"Yes, master!" Hearing this loud and dignified voice, Lu Ying's body was shocked, and he nodded hurriedly!

"Miss Ann Sierra, please forgive me for being rude!" Luo Cuilian apologized, which made Anschela very faceless, but Luo Cuilian's next sentence made her so angry that she couldn't speak!

"However, Miss Ansera, what Eagle said is not wrong, as a king, my kind is indeed not something you can deal with!"

"Your master and apprentice are sincerely angry with me!" Ansera's eyes flashed fierce~light!

"Master, be careful!" Lu Yinghua looked at Anschela vigilantly, he hadn't forgotten Ansera's blood-devouring appearance when he was making trouble in the Western Heavenly Palace, and Luo Cuilian didn't have the power now, maybe she would really be hurt by this guy!

At this time, Gnavia, who was also a Divine Ancestor, was entangled with Qin Feng, because Qin Feng defeated Luo Cuilian, which made Gnavia think that Qin Feng was the last king!

"Gnivia, I'm not King Arthur!" Qin Feng smiled bitterly!

"Is it true?" asked Gnevia, squinting and confused!

"Of course!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"Okay, then I'll bother!" At the best, Gnivia gave up, and at this time, Luo Cuilian walked up with Lu Yinghua!

"King of the Righteous Path, thank you for taking in our master and apprentice!" Luo Cuilian's tone was still so loud!

"It's just a gesture!" Qin Feng smiled!

"I heard Ying'er say that the King of the Righteous Path is also from the Celestial Empire, I don't know why the King of the Righteous Way settled in Japan?"

At this time, Ena and Yuri walked in!

Luo Cuilian glanced at Ena and Youli, was silent for a moment, and said: "King of the Right Path, I know the reason why you are obsessed with Japan, but as a senior who is also walking in a domineering way, let me give you a little advice, before you reach the top, don't overindulge!"

"How unpleasant is it to hear this!" Qin Feng sighed in his heart and said, "In this way, Luo Cuilian, you have not tasted the love of men and women for two hundred years!"

"Of course, I, Luo Cuilian, am the ultimate martial artist of emperors, overlords, and generals who are above ancient and modern things, and I won't do that kind of thing. Luo Cuilian said coldly!

The answer was serious, I really thought I was an astringent dog!Qin Feng complained helplessly!

Qin Feng chose Japan for a reason, not to mention that this is the place where the plot begins, it is a headache for a country to have two kings! Maybe the Celestial Empire will be divided because of his arrival!

Luo Cuilian naturally didn't understand this truth, but Lu Yinghua did, but at this time, he didn't dare to stop his master's questioning!

"Okay, Sect Leader Luo Hao, did you come to me for something?" Qin Feng asked again!

"Of course, I want to ask you, what did you rescue the Divine Monarch for?" Luo Cuilian said!

"Then what did you release the Divine Monarch for?" Qin Feng asked rhetorically!

"Hmph, these people in Japan treat Shenjun as a pet, so I naturally want to rescue him!"

"Then I'm different, I've taken a fancy to the power of the Divine Monarch!" Qin Feng smiled, "It will become the third disobedient god by my side!"

"Do you want to subdue the Divine Monarch?" Hearing this, Luo Cuilian was stunned!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded!

"Okay! Since you are from the Celestial Empire, you can indeed subdue the Divine Monarch!" Luo Cuilian nodded! "But the Divine Monarch is a hero of steel, and his strength is very strong! Like Athena and Metis around you, they are essentially contradictory snakes, even if they are together, they will not have a chance of winning!"

"I have my own way!" Qin Feng smiled!

"Huina, Yuri, what are you looking for me?" Qin Feng asked!

"Wang, the Nine Dharma Tomb family is already willing to release the Divine Monarch, and everything is ready, as long as the king passes!" said Hui Na respectfully!

"Very good!Let's leave for the West Heaven Palace immediately!" Qin Feng smiled!

"I'll go with me too!" Luo Cuilian thought for a while and said!

The distance from Kyoto to Rizhao City is not close, nor is it far, but Jinghua and Ariana both want to see and see, so Qin Feng used his power again!

After walking out of the villa, Qin Feng summoned Qingfeng and flew into the sky with a few people.

At this time, it was still early, the sky was just dawning, and when a few people flew into the air, it was the time when the sun had just risen, but it had not yet fully risen.

Just look at the sea of clouds in the sky, under the rendering of the sun, like colorful transparent satin, constituting an extremely magnificent scene.

At the feet of several people is the city of Nikko, which is ushering in a new day, the sun shines through the clouds into the city, and where the light goes, the darkness is removed, and it is the time of dawn, when the night is about to pass, and the day is coming.

"It's so beautiful!" The girls looked at the scene in front of them and exclaimed in unison, especially Jinghua, who was even more happy, she probably didn't expect that she could fly in the sky!

"Yes, it's indeed drifting!" Qin Feng said in agreement.

Soon, Qin Feng and a few people landed, but there was no one on the road at this time, but no one saw it.

"Let's go, let's go to Toshogu Shrine and have a look. Qin Feng smiled and said!

Soon, several people came to a place surrounded by vast forests, where an ancient shrine was hidden, which was exactly the place Qin Feng was looking for, the West Heavenly Palace, the place where the Divine Monarch was imprisoned!

At this time, the Nine Dharma Mound family trembled and greeted Qin Feng's arrival!

"Righteous Path King, please calm your anger, the Nine Dharma Tomb Family has definitely not participated in the offense against you. "The young master of the Nine Dharma Mound family, who has been confirmed to be the future heir of this clan, is facing the young man of the same age as himself in front of him with a depressed expression, age is meaningless in this situation, although the other party is young, he is a demon king on the ground, and he has the ability to easily defeat and kill them.

At this time, the light is also among the greetings!

"Brother-in-law, you're here!" Seeing Qin Feng, Guang jumped up and walked up! At this time, Guang was holding a small sword, the scabbard and hilt were all white wood, and it looked like a treasure knife with quite a history.

"Hmm!" Qin Feng touched Guang's head and smiled slightly, the news that Qin Feng got was that the Nine Dharma Tomb Family fully cooperated with him to release the Ape God Monarch!

"What's going on with this knife?" Yuri also saw the knife in Hikari's hand and asked in a daze!

"Ah, this is called the Dragon Slaying Knife, and it is an indispensable condition for the release of the Divine Monarch!" Gan Yan smiled and explained!

"Alright, Anshera, Light, you two and I should go with me to meet the Divine Monarch!"

"Let me come along, King!" said Erica, leaning over her whole body, and said charmingly!

"I'm going too!" "Me too!" "I, Luo Cuilian, also want to meet this so-called Divine Monarch!"

In this way, a group of people walked in! The surrounding trees grew low, peach trees, and many Japanese spells evolved from the spells of the Celestial Empire, and at this time, the ancestral hall and the peach trees were spread out in all directions. Unleashing a strong spell, this rope is probably an enchantment.

"This is the ancestral hall of the Ape God-King. Then Miss Guang, just follow the method I just talked about. The young man of the Nine Dharma Tomb stepped back, and there was only the note rope in front of him.

"Hmm!" Hikari nodded! Only the witch could weaken the seal before it could be opened, only to see Hikari's hand on the thick rope made of grass fall to the ground, and the mana scattered everywhere disappeared.

"Let's hurry up and get in, this is the barrier that seals the gods, it can't be completely eliminated, and it will be restored naturally after the statute of limitations expires. "Yuri explained on the side that the witch can only temporarily weaken the powerful mana!

After walking in the dark for a while, the feeling under my feet was as hard as a concrete floor, and it was surprisingly easy to walk, but the vision was extremely poor, and I couldn't see anything in front of or behind at all, so it was completely dark.

Soon, several people came to the corridor of the secluded world, the environment of the secluded world was originally not suitable for human survival, but the secluded corridor is different, after the transformation of Susanoo, ordinary people can also haunt here!

"Luo Cuilian, I heard that you broke into here once before?" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"Hmm!" Luo Cuilian sighed, nodded, and said, "Hey, I didn't release the Divine Monarch at that time!!" (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

Qin Feng and the others walked all the way, the road was narrow, there were dozens of steps back and forth, and they suddenly felt enlightened, and soon, Qin Feng and the others saw that there was a dilapidated hut on the empty land, where no one lived in it, the sun was fierce, it was a refreshing clear sky, and a very spectacular building could be seen in the distance, it was a huge palace!

"I see a monkey!" Qin Feng landed on the hay and lay a monkey with a very bright coat, almost orange golden body hair, and a length of about eighty centimeters.

"Welcome to my palace, no one has been here for a long time!oh, are there still godkillers?" the monkey also saw Qin Feng and the others, and said with a grin as he stood up!

"You're the Ape God-King?" asked Yuri curiously!

"Oh, that's what the people who locked me up call me!, but I have a bigger name!" said the monkey without mind!

"Monkey King!" Qin Feng smiled!

"So you remember me!" muttered the monkey!

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm here to let you out!" Qin Feng said!

"Let me out, you have to think clearly, I'm very irritable!" said the monkey solemnly!

"Haven't you become a Buddha yet? are you still so irritable?" Qin Feng smiled and said, "I heard that you and Tang Seng went to learn scriptures!"

"You've just become a Buddha!" the monkey snorted and said, "I don't know Tang Seng or anything!"

"No, don't you have two junior brothers?" Qin Feng smiled, what he remembered most clearly was the senior brother, the master was captured by the monster!

"Hmph, god killer, did you release me to gain my power?" the monkey asked again!

"No!" Hearing this, Qin Feng shook his head: "I want to subdue you!"

"You want to subdue me?" the monkey smiled and said, "Look, I'm just a joking monkey now, and after you take over here, won't you just subdue me!"

"Ape God Monarch, then, let's make a bet!" Qin Feng looked at the monkey and said with a smile!

Sun Wukong, known as the Ape God Monarch when he was sealed by the spell of Bi Ma Wen, is more widely known as the Journey to the West in the Celestial Empire, and is a disobedient god invited by Susanoo and others from the Celestial Empire to have the godhead of steel, and was imprisoned in the Nikko Tosho Palace by Bi Ma Wen's spell, and three things are required to release the curse, "The godhead manifestation with the attributes of the dragon and snake", "The sword with a weakened style", "The witch maiden with the ability to purify the curse holds the sword and uses spiritual power".

Sun Wukong is a monkey born from the stone, making trouble in the heavenly palace, making a mess of the palace of the heavenly realm, the great sage who was caught by the manifestation of Erlang Zhenjun, thrown into the gossip furnace alive, and burned by the flame of the furnace for seven hundred and forty-nine days, but the great sage did not die because of this, but was reborn, and the hero born from the stone of steel was burned, tortured, exercised, and completed by the furnace, which is the myth that can prove that the great sage is the sword god of "steel", although he is an ape god, but he has a deep relationship with the iron god of fighting!

"You win, you are free, and if you lose, you will drive me away!" Qin Feng smiled!

"Fair deal!" the monkey smiled!

"It's good if you agree!" Qin Feng also smiled, and then said, "Let's start!"

"Hmm!" Hikari has been told what to do!

Light wielded a small sword and slashed in the east, south, west, and north.

"A man, a yang, a woman, a yin and a pregnancy, originally called human pills, pregnant for ten months and people, although not separated from me, but need to know human pills. "Wrap around the ape god king with clumsy footwork, waving a knife and chanting.

Soon, the entrance and exit of the cloister connected to the world and the secluded world, the hole in the four corners of the original was only the size that a person could pass through, but now it suddenly became larger, and even the wall of the stable became larger in one breath, from here you can see the sky of the present world dyed red by the setting sun, and at the same time, the god ancestor Ansera has also become a big snake!!

Immediately after, the monkey was petrified!

"I am a henchman of steel, a god born under the stars to conquer the dragon snake, so the blood and divine power of the dragon snake can stir me up and remind me of the poison of my ferocious nature!"

This is the legendary Eye-Eye!

"The way of blood is the way of blood of father and mother, the way of blood stops, life also stops, the god of the way of blood!"

The mana continued to be infused into it, and Qin Feng said at the right time: "You guys hurry up and get out! The monkey is about to come out!"

"Well, then you have to be careful!" Erica and the others nodded!

Qin Feng looked at the light that kept speaking, and smiled slightly, the steps have all been completed, and the rest is only a matter of time!

After Erica and the others left, the Demon King Marquis Woban and the King of Swords had already walked in!

"King of the Righteous Path, you can make it easy for us to find it!" Tony grinned as he held his sword!

"Hmph, King of the Righteous Path, I will wash away the shame you gave me before!" Marquis of Woban also snorted coldly!

"Yo, I didn't expect that there would be so many god-killers, are they all here to kill me?" At this time, the stone monkey also spoke!

"The god of disobedience?!" Marquis de Woban also noticed the monkey that turned to stone!

"I didn't expect there to be a god of disobedience here in Japan, it's very good!

"Senior, this is my prey!" Tony soon learned that he was also a hero of Steel, and if he got the power of a monkey, his strength would definitely go to the next level!

"Two defeated men, before the monkey comes out, you can play with me!"

"You two go up together!" Qin Feng smiled!

Tony and Marquis Voban glanced at each other, and Tony began to use his powers!

"O Dionysian witches... Call upon the Son of God. Indulge in the furious wine of the gods, abandon your homeland, go into the mountains and forests, and worship our gods!" After chanting, a tyrannical breath came!

Qin Feng frowned, this is another power of Tony, [Raging God's Wine], it is a power usurped from Dionysius, the god of wine and harvest in Greek mythology, and the god of secret rituals who is in charge of madness, which can strengthen or activate all mysterious powers, in other words, it is to increase output, which is similar to Qin Feng's divine clothes!

"I swear that I will not allow the existence of what I have slashed constantly!And this sword is an invincible being that can cut off everything on earth!" Tony's eyes showed a dangerous gaze with a certain fanaticism, and then his arm with the sword began to cover it with a layer of silver, which looked very much like silver metal!

And the power of terror erupted from its hands!

"Robbery!" On the other side, the Marquis of Woban also used his power!

"It's my turn! Winged Divine Dragon!" Qin Feng finished speaking, a round of sun fell from the sky, and the shining golden light made both of them unable to open their eyes!

They just vaguely saw that in the golden light, a huge golden strange bird came from the sky, and Qin Feng's figure disappeared!

"Can't wait any longer!" The two of them felt extremely powerful divine power from this strange bird, and they quickly made a decision!

"Cut!" the terrifying sword flung out, and the Marquis of Woban also used his strongest flame!

In the flash of lightning, the bodies of Tony and Marquis of Woban flew out!

In an instant, Qin Feng defeated the two Godslayer B!.

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