"Red Dragon Emperor, it's really ugly!" "The White Dragon Emperor said happily when he saw the Red Dragon Emperor being beaten!

"Don't want to leave!" At this time, the four demon kings of Lucifer also stopped the White Dragon Emperor!

"Do the four demon kings want to stop me?" the White Dragon Emperor snorted coldly! If you want to explain it seriously, it and the strength of the Red Dragon Emperor are a little stronger than these four demon kings, otherwise, the Red Dragon Emperor cage hand that sealed the Red Dragon Emperor would not be called the Divine Exterminator! The Divine Exterminator, as the name suggests, can destroy the Demon King and the gods!

However, in Qin Feng's eyes, although the hierarchy of the demon colleges and universities is clear, there is no gap-like gap between the mid-range strength and the high-end strength of the godkiller and the blood-devouring attack, the gods of this world are equivalent to the transcendent, and Lucifer and the others are still demon kings, if the gods are not subordinate gods, then the demon king is equivalent to the level of divine beasts, among the god killers, the god of disobedience can kill countless divine beasts, and the sword saint Raphael can kill seven or eight divine beasts at the same time, but he cannot match the gods, but here, the gap between them is only the gap on the energy side, and the level of life is the same, therefore, the plural demon king can still kill the transcendent!

"Then give it a try!" Lucifer sneered, he knew that the White Dragon Emperor was very strong, but their four demon kings joined forces, even gods could temporarily avoid the edge, let alone you!

"Come on!" The White Dragon Emperor twitched his tail, and then scattered the four of them, and immediately after, a white pillar of light shot out, and the target was Leviathan!

"Leviathan, be careful!" Lucifer was the first to notice the situation and reminded!

However, the white pillar of light came with lightning, and it was too late for Leviathan to notice it, so he could only cover his head with both hands and eat it!

Leviathan was blown away, and Lucifer dodged closer, and was about to punch the dragon, but the white dragon scales stood up!

"Not good!" Lucifer immediately dodged, and sure enough, the sharp white scale armor came out of his body and attacked Lucifer like a flying knife!

"Give me down!" At this time, Beelzebub had already caught the dragon tail of the White Dragon Emperor, and it was hard to imagine that Beelzebub, who had a huge gap in body size, would shake the White Dragon Emperor!

"Die!" Beelzebub spun around a few times and immediately threw it away!

Boom! The White Dragon Emperor's entire body slammed into the big rock below!

Attack me!" Lucifer immediately gave the order to attack, and suddenly, countless demons, whether they were low-level demons or high-level ones, all attacked towards the White Dragon Emperor!

At the same time, the Red Dragon Emperor and the gods also fought!

"You guy, don't think it's amazing if you're a god!" the Red Dragon Emperor shook his dragon head and glared angrily at the angel god in the sky!

"Attack!" Asachel gave the order to attack the Red Dragon Emperor, and soon, countless dependent beasts attacked towards the Red Dragon Emperor!

"Exterminate the Dragon's Teeth!" the Red Dragon Emperor roared, his wings were taken out, and the scale armor swept up, and then two cannon barrels were formed!

The cannon barrel condensed the red light of destruction, and blasted out at the people attacking above!

The red pillar of light swept by, like sweeping garbage, and the power was so great that even the space was vibrating!

"Look for death, angels, attack!" the god looked annoyed, and gave the order to attack the four seraphs, and for a while, the holy light, the cross, all the attack moves blasted out towards the Red Dragon Emperor!

The god also struck, and a holy sword appeared!

"Mimic!" After saying that, the holy sword turned into a cannon barrel!

I can't say it, when the god was holding a cannon barrel, Qin Feng also felt that the three views had been ruined!

The golden energy condensed, and suddenly burst out, and a golden pillar of light that was not much less powerful than the Red Dragon Emperor's extinction dragon tooth just now blasted towards the Red Dragon Emperor!

Seeing that the two dragons were suppressed, Qin Feng knew that the two dragons who fired the map cannon were beaten by the group!

The strength of the two dragons is good, but in the face of the three major forces, they can only be abused into dogs! But this is also their own trouble, two people, oh, no, the two dragons could have found a place where no one was to fight, but they came to the battlefield of the three major forces of the war, and then randomly released the death light to destroy the angels, demons, and beasts of the three major forces, and they spoke freely, full of hatred, no wonder others would join forces to deal with him!

Under the bombardment of the gods, the scales of the Red Dragon Emperor were blown away, and the White Dragon Emperor, although the scales did not fly, they were also extremely desolate!

Soon, under the joint efforts of the three major forces, the two dragons were already scarred, and blood flowed out!

"You two dragons have already lost!" the god walked over with the holy sword and said in a deep voice!

"You are just a lot of people, if you have the ability, you can fight alone!" said the Red Dragon Emperor with a cold snort!

Qin Feng also heard the Red Dragon Emperor's ruffian's remarks, and couldn't help but be a little speechless, this fighting discipline is too noble!

"Very well, then I'll take your souls out and put them in the artifact!" said the god in a cold voice!

The word artifact is not unfamiliar in Qin Feng's eyes, the artifact is made by the gods, and it is the same here in the Demon Academy, but the gods may not have expected that after he falls, the artifact he made will be used by the reincarnated demon, inadvertently increasing the strength of the demon!

"Whatever!" said the Red Dragon Emperor indifferently, and immediately looked at the White Dragon Emperor and said, "White guy, it's a pity that we couldn't tell the winner!"

"Hmph, even if the dragon soul is in the artifact, we will have a winner!" the White Dragon Emperor smiled and said, "Let's let the users who hold us compete against each other!"

"That's good!" the Red Dragon Emperor agreed!

Qin Feng couldn't help but shake his head, he had to fight even if he died, could it be that there was really a deep hatred between the two dragons!

Of course, Qin Feng didn't bother to pay attention to the scandal between them, and the two dragons didn't become good friends in the end!

Qin Feng now looked at the gods as if they were really about to pull out the souls of the two dragons, and felt in his heart that it was time to make a move, and the rich magic power gushed out, and the density was visible to the naked eye!

Qin Feng's move immediately attracted the attention of the three major forces!

"Are you going to make a move?" Looking at Qin Feng, whose magic power erupted, Lucifer frowned and muttered!

"What a powerful magic!" the god must not sigh!

"Who is he? This magic power is even more powerful than the Demon King, on the same level as a god!"

"Calm down, strong magic doesn't mean really strong!" Lucifer said in a deep voice looking at the somewhat flustered Leviathan!

"Lucifer, since the three major forces have already crippled the two dragons, why don't you cripple this guy too!" Beelzebub said!

"Don't be impulsive, let's take a look at the situation first, this young man's strength is not comparable to two dragons!" Lucifer frowned!

"Lucifer, you mean to say that this guy has the strength of a Beyonder?" Leviathan said in disbelief!

"Hmm!" Lucifer nodded solemnly, "Don't you see that even the gods are frowning?

"But, if there really is such a powerful person, how can we not know it?" Leviathan was puzzled!

"Don't talk about you, I'm also very puzzled!" Lucifer muttered, "With such powerful magical powers, it shouldn't be from an unknown person!"

"Then what are we going to do?" Beelzebub asked!

"Don't worry, if I'm right, that young man should be going to make a move!" Lucifer nodded, "Asmodeus, there may be a scuffle next, you must command the army well!" Asmodeus is the weakest demon king among the four demon kings, but he is very talented in military affairs, so Lucifer and the others have handed over military affairs to him!

"I will!" Asmodeus nodded!

Sure enough, surrounded by magical power, Qin Feng slowly walked into the battlefield!

"Who are you, young man, and what is the purpose of coming here?" God spoke, on the side of the angels!

"Don't get me wrong, I don't have any malicious intent!" Qin Feng smiled and continued with his stall hands! After walking in, Qin Feng found out that the Gabriel Angel, one of the four Seraphims, was a female animal, because he saw the bulging part under the armor, but Qin Feng didn't have the heart to pick up a girl now!

"As for the purpose, I'm very interested in the two-headed dragon!" Qin Feng pointed to the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor who had been crippled by the three major forces, and said with a smile: "So I want to ask you to transfer it to me!"

"You want the two of them?" God's face remained unchanged, and he looked at Qin Feng and said!

"That's right!" Qin Feng nodded and said, "If you don't want to, I might as well kill you all and take them away?"

"Kill us?" Not only the gods, everyone looked at Qin Feng with mocking eyes! "No matter how strong you are, you can't beat so many of us!"

"Lucifer, he thinks too highly of himself!" Leviathan sneered as well!

"Hmm!" Even Lucifer felt that the young man in front of him was arrogant, and he didn't see that the arrogant two dragons had been abused into dogs by them, why didn't this young man learn a lesson!

Just now, Qin Feng also complained that Erlong opened a map cannon to pull hatred, and now he is also following the old path, and he has offended the three major forces with one sentence, but Qin Feng's personality is dictated, and he also has the strength to guarantee, and pulling hatred is also a trivial matter!

"Then give it a try!" Qin Feng smiled faintly, and his magic power exploded again!

Powerful magic power was like a burning flame, surrounding Qin Feng's body, and at the same time, inky black darkness also erupted from Qin Feng's center, sweeping away towards the people of the three major forces!

"Attack!" The leaders of the three major forces immediately gave the order to attack!

For a while, countless attacks hit Qin Feng, bombarding Qin Feng's body, smoke and dust kept rolling up, and after continuous attacks for a period of time, everyone subconsciously stopped, and Leviathan and the others sneered, this guy is too arrogant, he doesn't even dodge, his brain is sick, and even the two dragons are scorched and rotten, you know, in addition to the strength of the two dragons, the strength of the flesh is also much stronger than that of the average demon king, and the ability to resist fighting is also outstanding, is he confident that the body can be compared to the two dragons?

"Knocked to scum!" Leviathan sneered!

However, when the smoke and dust cleared, revealing Qin Feng's intact body, everyone was stunned, and even the gods were surprised!

"It's... How is this possible?" stammered Leviathan!

Although there were many attacks, the strength of the attacks was insufficient, and they were all blocked by Qin Feng's arrogance!

"It's a pity!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "It's my turn next!"

Qin Feng's body once again erupted with powerful magic power, and the magic power instantly transformed into brilliant thunder light, with an incomparable huge amount of light, heat, and impact.

"Coming soon, the gold of the fifth beast lion!" appeared as a lion incarnated by thunder, his behemoth body as large as a chariot, condensed and formed by the magic power of thunder, his whole body exuded a dazzling brilliance, and his roar shook the atmosphere like thunder.

"'Lion's gold, give it to me!'" The lion's gold body was covered with thunder, and countless thunderbolts flashed towards the people around him, whether it was an angel, a beast, or a demon, without exception, all within the attack range of the lion's gold, and for a time, the people of the three major forces were killed and injured countless times!

"Damn it! Immediately let them back off, this kind of opponent is not something they can deal with!" Lucifer yelled at Asmodeus!

Soon, Asmodeus commanded the demons to retreat, and on the side of the gods, all the angels were also shrunk, and there were also beasts who retreated, and soon, Qin Feng faced only the four demon kings above the demon king level, the four major seraphims, the gods, and Assahir and others!

"Very clever to do!Let's show you something interesting!" Qin Feng smiled, and the magic power gushed out again!

"Come out! Alpha!" Qin Feng shouted, and an angel with black and white wings fell from the sky!

Seeing the wings behind Alpha, everyone was surprised again, because the wings behind them represented angels and demons respectively!

"Angels, demons?" Lucifer's eyes were filled with irrepressible surprise!

"No, your name is Lucifer!" Qin Feng looked at Lucifer and smiled, and said, "My beast is called Alpha, with such a similar name, and you may be related!"

"Hmph, are you fooling me?" Listening to Qin Feng's banter, Lucifer became angry, and a shockwave was released, blasting out at Alpha!

Unexpectedly, the shockwave passed directly through Alpha's body!

"Vision?" Lucifer frowned again!

Seeing Lucifer frowning, Qin Feng smiled, he probably couldn't have imagined that Alpha's skill was in a different space, and if he didn't have a special skill, he wouldn't be able to attack its body at all!

"If it's an illusion, it won't be able to attack us!" Leviathan said!

"Is that really the case?" Qin Feng smiled and said, "In that case, you guys should take the attack of the alpha!"

"Shockwave!" Qin Feng sneered, and Alpha threw out a shockwave in his hand, and the target of the attack was Leviathan!

"Don't deceive people, this kind of attack must be fake!" Seeing the attack Fei (Zhao Wanghao) coming over, he was sure that it was an illusion Leviathan who did not dodge or dodge, and looked at Qin Feng with a sneer, but at a critical moment, Lucifer felt Sen Ran's murderous intent from it! (Read the violent novel, just go to the Feilu Novel Network!)

"Leviathan, get out of the way!" Lucifer yelled, and Leviathan subconsciously dodged!

The shockwave flew backwards, and with a booming sound, the hill was instantly destroyed!

"How?" If Leviathan hadn't dodged in time, this blow could have killed Leviathan!

At this time, Leviathan was drenched in cold sweat, if he ate the blow just now, the four demon kings would become the three demon kings!

"Damn!" the annoyed Leviathan blasted several attacks at Lucifer, but without exception, they all passed through the body!

"Get out of the way, wait for me!" the god shouted, and the holy sword appeared in his hand!

"Destruction!" Immediately after, God used another mode of the holy sword!

"Boom!" a huge slash slashed at Alpha!

But this time, the alpha was chopped off, and the black wing was chopped off!

"What a powerful blow!" Qin Feng muttered, when that slash came, Qin Feng felt that the space was all shattered, and the alpha who was in the other space was naturally not spared!

"I see!" Lucifer also noticed the spatial vibration just now, and naturally knew that Alpha's true body was changed in another space!

"What's going on?" the Leviathan, who wasn't careful observant, didn't know what was going on!

"That thing's true body is in another dimension, and ordinary attacks can't attack it at all, just now the god's blow shattered the space, so naturally it can attack that thing!"

"That's it!!!" Knowing the secret, Leviathan sneered!

At this time, one of them looked at the holy sword in the hands of the gods! The current holy sword is still intact, and there are seven abilities, namely domination, mimicry, sky lightning, destruction, transparency, blessing, and fantasy, but after the fall of the god, the holy sword was also broken, and the descendants re-refined the holy sword, and the seven holy swords after refining each represent an ability!.

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