Yuri just received a call from Ganji Dongma, the call means that the king of Los Angeles is not dead at all, and the god ancestor Ansera was saved by Athena, and now the king of Los Angeles has begun to put pressure on the Japanese committee, so the Japanese committee wants to ask the righteous king what he means, you know, if there is no righteous king to support them, they will definitely not dare to argue with the god killer!

Japan has two disobedient gods and one god killer, so there is no need to fear any country at all!

"Then let her come over!" Qin Feng smiled and said!

"Do you want to go to war with the king of Los Angeles again?" Hearing this, Yuri said worriedly, if there is a fight, it is likely that there will be a disaster like Tokyo City!

"If the King of Los Angeles wants to fight, I can teach him a lesson!" Qin Feng smiled!

"Oh my God!" Yuri wanted to persuade again, and another phone call came! The meaning of the phone call was very obscure, the children of the big family from Xiangjiang came to Japan, and this little thing didn't have to be cared about, but that child also had an identity, that is, the disciple of the Luo Hao sect leader, he came to Japan this time, it would definitely not be as simple as travel!

From more than a hundred years ago, it can be seen from the behavior of Luo Hao Sect Master who wanted to rescue the Monkey King that Luo Hao Sect Master would not give up so easily!

This time, Youli is very embarrassed, now Japan is really full of disasters, everywhere has to rely on Qin Feng's power, if Qin Feng lets go, Luo Hao Sect Leader will definitely be able to destroy the Japanese Committee!

Qin Feng did not make a clear statement, which made the Japanese committee very worried~!

Just when the Japanese committee was worried, Luo Hao's disciple, Lu Yinghua, came to Qin Feng's residence and met with Qin Feng in private!

For a traverser, it is actually impossible to maintain the original country's position forever, as things change, interest groups change, the country's position will also change, and the Eastern Empire in the anime is not the real Celestial Empire, Qin Feng is naturally no exception. In the context of anime works, his national position is reduced to the minimum, because in the world of anime, it is idle to talk about national issues, and there is nothing to do!

As for becoming a god killer, not to mention, billions of people in the world were "equal" in an instant in his eyes! But after Qin Feng saw Lu Yinghua from the Celestial Empire, he felt that what he thought was too simple!

He was not as crisp as he thought, and the moment he saw Lu Yinghua, he felt a little warm, and he felt very comfortable!

"Fellow countrymen, welcome to Japan!" Looking at Lu Yinghua, Qin Feng smiled slightly!

However, Qin Feng's smile surprised Lu Yinghua very much, because the information showed that the king in front of him was definitely not such an amiable person!

On the contrary, the king in front of him is notorious, first killing the god of war and the god king Mecal, then defeating Athena, then killing the dragon slayer Perseus, and then, defeating the secluded Susanoo, and finally defeating Metis!

In the short period of half a year that Qin Feng became a god killer, he killed more gods than any god killer! The most surprising thing is his deeds of defeating two god killers with one enemy and two, now the king of the sword is still unconscious, and the demon king Marquis Woban is still healing somewhere, even if it is his master, it is very difficult to win the alliance of two god killers!

And I heard that there are two gods of disobedience around this god killer, even if there are two of them around him! Lu Yinghua's eyes were on the two identical Loli beside Qin Feng, he could feel the powerful divine power in the bodies of these two little Loli, it was indeed a god of disobedience! Facing the two of them, Lu Yinghua felt like a lonely boat in the sea!

To sum up, although Qin Feng was crowned with the name of the King of the Righteous Path, Qin Feng was an out-and-out Demon King!

"Wait, didn't he say fellow villagers, could it be that this righteous path king is from the Celestial Empire!" Lu Yinghua quickly caught what Qin Feng said earlier, he couldn't help but be so suspicious, because Qin Feng didn't have any past, it was not strange that he was from the Celestial Empire, if he was really from the East, then things would be easy to do!

"I am honored to be commensurate with the king as a fellow countryman!" Although Lu Yinghua had speculation, he did not confirm it, he did not intend to debate with the god killer in this regard, in Lu Yinghua's heart, the god killer is all willful and unreasonable, his master is such a person, so there is no need to delve deeper!

"So, fellow countryman, what is the matter with you coming here?" Qin Feng said in the most kind tone! Of course, Qin Feng's expression was kind, but Lu Yinghua didn't feel it at all, in Lu Yinghua's heart, Qin Feng's aura that was guarded by the two gods of disobedience was too strong, the god of disobedience, this was something comparable to the god killer, being in the center of such an aura, Qin didn't even if he didn't do anything, it would bring huge pressure to Yinghua!

"I'm here to see you, I want to get your permission for something!" Hearing this, Lu Yinghua sighed, although this matter was not very successful, but he still had to say it, he didn't have the courage to attack the West Heavenly Palace without asking Qin Feng's consent, although Qin Feng did not mean to become the king of Japan, but Qin Feng himself settled in Japan, and the whole of Japan was considered by Lu Yinghua to be Qin Feng's possession!

In the eyes of his own master for a while, the Godslayer is the kind of thing that is very troublesome, and you can't guess their actions with your thoughts, unless you can get their promise!

"My division will come to Japan in the near future to deal with her old enemy, and I have a mission to do, so I hope to get your permission during this period!"

"Your master wants to release the Ape Divine Monarch?" Qin Feng smiled!

"Ahh How do you know?" At this time, even Lu Yinghua asked in surprise!

"Nine Dharma Mound Family, West Heaven Palace!" Qin Feng smiled again, although this life is not the earth of the previous life, if you watch a monkey being tricked by a monkey in the West Heaven Palace, it is better to let yourself be a monkey tricker!

"I understand, just do it. Qin Feng waved his hand and said!

"I won't interfere until that Divine Monarch recovers his freedom!" Qin Feng said again! "No, not only will I not stop you, but I will also assist you!"

"Your generosity, thank you enough. Lu Yinghua was overjoyed and sincerely made a fist salute.

"Ansera, come out!" Qin Feng called out, and a teenage girl with fierce eyes walked out! Ansera's strength had increased greatly after Qin Feng turned her into a second-generation vampire!

"Who is this?" At this moment, Lu Yinghua was stunned: "Isn't this the one who made trouble in Los Angeles?"

"Well, she was rescued by me, I think you should need her help, after all, this is indispensable for the release of the Divine Monarch!"

"Thank you for the king's generosity, but the master has already made contact with another god ancestor!" Lu Yinghua nodded!

"That's it! Okay then!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "But I still have to send her to your side to assist you! Don't underestimate the Nine Dharma Tomb Family, maybe you will have unexpected obstacles, it will inevitably cause unnecessary losses, if necessary, she will help, what do you do, just tell her." "

And at this time, Divine Ancestor Gnavia and Luo Hao Sect Leader met!

"Welcome to you, Master, I'm Gnevia, and I really want to see you. Gnevia suddenly knelt down on the beach, and muttered to herself that there was no one in front of her bow, only the vast ocean connected to the Pacific Ocean, but there was an answer.

"Divine Ancestor, you don't have to be so polite, just skip these boring etiquettes and go straight to the topic!" reminiscent of the beautiful sound of the Yueqin's timbre, which came from the waves. The nearby sea water slowly gathered together, forming the figure of a woman, it was Luo Hao's sect leader!

"I wonder what Sect Leader Luo Hao is looking for me?" asked Gnavia!

"I'm going to ask you to help me, as a descendant of the Snake God, I want you to be able to summon the Snake God of the Path!" said the Luo Hao Sect Master!

"Understood, Sect Master!" Gnavia knew what Sect Leader Luo Hao wanted to do!

"Don't worry, I won't let you do things in vain, if you have any requests, just put them forward!" Sect Master Luo Hao said again!!


After getting Qin Feng's promise, Lu Yinghua left very satisfied, but some people were depressed!

The reason why they are depressed is because of Qin Feng's identity, a native of the Celestial Empire, and these two people are naturally Huina and Youli, they are Japanese, so they naturally don't want to see the interests of Japan harmed, but now, Qin Feng is favoring the Celestial Empire, of course, Erica and Liliana are not Japanese, so naturally they will not have the same emotions as the two women, but they are just surprised by Qin Feng's identity!

The association they belong to has already conducted an investigation into Qin Feng's past, but there is nothing!

"King, you... How can you agree, if you release Shenjun, then Japan will definitely be finished!!" Yuri said bitterly!

"Then what do you think I should do? Let the God of Disobedience continue to be played as a monkey!" Qin Feng asked with a smile!

"You still don't know how the West Heavenly Palace of the Nine Dharma Mound family came to be!" said again: "Back then, in order to prevent the strongest steel from waking up, Susanoo invited the Ape King from the Celestial Empire to destroy the dragon snake, but unfortunately, Susanoo used despicable means to seal the Ape Monarch, and now the Ape Monarch can only be played by people as a monkey!"

"I... Susanoo has already been killed by you, and the mistakes made by Susanoo should not be borne by Japan!"

"I can't let the Nine Dharma Mound family continue to imprison the Ape Monarch, but don't worry, even if the Ape Monarch is resurrected, he will not be my opponent, if the Ape Monarch wants a monkey man, only I can do it!" Qin Feng said, and then turned into a breeze and left!

"Yuri, don't talk about it!" Yuri was about to continue, but Ena pulled Yuri's sleeve and said!

"Ena, what do you want to do? The king will destroy the whole of Japan in this way!" Yuri said angrily!

"Youli, our main enemy right now is Sect Master Luo Hao!"

"Ah!" Hearing Ena's reminder, Yuri then knew that the guest who came just now was a disciple of the Luo Hao Sect Master, that is to say, the Luo Hao Sect Master once again launched the operation to release the Divine Monarch, but without the assistance of the king, Japan is really capable of resisting the attack of the Luo Hao Sect Leader!

"Wang is from the Celestial Empire, and he has no reason to take the initiative with Luo Haojiao, so this time it's up to us!"

"But is there anything we can do to stop the Godslayer?"

"No!" Meina smiled wryly, "but we have another way!"

"What's the way?" (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Do as the king says, and let the king intervene in this matter too!"

"But the king also advocates the release of the Divine Monarch!" Yuri sighed!

"I said, the Divine Monarch doesn't obey our command, what are we doing by sealing the Divine Monarch, but it has aroused the covetousness of the Divine Killers, isn't this asking for trouble, if we can use this matter to solve the trouble of the Divine Monarch, it will be a good thing!"

"But the people of Japan...!" Hearing this, Yuri hesitated!

"What are you afraid of! I heard that the Western Heavenly Palace where the Divine Monarch was imprisoned was in the Netherworld, perhaps, they would start a war in the Netherworld, of course, if it really doesn't work, we can also evacuate the people around us, and there will definitely be no such thing as last time!"


In this way, the four women told the news of Qin Feng's Celestial Empire people to their respective forces, and the Bronze Black Cross and the Red Bronze Black Cross didn't feel anything! And the Japanese Committee was in a wail, they really didn't expect that Qin Feng would be a Celestial Empire person! At the same time, Huina and Yuri put forward their own suggestions!

That is to let the Nine Dharma Tomb Family cooperate with the Luo Hao Sect Master to release the Divine Monarch!

"How can this be!" The Nine Dharma Tomb family still thinks that after the Divine Monarch surrenders, they will have a fish leaping dragon gate!

"According to Huina, the Luo Hao Sect Master has sent someone to contact the king, that is to say, the Luo Hao Sect Master will find you soon, do you think you can resist the God Killer?"

"So let's unite at this time!" The head of the Nine Dharma Tomb family said in a cold voice! Actually, the release of the Divine Monarch is not big, it is not small, but one thing is certain, that is, it has nothing to do with the other three major families!

"Uncle Jiufa, are you sure you have to bear the wrath of Sect Master Luo Hao!" said Saya Gongxin lightly!

"We can ask the King of the Right Way to help!"

"You shouldn't be stupid, right! The King of the Righteous Path is from the Celestial Empire, and it will be fortunate if you don't add to the blockage, have you forgotten the incident in Los Angeles, the King of the Righteous Way has saved the enemy of the King of Los Angeles!"

"We know what you want to do?" "Even Chengjia also spoke!" "But don't forget, the Japanese god of disobedience was killed by the king, and this time it won't be as lucky as a hundred years ago, so the release of the god monarch is almost inevitable!"

"Have you forgotten the purpose of the Divine Monarch's imprisonment, with the nature of the hero of Steel, it will take its anger out on Japan!"

"So we should listen to what the Righteous Path King said, take the initiative to release the Divine Monarch, and then let the Righteous Path King take action to eliminate the Divine Monarch!" Lian Chengjia said again: "Whether to destroy the Divine Monarch or not, it's not up to us to decide, but it's certain that we don't have that qualification to be monkey tricksters!"

"Let me think about it!" After hearing that the other three families refused to help, the head of the Nine Dharma Mound family seemed to be dozens of years old!


After Qin Feng left, he came to the base camp of the Sage Conference, and he wanted to meet Princess Alice!

Alice is known as the White Witch Queen, and her strength is constantly getting stronger, but the spiritual induction is still above Youli, so when Qin Feng didn't come to the villa, Alice was already ready for a cup of tea and waiting for Qin Feng's arrival!

Soon, Qin Feng met Princess Alice, about twenty-five years old, with blonde hair shining brightly, a beautiful white woman, a calm tone, a perfume-like temperament, a high-grade white coat, with black boots, and a short knitted dress and trousers under the coat.

"Hehe, King of the Righteous Path, you are a rare guest!" Alice looked at the notoriously murderous Qin Feng without the slightest fear!

"Princess Alice, I have something I want your help with!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"You want me to help, I don't know what the King of the Righteous Way wants me to do?" Alice muttered and asked!

"This kind of thing should be met and discussed! It's not polite to greet guests with a spirit body!" Qin Feng smiled, white lightning flashed out of his body, and then, Qin Feng had already come to a room on the fourth floor!

"The king of the righteous path really dares to say that it is not the king's work to break into the lady's room for no reason!" Alice was wearing a pajama at this time, lying on the luxurious bed, and answered in an elegant tone, but she spoke with the spirit mouth attracted by the pillow, and the body in the female pajamas was still lying on the bed and sleeping.

"I heard that you are a witch, right!" Qin Feng smiled and said! Qin Feng knew that Alice was not only a witch, but also a very powerful witch, at least in terms of human beings, she was a witch with supreme spiritual power, not only excellent mental sensing and telekinesis, but also possessed spiritual vision and foresight, and sometimes even able to talk to gods!

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