There was a loud bang, and a silent air current exploded the roof of the entire palace!

"Luo Cuilian, this is the price you paid for offending me!" Qin Feng's snake eyes flashed with a strange purple light!

The shock wave was set off from the center of the main hall, and the floor paved with stone slabs turned into fragments, and large pieces flew around, including a large amount of stone powder, and the scene in the main hall was suddenly blurred by this large amount of dust.

"The King of the Right Path. Don't underestimate me, do you think your evil eye can deal with me?" Looking at the group of snakes around her, Luo Cuilian laughed out loud and said, "In addition to martial arts, my strength is also very strong!" After speaking, Luo Cuilian's fist set off a powerful whirlwind and swept the roof away, and even the snakes were washed into the sky and then fell down!

"Divine clothes!" When the smoke and dust cleared, Qin Feng looked at Luo Cuilian, who was revealing her figure, and also stood up, and then muttered, the black and gold divine clothes were put on Qin Feng's body!

"Thunder and lightning, crush my enemies!" Qin Feng used the power of the climate!

Immediately after, a thick lightning bolt struck, and the target was Luo Cuilian!

Luo Cuilian's speed was very fast, even faster than when she and Tony used that sword before, and she was close to Qin Feng at once!

"[King Kong God]" Luo Cuilian, who was close to Qin Feng, used her power!

"Damn!" Qin Feng was suddenly swept away by the power of his palm and hit the sky!

Qin Feng didn't expect that he would be hit into the sky like this, and there was a hot pain feeling coming from the place where he was beaten!

"It seems that you are also a guy who is not proficient in martial arts!" When Qin Feng was flying into the sky, Luo Cuilian's voice had already appeared beside him, "Then let the seniors teach you well!"

Qin Feng could hear the contempt in Luo Cuilian's voice!


Regardless of the era and the country, the names and myths given to the gods are basically human beings, and the powerful gods who threaten and sometimes give favors to human beings In primitive times, they had no names, and human knowledge indifferently found the posture of gods in the vast sky and the great earth, fearing the storms and floods brought about by the wrath of the gods, and worshipping the dangerously powerful beasts as if they were the incarnations of the gods.

However, over the course of time, humans have given names to the gods and made up myths for them, such as Iluvita, the creator of the earth, Hercules, the god of battle, Artemis, the goddess of fertility, Orgon, the god of struggle and forgery, and Tyzcatripoca, the god of rough warriors and destruction.

These rituals can be said to be produced by lowly human beings in order to prevent the divine power of the gods from becoming too powerful, and the gods who have received names and myths will not do things beyond these two things, and when they give favors to human beings, when they are rewarded, they will act according to their duties, so that people can prepare for the threat or blessing of the gods.

However, if a god makes a meaning that transcends the name and mythology he has received, if there is a god who returns to a primitive period with fewer mythological constraints, such a god is called a god of disobedience!

And the god killer who is comparable to the god of disobedience is also the strongest existence, to put it in layman's terms, it is a group of people who are very troublesome, those people have nothing to do with experience, when they kill the god and take away their power, they are already the existence of a transcendent saint, the most powerful witch, even if it is the weakest king, the strength will be stronger than it.

They are not characters who can be dealt with by such things as techniques and spells, stratagems and traps, they are those people, no matter who the opponent is, they will definitely be able to find a way to win, no matter how talented they are, or they have a hundred years of cultivation, they can't defeat them at all, so they are called kings.

Therefore, in the face of the god ancestor Anshera, who is comparable to the god of disobedience, there is no way for the Nine Dharma Tomb family to do so!

It's almost one-sided, until someone shows up, he's the king of Los Angeles, the godslayer!

"You're finally here!" After being easily defeated by the king of Los Angeles, her perverse snake god is a little unworthy of the name, and the power of the god killer is not comparable to a half-god of disobedience like her, but now it is different, she has obtained the power given by Qin Feng, the king of the righteous path, so when Anne arrived, she was already eager to try and wash away the shame!

"I didn't expect you to come to Japan and behave so badly!" The man who spoke was a man in a black cape, with a brain, with a western cowboy style, and it was impossible to tell whether it was a man or a woman!

"Hmph, the path of the snake god is destined to be a bloody road!" Ansera snorted coldly!

"No, I'm just wondering how the King of the Righteous Path would allow you to wantonly kill people in his territory.!"

"Whoever opposes the king of the righteous path will be destroyed!"

"It seems that you, the Divine Ancestor, have been subdued!"

"The King of the Right Way healed my injuries and gave me rebirth, and at the same time gave me strength, and I naturally want to repay him!" Hearing this, Ansera remembered the domineering young man and hummed!

"That's it, then let me have a good look at your power! No, it should be the power given to you by the King of the Righteous Path!"

"Wait, Wang, we don't mean to offend!" At this time, Lu Yinghua, who was on the side, said with a wry smile!

"Who are you?" Looking at Lu Yinghua, Anne asked suspiciously!

"My name is Lu Yinghua, and I am from the Celestial Empire!" Lu Yinghua said!

"Then why are you with such a ruthless person?" Anne frowned, "Are you in the same party as her?"

"Same as your sister!" Lu Yinghua, who had been oppressed by Luo Hao, once again appreciated the strange idea of the god killer!

"There's no way!" Lu Yinghua sighed and said, "My master is the leader of the Luo Hao sect, and this woman is very helpful to the master, so please be accommodating, let us complete the next things!"

"Do you want to continue to kill people?" Hearing this, Anne sneered and said, "Although this is not Los Angeles, I can't let you come nonsense!"

"Godslayers really can't communicate with words!" Seeing Annie's posture of starting a fight, Lu Yinghua couldn't help but complain!

"Lu Yinghua, you go and destroy the West Heavenly Palace! I'll stop him!"

"Can you do it? You know, you're here for a very important time!" Lu Yinghua asked!

"Hmph, don't underestimate me, I am now confident enough to defeat this little ghost who has killed gods for less than a year!"

"Then I wish you success!" Lu Yinghua didn't ask to stay and help, he didn't have the power to intervene in the battle between the god of obedience and the god killer!

As if she had gone first, Ansera had already transformed, the thin and beautiful girl's body disappeared, changing shape while expanding, her arms contracted, her legs became one, her body was elongated, her neck was also lengthened, her smooth skin was covered with a layer of scales, and her beautiful face became a reptilian face, and after only a few dozen seconds, the witch Ansera became a huge serpentine monster, sweeping the beaches of Venice. The demon snake with a body length of more than fifty meters, if stretched out from head to tail, can probably be compared to a twenty-story building, and the scales are shiny silver-white, which looks extremely noble!

But unlike before, the back of the snake has wings full of gems!

"It's really different!" Anne frowned, although she only had more wings, she could feel that the enemy in front of her was at least three times more powerful than before!

"Let you feel it!" Ansera smiled sinisterly, and pounced!!


Ansheila and Anne got into a fight, and Qin Feng was thrown up and down by Luo Cuilian like a sandbag!

It's not too much to call Luo Cuilian a strange woman!

However, Qin Feng's face was definitely not painful, and this was also thanks to Qin Feng's black gold divine robe, super defense!

"It's really different to have a good piece of equipment!" Qin Feng couldn't help but sigh!

"What's the matter?, King of the Righteous Path, are you so powerless!" Luo Cuilian said vigorously on the side!

"...!" I don't know why, Qin Feng remembered the characters in "Dragon Ball", the more powerful people had to be beaten and pretended to be forced when they appeared, they used to feel very stupid, but now they don't do it like this!

"Look!" Qin Feng felt that it was time to strike a blow at this arrogant girl with a second disease! In terms of strength, Luo Cuilian would not be as strong as Marquis Woban, so naturally he would not be his opponent!

Qin Feng had already loosened the double-strand fork at this time, and the black gold halberd body turned into a shadow and spread out, filling the sky with darkness, obscuring Luo Cuilian's vision in an instant.

"Just this kind of thing wants to restrain me?" Seeing these darkness consciously spreading towards her, and then wrapping around her, restraining her movements, Luo Cuilian was surprised at the same time, but also stunned!

"I am the owner of the sky, whether it is the weather or the starry sky, I must be driven!" After Qin Feng finished speaking, Luo Cuilian felt that she had entered a world where no one was around, the sky and the earth were all white, and then, the sky collapsed, of course, in the outside world, Luo Cuilian's eyes were blank, and she was stunned and floating in the air!

"Lightning and thunder, destroy the enemy in front of me!" Qin Feng condensed a thunderball in his hand, and when Luo Cuilian was stunned, his right hand gently stretched forward, and the thunderball seemed to be pulled by his hand like an invisible thread, floating towards Luo Cuilian!

However, Luo Cuilian was determined, and in her mind, the sky collapsed, and she walked out like her!

"I, Luo Cuilian, am as brave as the emperors of the past and present, how could I lose to a junior!" Luo Cuilian clenched her fists and exploded the thunderball with one punch!

"Boom!" A deafening sound, a loud explosion, Qin Feng's hard-working expansion hall was swept away, and even the top of the mountain was cracked!

Mortal things on the earth can't afford to be tossed by the godslayers!

Erica's daughters, who had already withdrawn, were very worried when they watched the fight in the sky!

"What's going on? Didn't Sect Leader Luo Hao and the King have the same purpose?, why did they fight?" asked Youli!

"This has nothing to do with the purpose, both of them are extremely domineering kings, and it is normal to fight as soon as they meet!"

"Is that really okay?" Liliana said!

"Yes, you know, the King of Swords and the Marquis of Woban are coming to deal with the King, and even the King of Los Angeles has arrived!"

"If this continues, the king may have to face the four kings alone!"

"Don't worry!" murmured Erica, "doesn't the king have two disobedient gods, and their strength is also very strong!"

There was a constant sound of thunder in the sky, Erica's face changed, and she said, "Liliana, let's get out of here quickly!"

"Hmm!" Liliana nodded, but she couldn't help but be stunned when she didn't notice Athena and Metis, the two gods of disobedience!

"I am the strongest, and the one who holds the victory, whether it is a demon or a human, the enemy I face will surely defeat its hostility, and I will defeat any enemy who stands in my way!" Qin Feng began to speak, activating his own power!

"It's useless!" Luo Cuilian approached Qin Feng again with a very clever figure!

"My fists, feet and palms can destroy millions of troops!" Luo Cuilian is very confident in her martial arts!

"Don't talk nonsense!" Qin Feng sneered, and the darkness filled again, constantly shrouding towards Luo Cuilian, and then, the black clouds in the sky also pressed down!

"'O wind, O snow!!

The sky roared!, large hailstones fell, countless lightning bolts, like an army, neatly attacked the sect leader, the wind wrapped in ice and snow, and swept towards the sect leader.

"Very good, King of the Righteous Path, then I will use my power too!" Luo Cuilian stood in the middle of the storm, her body did not move, and began to speak!

"It's too white snow, and I'm happy to meet martial arts!"

"In the shadow of a thousand officials, in front of the seventh school of Xinsu!"

"Today's Han Sheji, the new number of the revival year. With each chant, the force of the storm was like a shock wave that hit an invisible wall, and it was impossible to get close.

During the chanting, the beautiful figure kept walking towards Qin Feng, and at the same time, the powerful storm set off also kept Qin Feng's thunder power out! The wind was blocked, the ice and snow were also discharged, and even the lightning was dispersed.

"I have the skill of my words to make the justice of the world manifest! It's the sword of wisdom that beckons victory!" Qin Feng began to speak, and the golden sword appeared in his hand!

"I heard that the Righteous Path King has a variety of weapons, and this golden sword can also cut off power?" Luo Cuilian didn't have the slightest fear, but asked!

"Your god of killing is the Hindu goddess Goyatri!" Qin Feng began to speak, and at the same time, Luo Cuilian also found that she seemed to have entered a world full of golden swords!

"Is it also an illusion?" Seeing this, Luo Cuilian frowned!

"Shaoling Ye Lao swallowed and cried, sneaking in the spring Qujiang Song, Jiangtou Palace locked a thousand doors!" Luo Cuilian recited the ballad again!

He's ready to unleash a shockwave that will destroy everything in sight!

"Who is the green of the fine willow and the new pu, reminiscing about the past and going down to the South Garden, everything in the garden is full of color!" Luo Cuilian's song became more violent, and the storm and shock wave that she read out blew in all directions, blowing everything down.

However, in the realm of the Yellow Sword, Qin Feng had already pulled out the Golden Sword!

"Luo Cuilian, your song is the power to defeat the usurped power of the Indian goddess Goyatri, with five faces and ten arms, with five faces and ten arms, and a godhead worshipped as the goddess of songs!" After speaking, countless sword bodies appeared around Qin Feng, and on the other hand, the shock wave around Luo Cuilian was destroyed everywhere with the storm.

"Boom!" Like the scorching sun, Qin Feng's surroundings shone with countless light.

"The ancient Brahmanical sacred text of the Vedas, Goyatri was originally one of the rhythms of the Vedas, a certain mantra of the stereotype, but as a god, Goyatri is the wife of the creator god Brahma, the goddess of the river, and the goddess of words and language, if it can be traced back to the god of the earth mother, it should be the same body as the goddess of Sarasvardi, a very high goddess!"

Now, Luo Cuilian's shock wave is even more powerful, and the top of the mountain has also been flattened!

However, Qin Feng stood in the center unscathed, constantly reciting the spirit of words!

"Sara Murvardi is the creator of the Sanskrit and Devanagari alphabets, the goddess of music and art, and is also known as Bencaiten in Japan. And as Goatry, she can manipulate the spirit of sound, and she is the goddess who presides over the dedication of praises to the gods, this is the source of your power!"

The wind has stopped! Qin Feng has already cut off Luo Cuilian's power! But if you want to use the golden sword to kill Luo Cuilian in seconds, it is basically impossible!

"That's right, cut off the spirit of God's words!" Luo Cuilian smiled slightly and said, "Then I'm going to do it too!"

"In 200 years, you are the first man to force me to such a point!" Luo Cuilian looked at Qin Feng with a gaze that you should be very proud of!

"One force to ten meetings, one force to suppress ten skills, one leg to a thousand strength, one foot to determine the dry!" Luo Cuilian's expression seemed to become solemn for a moment, and she recited the spiritual words.

Soon, her whole body was enveloped in golden aura, and then it shone with a golden flash!

Mighty King Kong Divine Skill, this is another power of Luo Cuilian, while having amazing strange power, she can also call two King Kong Lux to fight, and now, Luo Cuilian has chosen two King Kong Lux to come out to fight!

Immediately afterwards, two huge Vajra Lux appeared, and their bodies were full of divinity.

However, these two Vajra Lux are not ordinary servants of gods, but real gods, whose strength is comparable to that of the god of disobedience, no wonder Luo Cuilian is called the most powerful god killer!

After even a King Kong Lux came out, both palms rushed towards Qin Feng at the same time!.

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