"Anyway, we're here to kill the god of disobedience, is it necessary to dress like this?" Qin Feng muttered, this morning, under Erica's pleading and request, Qin Feng had no choice but to change into this dress, a white suit, if you had to say it, she was dressed very similar to that snake-trickling Vatra!

"Don't mind this!" Erica ignored Qin Feng's complaints, pulled Qin Feng's palm, and said, "Let's go over and take a look!"

The ancient city of Hatoula is a tourist attraction, but it is much more deserted, with only a few casual tourists taking pictures and few hawkers!

"It's so desolate!" muttered Erica, the land was filled with desolation, as if abandoned by the world!

"If you can't stand the test of time, you will eventually be abandoned by the world!" Qin Feng also muttered, but judging from the bad environment here, the previous glory can be vaguely seen!

"Even if it's a god, it can't last forever, and you and I are the same, at least it's glorious!" Indeed, the wind and sand have eroded, and many things have been erased, but the glory in it can be more or less visible!

"Miss Erica, you're finally here!" said a man dressed in black when he walked up and said happily!

"Hmm!" Erica nodded, waved her hand, and said, "Take us to the climate difference!"

"Yes, Miss Erica!" The man in black looked at the young man beside Erica, with a sunny face, he was an ordinary person, but he didn't dare to ask more, he heard that Erica was the king's lover, and in this case, this young man was the legendary god killer!

"No need!" Qin Feng waved his hand, "I already feel that meager divine power!" After speaking, Qin Feng hugged Erica, turned into a bolt of lightning, and came to another area!

On the map, this area is close to a place outside the Imperial Palace, which was once an altar for worshipping the gods!

If there really is a god of disobedience, then he will definitely appear here, after all, even if he is a god of disobedience, he will feel very close to the temple that once enshrined him!

"This is...?" As soon as Erica saw it, she found herself moving to this place!

"Altar!" Qin Feng muttered, "There's still a little divine power here!"

"The god of disobedience is here?" asked Erica again!

"No!" Hearing this, Qin Feng shook his head, "But there has been a god of disobedience here, it is certain that there is a god of disobedience here!"

"Where did the disobedient god go?"

"I don't know, let's try to find him!" Qin Feng smiled, closed his eyes, and returned empty-handed is not his style!

Closing his eyes, Qin Feng began to release his divine power, wanting to resonate with the remaining divine power, and then summon the god of disobedience!

Suddenly, Qin Feng felt that his five senses were about to disappear, the sky became gloomy, and time began to regress!

"This is the gods!" Qin Feng found that he seemed to have returned to six thousand years ago, where people dressed in strange clothes were constantly kneeling and worshipping the shadows that shrouded this temple, they were high above and full of divinity, this was the Anatolian gods!

"It seems that I thought wrong! This divine power is very powerful!!" Qin Feng muttered after withdrawing!

"How?" asked Erica again!

"Found something very interesting!" Qin Feng smiled, among the Anatolian gods, the goddess Alina and the god Tiereping occupied an important position among the gods of the Hittite.

The goddess Alina is one of the main gods they worship, she is praised as the queen of the earth, the queen of the fields, is regarded as the protector of the Hittite kingdom and the monarchy, when the country is in danger, the king always prays to her for help, whenever the country is victorious, will also send a lot of booty to her temple, her husband is the god of thunderstorms, Tielepin is known as the god of agriculture, is the son of the god of thunderstorms, plays the role of a bartender for the whole meal, and brings wine to the gods.

The goddess Mahjura was also often treated by the Hittite kings as the goddess of the sun!

Of course, there are other gods besides!

"And found the god of disobedience?"

"No!" Qin Feng shook his head, "Let's go to the place with a strange climate you said tomorrow!"

It seems to sense the arrival of Qin Feng, and when Qin Feng came, the chaotic climate had returned to normal!

"It's really snowing here.~!" Erica looked up at the sky in confusion, the sun was shining, no, it was more ready to say, the sun should be shining!

"It should be!" Qin Feng smiled, the residual divine power here is a little stronger, but there is no god here!"But the god doesn't seem to be here!"

"So what should we do?" asked Erica!

"Let's stay here!

"Alright then!" Erica, as a knight, has no problem sleeping in the open, let alone a sabbatical job like the one now!

The divinity that erupted in Hatura City aroused Qin Feng's interest, so Qin Feng decided to stay and find out!

The gods can be the cause of the sudden change in the climate, then the divine power can also be the cause, and for the situation in the city of Hatura, it is unknown whether it is the divine power or the gods!

After the exposure to the sun during the day, the temperature in the evening should not be low, but here, the temperature drops suddenly, and the surrounding sand and stones are covered with a layer of hoarfrost, Qin Feng is a god killer, and his physique will naturally not be a problem, and Erica can't, she must use magic to resist the cold, but the amount of magic can't be used continuously!

"Erica, are you okay?!" Qin Feng and Erica slept in the same tent, and after finding that the temperature had plummeted, Qin Feng used his divine power!

"It's okay, isn't God doing anything?" asked Erica!

"Well, I feel that the divine power here is starting to boil!" Qin Feng nodded and said, "You stay here, don't leave, I'll come back when I go!" Remember to call my name when you encounter danger!" After speaking, Qin Feng turned into a wisp of breeze and disappeared in an instant!

At this time, at the ruined wall, hoarfrost shrouded the earth!

The breeze blew and turned into a young man, Qin Feng stood on the lonely high cliff, looking at the whole land!

"God, come out!" With divine power, Qin Feng's voice spread in all directions!

Soon, Qin Feng's voice was answered!

"Oh, you're looking for me?" a voice suddenly sounded.

"Is it finally coming out?" Qin Feng smiled, the boulder in front of him moved, and then turned into a giant and appeared in Qin Feng's body, this is the god of disobedience he is looking for, a god who has escaped the shackles of mythology, except for the god of disobedience, ordinary people must not be able to grow so big, let alone be filled with such a sacred aura.

"Can it be turned into a rock?" Qin Feng frowned, this power shouldn't exist!

"I ask you, are you a god-killer!?" the big man muttered!

"Hmm!God Slayer!" Qin Feng nodded, "So, can you tell me your god name?!"

"No mortal should defile my god's name, even if it is a god-killer!" the big man's bronze bell-like eyes looked down at Qin Feng.

"That's it, as a god, if you can give me a little fun!" Qin Feng sneered, if he didn't know the name of the god, he couldn't use the golden sword, but he still had a lot of power to choose from!

"Me too!" the big man laughed too!

"O earth, please obey my call!" the big man began to speak! The fine sand formed large stones, and then attacked Qin Feng!

"Hmph!" Qin Feng looked at it, this is not the power of the earth, snorted coldly, and the flying stones suddenly slowed down, and then turned into the shape of a big snake, and then turned the head of the spear and bit towards the big man!

"Mother Earth, you killed the goddess Athena!" the big man was a little surprised!

"I didn't expect you to know Athena too?" Qin Feng was stunned, it stands to reason that the two should have different mythological systems!", "And you can also use the power of the earth, it seems that there is some kind of relationship between you and the goddess Athena!"

"Hmph, what's so strange about this, I'm the patron saint of this land, so I can mobilize everything here!"

"So that's the case, it's the land lord!" Qin Feng smiled! "Then you can also make the climate of this land change?" Qin Feng was a little disappointed, the land god is a strong existence, and it is also a chicken rib existence, because his power is related to that land, in that land, he can call the wind and rain, but if he leaves there, he will be useless!

"Of course, I won't allow anyone to enter here, I will protect this land and wait for the gods to come again!"

"Originally, I wanted to seize your power, but your power is not of much use to me, but forget it, I'm all here, let's fight with you!

"Wind, rain, thunder, everything in the sky, roar..."Just for a moment, bright lightning pierced the night sky, heavy rain poured down, the air began to flow, and soon, a storm descended on the entire ancient city, if it was an ordinary person, I am afraid it would blow directly to the sky.

"Is the power of the climate!" Qin Feng stood there quietly!"Then I'll come too, the wind, the snow, let everything in the world sleep!"

"Do you have the same power as me?" the big man laughed maniacally, turning into a whirlwind and blending into the storm.

"The sky is getting colder. "The storm became more and more violent, and the rain in the wind began to turn into snowflakes and hail!

There was a roar in the sky, and a giant axe, a giant club, struck in the air, and a terrifying force was condensed on it.

There is an inevitable similarity in the law of development of things, looking at the flying giant axe and wooden sticks, Qin Feng remembered the battle with the god king Mekal, he also had two wooden sticks at that time, and he also had the power of the sky, how similar it is to the current situation! However, the god king Mekar at that time failed to defeat him, and this land god was naturally impossible!

"Hades suit!" In an instant, when the black gold divine robe was put on Qin Feng's body, the double-strand fork also appeared in Qin Feng's hand!

Qin Feng lightly blocked it, and the giant axe and wooden stick flew out!

In the sky, lightning and thunder roared, and huge figures walked the sky, holding giant axes and wooden sticks in their hands again!

"Great! Your strength is really not weak!" The big man laughed, and it was not difficult to hear in his voice, he was very happy!!

"Wind, snow, bring the cold to my enemies!" After speaking, a strong wind hung on the earth, it seemed to be a storm, frost, and the temperature had dropped to more than a hundred degrees Celsius, and at this temperature, layers of ice continued to condense in the land below, and the already scarce plants were shattered like ice cubes under such forces!!

"It's useless, is that you have this kind of power?" The earth turned white, but there was one place where it was still like spring all year round, and that was the place where Qin Feng stood, not affected by the surrounding ice at all!

"'Thunder, come and slay my enemy!'" Immediately after, a thick lightning bolt struck down!

"Have you forgotten that I also have the power of the sky!" Qin Feng sneered, and suddenly, on the other side of the sky, another lightning bolt struck down, and the two lightning bolts collided together, creating huge sparks!

"If that's all you have, you're in danger!" Qin Feng smiled, his palms flipped, and darkness kept pouring out!

"What! here it is...!" The darkness kept spreading, and in an instant a confined space was formed!

"You can't get out of here!"

"Then give it a try! This sky is my sky, and no one can stop my eyes!" Soon, the dark space began to collapse, the big man's figure kept moving, and the stars began to tremble!

"Since you are the god of this land, you should give everything for this land, then give you two choices!!" Qin Feng smiled. "Gallop here, Yamo's black sword!" With that, the darkness that swayed out distorted the space, and soon the shape of a sword formed in the void.

The land god was breaking through the space and came out, and he found that a sword appeared in the sky, which was an exaggerated sword with a sword body far more than 100 meters.

"Come down, destroy this land!" Qin Feng smiled!

Echoing Qin Feng's call, the huge sword began to fall, the blade that was accelerated by gravity was wrapped in blazing flames, its posture was like a meteorite falling from the sky, the atmosphere vibrated violently, and the sky became bright as if a new sun had appeared.

"Hmm!" the face of the land god changed, but he couldn't dodge, this land was the source of his power, if there was no land, then he wouldn't be a god, so no matter what he said, he had to take such a blow!

"Then I'll take your sword!" In an instant, Dahan turned into a sky-supporting giant!

"Get bigger, get bigger, get bigger again!" Seeing that the land god also became bigger, Qin Feng also called for the night black sword to become bigger!

"Fall!" Qin Feng shouted, and in an instant, Ye Mo's black sword increased countless times, and at the same time, the black sword accelerated its landing speed, its ability as a dependent beast was controlled by gravity (well), and it was pulled by gravity several times greater than ordinary gravity The accelerated giant sword turned into a supersonic cannonball and flew down!

"Ah!" the land god swung his great axe and met it!


Destroying the withering and decaying, the powerful divine power was infused, and cracks appeared on the giant axe, and finally shattered!

And the land god was also divided into two halves by the night black sword, returning to the realm of mythology!

On the other side, Erica looked at the black sword in the sky in a daze, she had seen this situation once in Tokyo, she didn't expect Qin Feng to use the black sword of the night motorcycle here! Then, she saw a giant who supported the sky, holding an axe, and facing such a black sword, Erica knew that this giant was the god of disobedience, the one who fought with Qin Feng!

Originally, Erica thought that Qin Feng had met an opponent, but Yemo Black Sword was invincible and directly defeated the giant!

"The king has succeeded in killing the gods again!" Erica sighed, in just a few months, the gods killed by Qin Feng were about to catch up with double digits!

However, when Erica thought that the Yemo Black Sword would destroy everything here, the Yemo Black Sword suddenly disappeared!And the originally raging storm wheal suddenly began to shrink rapidly inward, and in less than a minute, the storm wheal disappeared, except for the gloomy, cloud-covered sky, on the ground, it was already visible again.

The ruins of the ancient city have long since disappeared, and even the entire steep slope has been smoothed out!

!!At this time, in the sky, a thunderclap suddenly sounded, and in the dark clouds, a white thunderbolt suddenly appeared, cutting through the sky and illuminating the earth below.

Soon, the light came directly to Erica, and before Erica could react, the light formed a human form!

It's Qin Feng!

"King, have you won?" asked Erica, dumbfounded!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, "Erica, let's go!"

"Oh!" Erica finished speaking, and was swept up by Qin Feng's breeze, and left!

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