"Athena in Japan?" Hearing this, the four masters were stunned, if it was really Athena's doing, then Japan without a king may suffer a greater loss than the destruction of Tokyo!

"Hmm!" Erica nodded!

"Miss Youli, what do you think differently?" asked the head of the Qingqiu Courtyard again!

"Well, my vision seems to see something, something to do with Athena, but it's not Athena's doing!"

"It wasn't Athena, who was that?"

"I don't know, just a god who knows it's close to Athena!" Yuri muttered!

"Well, let's prepare to evacuate, and we must never happen again like the one in Tokyo!"

"Also, if the king doesn't come back, Huina, you go to the world and bring the king back!"


At this time, Qin Feng, who was about to leave, was like getting lost, going around and around, still in the secluded world!

All of a sudden, Qin Feng suddenly moved to the beach, and in front of him was a beautiful blue ocean, and the waves were quietly hitting him.

"How could this be? Who left him behind?" Qin Feng was a little puzzled! Qin Feng moved again, but it was a bare barren mountain, brown rocks, dry wind, and blue sky!

"Try again!" Qin Feng plunged his sword into the ground again, and after being engulfed by darkness, it was already the third time to move, but this time it was not in nature, the white space, all around was white, and the white stretched all the way to the space on the other side of the horizon, tick-tock, tick-tock, and he also heard a strange sound, the sound of the clock hand running.

"It looks like I'm going to get lost!" Qin Feng was a little distressed!

"There's no way, then destroy the entire Netherworld!" Qin Feng muttered, the magic power had been released to the maximum!

"Darkness...!" Qin Feng was about to summon his strongest beast, but the heavens and the earth seemed to change again, turning into a white expanse!

A little Lori appeared in front of her!

"Pandora, it's you!" Seeing Pandora, Qin Feng was slightly stunned! He naturally knew that when every mortal became a god killer, Pandora would receive his son in the hidden world, but he didn't expect that it would be Pandora who would leave him behind!

"Hmph, I'm going to call Mom!" said Little Lori, holding her waist crossed!

05 "You left me behind?" Qin Feng asked curiously!

"That's right, who told you not to see me for so long!" Pandora said with a smile!

"Meeting you?" Hearing this, Qin Feng complained a little, in the original book, he could only meet Pandora when he was seriously injured and fainted, such a stepmother, who would want to see it!

Pandora, with a lovely childlike face and physique, long blond hair parted from side to side, wearing a thin white dress, short in height, and her first impression is more like a child! But she is different from the god of disobedience, she is a real god, and her strength is also a question mark! She is a woman created by the gods, claiming to have all talents, and she is also the wife of Epimetheus!

"Then what is the matter with you coming to me?" Qin Feng frowned and said!

"Of course I want to see my son!" Pandora laughed again!

"Want to see me?" Hearing this, Qin Feng was stunned!

"That's right!" Pandora nodded, "I thought you came here to see me, but I didn't expect you to leave after defeating the god of disobedience here, so I left you behind, but now it seems that you have more and more power in you, and you are worthy of being my son!!"

"You have your son's delusion, right?" Qin Feng glanced at Pandora!

"You can't say that, but you don't seem to have killed Athena?" Pandora still had a faint smile on her face, but Qin Feng knew that Pandora was by no means as calm as it appeared to be, after all, Athena refused to give Pandora wisdom, so Pandora opened the magic box and released bad luck!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded!

"That's right, you've got the power of Hades, and you've got the Divine Clothes?" Pandora nodded thoughtfully and asked!

"That's right!" Qin Feng didn't know why Pandora asked like this, but Qin Feng seemed to have heard that Athena, who dominated the earth, was at odds with Hades, and Hades, and Hades, who was reincarnated, would become Pandora's younger brother every time he was reincarnated.

However, the relationship between Pandora and Hades is very bad, because in every holy war, Pandora will be a betrayer!

"Can you show me your divine clothes?" said Pandora!

"That's good!" Qin Feng nodded, and soon, the black gold divine robe was put on his body, and at the same time, the double-strand fork also appeared in his hand!

"Sure enough, it's like him!" Pandora muttered, and there was no more to follow, but Qin Feng was even more sure of his guess!

"Pandora, you can deprive me of my powers, right?" Qin Feng asked again!

"Yes, because you have power that is a spell I have set against the gods!"

"It's ironic that you, created by the gods, should go against the gods, and I would like to ask, is there a way to get rid of this spell?"

"Impossible!" Pandora smiled and said, "I will also be happy if you can get rid of the shackles of spells, after all, it is impossible for me to deal with the gods alone, so I came up with a spell to deal with the gods of the mythical realm, so that you also have the power to deal with the gods!"

"Is there really no way?" Qin Feng was a little depressed, the power of feelings is not his own, maybe if he leaves this world, this power will be news!

"Unless you can get the Divine Inheritance, but that's impossible!"

"Divine inheritance, this is also a method!" Qin Feng's eyes lit up, but now all the gods are in the realm of mythology, and the gods who come out are just some clones!

"That's it!" Qin Feng smiled, his body being swallowed by the shadow again!


In the present life, Erica returns home and is about to look for Athena, but Athena disappears!

"Miss Erica, I don't know what's going on?" Ariana smiled bitterly and said, "We watched a piece of news, and Athena ran away!"

"Then let's hurry up and find Athena!" advises Yori!

"What are you doing with Athena?" Ena was a little confused, "Did you see anything again?"

"Well, Athena's mother, Metis is the mastermind of this starless night, so we need to find Athena as soon as possible! If Metis finds Athena first, then this world will be over!"

"Athena is so powerful, it's going to be fine!"

"No, Athena is now deprived of divine powers, as well as memories, and is an empty shell goddess!"

"Then let's hurry up and find it!"

"What are you looking for?" At this time, a ray of light flashed, and finally a person was formed, it was Qin Feng, and asked!

"Wang, you're finally back!" Seeing Qin Feng coming back, Youli nodded happily!

Hearing this, Qin Feng smiled and said, "Is something wrong with Athena?" Now she can't feel Athena's divine power, but instead has an evil and strange divine power!

"Well, Athena seems to have been defeated by her mother, and now she doesn't know where to run!"

"That's it, then I know where she is!" Qin Feng thought about it, that evil divine power was also in Japan!

"Whew!" a gust of wind swept everyone up, and then rushed to the place of the evil god's divine power!

At this time, on a hill, little Lori with a blue hat and black stockings fell to the ground panting, while next to her, a gray goddess with a sickle, exactly the same appearance as Little Lori, but with an evil smile on her face, was looking at Athena fiercely!

"Athena, hurry back to me!" After saying that, Metis lifted Athena up!

The two little Lori kissed together, and then, Athena turned into a little starlight and fused with Metis!

At this time, a wisp of wind struck, Qin Feng had already appeared beside Metis, looking at Athena, whose body had become transparent, Qin Feng frowned: "Is it too late?"

"Haha! It's finally complete!" After speaking, countless darkness gushed out, and then one after another big snakes smashed in all directions like cannonballs! In the darkness, Metis's posture changed, stretching from his back, his hands and feet became longer, his figure became a beautiful girl, and his young face gradually disappeared, and if he only looked at his appearance, he looked seventeen or eighteen years old, and his clothes changed from modern clothes to ancient white robes.

"Aren't you Athena?" Erica looked at Athena's body after she got bigger, and the girl in front of her was exactly the same as Athena!

"She's not Athena, she's Metis!" Qin Feng smiled faintly!

"You're talking about Zeus's first wife, Athena's mother!" Liliana said aloud! "That Metis?"

"Metis is a crazy guy who wants to devour the heavens and the earth! Like her daughter Athena, she is a snake, so their appearance is the same! The goddess of the serpent is the god of death and the god of night, and Metis wants to swallow the earth, including the sky, and make everything dark!"

"It seems that what Yuri saw was indeed not wrong!" Ena nodded and said, "Now that Metis has returned to his original appearance, doesn't that mean that the earth is going to be destroyed!"

"Don't worry, I'll stop her!" After speaking, Qin Feng began to speak the spirit: "With my words and spirit skills, let the justice in the world appear! It is a sword of wisdom that beckons victory!"

"Touch!" like the sound of glass breaking, the whole world turned golden!

And in Qin Feng's hand, there is also an extra golden sword, "Your god Metis!"

Qin Feng's words began, and the golden sword immediately adjusted its direction and faced Metis!

"The one who killed Athena's mother was his husband Zeus, because there was such a prophecy, if the son born to Metis was a boy, it would be a god who would surpass his father, Zeus was afraid of this prophecy, so he devoured his pregnant wife! Since then, Zeus's body has given birth to a daughter like Metis, Athena!"

Of course, these golden swords didn't work, because the golden sword was blocked by Metis's defensive shield, but the golden sword also caused a crack in the defensive shield!

"As the goddess of war and victory, she forgot about her mother's murder!

"Damn, stop your disgusting words!" exclaimed Metis!

"Your hatred and revenge are all due to your husband's selfishness, so you want to devour the sky controlled by Zeus and plunge the earth into darkness!"

With that, a torrent of gold blasted out towards Metis!

The land of gold began to tremble, and after the golden dazzling light dissipated, Athena had been separated from Metis's body, and Metis had turned into a gray little Lori like Athena!

"King, kill Metis now!" said Erica, overjoyed!

"No hurry!" After beating Metis back to his original form, Qin Feng smiled and said!

"Metis, can you hear me?" Qin Feng said! However, Metis was very excited, ignoring Qin Feng's words, and seeing Athena who was fainting on the side, he rushed forward regardless of it, wanting to devour Athena again!

"It's useless, you're not my opponent now!" Qin Feng said with a smile! Countless darkness also burst out of his body, like a rope, and the darkness tied Metis tightly!

"Erica, do you know that this is the power of a king?" Liliana watched as the darkness that spread out could bind the gods!

"I don't know!" Hearing this, Erica shook her head and said, "The king used this to become a god killer in the first place!"

"Ah!" Hearing this, all the women were surprised, generally speaking, if you want to kill the god of disobedience and become a god killer, luck is very important, but Qin Feng does not rely on luck, but relies on strength to become a god killer!

"017 Yori, can your spiritual vision see the origin of the king's ability?" asked Ena!

"This... I don't know, there is no past, and there is no future!"

"How is this possible, how can a person not have a past and a future?" retorted Liliana!

"Well, Liliana is right!" Ena agreed!

"I think we'll have to ask the king for the rest of our own questions!" said Erica!

At this time, Qin Feng was still thinking about negotiating with Metis!

"Can you hear me?" Qin Feng tried to say!


"It seems that you have to be sober and sober!" In desperation, Qin Feng had no choice but to use the method of treating women!

"You can listen to me!" Finally, Metis calmed down before Qin Feng said!

"You should hate Zeus, right!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"Hmm!" Metis nodded!

"So, it's useless for you to devour heaven and earth, it's just a painless loss to Zeus, if you want to take revenge on Zeus, I'll give you a good idea!"

"Kill Zeus!" Qin Feng continued!

"Kill Zeus?" Hearing this, Metis sneered: "You can't be a madman!"

Even the four girls who heard Qin Feng speak were stunned, Zeus is known as the king of the gods, more powerful than any god!

"I may not be Zeus's opponent now, but that doesn't mean I won't be able to do it in the future, and Zeus is still in the realm of mythology! I have time to become stronger!" Qin Feng smiled!

"Now you can win a complete concubine body, it is indeed very strong, but don't forget, the concubine body is just a god of disobedience, and the real body is still in the mythical realm!" Metis reminded!

"I know this, but I will definitely become a hundred times stronger than now!" Qin Feng said firmly! In fact, he felt that with his current strength, it was not necessary to be able to fight against Zeus in his real body! But this kind of thing that cannot be confirmed, Qin Feng is not easy to guess!

Metis is Zeus's first wife, Athena's mother! But because he resents her husband, she wants to devour her husband Zeus's sky, and now, such an ambitious woman has been subdued by Qin Feng, and like Athena, even the four daughters are surprised!

However, Qin Feng's subduing of Metis was not without consideration, he tried to control Metis with the unique relationship of the vampire level, and finally succeeded, and Metis, who became a second-generation vampire, also found that his strength had increased greatly, and similarly, Athena also accepted Qin Feng's blood and became a second-generation vampire, and the two who had greatly increased their strength no longer needed to devour each other, nor did they need the Stone of Gorgon to become a girl when they grew up!.

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