Qin Feng stretched out his palm and shook it slightly, and the pervasive darkness spun up like a tornado, spreading out in all directions!

The faces of the gods and the four demon kings all changed, because they were surrounded by their people!


"You guy!" The god gritted his teeth and looked at Qin Feng, looking at the three major forces, their angels suffered the most serious losses!

The wings of the angels were touched by the darkness devoured by the shadows, as if they had been poured sulfuric acid, their bodies quietly melted down, and blood rolled down!

Soon, the wings behind the angel stretched out again, but instead of white wings, black wings were extended, and in the blink of an eye, the angel became a beast!

"This...!" Seeing the miraculous scene, God and the others were shocked, and God's face was even more gloomy, if this person was allowed to survive, there would be no angels in this world!

"How can this be?" Asacher was also stunned, originally an angel must have a desire in his heart if he wants to fall, he was also an angel, but he followed the desire in his heart and fell, and now he didn't expect to be contaminated by the black darkness used by this young man and become a beast, what is that black darkness?

It is really not easy to turn an angel into a beast in this way! Asacher is happy and good! The angels who have become a beast seem to be afraid to face this reality!

"How is it!" Qin Feng looked at Asacher with a yellow mustache and said, "I helped you increase the number of dependent beasts, you have to thank me!"

Asacheer's face was gloomy, and he turned a deaf ear to Qin Feng's words! He thought in his heart, this darkness must have magnified the desires in the hearts of some angels, so that the angels would fall! However, Qin Feng's shadow devouring was really as simple as amplifying the desires in his heart? The answer was no!

"I'm very unhappy to see you look! since you don't want this gift, then I'll destroy them!" Qin Feng smiled and snapped his fingers, and the expression on the face of the reincarnated beast suddenly became painful!

"What's wrong with you?" the four Seraphs asked anxiously! After all, they were once colleagues, so they were in a hurry!

"Boom!" like a time bomb, their bodies were blown apart!

In an instant, the angels who became the beasts were all dead!

Looking at Qin Feng's methods, everyone couldn't help but feel terrified, and with a wave of his hand, this guy sent countless angels to the funeral! And the demons on their side, although there were casualties, were not as serious as those on the angels' side!

"I'm going to kill 190 of you!" Seeing the death of his own people, the god raised his holy sword, and another slash slashed down, this time the target was Qin Feng, but before the slash came, layers of darkness had already taken the initiative to come to Qin Feng, forming a heavy defensive shield, blocking the god's slash!

"It's useless, you, the angel god, are not my opponent!" Qin Feng said with a sneer! In a sense, Qin Feng's shadow devouring has dark attributes, and the damage to angels is extremely powerful, of course, this strength is relative, if the power of light is too strong, Qin Feng's shadow devouring will also be suppressed, such as in the current situation!

"Really?" God sneered, and the golden light all over his body bloomed, and those darkness were immediately dispelled!

Seeing this situation, the Seraphs hurriedly said to the angels: "Quick, use the holy light for me to expel the darkness!" After speaking, the rest of the angels all burst out of the holy light of different sizes, although the holy light was very weak, but when they were united, they also expelled Qin Feng's darkness!

As for the demons and beasts, they are not so lucky!

Under the influence of the Holy Light, they instinctively felt uncomfortable, and now they were hit by the fishy wind engulfed by the shadows, and their bodies immediately turned into darkness!

"Asmodeus, hurry up and get them away!" Lucifer said in a deep voice! They were also affected, but they were powerful and magically powerful, and they could block the assimilation of darkness!

"Lucifer, there is no way! we are all in the dark, and there is no escape!" Asmodeus said in a deep voice!

Now the demons have also joined forces to use magic to resist the assimilation of darkness, but like the light of the angels, they can't last long!

"The only way now is to kill that guy!" Lucifer said in a deep voice!

"Let's do it too!" Lucifer said in a deep voice! Suddenly, the four of them shot together, and the shock wave was thrown out, blasting towards Qin Feng!

"The strength of the attack is far worse than that of the gods!" Looking at the shockwave from the attack, Qin Feng sneered even more, the darkness solidified again, and naturally blocked their shockwave!

"Now let me show you my strength!" Qin Feng muttered, and countless darkness erupted again!

Even Qin Feng's body began to darken!

"Sure enough, it's the Demon Outer Dao!" God sneered!

"Everyone be careful, that guy is very powerful!" Qin Feng's body formed an atomization, but Lucifer didn't have much lightheartedness!

"Hmm!" Leviathan nodded, he naturally felt the murderous intent in it!

"Boom!" The darkness seemed to have condensed to the extreme, and the next moment, the darkness erupted! However, the object of the darkness outbreak was not the three major forces, but the beast (aibc) beside Qin Feng, the gold of the lion!

In an instant, the golden beast changed, and the hair on its body was dyed inky black!

"Attack!" Qin Feng smiled, but before Qin Feng could attack, the lion's gold had already turned into a thunderbolt, and then jumped up, and then, the dark space once again formed a black thunder space!

The entire Black Thunder Space has trapped the people of the three major forces!

"Lightning thunder!" Qin Feng roared, and the thunder had already filled the entire lightning space!

The dyed lion's gold is greatly increased in power with thunder, which is completely comparable to the climate power of the god killer world!

Thunder rolling, lightning and thunder, thunder fills the entire space, no one can escape, no matter who it is, everyone has to accept the test of thunder!

The ones who are almost strong are already dead, and the better ones are still alive, but they are all scorched and rotten by Thunder and Lightning!

"Huh, the minions are all dead!" The black thunder space dispersed, Qin Feng smiled slightly, sure enough, including the angels, many birdmen of the three major forces have turned into ashes, and the good ones are still on the field, there are about two hundred people, but almost eighty percent of them only have half of their lives left, and finally lose consciousness and fall to the ground!

In the field, there are strong people left!

Of course, for the Demon King and the God, this level of attack is just for them to consume some mana to resist!

"Phew, you're all left!Hurry up and do it!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

Damn! In this battle, the people of the three major forces killed by Qin Feng were all able to catch up with the dead characters of a big war, and God and Lucifer and the others hated Qin Feng so much that they gritted their teeth!

"You're the only one left!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "Hurry up and do it!"

Lucifer and the four of them glanced at each other, and after nodding, the four of them immediately separated, faintly meaning to surround Qin Feng!

Qin Feng wondered in his heart, what did these four guys want to do? Judging from the attack strength just now, Qin Feng felt that the direct gap between the demon king and the god seemed to be a little far, he really didn't know how the god died with the four demon kings, it stands to reason that the god could completely abuse these four demon kings in minutes!

Is there something I don't know?

As the four of them shouted, Qin Feng felt that a magic array seemed to appear under his feet, a scarlet magic array appeared on it, the texture on it was very clear, Qin Feng could feel the power in it, and then, on Qin Feng's head, there seemed to be a magic array!

"This is, do you want a sandwich sandwich?" Qin Feng muttered, but he was not wrong, and soon, the red pillars of light that were released up and down blasted towards Qin Feng!

"It's quite a decent attack!" Qin Feng sneered, stretched out his palm, and in the surprised eyes of the four people, the two red pillars of light were held by Qin Feng with one hand and one foot, and the red pillars of energy were stretched open by Qin Feng in a daze!

"It's... How is this possible?" Lucifer was also stunned!

"It's really weak!" Qin Feng shook his head, and with a squeeze of his palm, the red pillar of light shattered like glass, and the magic array collapsed with it!

"Please die!" darkness appeared on Qin Feng's body again, and then, the darkness shrouded in the lion's gold again!

The lion's gold washed away at them as if it had gone berserk!

The rolling black thunder brought with it electrocuted the four of them at once!

Like the fate of other demons, the four Lucifers are like birds with broken wings, unconscious and falling to the ground!

"God, you're the only one left!" Qin Feng solved the four demon kings, and there were some masters on the field whose strength was slightly worse than the demon king, but even the demon king was taken care of by him, except for the gods, no one was worthy of being his opponent!

"Gabriel, let's do it too!" The four Seraphs wanted to do it, but were stopped by God!

"Take the remnants of angels with you, and I'll be fine here!" said God!

"But, my lord, we...!" said Michael, anxiously!

"You have also seen that even the four demon kings can't deal with it, and you can't be his opponent!

"Hmm!" The four Seraphs nodded, although many angels died, there were still angels who survived, and some angels fainted, their purpose was to protect some power!

Asacher was the first to react, he barely supported his body, and he didn't have the heart to fight, and hurriedly left the battlefield with the dead leftovers! He knew that his strength was similar to that of the Demon King, and even the Demon King was not his opponent, so he would definitely not be an opponent, so he hurriedly left with the beasts!

Lucifer and the others were also taken away by some demons who were not stunned!

Qin Feng didn't leave those people behind, but set his sights on the gods!

Qin Feng could feel that the power of the gods was improving!

"It's getting stronger!" Qin Feng muttered, there was a big gap between the two levels of the transcendent and the demon king, but Qin Feng felt that this god was a bit too strong, at least it wasn't the object that those four demon kings could end up with together!

"Let me show you my true power!" God sneered!

I don't know if it's an illusion, Qin Feng felt that the god's body seemed to have become larger!

Immediately after, the body of the god shone brightly, and finally, a layer of golden armor wore the god's body!

"Is it forbidden hands?" Looking at the armor on the god's body like a god's robe, Qin Feng muttered!

"Then I'll come too!" Qin Feng beckoned, the black gold divine robe was put on Qin Feng's body, and the double-strand fork also appeared in Qin Feng's hand!

"What are you... Is it also forbidden hands?" God saw that Qin Feng had also become the same existence as himself, looked at the double-strand fork in Qin Feng's hand in a daze, and said, "Could it be that what you have in your hand is also an artifact?"

God was puzzled, he had never talked to people about the use of artifacts, but he didn't expect that the person in front of him could be the same as him, and the person in front of him seemed to be stronger than himself!

"Of course!" Qin Feng sneered and continued: "This is naturally an artifact, but I won't ban what you said, on the contrary, the clothes on my body are also artifacts!"

Hearing this, God's brows furrowed even tighter, he didn't seem to remember that he had ever made such an artifact! You know, in this world, artifacts are all made by him, and those who can use artifacts must have human blood, and the person in front of him has such a powerful power, can he be a human?

Forbidden hands, you can maximize the power of the artifact!

Seeing that the gods used the forbidden hands, Qin Feng thought about it, whether his own artifacts could be banned, if they could be banned, the strength would be even better! But Qin Feng was also just thinking about it, Qin Feng's divine clothes were not from the hands of the angel gods in front of him, so naturally there would be no forbidden hands, and Qin Feng also believed that his own set of divine clothes was definitely stronger than forbidden hands!

"Mimic!" the forbidden god snorted coldly, and the holy sword began to change, turning into a cannon barrel!

God holds the barrel of the cannon, and in the barrel of the cannon, the golden particles are condensing!

"Boom!" The huge pillar of energy blasted towards Qin Feng!

Qin Feng raised his palm, and the darkness of darkness instantly formed a huge tornado, carrying the sound of a violent wind whistle, and swept away frantically towards the gods.

Two behemoths, lightning collided in the air, at the moment of collision, the space was almost silent, followed by a shocking sound, and finally each other frantically released terrifying energy, at the junction of the two, the space seemed to be rippling slightly.

"It's still a little bit close!" Qin Feng's tornado quickly consumed all the energy, and then, the golden pillar of light broke through the tornado strongly, directly attacking Qin Feng!

"Come at a gallop, white steel of the water spirit!" Here, Qin Feng summoned a water spirit with a body as transparent as a stream of water-water demon, the upper body of a beautiful woman and the lower body of a giant snake, and the hair that spread out was also countless snakes, and the slender hand that gave birth to hooked claws directly caught the golden pillar of light, and then annihilated it!

"Who are you?" The golden pillar of light disappeared, and the god was slightly stunned, looking at the white steel of the water spirit, a little surprised!

"It's resisted!" the god muttered, and then said, "No, it's not resisting, it's going back in time!"

"Rewind time? How is this possible?" the god snorted!

"Come again!" God fired again, and the golden pillar of light burst out again!

"Here, the silver mist of the carapace!" The carapace surrounded by the silver darkness atomized the flying pillar of energy light.

"Destruction!" God snorted again, and the Bible changed back to its original form again!

"Slash!" After a while, the energy sword blade, which was ten times larger than the last slash, swept towards Qin Feng with a fierce wind!

The black darkness once again condensed into a shield, but this shield was obviously unable to block this slash, as if it was devastating, the slash broke through the shield, and it had already come to Qin Feng's side!

"Then I'll come too!" Facing this terrifying slash, Qin Feng smiled!

"Yemo's black sword!" Suddenly, the double-strand fork disappeared, replaced by a jet-black long sword!

Qin Feng raised his sword and blocked it in front of his chest, and then, the huge sword strike slashed down, colliding with the Yemo Black Sword!

The two collided, creating a huge spark, and Qin Feng also retreated because of inertia!

However, the huge slash gradually decreased in the case that Qin Feng couldn't help it, and in the end, Qin Feng threw out the black sword, and just like that, the huge slash was broken!

"It's my turn!" With a divine robe to protect his body, Qin Feng could be said to have not been harmed in any way!

Qin Feng soaked the black sword of the night mo, and the black sword of the night mo flew into the sky by itself!

God frowned, not knowing what the guy in front of him was doing!

"Angel God, remember, my name is Qin Feng, and I am the one who killed you!" Qin Feng sneered, and the Yemo Black Sword had already appeared in the sky thousands of miles away!

"Big, big!" Qin Feng shouted, and the night black sword in the sky became bigger at a speed visible to the naked eye!

"What's going on?" God could feel that a strange ability was condensing in the sky, and when he looked up, he saw a giant sword above 10,000 meters in the air!

"Mimic!" The holy sword in the god's hand changed, turning into a shield, and the shield slowly expanded, and finally appeared on top of Qin Feng's head like the size of a small island!

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