"Come down!" Qin Feng sneered and gave the order to attack the Yemo Black Sword!

Suddenly, the huge sword began to fall, and the blade, which was accelerated by gravity, was wrapped in blazing flames, and its posture was like a meteorite falling from the sky, and the atmosphere vibrated violently, and the sky became bright as if a new sun had appeared.

"Crush him for me!" Qin Feng shouted, and the night black sword and the holy sword collided!

At the place of the collision, a violent whirlwind was formed, and where it passed, the mountain rock collapsed! And God's face was a little painful, because the traction of gravity, coupled with the weight of the night black sword itself, could not withstand this force!

"Bump!" Qin Feng had already seen that a crack had appeared on the shield!

The god's face also changed, and then, all the shields were shattered, and the black sword of Yemo had already pierced the shield!

After the night black sword pierced through the shield, and then hit the ground, kicking up billowing smoke and dust, Qin Feng could feel that the god was not dead yet, but the holy sword had been destroyed by Qin Feng!

As in the original book, although the process is different, the result is the same!

"Did you escape?" Feeling the breath of the god getting farther and farther away, Qin Feng frowned and muttered! But it doesn't matter, Qin Feng's main purpose is to devour the Red Dragon Emperor and the White ~ Dragon Emperor!

However, Qin Feng looked at the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor, the two dragons were gone, which made Qin Feng surprised, he was able to save people in his own perception, looking at the entire Demon Academy, maybe only the Infinite-Dragon God could do it!

With infinite power, the setting of such a violation is similar to that of his beast, the Darkness-Archmage!

Soon, Qin Feng discovered that due to his own intervention, history seemed to have changed a lot, the gods were not dead, the four demon kings were not dead, and there were still some masters among the beasts!

The Infinite Dragon God, the Ouroboros symbolizing infinite reincarnation, has the power equivalent to infinity, and its strength is completely different from that of others!

In the original book, it was taken by the "Dragon Eater" even if 75% of it was taken After the above power, there is still twice as strong as the two heavenly dragons in their heyday, of course, its personality is innocent, cute and cute, ignorant of the world, simpler than anyone else, born in the dimensional gap, but was driven out of his hometown, because he wants to return to the dimensional gap, the future will be set up to form a disaster group, but this vortex group was used, and the dangerous elements of all forces promised to help him deal with the true red dragon god emperor in order to use the power of the infinite dragon god, because of the character of the infinite dragon god, she is just a puppet responsible for exporting power!

And above the Infinite Dragon God, there is also the Red Dragon God Emperor, which is even more powerful than it!

Now, Qin Feng seems to have bumped into this one of the best masters!

"The loot has been snatched!" Qin Feng came to the place where the two dragons disappeared, muttered, sniffed, and said, "Found it!" After speaking, Qin Feng's palm reached out and grabbed it, but like broken glass, his hand did not enter another space!

"Come out!" Qin Feng pulled hard, the space collapsed, and the two injured dragons were directly pulled out by Qin Feng!

"What do you want?" After the two dragons were pulled out, the Red Dragon Emperor muttered and asked! Although they were in a different space, they could clearly see the scene of Qin Feng's battle against the three major forces, with their strength, they didn't have arrogant capital at all, of course, they were also very curious, who took the action to bring them into the other space!

The reason why Qin Feng was able to discover the hiding place of the two dragons was completely due to his talent as a vampire and his talent for crossing dimensions, so he was very familiar with dimensional rifts!

"You should have the instinct to be a trophy!" Qin Feng smiled!

"Hmph, you can kill if you want, but if you want to surrender to us, no way!" the White Dragon Emperor said again!

"You're just two weak reptiles!" Qin Feng smiled, "I don't have the heart to spend on you, it's better for me to pull out your dragon soul!"

"You... What are you going to do?" The Red Dragon Emperor was stunned, Qin Feng stretched out his hands, and a powerful restraining force gushed out from his palms, and then, countless darkness emerged from his palms, and then entwined the two dragons!


In a moment, the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor felt as if their souls were about to break away!

"Come out!" Qin Feng smiled, the souls of the two dragons had been separated from the body, and soon, the detached dragon souls were pinched into two small balls, one red and one white, by Qin Feng!

"You can store it in my double-strand fork first!" Soon, the black and gold double-strand fork appeared in Qin Feng's hand, Qin Feng waved his other hand, and the two small balls, one red and one white, were fused into the two forks respectively, and the fused double prongs immediately changed, the one fused with the Red Dragon Emperor Dragon Soul became bright red, and the one fused with the White Dragon Emperor became silver-white!

However, Qin Feng did not feel the strength of the double-strand fork increase, but weakened it, it turned out that the two dragons were extremely uncooperative, and they were canceling out the power of their double-strand fork!

"You two guys!" Qin Feng smiled, and the darkness rose up, suppressing them strongly!

After the dragon soul was taken away, Qin Feng looked at the dragon body that had lost his life for two days, as the saying goes, the treasure on the dragon body, it was a pity to lose it here!

"It's better to roast and eat!" Qin Feng rubbed his chin and muttered!

The Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor, who were sealed in the double-strand fork, immediately wailed, they were not afraid of death, but now they were not death in the true sense, and now they couldn't accept it when they saw their flesh being eaten!

In their eyes, the young man in front of them was a demon, not to mention pulling out his dragon soul, and eating his own body! They were very puzzled, where did this strong man come out!

"If you don't want to eat dragon meat, it's okay, just listen to me!" Qin Feng smiled evilly!

"We must be obedient!" The two dragons, who were originally arrogant, immediately obeyed like kittens!

"Young man, your strength is very strong, come and help me!" At this time, the space shattered, and an old man came out of it!

"Old man, are you Orpheus?" Qin Feng was stunned and asked rhetorically! He remembered that although Orpheus was a Lori, that was a matter of the future, and now he appeared in the form of an old man!

"Huh, do you know my name?" Orpheus looked at Qin Feng curiously!

"Huh!" Qin Feng was stared at by an old man with an innocent and cute old man, and he had a cold feeling in his heart!

"Let me introduce you first, my name is Qin Feng!Nice to meet you, Orpheus!" Qin Feng could only ignore this kind of cheating daddy's eyes!

"Then Qin Feng, come over and help me!" Orpheus grabbed Qin Feng's palm and said happily!

"It's nothing to help you!" Qin Feng felt Orpheus' strength, its strength was estimated to be a step worse than that of the Dark Archmage!

"But can you change your appearance!" Qin Feng said with a smile!


"It's not good, you have to change your Lori image!" Qin Feng smiled, Lori was much more pleasing to the eye than the old man!

"Lori, what's it?" Orpheus was even more puzzled!

"That's it!" Qin Feng stretched out his finger and pointed at the door of Orpheus's head, and transmitted the image in his mind into Orpheus's mind!

"Oh! I see!" Orpheus spun around slightly, and his body suddenly changed, his body became smaller, and he was dressed in a black maid costume!

"This looks much more pleasing to the eye!" Qin Feng smiled slightly!

"Who do you want me to help you deal with?" Qin Feng asked!

"I was born in the middle of a dimensional gap, but I was driven out by an abominable dragon, and I am no match for it, so I need to find a helper and return to my hometown!" Orpheus raised his little fist and said with a bun puffed out of his mouth!

The strength higher than Orpheus is the True Red Dragon God Emperor, and like Orpheus, they were all born in the dimensional gap, think about it, those who can survive in the dimensional gap must be very strong!

"Then what do you want to do?" Qin Feng asked!


"What!" Qin Feng hurriedly shook his head and said, "We have to take our time, you know, that guy is very strong!"

"Then what should we do?" Orpheus, who was naïve, began to ask Qin Feng!

"Why don't we set up a force!" Qin Feng tried to say!

"Establish a faction, that's good!" Orpheus nodded!!

"What's the name of that force?" Orpheus said again, "why don't you call it the Vortex!"

"Not good!" Hearing this, Qin Feng shook his head, history has a strong inertia, if it weren't for himself, the Vortex Group would still be established!

"Call it the harem group!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"Harem group?" Hearing this, Orpheus was stunned for a moment, and then nodded, for her, the name of the force does not matter at all, the most important thing is to be able to defeat the hateful Red Dragon God Emperor!

As soon as you say a word to the two of you, the fourth major force will be established!

"And what are we going to do next?" Orpheus asked again!

"Of course it's recruiting!" Qin Feng said with a smile: "Since it is a harem group, it is enough for the male animal to have only one!"

"Then where are we going to find someone?" Orpheus thought for a moment and said, "It's better to let the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor join the harem group!

"Let them join the harem group!" Qin Feng shook his head and said strongly in opposition: "Absolutely not!" "The harem is his own harem, although the two dragons are beasts, they are also male, so he refused to join the two dragons!"

"Alright!" Orpheus nodded and said, "So where do we go now?"

"You have to tell me, what kind of place is this?" Qin Feng asked!

"It seems to be the territory of the demons, the underworld!" Orpheus said!

"Oh!" Qin Feng nodded and said, "Then let's go find that bird god!"

"Is that the guy you are fighting with?" Orpheus said with a smile, "His strength is also very strong!

"I didn't want him to join the group!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "I want that guy under him!"

"The four little guys?" Hearing this, Orpheus was stunned, although Orpheus is the appearance of a little Lori, but she was born in the gap of the dimension, I don't know how many years have passed, and it is not an exaggeration to call the four Seraphs little guys!

"Those four guys are very poor!" Orpheus said!

"I know this!" Qin Feng nodded, "And I didn't think about including all four of them in the harem group!"

"Which one do you want to join?" Orpheus asked again! "Is it Michael?"

"Of course it's not Michael! she's just a pseudo-girl!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "It's Gabriel!" The most important reason why Qin Feng chose Gabriel was that she was the number one beauty in the angel world, and she was also the most powerful and best-built angel!

"It turned out to be her!" Orpheus listened to their conversation too, so he knew the names of each of them!"What about Lucifer?

"No need, just her!" Qin Feng shook his head!

"Then we're going to find her now?" Orpheus asked!

"Of course!" Qin Feng nodded, sensed it slightly, and rushed towards the breath of the gods!

At this time, the heavenly realm, the gods have returned!

"My lord, are you back?" Seeing God come back, the four Seraphs were very excited! God was able to come back, which means that God has been victorious, but they didn't expect that God had sneaked back!

"You all go down!" God said in a deep voice! After the four Seraphs walked away, God spit out a mouthful of golden blood, when the black sword fell just now, although he dodged it in time, he was inevitably injured, but in order to be able to escape from Qin Feng's hands, he did not stop, kept running away, and was relieved after making sure that the guy did not catch up!

"I didn't expect there to be such a person in the world who is stronger than myself! But it's a pity!" the god muttered, and came to a secret room!

Push the door in, and you will be greeted by two weapons, one like a claw-like weapon, and the other is a wing! These are two unfinished artifacts that need to be infused with souls to complete!

"Hey, if you can get the dragon souls of the two dragons, you can definitely make them into a god destroyer, but now that's all it takes!" the god muttered and took out two small round balls from his arms!

These two small round balls are the same as the small round balls that Qin Feng pulled out and condensed the dragon soul of the two dragons, except that the compressed souls held by the gods were not the two dragons, but angels and demons, the fallen demons and angels selected by the gods from the battlefield!

"Go!" God sent demons and angels into it!

After obtaining the soul, the two artifacts emitted a strange light, the difference was that one emitted a black light and the other emitted a white light!

"Alright!" After the light slowly faded, the god smiled, looked at the claw-like weapon on the left, and said, "Let's call it the demon's cage!" Then he looked at the other wings and said, "You should call the angel's wings of light!"

"Go, choose the right person!" God threw the two artifacts down!

After solving these two things, God's face showed worry again! Now there is another strong man, and he has to release that guy!

The god thought of Samael, the dragon eater, who was created by the gods to deal with the infinite dragon gods, and specially to deal with the infinite dragon gods!

Samael is a strange existence with the upper body as a beast and the lower body as a dragon, and is hated by the gods because he incarnated as a snake to instigate people to steal the fruit of wisdom from the Garden of Eden, and he is a collection of God's hatred, anger, and malice, and his existence is the most vicious of God's malice. Because it is a snake that has been cursed by the gods and has become an erased existence, it has the ability to erase its existence from snakes and dragon snakes, with a strong dragon-killing curse, which has nothing to do with strength, and is purely the nemesis of the dragon species, even if it is the infinite dragon god Orpheus, he can't fight him!

At this time, Samael has not been sealed by Hades, the king of Hades, but if the god wants to use Samael to deal with Qin Feng, it would be a big mistake, Samael's is just the nemesis of the dragon, in terms of strength, it may be even lower than the god, if it appears in front of Qin Feng, Qin Feng can completely torture Samael!

Obviously, the gods also thought of this, Samael was used to deal with Orpheus, and it was definitely useless to deal with Qin Feng!

However, at this time, the Heavenly Realm ushered in two invaders, it was Qin Feng and Orpheus!

"This is the so-called Heavenly Realm?" Qin Feng looked at the surrounding situation and complained slightly, it was not like a palace, it was not like a house, it was just a suspended island!

"Who are you?" As soon as Qin Feng and Orpheus came in, the angels immediately caught up! It is impossible for God to take all the angels out with the angel war, and there will be some angels left behind in the heavenly realm, and this angel should be the angel who stayed behind, all the people who don't know that Qin Feng killed and killed on the battlefield where the three major forces were fighting!

"I'm here to find God, can you show me the way?" Qin Feng smiled and said!

"Hmph, although I don't know how you came up, but you also want to see God like this, God is not something that everyone can see!" The angel said haughtily: "Get out of here, or we will be welcome!"

"Hey, why die!" Qin Feng sighed, pointed out with one finger, the darkness did not enter the center of the angel's eyebrows, and suddenly, the angel's eyes widened, as if he saw something very surprised, his mouth opened slightly, and he wanted to shout, but he couldn't make a sound, and then, the white wings behind him exploded, and then, the angel fell down in response! .

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