"It's you, Athena!" Anne knew the girl!

"Well, you're a godslayer, it looks like the news is wrong!, you're not dead!" Athena muttered!

"Smith, she's a helper we hired from Japan, and I thought you...!" Jack said!

"Oh! It seems that the rumors are true, the righteous king of Japan has subdued two disobedient gods!" Anne smiled and said, "But Los Angeles doesn't need you, I'll solve this problem!"

"I'm not here to help you solve your troubles, I'm here to take Anshera away, and the King of the Righteous Way wants to see her!" Athena said in a faint tone!

"King of the Right Path, what does she want to do, Anshera is my criminal in Los Angeles, I can't let you take people away!"

"That's it! That's not going to be easy!" Athena's white palm had an extra scythe!

"Disobedient God, if you want to die, then I will kill you and take your power!" said Anne!

Athena is the goddess of war and victory, she will not be afraid of battle! Hearing Anne's words, Athena is also very moved!

At this time, Ansera turned into a large silver serpent and wrapped the luxurious ship around the main ship, but by this time, the big snake was already scarred, and a large amount of blood stained its body red!

"Immortal Serpent God, what a kind feeling!" Athena is a snake, and she also has a kind meaning for Ansera!

"Touch!" Anne's steel spear shot a bolt of lightning, and then, the white lightning turned into a white silver dragon and attacked Athena!

"Divine equipment, but it's useless to me!" Athena stretched out her white palm and directly blocked the silver dragon!

"It's so strong!" she wasn't surprised that Athena was able to block her attack, "Then next, I hope you can block it!"

"Marksman!" this is Anne's power, this is the power obtained from the Moonlight Goddess, it can shoot powerful arrows, the bullets emit will emit blue-white light, can penetrate buildings, evaporate heavy rocks, and even cause terrain changes and will not extinguish flames, after burning out, it will become a barren wilderness!

If the laser gun is the same, a blue-white pillar of light shoots out, and Athena jumps out in time!

"It's useless, this bullet will obey my control until it hits you!"

Athena dodged again, dodging the bullet!

Looking at the white pillar of light chasing after her as if she was alive, Athena had a headache!

"I am the goddess of the earth!" Suddenly, a giant snake appeared in front of Athena, blocking the 463 blue-white pillar of light!

"Tear the enemy in front of you for the concubine!" said Athena again!

The serpent pounced at Anne, and when it came to size, it was no smaller than the Ancestor Leviathan!

"Birth, death, and infinity!" Anne did not dodge in the slightest, and began to speak! This is the power she obtained from the demon god Tezcatel Lipoca [Super Transformation], and now Anne has performed her first transformation, the Great Magician, thunder and roar, In the flash and flames, there stood a giant, about five meters tall, with a well-balanced physique, but his appearance was very special, his complexion was as black as the night, only the face was painted with black and yellow horizontal stripes, and only the right foot was not fleshy, the material was probably obsidian, which reflected the bewitching moonlight, and was made of shiny stone, covering the giant body with red, yellow, Bright colors such as black, bird feathers, and a turkey-like costume, and a few spears were stored in the wooden barrel he carried.

The black mage was surrounded by lightning and unleashed an incomparably fierce lightning strike.

The serpent was soon destroyed!

"In that case, then the concubine body doesn't have to show mercy!" Athena's figure began to change, and she became a seventeen or eighteen-year-old girl!

"Die!" the giant jumped to his feet, and blasted out with the obsidian's right leg!

"It's useless! The concubine's body has great strength!" With a swing of the scythe, it directly blocked the right leg, and then a violent whirlwind blew up!

"It's funny that you're a mage and don't use magic!" After the giant was knocked back, he was about to fight back, but Athena had already rushed up with a scythe!

The scythe slashed, and the fleshy body immediately soared with a blood mark!

"Use your true strength! You are no match for a concubine!" Athena snorted!

"I am a god killer and a demon king, in order to destroy you, I will tell you, my will, the almighty I can take all people as slaves, I am the king of darkness, I am the noblest magician!"

"Athena, destroy with my body!" Anne yelled!

Countless flames surrounded Athena!

"It's a bit of a problem, I'm not here to fight the godslayer to the death! I'll let you go today!" Athena's scythe slashed again, then cut a passage through the surrounding flames, and then suddenly ran out (agae), caught Anshera, who had turned back into her main body and was seriously injured, and left in the direction of Japan!

"Where to go! I decree in the name of Hades that the beast's feet be dedicated to the night crossing, and the light, only need to shine on my journey!"


At this time, Lushan!

With jade-like cheeks, standing like a mimosa, and black hair comparable to silk braided, it looks like a girl about seventeen or eighteen years old is standing on a mountain peak, and what is wrapped around her body is a woman's white hanfu! Don't look at her as a girl, in fact, she has lived for two hundred years, and she is a famous demon among all the godslayers, Luo Hao Sect Master, her real name is Luo Cuilian, and the shortcomings of her personality are too narcissistic, but she also has absolute force and posture, not only can she use all kinds of advanced techniques, but her martial arts cultivation is even more breathtaking, and Tony is only close to her in terms of swords!

"Master, we are ready, but Japan seems to have a righteous king, should we...!" The one who spoke was Lu Yinghua, a disciple of the Luo Hao sect leader, who was handsome on the outside, but because he was beaten by his own master when he was a child, he developed a black-bellied character!

"Hmph, Sun Wukong is a hero of my country, but he is imprisoned by the Japanese side, it is really a great shame for me!" Luo Hao snorted and said: "Don't care about the King of the Right Path, you just have to let it go, if the King of the Right Way makes a move, then I will also make a move and stop the King of the Right Way, so you can rest assured!"

"I know, master!" Lu Yinghua nodded!


The Sage Council originated from the group of good deeds, and after continuous development, the Sage Council has become no less than the existence of any force!

London, the home of the Wise Meeting!

In the high-end residential street, it is a building similar to the ancient city, a vast courtyard, or there are four towers, the design is very luxurious, of course, there are many luxury villas like this, so this villa is not outstanding, but the owner of this room is a woman, and the others are all maids, which seems a little weird!

Princess Alice, Speaker of the Council of the Wise Ones, is the title of the owner of this villa!

And now, this master is sitting on a wicker chair looking at the scenery, Princess Alice has white hair, beautiful figure and appearance, as for her sitting here, her spiritual power has spread out, leaving this villa, and then spreading farther!

"Can you prepare some tea for me, of course, not for me, for the upcoming guests!" Alice said to the maid beside her!

"Yes, Princess Alice!" the maid was about to prepare, when the guest appeared, a young man with a straight face!

"Alright, you all go down!" Alice began to send the maid away!

"Do you want to use your mental power to peek at whether there is anyone around!" said the young man with a smile on his face!

"It's so rude, this is mental induction!" Alice smiled, mental induction is to eliminate distractions and concentrate on the mind, so as to sense the surrounding environment and people, this is Alice's own unique skill! Of course, this is a very special ability, maybe the entire magic world can not find a person with the same ability as Alice!

"Say, your black prince will definitely not be a trivial matter when he comes to me!" Alice continued! The young man is the one who defeated Lemuel, the beast in charge of vision and thunder, and the black noble son who usurped the power of Godspeed, and is also Princess Alice's old enemy!

"I want to know about the Seventh King!"

"The seventh king, the King of the Righteous Path, he is now in Japan, why don't you just go over there!"

"I mean, the past of the King of the Righteous Path, he is like a person who appeared out of thin air, and I can't find his past with all my effort, it's really worrying!"

"I'm sorry, but we can't find the past of the King of the Righteous Path!"

"Not even your abilities!"

"Well!" Alice shook her head, "It's white! I think you'll have to ask him personally!"

Hearing this, the black prince frowned! (If you read a violent novel, you will go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Hehe, it seems that you are scared! The King of the Righteous Path can defeat the King of Swords and the Marquis of Vauban in Italy, and his strength is indeed very strong! You alone will not get useful news in the past!"

"That's why I'm looking for you!" Although the black prince is a god killer, he will not ask for trouble, and he will go to Japan to give people a chance to slap his face!

"If you want to know Qin Feng's past, then you can pay attention to the recent situation!"

"What's going on recently?" Hearing this, the Black Prince was stunned!

"That's right. You remember the god Ancestor Gnevia!" Alice said with a smile!

"Gnavia?" Hearing this, the Black Prince remembered that in the nineties, he had snatched the Holy Grail of Gnavia, and now Gnavia hates herself!

"She seems to have plans to go to Japan?"

"What is she going to Japan for? Is it a humiliation for herself?" "God Ancestor Ganeva can't even beat herself, how dare she provoke the righteous path king who is even more powerful than herself!

"Of course not, she was there to confirm King Arthur!"

"You mean to say that the King of the Right Way could be King Arthur!" the Black Prince asked again!

"This can't be!" Alice shook her head and said, "But what Gnevya thinks, I don't know!"

"And Sect Leader Luo Hao, a character like you, you also know! She is also going to Japan recently!" Alice spoke again! Sect Leader Luo Hao, who has both benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and faith, is a big man with the majesty of a king, but she thinks that the greatest thing in this world is her own martial arts, and she values the earth more than the lives of five billion human beings... To put it simply, she has a secondary disease, and she is obviously not malicious, but she is the monster who has been causing trouble around her.

"She's going to Japan too, what is she going to Japan for?" asked the Black Prince again!

"Have you forgotten what happened a hundred years ago?"

"I wasn't born a hundred years ago!" said the Black Prince!

"Oh! Then forget, you should also know from the history books! Japan imprisoned the Monkey King, the hero of steel, and the leader of the Luo Hao sect thought that Sun Wukong was obviously a hero of the Celestial Empire, but he was raised by the Japanese people, which is an unforgivable sin, knowing the existence of this kind of guy and letting it go, it would damage his own name, and he encountered it a hundred years ago, trying to break the seal, and blew up the ancestral temple and the surrounding shrines together, but failed because he did not rush into the corridor of the world. "

"Then she wants to release the Monkey King again!" the Black Prince frowned and said, "But with the Righteous Path King, it will be difficult to succeed!"

"Not necessarily, don't forget, the King of the Righteous Way is actually not the Right Path, and he doesn't even care about human life, and the disaster in Tokyo is a good example!

"But what does that have to do with me getting the news?" asked the Black Prince again!

"Listen to me slowly!" Alice smiled and continued, "I heard that the King of the Right Way and the King of Los Angeles also have a grudge!"

"No, how could the two of them have crossed paths?"

"I heard that it was for the Lord of the Flies' god Ancestor, Ansera, and the King of the Right Way asked Athena, the god of disobedience, to take Ansera!"

"Oh! "Oh!

"What's the matter with the King of the Right Way taking away Ansheira? Could it be that he is deliberately provoking the King of Los Angeles?" The black prince was originally not very concerned about the king of the righteous path, but since he released his words to provoke the demon king Marquis of Woban, he began to pay attention to this righteous king, after all, it is not a wise choice to provoke a demon king at will, and then, he heard that the king of the sword also rushed over, and the target was also the king of the righteous path, this time, the black prince felt that there was a good show to watch, there was a strong and weak difference between the king and the king, but no matter how strong it was, it was impossible to be one against two, so the black prince was waiting for the news of the lesson of the righteous king, but in the end it was beyond his expectations, and the king of the righteous path defeated the alliance of the two kings!

This time, the black prince began to investigate the origin of the righteous path king, but his past has never been found!

The Black Prince was extremely depressed, and finally came to find his old enemy, Princess Alice, who has special abilities!

And in Los Angeles, Anne's gloomy face is back!

"How's it going, King?" asked one of them.

"No!" Anne shook her head and said, "Athena, the god of disobedience, rescued her!"

"Hey, I said that you can't ask for help like the King of the Righteous Path, you see that you are in trouble now!"

"I didn't expect this to happen!"

"Don't worry!" Anne nodded, remembering that night, she chased out, although she caught up with the enemy, but Athena in the form of a girl was so powerful that even her strongest move was broken, "I will go to Japan, and then let the King of the Right Way give me justice!"


At this time, Athena had already brought back the god ancestor Ansera, but at this time, Ansera was covered with scars, and her young limbs were covered with countless black scars, and the witch's fierce appearance was now gone, and her face was now only dead.

"What about the people who are not far from death!" Qin Feng muttered!

"Wang, who is this girl?" At this moment, Erica and the four walked in!

"Oh, she's the Divine Ancestor Ann Shera!" Qin Feng smiled and said!

"Divine Ancestor Anshera, Wang, what were you doing in Los Angeles in the past?" Not only Yuri, but even Erica's face changed, originally Los Angeles came to ask for help, but now he is helping, but not to help, but to help the opponent!

"Wang, you are crazy!" said Youli anxiously!

"No!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "You see she's just a little Lori, it's pitiful!"

"She...!" Yuri looked at the scar on Ansera's body, and was also slightly stunned, this little girl is too pitiful!

"Even so, Wang, you can't bring her back to Japan!" said Ena, "The people from Los Angeles will come and ask for someone, and maybe there will be a war!"

Yuri also wanted to speak, but a call came in!

After Yuri hurriedly answered the phone, his face was even worse!.

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