"Let's find it ourselves!" After Qin Feng killed the angel, he smiled and said!

"Hmm!" Orpheus nodded too!

However, Qin Feng killed the angel, how could the other angels not notice, soon, many angels saw the situation here, the angels who recognized Qin Feng were afraid and did not dare to move forward, but the angels who did not know Qin Feng rushed over, wanting to take down Qin Feng and defend the majesty of our lord, but they did not dare Qin Feng waved his hand, and when darkness emerged, dozens of angels waved their hands and destroyed!

"Don't go up, everyone!" Seeing Qin Feng kill dozens of angels again, Michael's heart sank, and now his heart was full of doubts, didn't God solve this guy? Could it be that God let this guy go, and he doesn't blame Michael for thinking so, Michael's personality is very friendly, well, he is a good man, if he wins Qin Feng, he will also let Qin Feng go! Thinking of this possibility, Michael was sure that of course he would not feel that God had fled back, because since his birth, the majesty of God has penetrated deep into his heart, so he does not believe that God will flee without majesty!

"How dare this guy do such nonsense!" Michael said angrily! "God shouldn't have let such wicked people go in the first place!"

"Michael, you hurry up and invite my lord out, explain the situation here to my lord, and I will try to hold him back!" Gabriel said in a deep voice! Gabriel also guessed the same as Michael, he felt that the gods were merciful, but Qin Feng did not change his life!

"I see!" Michael nodded, and flew in the direction of the god!

At this time, Qin Feng came to Gabriel! At this time, Gabriel had already removed his armor, so Qin Feng wantonly looked at Gabriel's figure, and sure enough, it was the same as rumored, with a good figure!

Feeling the monstrous momentum on Qin Feng's body, Gabriel didn't even have the courage to make a move, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and said with difficulty: "You... You guy, for... Why do you still want to be evil in "240", didn't my lord mercifully let you go once? "

"God spared me?" Qin Feng was stunned, and said with a smile: "When will God also lie?" "

"Hmph, I won't allow you to insult my lord!" Although he was scared, Gabriel said loudly!

"Forget it, tell me where God is!" Qin Feng looked around and said, "Really, it's all the breath of the gods here, and I don't know where he is!" "

"I tell you, my lord will come out soon, so you will obediently repent of your sins!" Gabriel said again!

"What a cute girl!" Qin Feng pinched Gabriel's cheek and squinted his eyes, "God came out just in time, I had a lot of fun just now, I didn't expect him to run away like this!" "

"What, you actually said that God ran away, this... That's impossible! Gabriel said in disbelief!

"Soon God will come out!" Qin Feng smiled and groaned, not taking Gabriel's words in his eyes!

At this time, God also felt Qin Feng's breath, he didn't expect this guy to let himself go, he couldn't help but feel distressed, he thought he was unlucky, there were three forces, why did he find himself!

But they have all found the door, and God has no way to escape, unless he can give up the heavenly realm!

"My lord, something big has happened!" Soon, Michael's voice sounded outside the temple!

"What big can happen, give me calm!" God said in a deep voice!

"Yes! My lord, the wicked man who killed our people on the battlefield just now has come to the door, and I ask my lord to strike at such wicked people! "

"Hmmm! I'll go with you to see it! God knows there is no way back!

Soon, Qin Feng saw a seraph named Michael and a god rushing over!

"Is it finally out!" Qin Feng sneered!

"It's finally here!" Looking at the god who appeared in front of him, Qin Feng smiled!

"My lord!" Seeing God coming, Gabriel shouted respectfully!

"My lord, hurry up and give this wicked man death!" Michael also spoke!

God looked at Qin Feng, especially when he looked at Loli Orpheus beside Qin Feng, his face was even more gloomy, although Orpheus had changed, but he naturally recognized Orpheus's breath, of course, the main pressure was not Orpheus, the dragon eater he created was the nemesis of the dragon, Orpheus could also deal with it, and the most feared thing by God was Qin Feng!

"God, birdman, let's continue to have fun!" After saying that, the Yemo Black Sword had already appeared in Qin Feng's hand!

Here, the angel looked at Qin Feng with idiotic eyes, thinking in his heart, this person is too unaware of the thickness of the sky and the earth, and he actually challenged the gods! Only Gabriel noticed God's ugly face, and wondered a little, could it be that the guy was telling the truth? God had really escaped, and of course, such thoughts were only fleeting in her mind, and Gabriel's faith was not so easily shaken!

But faith is one thing, truth is another!

God looked at Qin Feng calmly, and said in a deep voice: "Don't deceive people too much!" "

Instead of fighting, God said something like this, which gave people too much reverie, and Gabriel had to think about the truth of the idea just now!

"That's good!" Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and said, "I ask you for someone, if you give her to me, I won't be difficult for you!" "

"And what if I don't say yes?" God gritted his teeth with hatred and said angrily! From ancient times to the present, which god would be threatened, Qin Feng did this, this is simply a contempt for the majesty of God, if it was in normal times, he would have killed this lawless bastard in front of him a long time ago without saying a word, but now he has a weak heart, because the guy in front of him is too strong, even stronger than him!

"If you don't agree, there is no need for the Heavenly Realm to exist!" Qin Feng narrowed his eyes and continued! Although Qin Feng did not speak with the slightest sense of oppression, they could hear the awe-inspiring killing intent in his words!

At this time, the rotten good man Michael also knew that God did not want to make a move, but that he was powerless! The strength of this guy in front of him is stronger than God!

"My lord, we want to live and die with you!" Michael said immediately!

"So do we!" At this time, the rest of the angels also spoke!

"Then grant you death!" Qin Feng smiled, and the darkness on his body suddenly erupted, and the entire Heavenly Realm was shrouded in darkness!

The angels were shrouded in darkness, and from time to time there were screams, was there an angel who died, listening to the screams of his subordinates, watching his subordinates die, God's face was hard to see, if this continues, their angels will be completely extinct!

"Hurry up and spread the light!" Michael hurriedly said, and at the same time, he also held out the holy light to resist the darkness!

After the angels opened the holy light, they could barely resist Qin Feng's shadow devouring!

"Orpheus, it's up to you!" Qin Feng touched Little Lori's head and said!

"Okay!" Orpheus stepped forward and opened his small mouth, in Qin Feng's surprised gaze, a pillar of blue light like a thin line spit out from his mouth, in terms of size, it was completely inferior to the pillar of light ejected by the two dragons, but Qin Feng could feel the terrifying power from this blue pillar of light!

Sure enough, after the blue pillar of light was thrown out, the faces of Michael and the other four Seraphs changed, and they also felt the threat of death!

"Samael!" The god roared, and then, the monster with an angel on the upper body and a dragon on the lower body flew out, and after the dragon's tail shook off a few angels who were about to be hit by the blue light, he appeared in front of the blue light, took a big mouth, and swallowed the terrifying blue light!

"Qin Feng!" Seeing the dragon eater, Orpheus was a little afraid! The Dragon Eater contains the curse of the gods and is born to be the nemesis of dragons, which has nothing to do with strength, so Orpheus is very afraid!

"Orpheus, come back, we can solve it peacefully!" Qin Feng smiled and pulled Orpheus behind him!

However, Orpheus retreated, it doesn't mean that Samael will back down, it shouldn't be said that it's not a retreat, it's instinct, it's the nemesis of the dragon, it naturally wants Orpheus as its enemy, without God's order, Samael rushed forward, with an incomparably strong momentum, and rushed towards Orpheus!

"Hey!" Qin Feng sneered, "Giant God Soldier! "Powerful magic power gushed out, and finally formed a blue giant, which was a punch at Samael!

"Boom!" Samael's body is huge, but compared to the body of the giant god soldier, it is a small thing, so the giant god soldier's punch knocked Samael away and flew out of the heavenly realm, and I don't know where he flew!

After knocking Samael away with one punch, God's face was even more ugly!

Originally, Qin Feng was very difficult to deal with, but now even the trump card of Orpheus, who restrained the Infinite Dragon God, had flown away, so he would have to face two people next!

"No chance of winning!" God thought bitterly in his heart!

"My lord, we might as well listen to this guy's request!" The good old man Michael saw the death of many angels, and couldn't help but say, if the person Qin Feng wants to take away is him, he will definitely not say a word, leave the heavenly realm, and save the lives of many angels, but will Qin Feng take away the person who will be him?!

"Hmm!" God also nodded, although the compromise was a bit embarrassing, but no matter what, he didn't want to see the angels perish!

"Which angel do you want?" God asked in a deep voice!

Hearing this, Qin Feng, Qin Feng's eyes fell on Gabriel's beautiful figure, and with a suck of his palm, the strong suction attracted Gabriel, Qin Feng then touched Gabriel's delicate face and said, "I just want this woman!" "

"You... Don't you think! Before the god could speak, Gabriel resisted desperately, and her body was suddenly touched by Qin Feng, and she blushed with shame when she had never touched a man at all!

"Hurry up and let me go!" Gabriel struggled desperately, with an angry expression and a look of arrogance! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"The skin is very good, it is indeed suitable for joining the harem group!" Qin Feng smiled, ignoring Gabriel's objections, and pinched the murderous department again!

"This won't work!" Hearing Qin Feng say that he was going to take Gabriel away, God immediately objected!

"Why not?" Qin Feng looked at Gabriel, showed a malicious smile, and muttered!

"Except for Gabriel, you can choose the other angels!" God said in a deep voice, "And I will give you two artifacts!" "

"Artifact? It's a pity I'm not rare! Qin Feng smiled, with an irrepressible burning desire in his eyes, and said, "I don't really want to let such a chick go!" "

"Humph! If you don't agree, I'll fight you to the end!" God said in a cold voice!

"Hey, I'm really scared!" Qin Feng looked at God with a sneer, and said, "You can only play tricks, how can you fight me!" "From the moment God didn't do it, he knew that God would also be afraid, afraid of himself!

"If you can spare Gabriel, I can give you the other three Seraphs!" God says again!

Hearing this, Qin Feng was stunned, he didn't expect God to speak like this, the combined value of the three Seraphs is much higher than that of one Gabriel, but God is still willing, is there some secret hidden in Gabriel, or is it that Gabriel's beautiful figure also fascinates God!

In addition, when the three Michael heard the word of God, their faces changed, and then they recovered, and like Gabriel, their faith was extremely strong!

"That's not going to work!" Qin Feng shook his head, in front of the faces of many angels, Qin Feng's palm reached into the bottom of Gabriel's skirt, and his slender beautiful legs brushed over! "You're so nervous about her, I'm more interested in her!"

"It hurts!" Gabriel didn't dare to resist, so he could only passively accept the fact that Qin Feng was vigorously kneading his thighs!

"You...!" God saw that Qin Feng was sloppy with Gabriel and ate Gabriel tofu, and God was furious!

"Don't!" Gabriel was imprisoned by Qin Feng's darkness and couldn't move, and Qin Feng pinched it extremely hard, Gabriel now felt the hot pain in his legs, and tears seemed to burst out from the corners of his eyes, I really felt pity!

"Alright, God of Fear, I'll take this woman with me!" Qin Feng sneered, and the black wind swept up Gabriel, and Orpheus's body disappeared into the heavenly realm in an instant!

The two of them left the heavenly realm, and at this time they have come to the human realm!

The human world is still in the Renaissance period, and capitalism is beginning to sprout!

At this time, Qin Feng and Orpheus were walking on the crowded street, Qin Feng was holding a chain in his hand, and the other end of the chain was connected to the collar around Gabriel's neck! At this time, Gabriel's wings were naturally not revealed, and she herself was like a slave!

"Woo!" Every step he took, Gabriel felt very ashamed, especially in front of believers who believed in themselves, of course, in the eyes of others, Gabriel was a slave, but to let such a beautiful woman be a slave, everyone felt very sorry, and they were complaining that Qin Feng didn't know how to pity the fragrance and cherish the jade, if it was them, they would definitely take it home and be pampered!

"Qin Feng, where are we going now?" Orpheus asked!

Orpheus, who looks like little Lori, naturally attracts the attention of others, and in the eyes of others, Qin Feng is a winner in life!

"Let's find a place to stay!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "Then expand our harem group!" "

"So when are we going to find that guy?" Orpheus said a little sullenly!

"Orpheus, tell me, why did you go back to the dimensional rift? There's no one there, how can there be 1.9 fun here! Qin Feng said with a smile! Qin Feng didn't expect that there were only two creatures in the dimensional gap, and after Orpheus went back, it was estimated that he would also be stuffy, no, the current Red Dragon God Emperor might also regret expelling Orpheus!

Loneliness is the most terrible thing to come, especially to creatures with thoughts and souls!

"But that's my hometown!" Orpheus whispered!

"Alright! Since you've said so, I'm going to help you, but not now! Qin Feng smiled!

Soon, Qin Feng spent a lot of money to buy the title of Grand Duke from the king, bought a piece of land, and then built an ancient castle there, like a vampire's castle!

Sitting on a throne, Qin Feng looked at the crawling Gabriel and showed a sneer!

"Haha, it seems that God has not come to save you!" Qin Feng smiled sarcastically!

"Hmph, kill me! I am a noble angel and will never give in! Gabriel spoke a lot louder because of his anger!

"Well, I'll give you a death!" Qin Feng smiled!

"Huh!" Gabriel was stunned for a moment, she didn't expect Qin Feng to agree so simply, she originally thought that Qin Feng would do evil things to her, but it's okay, two days have passed, God hasn't come to her yet, and she has had enough of the insult!

At this time, Samael, the dragon eater who was sent flying by Qin Feng, fell into hell, and this is the territory of Hades, the king of Hades!

"A combination of an angel and a dragon?" Hades looked at the unconscious Samael and frowned slightly!

"Dragoneater?" Soon, Hades came up with an evil plan! He knows the name of the Dragon Eater, and is the nemesis of all dragons!

"Maybe through his words, I can get Orpheus!" Hades sneered, and then energy surged, sealing Samael!.

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