And at this time, the monkey laughed triumphantly!

"The god man is swimming in the twilight of the North Sea!" Needless to say, he monkey used his divine power to make his body float, and it quickly formed a seal in the air.

In the next moment, the ape with the rank of Bimawen stood on the clouds, floating in the air.

"Dragon Slayer Sword, open the way for me!" The sword infused with the spiritual power of the light became a curse-breaking blade, and the barrier of Bi Ma Wen was broken in an instant.

Taking advantage of this moment, the monkey rode the cloud and rushed out of the wall of the stable.

The sun has set in the west, and the Nishitengu Shrine is now welcoming the arrival of night, and the Okusha Shrine, where the god Tokugawa Ieyasu is worshipped, is about 200 meters away from the worship hall or main hall, and the corner of the Okusha Shrine has become a bare mountain, and all the dense cedar trees that used to surround the shrine have disappeared.

There, a monkey with his feet on a golden cloud floating in the air, a Ruyi golden hoop stick in his hand, dressed in a yellow outfit decorated with beautiful embroidery in black and red, sleeves up to the ankle, large slits on the left and right sides, and red pants on the lower half of the body!

"Finally awakened, Monkey King?" At this time, Qin Feng also walked out, floating in the air, looking at the monkey from afar!

"Exactly, exactly!"

"I am the monkey king born in the stone, with infinite supernatural powers and thousands of changes, stealing pills in the heavenly palace, greedy for wine, stealing peaches, engaging in martial arts, being murderous, and showing evil!"

"My surname is Sun, my name is Wukong, and I call myself Monkey King!"

"Then, let's start fighting!" Monkey King is the god of war, so he is naturally warlike!

"To Zai Kun Yuan, all materials are born, it is Shun Chengtian, and the terrain is Kun!"

Immediately afterward, the original bare mountains began to change, turning into solid stones, as if the snow had completely stained the earth white!

"Let me show you my supreme supernatural power!" Monkey King laughed, not only the trees, but also the "187" water in the air has a tendency to be petrified!

And Qin Feng, his body seemed to be imprisoned by stones, first his feet, then his knees, and then slowly turned into stone!

"Turn to stone!" Qin Feng sneered, he remembered his power, the power of the Earth Serpent!

"Monkey King, if you only have this ability, then obediently become my servant!" Qin Feng sneered, the divine power on his body spread like ripples, and then, the lower half of his body, which had turned into stone, instantly returned to its original state!

"Moreover, Monkey King, you have helped me!" After speaking, the divine robe and the double-strand fork appeared in Qin Feng's hands!

"Come out!" After speaking, the stones below were still bulging! At first there were only faint sounds, but in the back, they had turned into huge roars and sharp screams, and those stones had all turned into giant snakes!

"I see, it seems that you also killed the Snake God of the Path!" "Monkey King muttered.

At this time, huge snake shadows pounced towards the Monkey King!

"Lao Sun is a hero of steel, snakes don't work against me!" Before the snakes got close to Monkey King, the snakes had already turned to stone!

"That's true!" When he fought against the Marquis of Woban, the Marquis couldn't solve this move immediately, but Perseus, the dragon slaying hero, easily cracked this move!

"Monkey King, don't you need to ask your two junior disciples to come out to help?" Qin Feng smiled and said!

"No, I'm enough to deal with you!" Monkey King waved the golden hoop stick and hit him!

"I have the skill of my words to make the justice of the world manifest! It's the sword of wisdom that beckons victory!" Qin Feng began to speak, and the golden sword appeared in his hand!

Touch, Qin Feng blocked the golden hoop stick!

"You, Monkey King!" After Qin Feng finished speaking, Monkey King was suddenly pulled into the golden space!

"This is...!" Monkey King frowned!

"Fiery eyes, iron heads, iron arms, copper backs and copper bodies!" After reciting the words, Monkey King's body glowed with golden light!

"You are a monkey born from the stone, the great sage who made trouble in the heavenly palace and made a mess of the palace of the heavenly realm, was caught by the holy Erlang Zhenjun, thrown into the gossip furnace alive, and was burned by the flame of the furnace for seven hundred and forty-nine days, but you did not die because of this, but were reborn, and the hero born from the stone of steel was burned, tortured, tempered, and completed by the furnace, which is the myth that proves that the great sage is steel!"

Countless golden swords flew towards the Monkey King, but without exception, they were all blocked, and even the golden sword was bent!

"I ate the peach of the heavenly realm, drank the spirit wine, took the elixir and became the incorruptible body of King Kong, and I was also scorched and tempered by the flames of the gossip furnace, and I can withstand sword slashes, axe chops, and I will not suffer any damage if I am struck by lightning..."

"Really?" At this time, an expressionless voice sounded, and Athena and Metis, who had the same appearance, suddenly appeared on both sides of Monkey King with a sickle, and together they slashed a beautiful knife at Monkey King!

"There is even a god of disobedience!" Monkey King frowned and hurriedly jumped away!

The sneak attack of the two women was not successful!

"It's so boring! there is a helper!" Monkey King muttered dissatisfiedly, and Qin Feng looked at Athena and Metis, and also frowned, he didn't seem to ask them to make a move!

However, the steel and the snake god are mortal enemies, and it is normal for Athena and Metis to make a move!

"In that case, then I'll call my juniors and disciples too!" Monkey King smiled, and there were two more stones in his hand, one was an armored warrior with a pig's head, and the other was a ghost god statue with hair like flames.

"The treasure shines on heaven and earth, the divine sword is combined with yin and yang, I, the Monkey King, use the contract of the righteous brothers, let the virtuous brothers appear!Come out!" After speaking, the Monkey King threw out one of the stone statues!

The statue of the warrior thrown by the Monkey King immediately swelled and turned into a disobedient god.

Monkey King summoned the second junior brother! Thick and dark hair, fangs protruding, but at first glance the face did not look terrifying, but a little pleasing, of course, his body was wearing an armor!

"Come out, Third Senior Brother!" Monkey King said again!

Soon, a man with towering hair and a demon-like appearance appeared in front of him, with dark skin, a gloomy expression, and blue armor.

"Okay, Athena, Metis, you don't have to make a move, just leave it to me here!" Although it was one against three, Qin Feng still had a lot of confidence that he could defeat these three!

"Hmm!" Athena and the two nodded, they were just taking advantage of the sneak attack, they would definitely not be the opponent of steel, the sneak attack was unsuccessful, and they didn't have to entangle!

Athena and Metis were just about to leave, when Monkey King spoke: "Chase quickly, kill those two disobedient gods for me!" Monkey King ordered, and two giant apes emerged from the earth, which were the legendary General Ba and General Bang!

The two huge apes immediately rushed in the direction where the two women left!

"It's been a long time, Senior Brother and Second Senior Brother, I think our job is to eradicate this guy in front of us, right?" said the two gods who descended on the earth.

"It's good to show the long-lost ability of the general of the water army, and the general of Juan Lianzhi will flexibly command the water army, expel all the evil demons and demons, and summon the dragon to rain!" As soon as the three junior disciples finished singing, the water column rushed towards Qin Feng with a strong momentum like a geyser, and in the process of rushing, the shape also began to change, becoming a long torso, short limbs, and horns on the head.

"Is it a dragon?" Qin Feng didn't expect that the water manipulated by the Deep Sand God would give birth to a dragon.

"I want to show off my martial arts skills when I was a general of the forbidden army in the past, and take a good look!" The deep sand god who stepped on the top of the faucet boasted, and the dragon with its bent head was really majestic, just like a statue of water.

"Sky Dragon!" Qin Feng smiled, and in the midst of lightning and thunder, a huge red sky dragon fell from the sky and blocked the water dragon!

"Hehe, I didn't expect the third junior brother to be so powerful!" Zhu Ganglie smiled slightly.

"I am also known as the Nine Heavens Shangfu Lingkui Grandmaster Hanyuan Taixu Tianpeng Du Marshal Zhenjun, that is, the Marshal of the Taidi, with my martial bravery, show the North Star!" After shouting the name, Zhu Ganglie's body suddenly became larger, his body was more than thirty meters high, and he had three heads and six arms like Asura, and the six arms each held a sword, halberd, axe and club, bow and arrow, and his body was still dark armor.

"This is a cheat!" Qin Feng muttered, he didn't expect that Lian Zhu Bajie would be able to use three heads and six arms!

"Touch!" the earth shook, and the pig fell from the sky, trampling on the ground fiercely, bringing up billowing smoke and dust!

"Giant God Soldier!" After Qin Feng finished speaking, a huge blue shadow also appeared in front of Zhu Ganglie!

"Didn't expect you to summon such a thing?"

"Then let's play happily!" Monkey King sneered! (Read the violent novel, go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Come to me for victory!O immortal sun, please give me a shining horse, a spiritual horse with a horse's feet, and bring the wheel of light that symbolizes your lord!"

"O Misla, Lord of the Radiant Sun, O Blessed One!To conquer all enemies, please give me the strongest Thousand Lights and a Thousand Swords!" After merging into one, the golden space, all the swords were combined with the flames of the sun! Soon, the sword with the flame was launched, and the white sun shot out a flash like a laser, and the slender lightsaber captured the speedy Monkey King and grazed his head.

"What a speed!" Seeing that the hair was burning, Monkey King couldn't believe it!

"Then use my strongest means!" Monkey King smiled, looking at the Deep Sand God and the Pig Strong, and said, "Lend me the divine power in your body!"

"Yes, big brother!" the two nodded, and began to speak!

"The scattered wisdom of steel inherited to the far west, the divine power of iron!" After the Monkey King read it, the two people behind him also read it, "Mo Sam Mando Binding Sun Ra Rak, Zhan Maha Lu Sprinkle Rak, Sapo Zha Ye, Moo, Tala Hum, Mo Sam Mando Binding Sun Ra Rak, Warrior Maha Lu Sprinkle, Sapo Zha Ye, Moo, Tala Yama Raka Scattering. "

Suddenly, a powerful light bloomed on the bodies of the three of them!

"Merge Technique!" Qin Feng saw the three of them slowly fuse together, and the three of them after the fusion were a huge ape!

"That's it!" Qin Feng narrowed his eyes, and the magic power in his whole body erupted again!

"Let me show you my strongest beast too!" Qin Feng sneered!

"Dark Archmage!" Qin Feng said! A huge magic array enveloped the sky of the entire Japanese island! No, if you look closely, this is an incomplete magic circle!

"This power...?" The infinite darkness swallowed up the entire island of Japan, and the giant ape of the three-in-one also felt deeply uneasy!!

"Yuri, do you know what's going on?" In the distance, as the darkness continued to spread, Erica noticed the situation and hurriedly asked!

"The king seems to be summoning a very powerful monster!" Yuri closed her eyes and muttered, just now she was very worried after seeing Monkey King and his junior disciples merge into one, but now she is relieved, but then she thought again, such a powerful force, will it destroy the entire island of Japan!

The mutilated magic circle is a pentagram divided into five parts, and each part is the feet, legs, and head!

Soon, the mutilated pentagram began to draw closer!

"Roar!" the ape let out an earth-shattering roar, and at this moment, the five parts that were closed suddenly emitted a strong light!

"Come out, Dark Archmage!"

Dark day, that's what the people of Japan call that day!

They don't know what's going on, but anyone who knows a little bit about magic knows that the Righteous King has once again won, defeating the Marquis of Woban and the Luo Hao Sect Master, and now the Righteous King has become the most powerful god killer!

After Qin Feng defeated the Monkey King, he did not subdue the Monkey King as he wished, and Qin Feng did not kill it, but the Monkey King chose to return to the mythical realm, and Qin Feng naturally accepted the gift of the Monkey King and obtained a steel body and fiery eyes!


At this time, more than a month has passed, and Qin Feng is completely idle!

Luo Cuilian has said goodbye to Qin Feng and returned to the Celestial Empire, although during this period, beautiful things happened between the two parties, but it is not easy to attack this arrogant and narcissistic girl, however, Feng and Luo Cui are very close!

On this day, Qin Feng and the girls came to Longding Island in Italy again!

After becoming the number one in this world, Qin Feng felt that it was time to go to the next dimension, so in this month, after Qin Feng pushed down Arianna and the others, even the Italian witch was also pushed down!

The island of Ronding is about the same size as Shikoku, and it is known as a place of entertainment in the middle of summer, and on an emerald coast in the northeast of the island, it is a beach especially used by celebrities and aristocrats, and it is very close to the city of Alghero, where the airport is located, and there are many sightseeing spots around, and there are many places of interest and historical sites with various buildings such as Gothic, Baroque and Renaissance styles0...

More attractive than any other attraction is the sea and the beach, which is a little too hot, but it is indeed a great place to have fun.

At this time, Qin Feng had already called all the girls together, including Athena and Metis, the gods of disobedience!

Of course, Qin Feng did not overthrow these two disobedient gods, after all, it was even more difficult for a god to overthrow than it was to overthrow Luo Cuilian!1.4

Five minutes of world theory, Qin Feng remembered it clearly, he didn't tell anyone, after playing for a day, Qin Feng came to the beach alone!

"Roar!" A beast-like roar erupted from Qin Feng's mouth, Qin Feng's eyes had turned red, and then, his fangs stretched out!

The powerful magic power poured out again, like a substance, condensed in front of Qin Feng, and then formed a door!

Qin Feng was about to walk in, and behind him, a voice sounded, it was Erica!

"Are you leaving, King?" said Erica!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, turned around, smiled slightly, and said, "I originally wanted to leave quietly alone, but I didn't expect to be discovered by you!"

"Because the king's behavior is very different from usual, I noticed it!" Erica explained, "King, where are you going?

"No, I'm going to another dimension, to put it bluntly, it's another world!"


"Clever!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "I come from a high-tech world, and that ability to summon monsters comes from the power of my original world!"

"Will you come back, then?" said Erica, hesitantly!

"Of course! I've set up coordinates here, and I can come back at any time!"

"And how long are we going to wait?" asked Erica again!

"Five minutes of the world, one glance for ten thousand years!" Qin Feng thought for a while and said, "I don't know, it's very likely that in the blink of an eye, I'll be back!"

"Can't you really take me with you, I want to go to another dimension to see it too!" said Erica, still curious.

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