"Look at it!" [Boar] was wounded, bleeding blue-black from one side, but still holding on to the charge, and it will charge at the opponent with its fangs that are not inferior to the opponent's sharp blade, and use its full body weight to rush forward, impact, kick, and trample. Finally, a roar mixed with ultrasound came from his mouth.

"It's in the attack range of the Yemo Black Sword!" The giant was knocked into, and the Yemo Black Sword also came in an instant, and smashed it down directly!

"Boom!" everything around was ruined by the Night Horse Black Sword!

"It's really dangerous!" At this time, in the smoke and dust, the Yemo Black Sword and the [Mountain Boar] disappeared, and only the giant formed by the Great Han Fusion Sky Cloud Sword walked out~!

"Not dead yet!" Qin Feng frowned, the big man's resistance was beyond Qin Feng's expectations!


At this time, in the present world, when the women were looking for a way to go to the netherworld, Lucurazia had to be present to dissuade her!

"The secluded world is different from the present world, their open spaces are not suitable for ordinary people to live, and you witches can't stay there for a long time, so let's wait here for his return!"

There was also a slight change in the sky!

In the sky, a silver-haired girl with a blue brain and black stockings holds a scythe in her hand and fights an indistinct enemy!

"This seems to be difficult!" Athena frowned! Dodging the attack of the black shadow, Athena's face changed slightly!

The enemy in front of her has a lot to do with her, no, it should be said that she feels the power of the Stone of Gorgon, a part of her body that separates it!

Both of them use the same weapons, and the reason for the dispute, Athena wants to continue to return her to her body, and the enemy, too, wants to devour Athena and let her have great power!

However, according to the current situation, the enemy's strength seems to be superior, and at this time, Athena is already physically exhausted, it should be said that her divine strength is exhausted!


"The power of the god killer and the god of disobedience is terrifying!" At this moment, the princess and the mage appeared on the hill, looked at the ruined and disfigured ground in the distance, and muttered!

"Yes, this kind of power is terrifying!" the mage said!

"What do you think of this person as the King of the Righteous Path?" the mage continued!

"King of the Righteous Path, he doesn't deserve this title!" the princess thought for a moment and said, "His personality is like that of the demon king of Europe, but I heard that the King of Swords and the Demon King were defeated by him, and the price was also very serious, and the entire city of Tokyo was destroyed!"

"What do you mean, you don't approve of King Righteous Path staying in Japan anymore!"

"Well, the character of the King of the Righteous Way is very simple, that is, to do whatever he wants, and to do whatever he wants, which is why the urban area of Tokyo will be so seriously damaged!"

"But I heard that the King of the Righteous Way was very dissatisfied with the Demon King's actions, so he wanted to kill him!

"Even if you are dissatisfied with the Demon King's actions, you shouldn't ruin Tokyo?"

"Oh, then where do you think he should destroy it? The battle between kings and kings, it's good to destroy a city!" said the mage in a deep voice! The princess is also a good person, but she is definitely not a selfless person, she loves Japan, so she doesn't want Japan to suffer any disaster, but if Tokyo is not in trouble, other places will also suffer! But in the princess's heart, Japan is not in trouble!

"Hey, this!" the princess also sighed, her gaze was still too narrow, "Then you mean that the King of the Righteous Way did the right thing!"

"No, he's fine, but there's something wrong with his ideas!" said the mage!

"From his thoughts, we can know that the King of the Righteous Path is definitely not the person who is with us all the way!"

"Then it was the right decision to drive him out of Japan!" said the princess again!

"But you see now, if we win, we can expel us, but if we lose, our lives are in danger! Blame those guys in the Japanese Committee for bringing such a troublesome king back to China!"

"Actually, you can't blame them!" the princess thought for a moment and said, "Their power is limited, and the Luo Hao Sect Master of the Celestial Empire wants to release the imprisoned Divine Monarch!

Among them, neither of them would say that imprisoning Monkey King was also selfish, wanting to make a god of disobedience a help!

"The plan of the Japanese committee is to let the King of the Righteous Path block the Luo Hao Sect Master!"

"But this plan seems to be worth the cost!"

"Okay, let's see the two of them win! That old guy still has some strength!"


"Boom!" everything around was ruined by the Night Horse Black Sword!

"It's really dangerous!" At this time, in the billowing smoke and dust, the Yemo Black Sword and the [Mountain Boar] disappeared, and only the giant formed by the Great Han Fusion Heavenly Cloud Sword walked out!

"I'm not dead yet!" Qin Feng frowned, the big man's resistance to fighting was beyond Qin Feng's expectations!

At this time, the divine power of the Great Han further burst out!

"It's so strong!" Qin Feng's clothes were blown by the whirlwind formed by the divine power!

"Wind, rain, thunder, everything in the sky, roar. "Qin Feng began to use the power of the climate! In just an instant, lightning thundered, heavy rain poured down, and a heavy rain was formed!

"The power of the climate!

"Storm, blow away the enemy standing in front of me!" He is Storm, who obtained the Heavenly Cloud Sword based on the godhead body that controls the storm, so that he can become the hero of steel!

The big man laughed wildly, and he turned into a whirlwind and melted into the storm.

"The sky, let's get even colder..."Qin Feng sneered, and the wind and rain began to condense, and began to turn into snowflakes and hail!

"O earth, let my enemies disappear!" Before it was over, Qin Feng began to use the power of the earth!

Suddenly, the earth heaved, and stones rose one after another, attacking the big man!

"It's useless!" The boulder didn't touch the big man, and it was already divided into gravel by the sword qi!

"Thunder and lightning! Crush the enemy in front of me!" But it was still useless, the sword was originally conductive, so the current that split on the big man flowed smoothly!

"Since you're done fighting, it's my turn!" The naked man was sealed like an ancient ninja, and then slowly fell asleep, and then, the figure of the big man blended in!

"Isn't this the same as my Airo in the Hokage World!" Qin Feng muttered!

Sure enough, the strength of the big man in this form changed again! The divine power erupted like a blowout, and immediately after, the giant body grew up again and became more majestic!

The big man's figure sped up even more, and he came to Qin Feng's side in an instant!

"[Phoenix]!" In the face of such speed, Qin Feng naturally wanted to change his power! But that fast blade still scratched Qin Feng's abdomen!

The wound healed instantly, but Qin Feng already knew that the big guy in front of him was much stronger than before!

"In that case, then I'll use this trick too!" Qin Feng smiled, and powerful magic power burst out instantly!

The whole earth began to tremble, and the temperature rose suddenly!

"This power!" masked the mage in the distance!

"Look, there's a sun!" said the princess, pointing to the sun in the sky!

"How is it possible, how can there be a sun in the netherworld!" But they were not surprised for long, because they found that the sun had fallen!

"Oh my God, the sun has gone down!" the princess was terrified!

"Come out! Winged Dragon!" The sun fell like a meteor, and a huge blazing white ball of light appeared on Qin Feng's head!

"I'll show you my fusion skills too!" Qin Feng smiled and jumped back, his entire body fused into the white ball of light!

"Winged Divine Dragon!" Qin Feng shouted, and the white ball of light immediately changed, blooming with an astonishing light!

Immediately, the white ball of light began to deform, breaking out of the cocoon, and the golden light bloomed!

"This is!" was as dazzling as the sun, and before the big man could react, his whole body was cut in half by his wings!

"Lost!" In the eyes of the mage and the princess, it was only a matter of a moment from the sun's fall to the golden light, and the next moment, they saw that the old man was split in half, and he had no way to resist that kind of attack with his steel body, of course, as for what kind of attack, the two of them couldn't tell it!

Once again, Qin Feng succeeded in killing the gods, and Qin Feng gained three powers, including "Climate, Steel Body, and Divine Sword." ", just like in the original book, the divine sword is the Tiancong Cloud Sword, attached to the right wrist, which can absorb the divine power that causes damage to the master as its own power and absorb Qin Feng's own power, so that it can trigger new abilities.

"What about the two of you!" Killing Susanoo, Qin Feng suddenly appeared behind the princess and the mage, and the divine sword was already against the mage's neck!

"Lord Qin Feng, we didn't mean to offend you!" said the mage tremblingly! The seemingly evenly matched battle just now, but he didn't expect that in the end, Susanoo would be killed in seconds, which was really beyond his expectations!

"That's good!" Qin Feng nodded, the magic knife dragged slightly, and the mage died, Qin Feng glanced at the last surviving princess, ignored him, and stuck the magic knife on the ground, and suddenly his feet were darkened, and turned into pitch black, Qin Feng was quickly engulfed by the darkness, and finally disappeared.


At this time, the sky of the present world!

Athena's enemies have gained the upper hand, and Athena can only be beaten passively now!

"My daughter, please be a part of my body!" said Metis as he swung his scythe!

"Don't you think!" Athena's tone was cold, but extremely resolute! A purple ball of light was thrown out in her hand!

"Thunder and lightning, please sanction the enemy in front of you!" another generation of lightning slashed out!

The power that Athena can use, Metis can also use, so when Athena was suppressed, Metis had already appeared behind Athena, and with a wave of the scythe, he directly knocked Athena away, and at the same time absorbed her divine power and power!

Athena fell from the sky, and of course, the place where she fell was not Italy, but Japan, and it happened to fall into Ariana's house!

At this time, the two were watching TV, and suddenly, a villa was smashed through the roof by an object falling from the sky!

The two girls walked in and found that Athena, the god of disobedience!

"Ahh Why are you here?" asked Ariana in surprise as she looked at Athena, who had risen from the ground and then straightened her blue hat!

"Excuse me... Is Qin Feng here?" asked Athena!

"Qin Feng, he's gone to Italy, if you have something, you can go to him!" said Ariana plucking up her courage!

"Oh, then I'll wait here for him to come back!" Athena nodded!

"You're going to stay?" Ariana's face changed again!

"No... Hurry up and find Qin Feng!" Jinghua is also very afraid of the god of disobedience!

"But I don't know where Italy is?"

"Then you can't stay here either!" Ariana refused!

"I'm Qin Feng's person, I will naturally stay here!" Like in the original book, Athena is now just a goddess shell with no divine power, no power, and no memory, of course, she remembers Qin Feng as a person, and it is estimated that deep down, she also thinks that Qin Feng can help her and will not hurt him!

"That's what I said, but I...!" Ariana still wanted to speak! Miss Erica hadn't come back yet, and she didn't know what to do!

"Call Qin Feng!" Jinghua reminded!

"Oh!" Ariana immediately called the matter to the fourth girl who was still in Italy!

Soon, the fourth daughter who was far away in Italy knew the news of Athena's appearance in Japan, of course, Ariana didn't know that Athena's divine power had disappeared, she only thought that Athena had come to trouble again! At this time, Qin Feng had not returned! But the sky seemed to be shrouded in darkness

"Starless Night!" Yuri, who was the first to notice that it was dark, held the sky and couldn't help but mutter

The dark sky includes not only Italy, but also Los Angeles, the Celestial Empire, and so on, in other words, the world is plunged into darkness

"Night! Is Athena, the goddess of darkness, doing something wrong?" asked Erica, too, confused!

"I don't know, but that's what Alice prophesied!" Yuri nodded!

"Then we're going to hurry back to Japan and see what the hell Athena is up to!"

"Hmm!" Liliana nodded!

"Without a king, would we be Athena's opponent?"

"Don't worry, we're not going to have a conflict with Athena!" Erica smiled, "We're just going to find out!"


Kyoto, Banmachi-ware Courtyard, located in the Panmachi area of Chiyoda-ku, has been used as the residence of high-ranking people such as direct subordinates and daimyo since the Edo period, and it is a very high-end residential street, and the residence of the Sayamiya family is in Sanbancho, which is very close to the Imperial Palace, and among the houses where many offices and high-end apartments are side by side, the Saya Palace Mansion is hidden in a very inconspicuous place on the side of the road, and it is a western-style building built in the Taisho period!

Erica didn't wait for Qin Feng, and after coming back overnight, she was driven by Ganji Dongma to take her to the Qingqiu Courtyard station, they went to attend the meeting, of course, after the destruction of Tokyo, the strength of the Saya Palace family was greatly reduced, so this meeting was also led by the Qingqiu Temple, and the Saya Palace family would also attend, after all, it was the head of the four major families, and its heritage can be regarded as very deep!

Youli's mind was very uneasy, as if there was an ominous aura brewing in the sky!

Soon, Erica's four daughters have arrived at the station!

"The house is smaller than expected!" Erica looked left and right at the house, muttering discontentedly, "After all, this is where the committee meets!" "If you guessed correctly, this meeting must have something to do with the starless night!"

"Hehe, in fact, it's mainly because the housing prices here are cheap, and we have bigger houses!"

Coming out to greet a young man in a formal butler uniform, a man with the skills of a skilled hotel waiter, whispered to Gansu, who walked inside.

Erica and the others followed behind the rice meal to a place that looked like a study.

At this time, the study was full of people, and among them was the head of the Qingqiu Courtyard family!

"Huina, you're back!" said an old man, laughing, "The king didn't come back with you!"

"Well, the king has gone to the netherworld!"

"I went to the netherworld, I remember that there is a god of disobedience in the netherworld, could it be that Qin Feng went to kill the gods?" Hearing this, the head of the Qingqiu Courtyard was slightly stunned!

"Ena doesn't know, but it wasn't the king's voluntary go, it was grandpa who took him down!" Huina smiled! The so-called grandfather is the god of disobedience, Susanoo, of course, Susanoo's giving the Tiancong Cloud Sword to Ena is not a kind act, in the original book, he just used Ena to test the king's qualifications!

"It's not bad to kill gods!" "The god of disobedience has existed for thousands of years, and for a thousand years, they all hope that the god of disobedience can become a Buddha as soon as possible, but that is impossible, now that Qin Feng has reached the netherworld, it is best to kill Susanoo, of course, his wish has come true!

"Alright, let's get to the point!" saya Gongxin, who was dressed as a man, coughed a few times!

"Hmm, what do you think about this starless night?" said Saya Gongxin first!

"I think it has something to do with Athena, after all, Alice predicted!"

"What do you think?"

"I think so too!"

"Then Miss Erica, you are the same!"

"Well, my maid Ariana called me yesterday and said that Athena had arrived at the king's villa!".

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