"It's my own ability to travel through the dimension, and I haven't tried to lead people!" Qin Feng explained! "I'm not sure to protect your safety!"

"King, your power is so powerful, can't you do it?" said Erica curiously!

"Power is only useful in this world!" Qin Feng smiled bitterly and said, "Because the reason for the power is Pandora's spell, and after I leave this world, the power will naturally be lost!" Of course, when Qin Feng returns to this world, the power will return to Qin Feng again, and he has confirmed this to Pandora!

Actually, Qin Feng also wanted to leave with the power of power, but he really couldn't find a way to inherit the power!

But fortunately, because of the Three Illusion Gods, even if he leaves, there are still a few powers that remain!

"Oh, then I'll wait for you to come back!" Erica didn't dwell too much!

"Then I'm leaving!" Qin Feng nodded, raised his feet and walked into the dimensional gate!

Erica watched Qin Feng's departure until the door of the dimension closed, and sighed slightly!

"Still didn't take me with you!" Erica turned around, only to find Liliana and the others standing there!

"You're here too?"


"Have you all heard the king's words?"


"Erica, why didn't you leave with the king to protect him!" Liliana scolded!

"Does the king need our protection?" said Erica, with a wry smile!

Hearing this, everyone fell silent!

Indeed, in the past year, all the gods have been solved by Qin Feng alone, if they can help, it can only be said that they can relieve the pressure of the king's body!

"Everyone, we can't give up because of this, I believe that the king will not abandon us, we must take advantage of this time to become stronger until we can help the king!"

"Yes!!" Soon, the depressed women cheered up again!


Here, gray and desolate, at this moment, on a bare hill, there was already a teenager!

"Huh, it's finally safe!" The young man is Qin Feng, the door of the dimension is not opened with his mouth like last time, 08 After he came out, he fell directly into the sky!

Qin Feng looked left and right at his surroundings, and he didn't know which world he had come to!

"Is this the world?" Qin Feng muttered, surrounded by black soil, rocks, hills, and occasional gusts of cold wind, it was really desolate!

"Forget it, let's take a look around first!" Qin Feng thought for a moment, then designated a direction and flew in that direction!

I don't know how long it flew, Qin Feng heard the sound of rumbling, followed by the sound of weapon handover, these are the sounds of battle!

"Someone!" Qin Feng's eyes lit up and he sped up his flight!

The rumble was getting louder and louder, it was a shock wave or the sound caused by energy, and judging by the intensity of the rumble, it seemed that there were not just one or two people fighting, it was a group of people fighting!

Soon, Qin Feng finally saw the crowd of people who were fighting, no, it shouldn't be said that they were people, although they had the appearance of people, they had a pair of wings on their backs!

"Is this a birdman?" Qin Feng was stunned, and these birdmen seemed to be different! one birdman's wings were white, and there was a circle of light on his head, and the other two birdmen's wings were black, but one of the birdmen's wings had plump feathers after all, while the other had a kind of bony beauty!

And judging by the situation of the battle, it is easy to tell that they are three parties!

"Could it be that you see angels and demons!" Qin Feng muttered, well, angels and demons are mortal enemies, it is normal for them to fight, however, there is still a force What is going on!

"Hey, there are powerful energy fluctuations!" Qin Feng was stunned, and his eyes were on the birdman who was facing each other with a few people who were standing still!

On the white-winged birdman's side, the four twelve-winged golden birdmen were guarding a person in a golden robe, this person had no wings behind his back, and he looked quite normal, because this person even covered his face, so Qin Feng didn't see his appearance clearly, although it looked like a guard, but that person's strength should still be above the four birdmen!

Qin Feng estimated that this person's strength was about the same as that of the god killer's disobedient god!

Guarded by the so-called angels, could it be that this person is a god? Qin Feng muttered, his gaze moved to the four angels again, his hair was very long, and the people were also very beautiful, but he was wearing armor, Qin Feng couldn't tell whether it was a man or a woman!

"Michael, Gabriel, you four go out and help too!" said the golden-robed man!

"Yes, my lord!" said the four angels respectfully, and then joined the battle with their golden wings, and the other two minions had little strength to resist!

Qin Feng heard it clearly, the four birdmen should be the four famous Seraphic Angels mentioned in the Bible, and that golden-robed man was really from God!

"I didn't expect to meet a god who was fighting against the demon when I first came here!" Qin Feng muttered, his eyes on the demon's side!

The four people on the demon side are guarded by seventy-two demons, which should be the highest combat power on the demon side, and they are also very equal in status, but Qin Feng can sense that these four people are one line worse than gods in terms of strength, and if they face God alone, they have no chance of winning at all, but if the four of them join forces, it is difficult to say, and the seventy-two demons who defend them are a step worse than the four Seraphs!!

"Go out too!" said one of the four, faintly led by the leader!

"Lucifer, what are we going to do next?" asked a man soon!

"Leviathan, don't worry! this time, we'll be able to wipe out these angels!" Lucifer sneered!

"Well, then it's time for us to do it!"

This time, Qin Feng also heard it clearly, he didn't expect even Leviathan to run out again, in the blood-devouring attack, Leviathan is a sea monster, among the godslayers, Leviathan is the snake god of the path, and now Leviathan is a demon, sure enough, in each world, Leviathan has a different identity, but the strength is almost the same!

As for the other side, Qin Feng didn't have the heart to look at it, their high-level strength seemed to be inferior to that of angels and demons, but because it was a three-way scuffle, in this battlefield, it was also mixed up!

The Three Kingdoms are standing, talking about the situation of the three parties, the strongest angel is the Wei State, and the weakest beast is the Shu State, and the second is the Wu State!

Qin Feng observed the people of the three major forces, and they also noticed Qin Feng who suddenly appeared on the battlefield!

"Who is this man?" Lucifer frowned!

"Could it be that it is a human being?" Leviathan also guessed, because Qin Feng had no wings behind him, and Leviathan did not feel the breath of the same clan from Qin Feng!

In addition, the god also frowned, for this person who appeared unexpectedly, his perception was deeper than the perception of the four primordial demon kings, the young man in front of him looked ordinary, but he could feel danger from the young man, if he made a move on him, it was very likely that he would fall!

"What a powerful mysterious man!" At the same time, Lucifer also defined Qin Feng!

"Lucifer, what should we do?" Qin Feng's unexpected appearance made the three major forces restrain themselves, because they weren't sure what Qin Feng had in mind, if they were all defeated, the young man in front of him would have a chance!

"Wait and see!" Lucifer looked at God, he didn't have the will to make a move, so he didn't rush to do it, and the same was true on the side of the beast!

"Otherwise, I'll go up and make contact with him!" Leviathan said after a moment's thought!

"Not for the time being, if you rush up, it may backfire!" Lucifer shook his head and said!

"Are we just like that, not acting?" Leviathan said dissatisfied!

"Yes, you know, we've been preparing for this battle for a long time, and we can't stay here forever!" asked the Demon King Beelzebub!

"Don't worry, someone is more anxious than us!" After speaking, Lucifer's eyes looked at God vaguely!

"Oh!" The other three demons understood that compared to the gods, this battle was also a great opportunity for them to plan for a long time and destroy the beasts and demons in one fell swoop, and he would not give up!

At this time, as Lucifer said, he was also very anxious!

Their angels are the most powerful, and they can definitely destroy demons and beasts, but now a teenager has appeared, and he is forced to throw a rat into a trap!

"No, do you want to deal with that guy first?" Thinking of this, God hesitated again, because he instinctively felt that the boy was very strong, very strong, even stronger than him, and he couldn't defeat that boy if he made a move, and what if he annoyed that boy, what should he do if he joined forces with the demon side!

Governor Asacher of the Guardians of the Sons of God, the Guardian of the Beast Nexus, has come to command this battle!

"That guy is so strong!" Assacher muttered, his wings outstretching out from behind him, beware of the boy!

Qin Feng, who everyone was wary of, did not make any moves, Qin Feng sat on the hill in the distance, watching the three-way battle with relish, and at this time, the sound of the boom was from far to near, it was the sound of energy against the boom!

"The sound of the dragon's groan, could it be that the fourth force can't succeed?" Qin Feng had already heard the loud dragon's groan!

Qin Feng stood up and saw two dragons chasing each other in the distance! one was red and the other was white!

"There are only two dragons, it shouldn't be one force!" Qin Feng muttered, he could feel that the strength of these two dragons was also very strong, stronger than most of the people present, and their strength was almost the same as those four demon kings, and if they were placed in the world of god killers, they were also a divine beast!

"Boom!" a white pillar of light erupted into the white dragon's mouth, and the red dragon also emitted a red pillar of light!

The two pillars of light collided together, and the aftermath of the power that burst out suddenly swept in, and even the battlefields of the three major forces were also affected, causing a guarantee to involve many lower-level demons, angels, and dependent beasts!

"These two dragons really have character!" Qin Feng smiled slightly, and he had a plan to devour them in his heart!

The two dragons have flown over, completely entering the battlefield of the three major forces, and if no one is fighting, each pillar of light is launched out, whether it is an angel or a lower-level demon, they are all injured to varying degrees, for a while, the intervention of the two dragons, the casualties of the angels and other three parties have intensified!

"Haha, White Dragon Emperor, you just go to die!" "The Red Dragon Emperor flicked his huge tail and spat out!

"Red Dragon Emperor, I must kill you this time!" The White Dragon Emperor was also very excited!

"White Dragon Emperor, Red Dragon Emperor!" Qin Feng was stunned, hearing these two names, he knew which dimension this was, Demon High School DXD, but according to the current situation, the god is not dead, and he arrived a little early, the two dragons were not made into god extermination tools by the gods, but after this time, they will be defeated by the three major forces combined, and then sealed by the gods in the cage hand of the artifact Red Dragon Emperor and the light wings of the White Dragon Emperor!

But even so, the two heavenly dragons are still fighting, and of course, this is also the way the story can unfold!

After knowing the identities of the two dragons, Qin Feng became more interested in them, and wanted to devour them even more, as for the plot, who cares about him! Hyoto Kassei is better than the Red Dragon Emperor, and it is not bad to be an ordinary person!

"Red Dragon Emperor, White Dragon Emperor, have you made enough trouble, hurry up and get back for me!" Lucifer said in a cold voice as he watched the lower-level demons being affected by their battle!

"You're just getting out of here, trash!" said the Red Dragon Emperor with a laugh!

"That's it, this is the place where we fight!" The White Dragon Emperor did not show weakness and destroyed a large number of demons again!

"Damn, you two bastards, you really know how to pick the time, when we fight, you will come out and make trouble!" God also said in a deep voice!

"You're the so-called god, don't you think it's a big deal!" the Red Dragon Emperor snorted!

"You are all the same, a bunch of garbage!" the White Dragon Emperor began!

The White Dragon Emperor's words even Qin Feng was stunned, it was really a death! Originally, the strength was not the top, but now it scolded the three major forces like a map cannon 010, this time, they are really full of hatred, no wonder the two of them will be sealed!

"Do you want to devour them?" Qin Feng smiled at the corner of his mouth, the darkness on his body had already left his body, but in this gray world, the people of the three major forces didn't care too much!

However, the gods and the four demon kings and the others immediately felt the terrifying power on Qin Feng's body!

"It's so powerful!" Lucifer was palpitating!

However, it disappeared in the next moment, and for this reason, everyone was puzzled, could it be that there was a problem with their perception! Of course, Qin Feng did not give up devouring the White Dragon Emperor and the Red Dragon Emperor, but the beasts in his body were about to move!

The Sky Dragon, which is the hole card, sends an emotion to himself, a happy mood!

"Don't worry!I'll devour these two dragons!" Qin Feng muttered!

And the three major forces are very unhappy with the character of the two dragons, and when they look at each other, their will has reached an agreement, that is, they will unite first, solve the two dragons, and then go to a big war!

The contradiction between the three major forces has a long history, since ancient times, the world war for the hegemony of the world, similar to the situation of the three kingdoms, can easily fall into the quagmire of war, because neither side is willing to use all its forces to let the third party profit.

All very naturally, this war later fell into a stalemate and turned into a war of attrition, the three forces were exhausted because of the war, in the war, countless angels died, so did the demon side, and the beasts were even more miserable!

At this time, they have not yet fought the final battle, so their respective forces still have considerable reservations, but after this war, the three major forces will suffer countless casualties, even God and Lucifer and others will die in this war! Of course, they can't predict the future results, so they naturally won't give up easily, and even Asacher, who was the first to withdraw from the war, is still thinking about how to conquer the other two forces!

In the face of the provocation of the two dragons, the three forces rarely thought of one place, they all joined forces, defeated the two dragons first, and then came to a decisive battle!

After making a decision, angels, demons, and beasts faintly surrounded the two dragons!

"A group of ants, do you want to stop me Red Dragon Emperor?" The red pillar of light that erupted from the Red Dragon Emperor's mouth immediately killed a group of demons and angels in an instant, opening a passage in the dense encirclement!

"White Dragon Emperor, there are a lot of people here, it's not a good fight, let's go to a place where there is no one to fight!" said the Red Dragon Emperor again as he flew out along the passage he had opened!

"Red Dragon Emperor, as you wish!" was another move, and a large number of beasts died, and immediately after, the White Dragon Emperor also chased out!

"Kill me so many angels, and you still want to leave!" The Red Dragon Emperor was thinking about leaving, but the golden-robed man instantly appeared above the Red Dragon Emperor, the golden wings behind him spread, the golden light made it impossible to look directly, and the golden circle on the top of his head also emitted layers of golden light, and then punched the dragon's head, directly knocking the Red Dragon Emperor to the ground!

The huge body fell from the sky and hit the ground, kicking up billowing smoke and dust!

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