At this time, Orpheus walked up, looked at Gabriel, and wondered, "How can she help us like this?" "

"If you think about it, there are many ways to help!"

"Ways to help?" Hearing this, Orpheus looked at Qin Feng suspiciously!

"That's right, like this!" After speaking, a leather whip appeared in Qin Feng's hand and said, "Our pressure is so great, we have to release it appropriately, and the way to release it!" "

"Smack!" With a bang, Qin Feng's leather whip slapped on Gabriel's body!

"Ahh Gabriel snorted and felt a hot pain!

"You give it a try!" Listening to the voice coming out of Gabriel's mouth, like the sound of heaven, Qin Feng said!

"Okay!" Orpheus nodded, took Qin Feng's leather whip, and finally whipped it on Gabriel!

"You... You demon, didn't you say you were going to kill me? Gabriel was in pain, and kept making a soft sound, which stimulated Qin Feng even more! And Gabriel glared at Qin Feng angrily and said loudly!

"How willing to kill you!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "I haven't played enough!" "

"Isn't it cool!" Qin Feng looked at Orpheus and asked!

"Hmm!" Orpheus nodded honestly, and then pumped down vigorously, looking at Orpheus's ruthlessness, Qin Feng also thought, Orpheus won't be addicted!

"She'll leave it to you to play with! Remember, don't let her run! Qin Feng admonished and left the room! He also needs to solve the physical problems of the two dragons!

Coming to a large clearing, Qin Feng's hands played with the void and pulled out the bodies of the two dragons!

"My lord, please be careful!" The Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor, who were inside the double-strand fork, looked at Qin Feng treating his body so roughly, and said bitterly!

"Don't worry!" Qin Feng smiled, "Your dragon's body is very strong, it's okay!" It's just that the corpse will rot after a long time! "

"What should I do?" Qin Feng thought about it and muttered!

"Why don't we two go back, we can also work hard for you, adult!" The Red Dragon Emperor tried to say!

"Your strength is too poor, I can't look down on it!" Qin Feng waved his hand!

"Huh!" The Red Dragon Emperor was speechless for a while, from birth to the present, he was still very satisfied with his strength, but he didn't expect to be disliked because of his low strength... 08... But compared to Qin Feng in front of him, it is indeed rubbish!

"But... But that Seraphic Angel is no better than us, how can she join! "The White Dragon Emperor is dissatisfied and mutters!

"Hey, I let her join for two reasons!" Qin Feng raised two fingers and said, "First, she is a mother, and second, she can let me vent my pressure, neither of which you can do!" "

"Logistic?" The White Dragon Emperor finally understood Qin Feng's words!

"Yes, it's the support staff!" Qin Feng nodded!

"But... But don't adults use combatants? The White Dragon Emperor thought for a while, and said again: "It's not us who blow, the strength is stronger than us, there are few in this world!" "

"That's right!" Qin Feng thought about it, and also felt that it was a truth, his harem regiment was at best a logistics staff, and he always had to write about the people who fought, could it be that he had to do it himself?

"My lord, we are willing to serve you!" The White Dragon Emperor abandoned the glory of the dragon and said shamefully!

"It's good if you have a heart, but I don't need it now, let's wait for a hundred or two hundred years!" Qin Feng smiled, "As for your flesh, I will put it into the space gap, and it won't rot!" In the meantime, stay in the double-strand fork! After saying that, after Qin Feng blocked the connection between the two dragons and the outside world, he stuffed the bodies of the two dragons into the gap in space!

After doing these things, Qin Feng returned to the room!

"Qin Feng, here you go!" As soon as Qin Feng came in, Orpheus handed the leather whip to Qin Feng!

"What, don't you want to play anymore?" Qin Feng smiled, but when Qin Feng saw Gabriel slumped to the ground like a lump of mud, he knew that this guy should have been played badly!

At this time, Gabriel's clothes were already tattered, torn by leather whipping, and there were red marks on his white skin, and it was worth complaining that Gabriel had now rolled his eyes and stuck out his tongue, and that expression was simply played to the top many times!

"You're a noble angel, with such an expression, no problem!" Qin Feng squatted down, poked Gabriel's delicate face, and smiled evilly, I have to say, this angel's figure is really good, no wonder God is willing to exchange it for the other three Seraphs, the fierce is as big as a ball!

"Don't hit me!" Poked by Qin Feng, Gabriel immediately pleaded as if he had been electrocuted!

"Looks like it's really broken!" Qin Feng smiled, "But I haven't started playing yet, let's let you experience a more exciting way to play!" "

Holding Gabriel's hands, Qin Feng did not hesitate to start conquest Gabriel!

"Hehe, I'm already your master!" After completely owning Gabriel, Qin Feng pinched Gabriel's face and said with a smile!

"Hmph, I am an angel, I am the warrior of my lord, and I will not give in!" Gabriel glared at Qin Feng, but his trembling voice sounded unconvincing!

"Angels forsaken by God!" Qin Feng prostrated himself in Gabriel's ear and said with a sneer, that slightly mocking voice was simply bewitching the angel to fall!

"My lord will come to my rescue!" Gabriel said, in the same way, the volume of speech makes people sound very unconvincing, too, if God really came to save her, she would have come on the seven-colored rainbow a long time ago, why wait for two days to pass, it is estimated that Gabriel also knows very well in his heart that he has been abandoned by God!

"Haha, don't be delusional, God has given up on you!" Qin Feng looked at Gabriel's body curiously and said, "But I'm curious, why does God care about you so much?" Is there some secret in you, or is it because of your size! After speaking, Qin Feng also pinched it vigorously!

In fact, with God's nervousness about Gabriel, he would definitely come to save people, and now that he has not appeared, it means that God has fallen!

"Hmph, you don't have to worry about this!" Gabriel stared hatefully at the beast that had taken him his first time and made him want to cut him with a thousand knives!

"Haha, in that case, you can stay with me!"

"Don't! Please, kill me! Gabriel said pitifully!

"Don't worry, I'll let you experience an alternative death!" Qin Feng sneered!

"Don't... I don't want that! Gabriel said in horror, she was now awake and could feel Qin Feng's attack, and at the same time, Qin Feng seemed to have a great feeling for herself, so she was very frightened, because she seemed to like this feeling, if this continued, then she would definitely follow the guidance in her heart and fall and become a beast!

"Woo!" Gabriel made a choked sound, and rolled his eyes because of the degree of comfort, and tears involuntarily left from it!

With Qin Feng's continuous attack, Gabriel had reached a critical point, which could be seen from her constantly trembling body!

But at this moment, Qin Feng had already withdrawn and was ready to leave!

Gabriel, who was ready to be at the top, came back to her senses, and probably even she didn't expect her to say something like that next!

"Don't go, didn't you say you wanted me to die?" Gabriel sat up, took Qin Feng's hand, and said!

"Oh! That's it, I'm suddenly out of interest! Qin Feng spread his hands and said!

"I'm not interested, but I... I...... You don't talk about credit! Gabriel said anxiously!

"Look at you... It's like a dead man, motionless, and he doesn't cooperate! "

"That's... Then do it again, I will definitely cooperate with you! Gabriel said again!

"Haha, it's an angel!" Qin Feng sneered, "You actually said such astringent words!" "

"I... I didn't!! Gabriel turned his head away and said!

"Duplicity, but forget it! Since you are begging with us, then I will satisfy you with great mercy. After speaking, Qin Feng satisfied Gabriel again!

Gabriel was constantly under the attack of Qin Feng, and she knew that she was depraved!

Soon, the white wings behind Gabriel stretched out, but the pure white wings slowly changed and turned black, except for the change in the wings, the skin seemed to be a little darker, but all this in Qin Feng's eyes, Gabriel became more beautiful! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"The hosts! Come on! "Now, Gabriel's name for Qin Feng has changed!

On the side, Orpheus looked at the two people who were glued together in surprise, although she had lived for a long time, she didn't know what the two people in front of her were doing? Then he looked at the two of them motionlessly, and of course, Orpheus was just curious!

After Gabriel's fall, Qin Feng played, every day, Qin Feng was conquering Gabriel, and just like that, two hundred years passed!

At this time, the heavenly realm has undergone great changes, at the beginning, Qin Feng insisted on taking Gabriel away, but the gods naturally refused to let him, and finally after being hit by the giant god soldier, it was a punch that the giant god soldier must kill, as for whether he died or not, Qin Feng did not study it, but for two hundred years, it was Michael who took care of it outside! And the underworld has also undergone great changes, the original four demon kings, although Lucifer has a life to return, but the four of them have fallen into a deep sleep, and the ability to devour the shadow is devouring their strength and flesh all the time, and now they look like skinny old men!

A hundred years ago, four people, including Cardilea, Cruzere, and Charuba, inherited the title of the Four Great Demon Kings and continued to fight!

Subsequently, for more than a hundred years, because of the war, the power of the demon was greatly weakened again, of course, the angel and the beast clan were also greatly weakened, and then, the beast led by Asacher took the lead in withdrawing from the battlefield!

The withdrawal of the beast is also helpless, after the battle, the high-end strength of the beast is almost dead, and finally there are a few cadres left, and then, Asacher began the research of the artifact, wanting to strengthen the power of the beast through the artifact!

Soon, the angel also realized that fighting like this was not a result, and soon, he withdrew from the battlefield!

The only thing left is the demons, and the four demon kings who inherited it are the main battle faction, and they strive for war, but a hundred years of war have exhausted the demons internally, and someone has already proposed a truce!

Someone proposed reform, and this idea was well received by many people, but the two major factions did not back down, and a big war was about to break out!

Then the two factions began to fight for another hundred years, and in the battle, extremely good people emerged from the reformers and the old demon kings!

Among the reformers, there is an extremely good demon, Sazex! And the outstanding demon of the Old Demon King's faction is a woman, Grufia!

At this time, on the land of the underworld, rocks are piled up, the wind and sand are rolling, the air is filled with the intention of slaughter, and above the sand dunes, the two sides are facing each other!

One faction is the reformers, led by a red-haired youth, and the old demon king faction is led by a silver-haired girl!

"Grufia, stop it, if you continue like this, it will only increase the casualties!" Sazex smiled and said gently!

"Hmph, you didn't think about being loyal to Lord Lucifer, openly rebelling, surrender quickly!" Gurefia also opened her mouth and said coldly! Gurefia was born in Lucifergus, a famous family in the demon family outside the order, and the family has been serving the henchmen of the old demon king Lucifer for generations, so she naturally stands on the side of the old magic faction!

"What a rebellion, we hate big wars, that's also wrong!" Sazex said!

"As a demon, it is really a shame to say that you are afraid of battle!" At this time, the woman next to Gurefia spoke!

"Haven't you thought that after years of fighting, the demon's strength has been drastically reduced?" Sazex continued, "If you continue to fight, the demons will have no choice but to destroy! We must stop fighting and recuperate, so that we can restore the strength of the demon clan! If Lord Lucifer had seen the current situation, he would have agreed with what I am doing! "

"Nonsense, as long as you gain the hegemony of the world, even if you sacrifice more demons! Achieving world hegemony is what Lucifer 273 wants to see! Kadileia sneered!

"If I am stubborn, then I have to prove the right path through the means of war!" Sazex is furious!

"Do it! Seraful, go deal with Grufia! Sazex smiled, "And Kadireya and the others will be left to me to deal with!" "

"You're one against three, is it okay?" Serafel frowned and said!

"Don't worry! It's going to be fine! Sazex nodded, not caring and said! With his current strength, although he has not yet reached the strength of the transcendent in the future, it is not bad, and the three people who have inherited the title of the demon king, but do not have the strength of the demon king, there is not much pressure at all!

"Alright then!" Serafel nodded, and her eyes fell on Grufia, as a powerful woman, she cared a lot about the comparison of Grufia's strength with herself, so this battle was not only a dispute between their old and new demon factions, but also a dispute between her and Grufia over the ownership of the strongest female demon seat!

Serafore also knew that this was the chance that Sazex had given her a chance to compete with Grufia!

"Do you really dare to say that you think you can deal with the three of us?" Cardilea, Cruzere, and Charuba surrounded Sazex in a triangular force!

"Give it a try!" Sazex smiled and said, "It's no pressure to deal with the three of you!" "Although it is easy to deal with the three of them, Sazex knows that his reformers are not invincible, which is why he has strong strength, but the reason why the Old Demon King faction can still survive to this day, because the Old Demon King faction also has a strong man who is comparable to himself, Lezevim, who inherits Lucifer's demon title, and is also the object of allegiance to Gurefia's family!

Unlike the other three, Lezevim is also at the transcendent level, and his strength is half a point stronger than Sazek's!

"Hmph, then let you see how good we are!" The three of them shouted and made a move at the same time!

Three pillars of light of different colors flew towards different angles, of course, Sazex jumped slightly, dodging the combined attack of the three, or the same sentence, although Sazex's strength is above the three, but the life level has not changed, so when facing an attack that reaches a certain level of power, he still has to dodge!

If it were Qin Feng, this kind of attack wouldn't have to dodge at all!

After Sazex flew up, the three of them aimed at Sazex again, but Sazex had already condensed the red power in his hand, which was the power of destruction, and his mother was a member of the Great King's family, so he inherited the destructive power of the Baal family of the Great King's family, and the power was higher than that of other demons!

With a wave of his hand, Sazex flew in like an arc of red energy!

The three of them didn't have the strength to fight back at all, just one blow, and the three of them were already seriously injured and fell to the ground! At this time, Serafel and Gurefia fought together, and unlike the battle with Sazex, the two can be said to be equal, and it is naturally difficult to distinguish the winner from the loser!.

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