Qin Feng also gained the power of that land god, but this is just chicken ribs for him, he may not need it for the rest of his life, and now the travel continues!

At this time, the four girls gathered together as usual!

"Ena, what's the matter with your sword?" Erica looked at Ena who had been holding the Heavenly Cloud Sword, a little puzzled!

"It was given to me by my grandfather! Grandpa is a terrible person. Needless to say, even the people of the official history compilation committee had to look at his face with trepidation. Ena explained, then pulled the knife out of its scabbard.

The blade of the sword is filled with a sacred silver-white light, full of dignified imperial majesty.

"Erica, let's have a fight!" said Ena with a sudden interest!

"It's okay!" Erica's hand suddenly appeared with the heart of the Demon Sword Lion King, she could feel the extraordinaryness of the Heavenly Cloud Sword, so she also wanted to know the secret!

"Hee-hee, then let's decide who is the king's strongest knight!" Ena smiled, and as she finished speaking, she tapped the ground with her foot.

Ena took a big step and stabbed with a magnificent sword.

Erica, who dodges the attack with a side jump, in turn counterattacks with a stabbing counterattack with the heart of the lion king. However, Ena gently twisted her body like a bat to avoid the attack, and in the next moment, the swords of the two sides began to collide violently, Erica wielded the light heart of the lion king, and released a thrust without interruption, launching a continuous attack like a barrage, but the blade of Ena's ether knife bounced off all the attacks with a slight shake from side to side.

"Okay, don't make trouble!" Qin Feng walked up, snatched the Tiancong Cloud Sword, and then separated the two! The Tiancong Cloud Sword was originally a subsidiary god, and the original holder was Susanoo Nuo, and then he gave the sword to Ena.

"This sword is from an attached god!" Qin Feng smiled!


"That's right!" Qin Feng nodded, "Controlling the demigods by the human body is too dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will be counterattacked!"

"But... But this sword was given to me by my grandfather!"

"The old man you are talking about is the god of disobedience who lives in the netherworld! I also want to meet him!" Qin Feng nodded, and the darkness of his palm suddenly wrapped around the Tiancong Cloud Sword, "Don't worry, the Tiancong Cloud Sword will not be destroyed because of this, I will become its new master, so that you can rest assured when you use it!"

Since the Heavenly Cloud Sword was a demigod, it naturally wouldn't sit still, and when Qin Feng poured out of the darkness, it also began to resist!

Immediately after that, the sky darkened, and the neighborhood began to be dominated by darkness, and the 820 sun in the sky was completely blackened, and a white corona appeared around the pitch-black circle, which was simply a total solar eclipse, and it also blew a strong wind, strong enough to blow away the body and tear the skin.

The Heavenly Cloud Sword suddenly came out of his hand, and then turned into a giant sword!

In the world enclosed in darkness, the incantation song also sounded!

"Wang, you have to be careful, the Heavenly Cloud Sword is a divine sword used by the two heroes of Susanoo and Japanese Takezun!"

"Huh?" Qin Feng suddenly felt that the soil under his feet began to soften, like a swamp!

"Whew!" Qin Feng's body slowly sank in!

Soon, the Heavenly Cloud Sword and Qin Feng disappeared together!

"Ena, where has the king gone?" asked Erica anxiously at this time!

"I don't know about this, it should be the old man who took the king away!"

"Grandpa, is that the man who is Susanoo?"

"Well, they are not just warriors who make the enemy obedient, but if they need to deceive the enemy, they will become wise people who deceive and deceive people. It is also the god of deception and deception, the god of fickleness, the god of theft. Susanoo, in particular, is a godhead who can even be deceived by the sun and cover it up. Ena explained!

"Deceive, steal!" Hearing this, Erica remembered the Prometheus slate at the beginning, Qin Feng had stolen the golden sword of the god of war at that time!

"If it's a grandfather, then the king should be taken to the netherworld!"

"Youshi, what kind of place is that?" Erica was stunned again!

"I don't know very well!" Hearing this, Meina nodded!

"Anyway, we have to look and find a way to get to the netherworld!"

"Don't worry, the king is so powerful, it'll be fine!"

"I'm afraid that something will happen to the grandfather you said!" Erica gave Megumi a blank look, if there was another big war, Japan might destroy another city!

"Oh, yes, grandpa has always disliked foreign gods entering Japan, even if they are godslayers!"

"Then you still say, hurry up and open the door of the netherworld!"

"I don't know, but I think Yuri should know!" Ena shook her head!

Soon, Yuri rushed over, and after hearing the words of Ena and Erica, he also said that there was no way to enter the Netherworld, and finally, Liliana suggested that Lukurazia should take action, she is a powerful witch and should know how to enter the Netherworld!

But Lukurazia's answer made them stunned!

"Do you really think that the king was taken away? The king has so many powers that no one can take him anywhere if he does not want to, so the king himself wants to go to the netherworld, and besides, if you go to the netherworld, what can you do? As you suspected, the king will fight with the disobedient gods, and that is bound to be a thing, and it is impossible for the gods of the gods to be in harmony with the gods of disobedience!" Lukurazia said what she thought! She didn't know that Qin Feng was a strange person, he didn't kill Athena, and now the two are still getting along!


The secluded world, the boundary between life and death!

At this time, Qin Feng came to this place, and as far as the eye could see, there were mountains and rivers, but the color was monotonous, and the whole body was black and white, like a black and white ink painting!

"This is the secluded world!" Qin Feng muttered, curious about everything around him, just now, when he felt that there was a divine power pulling him in, he knew that this should be the power of the disobedient god Susanoo's life!

"Then let's take a look at this retiring god of disobedience!" Tiancong Cloud Sword also walked in, but Qin Feng was even more interested in this retiring god of disobedience!

Qin Feng closed his eyes, felt the divine power of the God of Disobedience, and then teleported over! There is a good way to move in the Netherworld, that is, just think about the place you want to move in your heart!

Soon, Qin Feng came to the outside of a small wooden house, which was still black and white, and from a distance, it looked like a landscape painting in a painting!

"This is it!" Qin Feng walked in with his feet raised, and saw a strong man in white sitting on the side, holding a wine glass and slowly contemplating it, while a pot of good wine was boiling next to him!

The big man was at least more than 180 centimeters tall, very tall, and only wore a rough kimono, so it could be seen that he had a strong body that did not match his age, and the muscles on his body were dwarfed by most strong men, and his expression was very stubborn, which matched his strong physique very well.

"You're here, Godslayer!" the big man smiled and said!

"You asked me to come here to fight me in a duel!

"No, I don't have the heart to fight now, I've gotten tired of playing that game a long time ago. The big man shook his head!

"Oh, then what did you call me for?" Qin Feng muttered!

"I called you here to tell you that Japan doesn't need god killers, so please leave Japan!"

"Leaving Japan?" Qin Feng smiled: "I'm sorry, I didn't want to become the patron saint of Japan!"

"No wonder you unceremoniously attract three kings and then destroy Japan!"

"Then you shouldn't stay in Japan!"

After all, the gods who escape the shackles of mythology are all disobedient gods!"

"It seems that you, as a god killer, seem to be too murderous!" the big man snorted disdainfully. "It is wrong to conclude that ordinary gods only exist in myths, and the gods who break out of myths and imitate on earth are the gods of disobedience! As for me, I used to be a disobedient god, but I wandered on the earth for more than a thousand years, and finally got tired of it, so I decided to live in seclusion, I used to be very rude and rude, but as I got older, my personality became more sleek. "

"It's hard to believe that as a god of disobedience, there is a way to retire!" Qin Feng smiled, "But you and I said this, do you want to beg for mercy!"

"It seems to be underestimated! Although I haven't made a move for a thousand years, I should use it as a practice!"

"Tiancong Cloud Sword!" the big man muttered, and a black sword flew over!

"Then let me understand the power of the Godslayer!" After saying that, the big man straightened his arm and raised the Tiancong Cloud Sword in front of him, and as a result, the shape of the sword changed, and the current straight knife slowly turned into a scimitar, and the blade that originally emitted divine white light turned black, and the blade of the blade seemed to be burning with pitch-black flames, becoming a posture full of calamity.

"If you bend the blade, the power of the slash will become stronger!" The big man smiled terribly as he held the pitch-black sword.

"Annexing the rebellious Yidi power for your own use, the sword of conquest, this is the Grass Pheasant Sword!"

"Boom!" The divine power exploded, and Qin Feng had an extra sword in his hand, "Golden Sword!"

"You are the life of the man of Susano, originally the land god of Izumo!" Qin Feng began to speak, and the original black and white painting turned into a piece of gold!

"This is... The power of the god of war!" Dahan was shocked in his heart, looking at the golden environment around him and the countless golden swords floating around him, and muttered!

"Because you have repeatedly combined many kinds and obtained the results of most myths, you began to degenerate into a typical hero god, Storm, based on the godhead body that controls the storm, and obtained the iron sword that kills snakes! This is the key to your transformation into the conquering god of steel, and at the same time, you also have the cultural hero attribute of good use of tricks, and drove the sister of the sun god, Asumasu, into the stone cave!"

After saying that, countless golden swords flew out!

"It's so strong!" the big man suddenly stretched out the defensive cover, but it was useless, and the golden sword pierced his body directly!

A sword stabbed out, the golden environment dispersed, and several blood marks appeared on the face and abdomen of the big man, but the blood marks appeared and disappeared immediately!

"It seems that your golden sword is not very powerful!" the big man turned around and sneered!

"Okay then! I've used another sword!" After speaking, Qin Feng smiled slightly: "Night Mo Black Sword!" After speaking, Qin Feng had an extra black sword in his hand!

"I want your life this time!" Qin Feng smiled! (If you read a violent novel, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It's a little inconsistent with the rumors!I didn't expect the righteous king to be so rude!" Unlike the voice of the steady Susanoo, it is a hoarse voice!

In the corner of the hut, I don't know when sat a second figure, dressed in black monk's robes, but he didn't look like a human at all, his skin was very dry, and he didn't have real flesh, as if he had completely peeled off, it was like a Buddha in the flesh, like a mummy!

"Who are you? Are you also a god of disobedience?!That's right, let's go up together!" Qin Feng smiled!

"Lord Qin Feng, you misunderstood!" said that there was a peerless beauty sitting upright, wearing the clothes of a noble princess in the Heian period, and a brightly colored twelve-style kimono. The pupils were clear glass-colored, with brown hair and smooth, delicate ivory skin.

Familiar with the plot, Qin Feng knew that the hermit in the netherworld in front of him! In addition to the big man, one of them was a mage and the other was a princess, in a word, they were just monitors above the Japanese committee!

"Again, what are you looking for me?" Qin Feng asked again!

"We hope that King Jeongdo can leave Japan, in fact, Japan is under our care, and there will be no major problems!" said the princess.

"Leave Japan, but the Japanese Committee asked me to stay in Japan in the first place! You let me leave Japan now? Where is there such a good thing!" Qin Feng sneered, "At least let me see, Japan's god of disobedience, well, or do you have the strength to let me leave Japan!"

"I'm sorry, Lord Qin Feng, I'm not good at fighting!

"That's great!" Qin Feng threw away the Yemo Black Sword in his hand, and the Yemo Black Sword flew into the sky!

"The secluded world is huge, but destroying this place should be enough!" At this time, the Yemo Black Sword had already grown bigger! Soon, the sword body was already more than 100 meters large!

"This is what destroyed Tokyo in the first place!" Dahan smiled, "Then I have to show my real skills!" After speaking, Dahan raised the Tiancong Cloud Sword, and suddenly, the divine power that burst out from the Tiancong Cloud Sword spread down until it covered his whole body, and what changed with it was Dahan's body!

Normal skin tones are starting to change!

"Turned into steel!" Qin Feng remembered that this guy only became a hero of steel after he got this sword!

Soon, Dahan's arm holding the sword also changed, tentacles spread out, and then wrapped around Dahan's arm, and finally, the Tiancong Cloud Sword seemed to be fused with Dahan's body, and then, the Tiancong Cloud Sword was about to swallow Dahan's entire body!

"Is it fusion?" Qin Feng muttered, and then, the fused Tiancong Cloud Sword emitted powerful divine power, and finally suddenly began to become huge, and the knife about a meter long kept expanding and began to deform.

The pitch-black sword turned into a body, formed hands, and feet, and the Heavenly Cloud Sword now changed into a giant, a sword that was originally as thick as a firewood knife, and the blade formed a vertical body against the sky. There are two knives connected on both sides of the body, that is, the arms, at about the elbow, there are even joints that allow the hand to bend, and then there are the feet, the feet made of steel are solid, thicker than the body and the arms, compared to the length of the body, the feet appear quite short, its appearance is not good-looking, because it was originally a mutated giant, but the whole gives people a very sharp feeling, and in the body of the knife equivalent to the right shoulder, the body of the big man is embedded there.

"Well, you're quite satisfied with my form!" Soon, Dahan opened his eyes!

"Fusing with the Heavenly Cloud Sword! It's indeed a good skill!"

"But wait until you block my sword!"

"It's a powerful blow, but I didn't think about taking him next!" Dahan smiled and said, "You two should leave quickly, wait a while, this place will be destroyed!" After speaking, Dahan took the lead in moving.

When Qin Feng reacted, the huge long blade approached the top of his head, and soon, he was obviously that kind of big man, but he had an extraordinary and neat knife technique, however, Qin Feng could naturally dodge, and with the power of the phoenix, everything around this world slowed down except for himself!

After dodging, Qin Feng began to summon the spirit of [Mountain Boar]!

"Crush their backs, dig out their bones, their hair, their brains, trample their blood with the dirt, and if I am one whose teeth are hard to come close to, I will destroy you according to the word of the Lord!"

Suddenly, a burly-looking black mountain boar emerged from the ground!

"It's useless!" shouted as he used the heavy blade to slice through the thick skin and muscles of the black beast.

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