At this time, not far from Naples, at the crater, a god of disobedience sensed the magic of the Hera Pillar and was resurrected!

Seeing the black dragon with its wings in the sky, he suddenly realized that he was the enemy of the snake and the brave man who slayed the dragon!

After the full moon opened the bow, and the arrows infused with divine power hit the dragon at once, the huge body of the black dragon began to fall, and below, it was time to slay the dragon!

On the other side, the four women who kept rushing to Naples also saw the huge black dragon!

"Yuri, do you know what's going on?" Erica said as she sniffed Yuri!

"It seems... The King of the Righteous Path smashed that divine tool, and this dragon was formed by the divine power of the divine tool!" Yuri, who opened his eyes, said with a wry smile!

"Let's hurry over!" Hearing Yuri's words, Erica's brows furrowed into a Sichuan character!

The black dragon has fallen in front of a bridge in front of a castle!

Although it was not yet nightfall, no one noticed the situation here!

At this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly drew in the sky, and at the same time as the rumbling sounded, the flickering lightning turned into the shape of a human, with golden hair like a dazzling sun, beautiful eyebrows that did not make people feel a trace of weakness, and the white clothes and cloak on his body were obviously not modern attire.

Liliana was slightly stunned!

"Disobedient God?" At the first sight of this man, Liliana confirmed!

Because the moment she saw this man, Liliana's heart beat suddenly, and the emotion of fear flowed all over her body!

"Girl?" the man glanced at Liliana, and suddenly became interested, "Sure enough!

"Then girl, as a dragon slayer, I'm here to save you!"

Behind Liliana, the black dragon with damaged wings whined and looked down at the enemy in front of her!

In the memories of the black dragons, this man is their mortal enemy!

"Can you tell me your god's name?" The god of disobedience appeared in front of him, Liliana calmed down and asked! If this god of disobedience really wants to kill the black dragon, then she must stop it, otherwise, this area will become a dead land and a dead sea because of the depletion of the dragon veins!

"Perseus!" At this time, Qin Feng's voice came, turned into a wisp of breeze, and then appeared in front of Liliana, looked at the man in front of him, and smiled! Perseus is a warrior who defeated the gorgon Medusa in Greek mythology, and also fought with the monsters who asked the Ethiopian princess Andromeda to be a living sacrifice on the seaside, and finally won the victory to rescue the beautiful princess.

Perseus is a strong enemy, because he has the solar power of the god Mithra, and he is the top boss of the god of war, in a word, the power of the god of war is suppressed!

"Hehe, unexpected comer, you have a smell I hate, are you a godslayer?" Perseus said with a frown!

"Well, the brave man who slays the dragon!" Qin Feng nodded and said, "And today is also the person who came to stop you from completing the great cause of dragon slaying!"

"I admire your courage, all mortals have to do is to wait quietly for the hero's return!" After speaking, a knife suddenly appeared in Perseus's hand, a powerful knife with a blade length of more than one meter, and the blade was as thick as a firewood knife, a bold broadsword commensurate with a hero's weapon.

"Sure enough, it's a nasty guy!" The goddess of the night, Athena, also appeared beside Qin Feng!

"It's Athena! I didn't expect you to come!" Perseus didn't feel strange to see Athena appear, perhaps, slaughtering Athena would show his power even more!

"As a god, it's a pity to bully a divine beast in a foreign state!" said Athena, full of majesty!

"The dragon is your messenger, but my actions are not to the point of your scolding!" Perseus took a step back, and the giant blade struck in an instant!

"King Kong of the Divine Sheep!" Qin Feng muttered, the rich magic power formed a beast like a diamond, and then, the Divine Sheep roared with the crystals of the gems, and then as if to seal the movements of the alien monsters flying in the air, countless gem barriers blocked the sword, and then bounced back!

"I'll be your opponent!Perseus!" Qin Feng stood up and said with a smile! Perseus has the power of the sun, and he can just perfect his Beast Wing Divine Dragon!

"Ignorant child, vainly trying to challenge the hero!" Perseus sneered, and slashed down again!

"It's useless!" Qin Feng smiled, and the sword was still bounced back!

"It's really a strange ability!" Perseus frowned, and the white Pegasus appeared in front of him, and then, Perseus took out his bow and arrows, and the dazzling light flashed behind him, injecting the power of the sun into the arrows, and it could indeed break through Qin Feng's gem barrier!

Sure enough, the arrow flew and immediately blew a big hole in the barrier!

"This time, I want your life!" Looking at Qin Feng who had been exposed, Perseus pulled out his bow and arrow again and said!

"Dragon slaying warrior, then use the snake to pay you a good salute!" After Qin Feng finished speaking, the sand and stones on the seashore began to rise, and then turned into the shape of a big snake, in a word, it was just a big snake made of sand and stone!

When Liliana saw this scene, she remembered a scene that happened in Tokyo, these giant snakes were comparable to the power of the Marquis of Woban!

"It seems that you have been able to use my powers skillfully!" Athena muttered, walked up to the black dragon, and said, "That's fine, Perseus will be handed over to you to clean up!"

"Wounded son, accept my invitation and return to the arms of Mother Earth to rest!" After speaking, when Athena's palm touched the black dragon, the black dragon's body quickly disappeared!

"The breath of the underworld, the breath of the earth, I didn't expect you to gain the power of Athena!" Perseus could see at a glance that Qin Feng had already obtained the power of Athena!

"O pathetic goddess of war and goddess of the earth, I didn't expect you to lose to a human!" Perseus quipped!

"I am the strongest, I am the undefeated winner, although Athena lost to me, but did not die, and you, maybe you have to return to the myth!"

"Well, it's funny that you, as a godslayer, didn't let Athena return to mythology, Athena begged for mercy, and if that were the case, Athena wouldn't be worthy of being my opponent!" Perseus sarcastically said again!

"Well, since you defeated Athena, it's also a good choice to treat you as an opponent!" Perseus's gaze was once again on Qin Feng!

"This kind of power, for me, is indeed very troublesome!" Looking at the countless giant snakes, Perseus did not show any meaning of trouble on his face!

"Fortunately, I have some experience in this area, and I summed it up when I defeated and defeated Medusa, any level of snake is useless in front of me!" Perseus was telling Qin Feng, and at the same time, it was also the spirit of words, and the next moment, Qin Feng's group of snakes that were transformed from sand and stone all turned into sand and stones!

"That's it!Defeating Medusa gives you new power!" Qin Feng smiled, "Then next...!" After speaking, a thick darkness emerged from Qin Feng's body, forming a giant hand, and catching Perseus!

"Strength is good!" Perseus felt that the power contained in the darkness was different from power, but it really posed a threat to him!

"Thank you for the compliment!" Several rays of darkness rolled out again!

"Declare in advance, I'm not praising you!" Perseus smiled slightly, and then said, "I just think that by defeating such strength, you can make my hero's name spread more widely!"

"Aren't you excited, defeat me, and you'll get my powers!" The fate of the two creatures began more than a thousand years ago, and the relationship between the gods and the godslayer is that they will produce fierce battles!

"That's what I said!" Qin Feng smiled, "I heard that you are a dragon slayer brave, I think that if I use a dragon to defeat you, it may make me even more excited!"

"Knock me down with a dragon, how dare you say it!" Hearing this, Perseus scoffed!

"Of course, before this, I'll play with you!" Qin Feng smiled, his palm was slightly weak, and a black long sword appeared in his hand!

"Swordsman, that's right, let's have a fight!" Perseus laughed, and the sword appeared in his hand!

"Bump!" the two jumped up at the same time, their blades clashing, and their bodies were staggered!

"I think you've misunderstood! The Yemo Black Sword is not just a sword!" After speaking, the Yemo Black Sword came out of his hand and flew towards Perseus in the air.

"Pegasus Bekasas!" Unable to borrow power in the air, Perseus shouted, and from the direction of the sea flew a pure white steed with huge wings spread on its back, and Perseus turned over and sat up, dodging the black sword of the night motor!!

"I'm so surprised, is it a conscious long sword!" After Perseus sat on his horse, the black sword of the night still attacked at a rapid speed, but every time it was knocked away by Perseus, and finally after the long sword was flying, Perseus still came to the front in one breath.

"But that's it!" After speaking, Perseus had already rushed in front of Qin Feng in one breath! Careful strategy, feints, or complex techniques completely failed to advance in a straight line, and then directly slashed out with a simple knife technique.

"Night Mo Black Sword!" Qin Feng is now empty-handed, but he is still not afraid!

The Night Black Sword quickly returned to the cage and stabbed towards Perseus's vest, if the Night Black Sword didn't dodge, the Night Black Sword would pierce his body!

Perseus frowned, he also felt the sword behind him!

Suddenly, Perseus laughed, and when Perseus came in, the night black sword also flew over quickly, and Perseus jumped up, and the inertial night black sword still kept rushing over!

However, this disappointed Perseus, Perseus didn't see anything injured by his own sword, and the night black sword passed through Qin Feng's body as always, but it seemed to be fused with Qin Feng and disappeared directly!

"Okay, I've had enough trouble with you!" Qin Feng muttered, and then said to Liliana in the distance: "Liliana, you and your master stay away from here!"

"Oh-oh, are you finally going to show your real skills?" Perseus smiled absently!

At this point, the sky is already cloudy!

"Is it the power to control the sky?" Perseus frowned at the lightning bolts from time to time!

"Depressed!" Liliana looked up at the unusual sky, and it was her first feeling!

"Look, Eury, the sky there!" Ena saw the gray sky, and lightning flashed out like a thunder dragon, and finally disappeared into it!

"What a powerful divine power!" Yuri also noticed there, muttering!

"It's Naples, Qin Feng and the God of Disobedience are fighting, let's hurry over!" Erica sped up again!

Lightning and thunder roared, a storm was coming, and at this moment, Qin Feng's voice resounded throughout the sky!

"Descend quickly, Osiris Sky Dragon!" Then, the dragon's chant exploded, and the red pillar of light ran through the sky and the earth, and in the dark clouds, the ancient city and Vatra saw the red body tumbling in it, and then disappeared!

"Is this a dragon?" Liliana muttered as she looked at the red body at the tip of the iceberg, incredulous!

"This is a dragon!" Perseus also sighed, compared to this dragon, he felt that the dragon he had killed before was weak!

Athena frowned, as the goddess of snakes, she couldn't feel the breath of a snake on that dragon's body, on the contrary, the breath of death on this dragon's body was very strong!

"Great!" At this moment, the beautiful hero turned into a white meteor and rushed towards the Sky Dragon, that action was like a meteor - it was a very terrifying speed, and Perseus slashed the Sword Sky Dragon at the same time!

"It's useless!" The sky dragon is not a divine beast, Perseus cut it down with a knife, and he couldn't even cut the skin of the sky dragon, he could only rub a little spark on the red skin!

"Roar!" the Sky Dragon's roar resounded through the sky, and Perseus's actions angered the Sky Dragon!

"Really, you've screamed something terrible!" Perseus said in surprise that he didn't kill the sky dragon with a single sword! You know, his knife is not ordinary, in a word, when this knife slashes a dragon or a snake, the damage rate is two hundred percent, or even higher, and now, only a little spark, and there can only be one explanation, that is, this dragon is not a real dragon!

"This isn't a dragon!" Perseus asked!

"Who knows!" Qin Feng didn't answer Perseus's question head-on, but gave the order to attack at the Sky Dragon!

"The howl of the empty dragon!" Suddenly, the sky dragon opened its mouth, and the red energy light condensed in its mouth, and when Perseus sensed the danger, he was about to dodge, but the red pillar of light had already struck like thunder!

There was almost no time to react, and Perseus was hit, and he was swept away by the red pillar of light!

After seeing Perseus being knocked away, Liliana also came over!

"Liliana, where is your teacher?" Seeing that it was only Liliana, Qin Feng asked curiously!

"She's already gone back!" Liliana said! Actually, she knew what Master was going back for, and she should have issued a notice to evacuate the people of Naples, after all, the destruction and casualties in Tokyo were a lesson!

"Oh!" After Qin Feng nodded, suddenly, in the crowd, a short girl ran over, looking about the same age as Jinghua, and the half-long-sleeved maid outfit was very suitable for her, as if Li Yana knew someone who was 5.9, and occasionally cast a suspicious look at Qin Feng0.....

"Miss Liliana, are you here?" Seeing the maid who suddenly appeared, Liyana looked downright and generous.

"Karen, why are you here?" Liliana was a little puzzled! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Well, it was the teacher who asked me to come to you and say you're going to need my help!"

"Teacher is really, you should go back quickly!" Although Kalian is also a witch, she is more than herself, how to help herself, she is lucky not to drag herself down at a critical moment!

"Hee-hee, Miss Liliana, this one next to you is your lover!"

"Kalian, you should also know his name, Righteous Path King, Lord Qin Feng, don't be rude, King, this is my retinue, Karen!" Liliana introduced each other!

"By the way, who is the God of Disobedience?" Karen's asked, "Is it the big guy in the sky?" Karen, pointing to the Sky Dragon hovering above Qin Feng's head, said!

"It's Perseus the Dragon Slayer!" Liliana said, "He has been defeated by the King!"

"It turns out that it's your summoned beast!" At this time, Athena appeared in front of Qin Feng, looking at the sky dragon, revealing a look of sudden realization!

"Do you know what a summoned beast is?" Qin Feng complained, he was sure that Athena didn't understand anything!

"That's amazing! That king has gained the power of Perseus?" Karenne asked again! Even Liliana looked at Qin Feng, if Qin Feng obtained the power of Perseus, then Qin Feng was really powerful!

"No, Perseus isn't dead yet!" Qin Feng shook his head!

"I heard the guy screaming!" Liliana asked, stunned!

"The gods are not so easy to kill!I just hurt him just now!" Qin Feng smiled slightly!

Sure enough, soon, in the far reaches of the sky, a black dot appeared!

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