Because of this ability, Alice's body has been eroded, and she has become very fragile, as long as she goes out for a while, she will be exhausted, and her physical condition will be out of balance, so when she wants to appear in public, Alice will use the spirit to create a clone, and by controlling the clone, she can communicate with her surroundings like a healthy person, generally speaking, the spirit cannot touch things, but Alice can use it with telekinesis to make the spirit look like a real person!

"Thanks to the praise of the King of the Righteous Path!" Alice After removing the spirit, she opened her closed eyes and slowly got up while lying on the bed, but the weak body was not as easy to control as the spirit.

"I want to invite you to Japan!" Qin Feng said straight to the point

"To Japan?" Hearing this, Alice was stunned, from Qin Feng's recent actions, she vaguely guessed Qin Feng's intentions!

"Well, I need the power of your shrine maiden!"

"You should still recognize this thing!" After speaking, Qin Feng had an extra black sword in his hand, not the Yemo Black Sword, but the Grass Pheasant Sword that Qin Feng got from Susanoo!

"This is the Grass Pheasant Sword!" The moment she saw the Grass Pheasant Sword, Alice was even more sure of her guess!

"Well, Susanoo once used the Grass Pheasant Sword to kill the Eight Miscellaneous Snakes, so it can barely be called a dragon sword!"

"With the Dragon Slaying Sword, you also have the spiritual power of the witch, and you also have the Snake God of the Path!" Alice glanced at Qin Feng meaningfully and said, "It seems that you want to release the Ape Divine Monarch sealed in the West Heavenly Palace!"

"Do you have plans to kill gods?" asked Alice again!

"No, I didn't plan to kill the gods!" Qin Feng shook his head and said, "I want to be a monkey trickster!"

"That's it!" Alice finally heard what Qin Feng meant, and subdued the Ape God Monarch, although it is said that the God Slayer and the God of Disobedience are mortal enemies, but Qin Feng is an exception, she has a precedent of subduing the God of Disobedience, and now she is also thinking about subduing the Ape God Monarch!

"I can help you, but Sect Master Luo Hao and the "Six-Eighty-Three" God Ancestor Ganevia have joined forces, and the target seems to be the Ape God Monarch!"

"I'll deal with this!" Qin Feng smiled, the ape god monarch who recovered his strength was not something that a god killer could deal with, in the original book, the guardian hall and Luo Hao were not opponents!

"Okay then, but I really can't go with you with this body, so I'll use the spirit body to go with you!"

"That's the best, but don't try to lie to me!" Qin Feng put aside a sentence and went back!

In fact, Alice didn't really intend to disobey Qin Feng's order and use her strength to confront him, no matter what the process was, she would definitely be defeated in the end, Qin Feng, who was a god killer, could do it if she wanted to destroy the Sage Council alone.

Watching Qin Feng leave, Alice sighed slightly, just now, she already knew the news that Qin Feng claimed to be from the Celestial Empire!

This news was admitted by Qin Feng himself, so naturally it can't be faked!

Now Qin Feng was standing in front of her, but she didn't dare to have any doubts! Moreover, Qin Feng wanted to rescue the Ape Divine Monarch, which also made sense, after all, the Ape Divine Monarch had always been regarded as a hero of the country!


At this time, somewhere in Italy, a blonde teenager woke up from a coma!

"Whew, almost died, it's really dangerous!" said the young man who woke up with a hearty smile and a smile!

"Qin Feng's strength is really strong!" Tony muttered!

"Tony, are you awake?" At this time, Raphael walked in!

"Teacher, how long have I been asleep!" Tony began!

"It's been more than a month!" said Raphael, thinking for a moment!

"It's been more than a month! No, I have to go to sword practice!" Tony stood up, the physique of the god killer can be called a pervert, and Tony, who has woken up, quickly returned to his peak state!

"By the way, what news is there from Qin Feng's side, who won that battle?" Tony asked again!

"Hey, after you, the Marquis of Woban also lost to the King of the Righteous Path, and since then, the King of the Righteous Way seems to have killed two more gods, and now there are two gods of disobedience as his servants!"

"It's so powerful, it's really someone who can beat me, and his strength can't be underestimated!" Tony smiled happily!

"Tony, where are you going now?" saw Tony go out with his sword, Raphael asked!

"Of course I'm going to challenge!" Tony nodded of course!

And in Europe, the mysterious residence of a certain demon king, he also fully recovered at this time!

"Righteous Path King, Qin Feng, this time, I won't lose to you again!" Marquis Woban said with a sneer!

Nikko City,It's a relatively prosperous city in Japan.,Relatively speaking,Each family will have their own power city.,The Saya family is Tokyo.,Kyoto of Seicho-in.,And the Kufa Tomb family is this Nikko City!


Nikko Toshogu Shrine is a shrine that belongs to one of the Tokugawa family shrines, and the main worship is the deity of Toshoku Daigen, the first general of the Edo shogunate, Tokugawa Ieyasu, and the reason why it is called Nikko Toshogu Shrine, rather than directly called Toshogu Shrine, is because there are actually Toshogu Shrines in various parts of the country, and Nikko Toshogu Shrine is the headquarters of many Toshogu Shrines throughout Japan.

In the eyes of ordinary people, it is a holy place for tourism, but in the eyes of others, it is more than that!

The Kuhotsuka family, one of the four major families in the Japanese spell world, has been guarding this place for hundreds of years, or to be more precise, the main task of this clan is to protect and use a place called the West Heavenly Palace, which was established in the Nikko Toshogu Palace.

During the Tokugawa Shogunate, the god was set up as a guardian of the ghost gate, and the magic gathered from all over Japan became the divine power of Tosho Daishi, and at the same time it was able to bind the god king, and this seal, known as Bima Wen, was bound by it, and the god who was bound by it became the most powerful weapon of the Kuhotsuka clan.

At this time, it seems that there are many citizens leaving the already prosperous Nikko City, because the government said that there will be a catastrophe here in ten days, and Nikko City is likely to become like Tokyo, so all the citizens began to flee, after all, the example of Tokyo is there!

However, the Nine Dharma Mound family did not leave, but stayed, which was a message to the outside world that they did not agree with the decision of the other three major families and could not release the Divine Monarch!

"What's wrong with the Nine Dharma Mound family, is he going to destroy the family's foundation?" said Lian Cheng the head of the family rhetorically!

"What was that old fellow thinking? Did he really think that with the strength of their family, he could stand up to the Godslayers?"

"The Nine Dharma Tomb family should be supported!" Saya Gong Xin thought for a while and said, "I heard that the King of Swords and the Marquis of Woban have woken up, and they have already sent someone to contact the people of the Nine Dharma Tomb family, it is estimated that the Nine Law Tomb family has hooked up with them!"

"What are the Nine Dharma Tomb family thinking, introducing two demon king-level characters to Japan!" said the head of the Qingqiu Courtyard with some anger!

"He befriended other kings without authorization, if the righteous path king knew, the Nine Dharma Mound family would be finished!"

"There is no way to do this, the Divine Monarch can be said to be the trump card of the Nine Dharma Mound family! And the king of Los Angeles will also leave for Japan, if the three of them join forces, there may not be no chance of winning!"

"Don't forget, Sect Master Luo Hao also wants to release the Divine Monarch, and she will be on the side of the Righteous Path King!"

"Japan is really full of disasters and difficulties!" Because of the persistence of the Nine Dharma Mound family, there will now be five kings coming to Japan! No matter what the outcome is, Japan will definitely suffer a lot of damage!

However, just the day before yesterday, the King of Swords and the Marquis of Woban sent someone over at the same time, saying that they would go to Japan for a trip, and then let him arrange it.

The two of them were Qin Feng's former subordinates, and the Nine Dharma Mound family didn't have much confidence in the two of them, but soon, the king of Los Angeles also came with news!

His goal is even clearer, that is, Qin Feng, to find an explanation for Qin Feng to take away the Divine Ancestor Anxiera!

This time, the Nine Dharma Mound family felt that they could pull three kings, and they might not lose!

At this time, Youli received a message from the Ganji Winter Horse!

Because of the refusal of the Nine Dharma Mound family, the five kings are about to gather in Japan!

The five kings gathered in Japan, which made Yuri stunned, the current three kings destroyed Tokyo, and now there are five kings, will the Japanese island country sink!

"How can this be!" On the other hand, after hearing the news, Ena was also in disbelief!

"You have to find a way!" Yuri and Ena quickly thought of a countermeasure! That is, to push the boat down the river and kill the source of cholera! Just before, they already knew that Qin Feng had brought back the Divine Ancestor An Sheila, and it was necessary to release the Divine Monarch with three things, the first was the Dragon Slaying Sword, the second was the witch, both of which were easy to find, and the last one was a perverse snake god, and the Divine Ancestor An Sheila played such a role!

If the Ape God Monarch dies, then Qin Feng will give up, and the already useless God Ancestor Anshera will also be handed over to the king of Los Angeles to deal with, Luo Hao Sect Master has no use for the goal, she will also go back, and what remains is the grudge between the three kings, but Qin Feng killed the gods again, and his strength was greatly enhanced, and the King of Swords and the Demon King were even less opponents!

"How can I get close to the West Heavenly Palace?!" At this time, Yuri looked at his sister, light, she can skillfully use the power of the curse! The witch who works in the West Heaven Palace must know the strength, only she can get close to the West Heaven Palace, as long as she meets the Divine Monarch, she will have a chance to kill the Divine Monarch! Of course, the power of the Evil Purification is not very difficult to master, and Alice will also have this skill, which is also the reason why Qin chose Alice!

"Sister, what are you looking for me?" Hikari felt that her sister was weird today, and then asked!, "Is it not in line with Wang's relationship?" As an intern witch, she already knows some things, such as Qin Feng's identity, such as the reason for escaping from Tokyo in the first place!

"Hikari, are you still being contacted by the Nine Dharma Mound Family?" asked Yuri!

"Well, they want me to come over and help!" Hikari nodded honestly!

"And you refused?"

"Hmm!" Hikari nodded again and said, "They've been calling for a month, so it's really persevering!"

Killing the Divine Monarch is indeed a good way, Qingqiuyuan and the Saya family agreed, but can they really kill the Divine Monarch!

"Light, next time the Nine Dharma Tomb family calls again, don't refuse yet!"


"Light, listen to me first, my sister doesn't want you to go to the West Heaven Palace, my sister wants you to do another thing!" Yuri said again, she knew that if she went to the West Heaven Palace, she would spend the next few decades in the West Heaven Palace, so Yuri has always opposed the light going there, the witch is also a woman, how many decades are there!

"You can come back when you're done with this!" said Yuri!

"Then what does my sister want me to do?" Hikari said curiously!

"Light, I'm going to let you kill the god of disobedience?" said Yuri solemnly! "A god of disobedience imprisoned in the West Heavenly Palace!"

"Kill the god who can't be followed?" Hearing this, Guang was shocked in his heart, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, looked at Youli in surprise, and said, "Sister, didn't you push me down the fire pit?" "Where is the god of disobedience so easy to kill, even if the power of the god monarch in the West Heavenly Palace is sealed, it is not something that ordinary people can kill, if it can really be killed, the Nine Law Tomb family will not let go of this opportunity to become a god killer!"

"Don't worry!I've got a detailed plan!" Yuri nodded!!(Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Something like killing the god of disobedience, you can't leave it to your brother-in-law to do!" Guang already knew that Qin Feng was a god killer, and his sister, Youli was his woman!

"Hey, it's not that my sister doesn't want to, but that the king intends to release that disobedient god!"


"I don't know, but because of this incident, it has serious consequences!"

"Serious consequences?" Hikari asked again!

"Well, the king's enemies, the King of Swords and the Demon King, have already arrived in Japan, and the Luo Hao Sect Master of the Celestial Empire will also come to Japan, and even the king of Los Angeles will come to Japan, in this way, there are five kings in Japan, and if they go to war, I am afraid that the whole of Japan will be destroyed!" Yuri muttered! There is also a reason why the Nine Dharma Tomb family does not give up the Divine Monarch, because of the seal, the Nine Law Tomb family can use the power of the Divine Monarch! If it is released, then the Nine Dharma Tomb family will lose such a powerful force!

"So sister, you want me to kill the source of the strife, the god of disobedience?"

"Well, then there is no reason for the Godslayers to come to Japan!"

"Alright then!" Hikari nodded helplessly!

After Hikari agreed, Yuri immediately took her over to meet with Saya Gongxin, in fact, she didn't know much about the affairs of the West Heavenly Palace, and she needed Saya Gongxin to explain the next step!

When they came into the study, the two women saw a woman dressed as a man, but she was still very beautiful Saya Gongxin!

"This is Miss Hikari!" said the Sweet Meal!

"Well, I think you should know about the four of us!" The four major families who lead the Japanese spell world, the Saya Gong family, the Lian Cheng family, the Qingqiu Yuan family and the Nine Dharma Shrine family, and the work of the Nine Dharma Shrine family is to protect the Rizhao West Heavenly Palace, the West Heavenly Palace is a temple that guards the Divine Monarch Ancestral Temple with powerful enchantments and sealed spells, according to the teachings of the Nine Laws Shrine Family, let the Yuan witch who can use the curse weaken the seal, if you do this, their family will obtain the martial power of the Divine Monarch, that is, they can use the power of the Divine Monarch!" "Saya Gong Xin said slowly 4.3 slowly:" And you know how to purify yourself, so the Nine Dharma Tomb Family will definitely find you!"

"And you, just took this opportunity to kill the Divine Monarch!"

"But can I kill the Divine Monarch?" Guang was very puzzled, if he could really kill him, the Divine Monarch would have died long ago!

"I don't know about this, but now in this situation, I can only give it a go! I'll give you a weapon, a weapon that can kill the Divine Monarch!"


In Nikko City, a tall building is coming out, and a teenager and a girl are on standby!

The young man was dressed in white and looked a little sunny, but the girl didn't look so friendly, and her fierce eyes looked like she was going to eat people, it was Lu Yinghua and Anxiera 0...

"Tell me, what are we going to do?" Ansera said with an angry glaring at Lu Yinghua!

"There are three keys to release the Divine Monarch, and now I know one, so I'm going to ask for the remaining two!"

"So you want to ambush the people of the Nine Dharma Tomb family!" Ansheira asked, pouting! "But I'm also curious, what is the key to releasing the Divine Monarch?"

"The first one, it's you!" Lu Yinghua smiled and said!

"I see, no wonder the King of the Righteous Path will save me from the King of Los Angeles!" Ansera showed such a look and said, "Since the King of the Righteous Way knows the key, why don't you ask him directly!"

"Hey, you don't know, are you! Wang are some creatures with perverted personalities!" Lu Yinghua complained weakly, he had deeply understood the perverted character of Luo Hao's sect leader!

"Is that so! But forget it! He's coming!"

"Yes! It's finally here!" Lu Yinghua also smiled slightly!

"First of all, you have to do your best, you can't fail! This is my first mission!" Ansera sneered!

"Hmph, you are, if you cause me to be scolded by the master, I will pay it back tenfold!" Lu Yinghua pouted and said!

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