been missing for a long time, Qin Feng was a little happy!

"Witch, descendant of Prometheus' disciples, can you give me this dragon?"

"What do you want the dragon for?" Hearing this, Qin Feng was stunned, although the divine beast was powerful, it was much worse than the god of disobedience, this dragon was not of much use to Athena!

"Because of the dragon slaying brave!" Athena is also considered to be the mother goddess of the earth, and she also has a great relationship with the dragon!

"It's coming!" Athena muttered, and the silver arrow flashed, hitting the dragon that was still in mid-air!

"Disobedient God?" Seeing the black dragon being defeated, Liliana was stunned, used the flying magic, and left the ruins, ready to check on the situation of the black dragon!

The gods live in mythology, that is, in the realm of mythology, and those who are out of mythology and come out of the realm of mythology naturally become the god of disobedience!

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