"I'll praise you, I haven't been hurt in a long time!" said Perseus, who spoke gracefully, sat on the winged steed again, and Becassas returned, but his white robe was tattered, and his face was a little black, and his appearance contrasted with the grace of his speech!

"I have to say, you're a really powerful dragon!" Perseus muttered, and now riding Becass, he had a wheel of light shining behind him, emitting a dazzling halo of golden orange like the sun!

"O Father, O Radiance of the East, please give me strength, work miracles in your name, come, please answer the oath of the Serpent Slayer now!"

"Are you going to give up, give up the power of slaying dragons!" Qin Feng saw Perseus use the power of the hero of light, Mishra, which was also the power of the sun god!

I have to say that although the Sky Dragon is in the form of a dragon, it is essentially the controller of Hades, and it has the power of Hades, and the power of light and other powers suppresses it, and in the battle, the power will also be weakened, so it is no wonder that Perseus can survive the howl of the empty dragon!

"Hehe, as a hero, you should use your tactics flexibly and win the war!" Perseus smiled and said!

"These days, even the gods have become scoundrels!" Qin Feng spread his hands and said sarcastically!

What wouldn't answer Qin Feng was a sudden arrow, which flashed into Qin Feng's feet like a flash of light falling from the sky, and then exploded, and the arrow exploded like a bomb, causing a powerful shock wave!

"Huh, is it a sneak attack?" Jumping out of the smoke and dust, Qin Feng sneered, and the second arrow came again, but it was not the ground under Qin Feng's feet, but Qin Feng's head!

After Qin Feng dodged again, Perseus still wanted to shoot the third arrow!

Suddenly, Perseus fell!

Behind him, an Athena with a scythe of death appeared behind Perseus, and then slashed down, bringing out a surge of blood!

"You, as Athena, have done such a despicable act!" Perseus said angrily after being attacked from behind!

But in response to him, it was another knife that cut off Perseus's head!

"My power!" Seeing Athena kill 05 in a sneak attack, Qin Feng couldn't help but let out a sad sigh!

Qin Feng didn't expect that the meat that came to his mouth was robbed!

"It's shameful to rob monsters!" Qin Feng said powerlessly after watching Perseus die!

"Qin Feng, I'm really sorry, the concubine killed this guy, after all, he is the enemy of the snake!" Athena said with an expressionless face!

Seeing Athena walking down, Liliana immediately drew her sword, after all, after watching the scene just now, Liliana felt that this woman was too dangerous, and it was definitely a wrong choice for the king to take him with him! If the king was also attacked by Athena like this without being guarded, then the king would be seriously injured if he did not die!

"It's a pity!" Qin Feng shook his head and sighed! The power of Mithra, the god of light, if you get it, you will definitely be able to take the power of the Winged Divine Dragon to a higher level! However, the power of Perseus is also dispensable to himself, and it is not very important! It's just that Qin Feng doesn't understand why Athena wants to stir up herself!

You must know that if the god of disobedience is killed by the gods, he will not get his power, so it is better for him to kill him!

"Qin Feng, the concubine snatched your prey, it is indeed unreasonable, what kind of requirements do you have, what the concubine can do, you can put it forward!" Athena said of course!

After the death of the god of disobedience, returning to the realm of mythology, naturally nothing will be left, even if Qin Feng has the underworld, he will not be able to capture a trace of Perseus after his death!

"But I was surprised that you were able to kill your natural enemies!"

"For the dragon slaying brave, the snake is the prey, but for the snake, the brave is not the prey!"

"Indeed!" Qin Feng nodded, and soon, Qin Feng came to Athena, and then leaned down!

"This is your punishment for robbing my prey!" After speaking, Qin Feng's lips kissed it!


Qin Feng quickly let go, because she felt Athena's body become stiff, and the divine power in her body seemed to be about to explode!

"You are really a rude person!" The lips met, and many of Qin Feng's thoughts were known to Athena, including Qin Feng's covetousness for Athena!

Athena, who is a queen and majestic, rarely shows her daughter-like shyness!

"I noticed that the other me woke up, I'll go take a look!!" After saying that, Athena immediately disappeared!


"King, are you here?" At this time, Erica's three daughters also rushed over!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded!

"The king... How can you be here alone with Liliana!"

"Are you angry?" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"No, I'm not angry, I'm worried about you, no, I'm admonishing, you can't have a tryst with Liliana!"

"Liliana, which god of disobedience have you encountered?" asked Erica!

"It's Perseus, the dragon slayer!" Liliana said!

"Has the king gained his power?"

"No!" Hearing this, Liliana shook her head and continued: "At the most critical time, Athena came out and killed Perseus!"


"There's no pity, let's go!" Qin Feng shook his head!


"Of course I'm going to kill Perseus!"

"Isn't Perseus dead?

"Perseus has the power of the god of light, even Athena, he didn't kill him completely!"


"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, he also thought that Athena had killed Perseus, but at this time, he felt Perseus's divine power!

At this moment, in a dark alley of Naples, the particles of light shimmered, bounced off, and finally took on the form of a man, and this light turned into the hero of a handsome man, the disobedient Perseus.

"I didn't expect it to be so dangerous, I almost died, even in the age of mythology, I have never been so embarrassed!" the panting Perseus trembled with joy. At the last moment of being cut off from his head, he turned into light, and then succeeded in resurrection, and the sun, which sinks in the west, will awaken again in the morning, which is the life force of light.

Of course, this perverted resurrection skill and squandering Perseus's divine power!

"But it's rare for Athena and the Godslayer to join forces!" Perseus sighed, "It's better to heal your wounds!"

"I'm so sorry, you might be dying here!" Qin Feng sneered and walked over!

"Are you this god killer?" Seeing Qin Feng, Perseus snorted coldly and also pulled out his sword!

"It's not going to be good, but let's have a good fight!"

"Fighting, with your current injuries, are you still fit to fight?" Qin Feng sneered!

"Let's fight!" Perseus took his knife and rushed forward, his sword technique was simple, moving faster than the enemy, swinging the knife faster than the opponent, and that was all, but for the supernormal hero, this alone was enough.

So at this time, he also turned into a white meteor and approached Qin Feng, and waved his sword.

"It seems that you are really seriously injured!I don't even need to use the Golden Sword!" Qin Feng sneered!

"Night Mo Black Sword!" After saying that, the black long sword flew out at an even faster speed, hitting Perseus directly!

In the next moment, Perseus's mighty knife was split in half, and even Perseus was cut in half!

After killing Perseus, Qin Feng also gained the power of the Mithra Sun God, and of course, even the power of the natural enemy of the snake!

Qin Feng frowned, he seemed to understand why Athena wanted to kill Perseus, it probably had something to do with the power of this snake's natural enemy!

After killing Perseus, Qin Feng's life returned to peace again, but this peace did not last long, because the Red Bronze Black Cross also came to ask for help!


At this time, in a Gothic-style western-style building, the red copper and black cross gathered all the high-rise at this time!

"I didn't expect the King of Swords to be beaten so badly by the King of the Right Path, and I haven't woken up yet!"

"Also, why is there still black fog wrapped around his body?!!"

"Hey, the power of death, even with the blessing of magic, we can't last long! Now it's time to discuss what to do with the King of Swords!"

"Do you still need to ask, a sword king who doesn't know when he will wake up, give up!"

"If we give up, do we still have asylum protectors in Italy?"

"Isn't Erica in touch with the King of the Righteous Path, we can take refuge in the past like the Bronze Black Cross!"

"The King of Swords is not dead, he is just unconscious, as if once the King of Swords wakes up, what do you say?"

"I've already invited his teacher Raphael, let's see what she has to say!" (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)


Soon, a tall woman in her early twenties walked in, of course, she was not as young as she seemed on the surface, and it could even be said that she was old, only because her own magic power had reached the purest realm, so she looked so young!

"I thought it was a farce, but I didn't expect it to be true, the disciple who inherited all my swordsmanship was beaten like this!" Raphael frowned, looked at the black mist coming out of Tony's body, and reached out to touch it slightly!

"Be careful, these are the breath of death!" one of them reminded!

"It's okay!" Raphael shook his head, and the mana suddenly blessed his palm, and then touched it!

The black mist rolled, and Ral frowned!

"I took Tony away, what happens to the rest, you can just watch it!" Raphael said!

"Dare to ask the Lord of Swords if he can recover?!"

"The body of steel, God is not so easy to die!"

"That's good!" Raphael left, and the Bronze Black Cross moved on to the next round of discussions!

"Now that I've heard it, the King of Swords won't die, maybe there will be a day when he wakes up!"

"Well, that's right, let's follow the King of Swords for now!"

"But there's a puzzle that hasn't been solved yet!"

"Listening to the report of the branch people, there seems to be unusual weather in Turkey!"

"Weather?" "Well, it's windy and rainy, and it's unbearable, but the anomaly is at the ruins!"

"Ruins, I remember that Turkey should be the ruins of the Anatolian gods! Is it the god of disobedience?" Before 6000 BC, that area of Turkey was the capital of the Hittite Empire, because in the age of mythology, religion played a very important role in the life of the Hittites, and they practiced a polytheistic worship system similar to Mesopotamia, the so-called Anatolian gods.

"Most likely, several teams have been sent in to investigate, but no one has been able to come out!"

"The call for help was a few days ago, and our Sword King is still in a daze!"

"Then let the King of the Righteous Path go over and clean up the god of disobedience!"

"But can he control his power? Turkey is only a small country, and if there is a big war like Tokyo there, Turkey will be completely destroyed!"

"Don't worry, the Bronze Black Cross has received news that the King of the Righteous Path has perfectly solved the matter of the Hera Stone Pillar!"

"That's it, then let the King of the Righteous Path give it a try!"

"Hmm! Inform Erica now, and then Erica will tell the King of the Right Path!"

The people of the Red Bronze Black Cross have set the next plan of action with a word, and at this time, Qin Feng and the fourth girl are still playing around in Lukurazia!


"Where are your eyes, King?" said Yuri, as always, puffing up!

"Eh, are you angry?" Qin Feng retracted his gaze, although Lucurazia was sixty years old, on the surface, she looked like a royal sister in her seventeens!

"I'm not angry, can't the king listen to others?

"Wang, can you come with me?" At this time, Erica walked out, grabbed Qin Feng's arm, and said with a smile!


"Hee-hee, of course I'm giving birth to a child for the king!" Erica looked at Yuri with a smile and replied, "I will give birth to a strong child for the king!"

"You... You're a vixen!"

Regardless of Yuri's objections, Qin Feng was taken into the room by Erica!

"Alright, Erica, what are you doing with me?" Although Erica is enthusiastic and unrestrained, she is also measured!

"King, my grandfather has news for me!" said Erica in a deep voice!

"Is it a god of disobedience?" Qin Feng asked reflexively!

"Hmm!" Erica nodded and said, "There is a god of disobedience in Turkey! The evidence is that the weather in Turkey is changeable, and it is suspected that the gods are at fault!"

"Turkey, there don't seem to be any powerful gods there!" Hearing this, Qin Feng muttered!

"Until 6,000 B.C., Turkey was the capital of the powerful Hittite Empire, and because of the mythological era, religion played an important role in the life of the Hittites, who practiced a polytheistic system of worship similar to Mesopotamia, the so-called Anatolian gods. Erica explains!

"So you want to say that the gods of disobedience are the Anatolian gods!"

"Hmm!" Erica nodded!


The Hittite Empire, also known as Beatta, grew stronger in the later period, often invading the valley of the two rivers, and the largest invasion occurred in the early 16th century BC, when the Hittite army captured the city of Babylon and defeated the ancient Babylonian kingdom.

The Anatolian gods were also worshipped by the Hittite people at the highest level here, and the warlike Hittites continued to conquer the surrounding area, while also building a large number of temples for the gods and incorporating new gods, but with the fall of the kingdom and the disappearance of the Hittite nation, the era of the Anatolian gods came to an end.

Turkey, to be precise, a city in Turkey! The ancient city of Hatura, the ruins of the former capital of the Hittite Empire, has now been submerged in the long river of history, leaving only a wreck and a group of rocks!

When Qin Feng and Erica arrived here, it was more than three o'clock in the afternoon of the next day, of course, only Qin Feng and Erica came here, the Anatolian gods, Qin Feng didn't know how many disobedient gods there would be, so for the sake of insurance, he didn't bring the other three with him!

"King, here we are!" Maybe the two of them were alone, Erica seemed very excited, at this time, Erica was still wearing a red dress, but with a white hat on her head, she looked extremely cute, sweeping away the previous queen's demeanor!

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