"Haha, it's very good! I didn't expect you to be able to summon like me!" Qin Feng smiled happily, and in Luo Cuilian's surprised gaze, Qin Feng began to summon!

Rich magic power as a guide, the blue body from the sky!

"Come out! "In a sense, the Titan Soldier is just like Vajra Lux, they are all gods!

"I was really surprised!" Luo Cuilian muttered as she looked at the blue giant who was taller than Vajra Lux!

Without Luo Cuilian's orders, the two Vajra Lux began to move, gave up Qin Feng, and rushed towards the giant god soldiers!

"The scorching wind blows the earth!" The giant god soldier's eyes flashed fiercely, and he also pounced instantly, but he had already raised his fist!

In the fist, the blue mangs bloom, containing great power!

"Kill!" Qin Feng spat out, and the terrifying punch of the giant god soldier hit one of the Vajra Warriors!

"Roar!" Vajra Lux let out a beast-like roar, and his entire head was knocked away by the giant god soldier's fist, of course, no blood flowed out, and Vajra Lux's body slowly disappeared!

"This is solved?" Luo Cuilian was stunned, and the next moment, another Vajra Lux let out an earth-shattering roar!

"Come again, Giant God Soldier!" After Qin Feng finished speaking, the Giant God Soldier's fist once again condensed terrifying power!

"King Kong Lux, it's time to show your bravery!" Luo Cuilian also said without admitting defeat!

"Isn't this looking for death!" Qin Feng sneered, his giant god soldier had special skills!

No accident, Vajra Lux was blown up again!

"Since my Vajra Lux has failed, then it's up to me, Luo Cuilian to take your punch!"

"Do you want to die?" Qin Feng was a little speechless!

"Come on!" Luo Cuilian used her power again!

"Giant God Soldier, you must kill!" Qin Feng felt the need to teach this middle and second girl a lesson, a lesson that will never be forgotten!

Killing, as the name suggests, even a god-killer will die, but Qin Feng believes that with Luo Cuilian's god-killer who has been more than two hundred years old, there must be a way to save his life!

"Boom!" A punch blasted out, and a powerful cyclone erupted in it, and Luo Cuilian's entire body was blasted out, spitting blood from her mouth, so embarrassed!

The surroundings have become ruins, and Luo Cuilian, who was beaten away by the giant god soldiers, has already left Qin Feng's sight, but Qin Feng knows that Luo Cuilian is not dead yet, because he can still feel Luo Cuilian's divine power!

"King of the Righteous Path, I have already comprehended your strength, and it is indeed above my martial arts!" Qin Feng couldn't see Luo Cuilian, but Qin Feng could hear that Luo Cuilian's voice revealed a sense of exhaustion!

In this battle, Qin Feng won again!


The four kings have all come to Tokyo, but if they want to unite, 950 is even more difficult!

The Nine Dharma Tomb family originally thought that only the three kings would help them, but they didn't expect that even the Luo Hao Sect Master, who advocated the release of the Divine Monarch, would go to the trouble of the Righteous Path King, this time, the Nine Dharma Tomb family felt a lot more at ease, even if you were powerful, you couldn't deal with the four kings alone, in addition, that Divine Ancestor An Sheila was also blocked by the king of Los Angeles!

However, before the Nine Dharma Mound family had time to enjoy this joy, another news came! Luo Hao's sect leader had been defeated! After the King of Swords and the Demon King, Qin Feng had defeated another king!


At this time, in the midst of the ruins, Qin Feng could hear the exhaustion in Luo Cuilian's tone!

"Luo Cuilian, since she is not dead, then come out!" Qin Feng smiled, and after withdrawing the giant god soldiers, he smiled slightly!

Erica's four daughters were already stunned to see this scene, and the famous Luo Cuilian was solved in this way!

"Victory!" Erika soon smiled smugly!!

"Well, the king is the best!" said Ena, too!

"What a rude guy, do you want to see me make a fool of yourself?" Luo Cuilian said with some dissatisfaction!

Qin Feng guessed that Luo Cuilian should have been pressed under a certain stone, the injury was certain, after all, it was the gods' nirvana, it was not easy for Luo Cuilian to resist it, no, it should be said that Luo Cuilian had already died once, but she was resurrected again, just like Perseus, she had the power to be resurrected!

"Come out quickly!Do you want me to invite you!" Qin Feng sneered!

"I agree with your bravery, and I will compensate you for today's incident!" Soon, a shadow came out from behind the stone, and his face was pale!

"This is really terrible!" Luo Cuilian muttered dissatisfiedly, but Qin Feng was slightly stunned, and his eyes were looking at her tightly! It turned out that due to the scorching fist wind, Luo Cuilian's clothes were shattered, and then, Luo Cuilian, who had died once, used up her divine power in order to resurrect, and there were also side effects, just like the resurrection power of the Marquis of Woban, after the resurrection, she could not use the power for more than two months!

Now Luo Cuilian is facing such a situation, while the divine power in her body is squandered, she can't use her power, so she can't even use the simplest way to condense a piece of clothing with divine power!

"King of the Righteous Path, your gaze is really too rude!" Luo Cuilian said with a dissatisfied frown as she protected her fierce breasts with her hands!

I have to say that Luo Cuilian, who has lost her strength, is more like a teenage girl!

"Can you give me a piece of clothing! This is your respect for your opponent!" Luo Cuilian said again!

"Okay!" Seeing Luo Cuilian's pale face, Qin Feng knew that Luo Cuilian would not be able to use her divine power in a short period of time!

"Youli, go get a piece of clothing and come over!" Qin Feng picked up Luo Cuilian, came to the side of the girls, and then said to Youli!

"The king... You and Sect Leader Luo Hao are in... What are you doing?" Seeing Luo Cuilian wrapped naked, Liliana gave full play to her imagination!

"Hey, it's nothing, the King of the Righteous Path is really powerful!" Luo Cuilian sighed!

"Awesome?" Liliana glanced at Qin Feng suspiciously!

"Well, we're fighting physically, it's been a long time since we've had this pleasure!"

"Physical fighting!" Hearing this, Liliana remembered that one night, a man and a woman were doing piston exercises in a dark room, which was also a physical fight!

Soon, Yuri brought clothes, a very loving sailor suit!


At this time, on the side of Sunshine City, the battle between Ansera and Annie has entered a white-hot stage!

"I didn't expect your strength to be so strong!" Anne sneered, and the steel spear in her hand shot out, and the blue-white thunder light was thrown out, and then turned into a green dragon and swept over!

"Roar!" With a roar like a dragon's groan, Ansera bit off the green dragon in one bite! Now Ansera, after accepting the power of Qin Feng, the Snake God of the Pathway began to evolve like a dragon-like creature!

"You're not my match yet!" Anne said!

"Archer of the Magic Bullet!" This is Anne's power, this is the power obtained from the Goddess of the Moonlight, it can shoot powerful arrows, the bullets emitted will emit a blue-white light, can penetrate buildings, evaporate heavy rocks, and even cause terrain, the power is huge!

"Birth, death, and infinity!" Anne did not dodge in the slightest, and began to speak! This is the power she obtained from the demon god Tezcatel Lipoca [Super Transformation], and now Anne has performed her first transformation, the Great Magician, thunder and roar, In the flash and flames, there stood a giant, about fifteen meters tall, with a well-balanced physique, but its appearance was very special, its complexion was as black as the night, only the face was painted with black and yellow horizontal stripes, and only the right foot was not flesh, the material was probably obsidian, it reflected the bewitching moonlight, it was made of shiny stone, and the cover on the giant body was red, yellow, Bright colors such as black and bird feathers make it look like a turkey, and it carries a few spears in a wooden barrel.

The black mage was surrounded by lightning and unleashed an incomparably fierce lightning strike.

"I am a god killer and a demon king, in order to destroy you, I will tell you, my will, the almighty I can treat all people as slaves, I am the king of darkness, I am the noblest magician!"

"Destroy!" Anne yelled!

"Let me be your opponent!" A scythe swung down, and the powerful wind pressure instantly blew the black flame out of a channel! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu novel network!)

Athena, standing in front of Ansiera, confronted Anne!

"Athena, you've finally appeared!" Anne sneered at the sight of Athena appearing!

"You are not the opponent of the concubine!" As always, Athena held the scythe and looked at Anne in front of her with a blank face!

"Who knows if you don't beat it!" Anne roared!


Under the morning light, many of the most famous places in Nikko City are visited, this place is called Toshogu Shrine, this shrine is absolutely against the four words of splendid luxury, there are many people who come here to travel, on the walls of the building, the lower edge of the eaves, three monkeys each cover their eyes, mouth and ears, in addition, there are sitting monkeys, monkeys looking at the sky, and lying monkeys, a total of more than a dozen carvings, this is the signature carving (agah) carving of Toshogu Shrine.

I heard that a few days ago, there seemed to be a riot here, it seems that there were dead people, of course, how many people died, why did they die, the official media did not elaborate, no, it should be said that there was no report, for this reason, the people took these rumors as lace news!

What they don't know is that a few days ago, there was indeed a great battle in this land, a great battle between the godslayer and the disobedient god, because the battle between the two was in the sky, so it was rarely affected here! As for the outcome of that battle, no one knows!

The Nine Dharma Mound family didn't know much, after that battle, Athena and the king of Los Angeles were gone! Athena seemed to have returned to Qin Feng's side, and the king of Los Angeles also went back to Los Angeles!

All of a sudden, the Nine Law Tomb family's heart was half cold! But fortunately, Lu Yinghua and that Divine Ancestor An Sheila left, and the Divine Ancestor An Sheela seemed to have injuries on his body and would not act again in a short time, but Qin Feng's prestige was still a sharp sword on the head of the Nine Law Tomb family, if he made a move, the Nine Law Tomb family would be destroyed!

"What should I do?" The head of the Nine Dharma Mound family immediately made a decision and contacted the other three families!


At this time, the three major families were shocked by the power that Qin Feng revealed, and they defeated the Luo Hao Sect Master, not to mention, even the king of Los Angeles was expelled! In an instant, there were only personal grievances left, what else did the remaining Sword King and Marquis of Woban do, the people of the three major families did not believe that they would be Qin Feng's opponents!

"Now the Nine Dharma Tomb family knows that they are afraid!" The three major families got together again and discussed some things, since the Nine Law Tomb family insisted on going their own way, the three major families were planning to give up the Nine Law Tomb family, and now, the Nine Law Tomb family took the initiative to come over for help!

"Who said it wasn't, I didn't expect that even the Luo Hao Sect Master would be defeated miserably at the hands of the Righteous Path King!"

"I heard that the Luo Hao Sect will only recover in two months!"

"Haha, we Japan have been suppressed by the Celestial Empire for so long, and we can finally come out!"

"What do you want to do?" Hearing this, Saya Gongxin frowned!

"I wonder if our diplomacy can be appropriately stronger!" muttered the head of the Lian Cheng family!

"Are you crazy!" Saya Gongxin's positioning of Japan is very accurate, Japan is only an island country, the population is less than one-tenth of the Celestial Empire, no matter what, you have to rely on a strong country to survive, now there is a righteous king, although it can be strong, but it can not be strong against the Celestial Empire!

"Have you forgotten that the King of the Righteous Path is also from the Heavenly Empire!" said Saya Gongxin coldly!


"Although we can't be strong against the Celestial Empire, there are so many countries in the world, I think we still have a chance!"

"That's true, but I'm worried about another question, what if King Masamichi wants us to annex Japan to the Celestial Empire?"

"That's right, this kind of thing is likely to happen!" even the head of the Cheng family spoke!

"Then merge!" Saya Gongxin smiled faintly!

"You're kidding!" Lian Chengjia was stunned and said!

"Hehe, of course, even if the top level of Japan can occupy a seat, we will all earn it!"

"Managing such a small place and managing a big country is worth it!" In fact, Ena and Yuri are the women of the righteous king, and no matter what the future of Japan is, the Saya palace family and the Seichoin family have a layer of security!

"Aren't you afraid of being excluded?" Lian Chengjia said again!

"Okay, the Celestial Empire won't agree, let's not speculate, the situation of the Nine Law Mound Family, should we help?"

"I think we still want to think about whether we want to give up the previous plan!" Saya Gongxin said! She didn't expect Qin Feng to be so powerful, the four of them were all defeated, and the remaining two kings were not afraid, so the previous practice of killing the Divine Monarch was very inappropriate, you know, Qin Feng's original intention was to release the Divine Monarch, but they wanted to go against Qin Feng's will, and if one was not good, he might also destroy the family!

"Of course I have to give up!" Qingqiu Yuan stood up and said tremblingly! Thinking about it, what he did at the beginning was so stupid! Contrary to Qin Feng's will, without Qin Feng and Qin Feng making a move, the two disobedient gods around him could kill the three masters without leaving a piece of armor! But this can't be blamed on them, if Qin Feng is an emperor, Hui Na and Youli are two imperial concubines, with the support of two imperial concubines, they naturally have enough confidence to speak and do things, even if it is a punishment, as long as Hui Na and Youli buy a cute or something in front of Qin Feng, Qin Feng will forgive them!

"But the light is already in action!"

"Tell her to stop, and then order the Nine Dharma Tomb family to cooperate with the release of the Divine Monarch!"

"But there are three things needed to release the Divine Monarch, and we need to notify the King of the Right Path!"

"This is the way it should be, let the king see our determination!"

In this way, the three families set the path of development in the future! It was this meeting that made the three families not destroyed in the future waves, but became stronger and stronger!


It's a new day again, and before dawn, in a new villa, this villa was temporarily built by the Qingqiu family, and it can't be compared with the previous palace!

At this time, the Divine Ancestor Ansiera has been rescued by Athena, but even if Athena does not appear, the battle between the Divine Ancestor Ansiera and Annie will not end in death, after she gets the power given by Qin Feng, her strength has increased greatly, and although she will fail in the end, it will definitely not be as embarrassed as before!

"Hmph, if you hadn't appeared, the concubine would have won a long time ago!" Ansera would never admit that she had failed twice against the same person!

"You don't have to thank the concubine, the concubine is just acting on orders!" Athena said expressionlessly!

"You...!" Ansheira snorted!

"Haha, dare to say win, isn't this looking for death!" Lu Yinghua laughed unscrupulously!

"Boy, what are you laughing at!" Ansera glared at Lu Yinghua!

"The king is not something that people like us can deal with, no matter how powerful you are!" Lu Yinghua said unceremoniously!

"Ying'er, you insult the guests so much on the guest's land, it really violates the etiquette I taught you!" It was Luo Cuilian who spoke, Luo Hao's sect leader, after she was defeated by Qin Feng, she temporarily stayed here with Qin Feng!.

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