"Lezevim, come out quickly! I know you're here! After defeating the three men, Sazex shouted!

"Sazex, I didn't expect your strength to improve so quickly in just a few decades!" Soon, a man in armor and beard, who looked a little vicissitudes and maturity, appeared in front of Sazex!

"You're a talent, come and help me! Your strength and I have surpassed the original four demon kings, and even my grandfather Lucifer is no match for us! Together, we can definitely get this world! Lezevim said with a sneer!

"Get this world?" Sazex said, "Haven't you read the records of the Demon Papers? The reason why the three major forces were seriously damaged at that time! "

"That's just a devil's concoction!" Lezevim scoffed and said: "There is really such a powerful person in the world, he has long dominated the world!" "

"What about Lord Lucifer? Is it false that they will never wake up one day? "

"Don't talk about him, my strength is ten times that of my grandfather, even if there is such a strong person, I can defeat it!" Lezevim said coldly!

"Pathetic! The great strength has already carried away his mind! Listening to Lezevim's arrogant words, Sazex sneered in his heart, although Lezewim has reached the strength of the Beyond, he is definitely not the opponent of the Mystery King! Qin Feng suddenly appeared on the battlefield of the three major forces, and also abused the high-level of the three major forces, but the people of the three major forces did not know Qin Feng's identity, so Qin Feng was collectively called the King of Enigmas by the three major forces, and the full name was the King of Enigma!

He had seen Lord Lucifer himself, his whole body was in darkness, and his body was emaciated, and the strength of the two could be seen from the fact that Lezevim could not eliminate the darkness on Lord Lucifer!

"Then there's nothing to say, I won't lose to you!" Sazenx exclaimed!

"Destroy the Red Light!" Sazex shouted, waved his hands down, and slashed in a red arc to strangle the past!

"Sazex, you are truly a talent, and the power of destruction has been brought into full play by you!" Lezewim sneered, and his whole body also glowed with a cold purple light.

"With the bloodline of the orthodox Lucifer Demon King, how could I lose it!" After saying that, a pillar of purple light shot out from Lezevim's body and rushed straight away, and everywhere he passed, the mud and sand flowed, and the space shook!

"Boom!" The red light and purple light of destruction with the power of destruction collided together, and at the moment of collision, the whole world seemed to be quiet, and then there was a shocking loud noise, and then, the aftermath of the energy swept out, and both of them flew out upside down, although Sazex had not yet reached the realm of the traverser, but with the destructive power of the Baal family, it was temporarily comparable to it!

"You're not so lucky this time!" This is the strength of the Beyond, and the resilience is by no means comparable to Sazex!

In an instant, Lezevim had already penetrated the heavy energy impact, and before the aftermath dissipated, he had already arrived in front of Sazex!

"Die!" Lezevim's fist turned purple and black, and then a punch fell!

"Not good!" Sazex was horrified and was about to defend himself, but the fist had already appeared in front of him!

The next moment, the fist is about to bang down!

"Hugh is going to hurt my son!" At this moment, a coquettish voice came, and the power of destruction had condensed on the left side of Lezevim!

If he really wants to bombard Sazex, then, the power of destruction will also hit him, and then he can naturally seriously injure Sazex, but he will also suffer serious damage, Lezevim's eyes flickered, and he soon made a decision, giving up this opportunity to hit the enemy, if he was seriously injured, then the old demon king faction would definitely fall apart, because in the old demon king faction, he was the only one who could fight!

As for Grufia, although her strength is not weak, she is only at the level of a demon king!

"Mother, why are you here?" The person who came was naturally the mother of Sazex, Venier Lana, and the mother of the original heroine Lias, who was married to Gimonri by the Baal family. The appearance remains at the same age as Lias.,Except for the color of the hair, the appearance is basically the same as Lias.,Inherited the destruction magic of the King family and passed it on to Sazex and Lias.,Very strong.,Nicknamed the Lady of Extermination with flax hair.。

"Am I not here to help you?" Veni Lana smiled, patted Sazex on the shoulder, and said!

"Mother, but your body!" After saying that, Sazex looked at Venilana's abdomen, and it turned out that Venilana's abdomen was already bulging!

"It's okay, it's only been a few months, I'm talking, how can I watch my son being bullied!" Veni Lana waved her hand, smiled unremittingly, and said!

"What about Father? How can he get you to the front? Sazex said!

"Him! I guess it's at the headquarters!! Hearing this, Veni Lana shook her head, she and Sazex's father are in a political marriage, and she naturally has no so-called love for Sazex's father, but she is also a woman who is very obedient to the family arrangement!

"Oh!" Sazex shook his head helplessly, he naturally knew about his father and mother's, but political marriages were very common among demons!

"Venilana, it's you!" Lezevim appeared in front of the two again and said: "I really admire you, you have to go to the battlefield with a big belly!" "

"Hmph, you don't have to worry about this, your old demon king faction should surrender quickly!"

"You want me to surrender, neither of you is my opponent, how can you make me surrender!" Rezevim burst out laughing as if he had heard the best joke!

"Son, let's go together!" Veni Lana's face was solemn and she said to Sazex!

Serafel and Grufia are already inseparable!

"Grufia, I've been waiting for this opportunity for a long time!" Serafel laughed! Actually, Seraful is just a problem girl who plays hard, of course, her cosplay attribute has not yet been shown, because there is no anime such as magic Madoka in the human world, but at this time, Seraful is dressed like a doll and knows that Serafol has a tendency to cosplay! And the strength and weakness between himself and Grufia, Serafore also cares about it!

"Me too!" Grufia said meticulously!

With the black wings behind him, Serafel had already appeared in front of Grufia!

"Punch me!" Like Street Fighter's girl, Serafel chooses hand-to-hand combat!

Naturally, Grufia will not choose to fight her hand-to-hand, her strengths are jumping battles and long-range attacks!

"Grufia, you coward!" Seeing that his attack missed, Serafel was about to curse, but the answer was a silver shockwave!

Seraful hurriedly dodged away, but Gurefia had already planned Seraful's dodge route, and appeared on Seraful's head first, the wings behind her spread out, and the feathers rained down like sharp knives!

Countless feathers burst down, and the jet-black fur color flashed with a black light!

After the dense attack, Seraful's left hand waved, the magic power exploded, and the moisture in the air began to condense, and then, countless ice arrows formed, and they also blasted towards the countless feathers!

Serafel is good at ice magic, and this is naturally very handy!

The attack was large-scale and erupted like a dense rain, and for a while, many demons were involved in this battle!

"Hmph, Grufia, you are my opponent!" The attack stopped, Serafel and Grufia were already looking at each other from a distance, and Seraful sneered!

"You too!" There wasn't much of a smile on Gu Razia's face, it could be said that she was serious, and she was so serious about everything!

"Then let's move on to the second round!" Seraful smiled, and her body suddenly moved, and at the same time, Grufia's speed was amazing!

But just as the two collided together, a red scale flashed, targeting Grufia and Seraful!

"Who is it?" The two of them were shocked in their hearts and hurriedly dodged, and at the same time, their eyes looked around vigilantly!

"The red one, they all said not to attack without permission, look at it, now they have discovered it!" Arubion shouted!

"Hmph, white, you're so careful, are you afraid of those two chicks?" Drager snorted! Deleger is the name of the Red Dragon Emperor, and he will definitely not admit that he is impulsive!

"I'll be afraid of them, although they have the strength of the Demon King, but compared to me, they are far behind! I'm just worried about ruining the good things of adults! Arubyan glared and retorted! Do you want to taste what it's like to have your soul trapped for a hundred years? "

"Okay, let's compare!" Drager spoke!

"How do you compare?" In the past two hundred years, the two have developed from a death match to what they are now, but the competitive spirit in their hearts has not diminished back then!

"Two little girls are just right, one for each of us, see who can catch them first and hand them over to the adults!" Draiger said in a deep voice!

"That's a good idea, don't say I'm bullying you, which little girl do you choose?!"

"I'll choose the silver-haired one!" Draig's gaze fell on the two girls, and then on Grufia!

"Let's do it!" With a roar of the dragon, Arubion's wings stirred and rushed towards Seraful!

In fact, when Drager attacked, the two women had already noticed the two dragons, but they were stunned!

For the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor, of course, they are no strangers! They were stunned to know why these two dragons were here!

It is recorded in the demon document that the two dragons once appeared on the battlefield where the three major forces fought, unscrupulous, and then were suppressed by the three major forces, and then defeated, and finally when the gods proposed to draw out their dragon souls, the mystery king appeared, defeated the four demon kings, defeated the beasts, and defeated the gods, the purpose was to save the two dragons!

Subsequently, the three major forces were defeated, and the two dragons also lost their traces, but I didn't expect to meet these two dragons again after two hundred years!

Of course, the encounter with the two dragons, they are not excited, but frightened and jealous, the two dragons can appear, that is to say, the mystery king is very likely to subdue the two dragons, and now they are here, or hand in hand, there is no endless death at that time, so they all hate to worry about the purpose of the two dragons!

Not only the two daughters, but Sazex and Lezevim also noticed the appearance of the two dragons!

Sazex was also shocked, in his impression, the two dragons should be in an endless situation, how could it be so friendly?

But he didn't have time to think yet, the White Dragon Emperor had already rushed towards Seraful!

"Seraful, be careful!" Sazex and Venerana glanced at each other and appeared next to Serafore at the same time!

"White, you're a scoundrel!" The Red Dragon Emperor shouted angrily, and his body suddenly moved, the target was Gu Refia!

At this time, seeing the appearance of the two dragons, Lezevim was excited, all along, he thought that his strength had surpassed the so-called mystery king, but he couldn't find the figure of the mystery king, so there was no way to confirm his thoughts, and now seeing the two dragons who were connected with the mystery king, how could he not be excited!

With a flash of his body, he also appeared in front of Gu Rayfia, facing the menacing Red Dragon Emperor, as if he was not afraid!

"'Hey, there's a male!'" Dregg saw Lezevim and said, "It's not that the adults are coming, you hurry up and get out of the way for me!" "

"Red Dragon Emperor, hurry up and tell me, where is the Enigma King?" The magic power on Lezevim's body exploded, and the powerful power couldn't help but slow down the speed of the Red Dragon Emperor's flight!

"What a powerful fellow!" The Red Dragon Emperor muttered, "But I'm the Red Dragon Emperor, so I won't be afraid of you!" "

"Look for death!" Lezevim instantly came to the Red Dragon Emperor and punched out!

In a trance, the Red Dragon Emperor remembered the scene when he was defeated by the gods, and it was also such a punch, knocking himself down, and then being beaten by a group of people, but now this blow is useless to him! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Roar!" A dragon's breath had been revealed, and Lezevim touched the dragon's breath slightly, and the fist was on fire like a flammable object!

Lezewim hurriedly withdrew his fist, but the dragon's tail had already been thrown out!

A direct hit that throws Lezevim off the ground!

However, Gu Lyphia is not a soft woman who is waiting to be killed, judging from the actions of the Red Dragon Emperor just now, she knows that the Red Dragon Emperor's target is her, so she spreads her wings and throws countless black feathers out!

"It's useless!" The Red Dragon Emperor's wings fanned forward, and a huge whirlwind was set off, and then the feathers were swept away, of course, individual feathers still passed through the huge whirlwind, but the feathers hit the Red Dragon Emperor's wings, making a metallic sound that surprised Gurefia!

Once upon a time, the Red Dragon Emperor's body became so strong!

"That's it! Come with me, little girl! "After blocking Gu Razia's attack, the Red Dragon Emperor appeared in front of Gu Ray Fia again!

"Why did you take me?" In the face of such a strong enemy, Gurefia said calmly!

"Well, what to say!" The Red Dragon Emperor smiled and said, "My lord has commanded, everything that is a mother must be taken away!" "

Hearing this, Gu Lyfia's face turned embarrassed, and she couldn't laugh or cry, and then said in a deep voice: "Is the adult in your mouth the king of mysteries?" "

"What kind of mystery king? I don't understand it at all! The Red Dragon Emperor shook the dragon's head and said, "Okay, are you going to follow me obediently, or do you want me to forcibly take you away?" "

"Red Dragon Emperor, answer me one more question, and I'll go with you!" Grufia said! "Is the adult in your mouth the one who saved you from the three major forces in the first place?"

"Save me? That's right!! The Red Dragon Emperor remembered Qin Feng's demonic sneer, and was afraid in his heart, but he did save himself, if it weren't for him, he might have been sealed in a certain artifact, but he had also been sealed for hundreds of years, from the resentment towards Qin Feng at the beginning to the fear later, and then to the current loyalty, all of this has a lot to do with Qin Feng's strength!

In the heart of the Red Dragon Emperor, only a powerful person like Qin Feng is qualified to be his own master!

"I see!" At this time, the pile of rubble exploded, and Lezevim, who was buried by the rubble, stood up, and he heard the Red Dragon Emperor's words clearly just now, that is to say, after capturing the Red Dragon Emperor, he would be able to know the whereabouts of the Mystery King!

"Oh! You're still alive! Seeing Lezevim standing up, the Red Dragon Emperor said casually!

"Hmph, this level of attack, it's just tickling!" Lezevim sneered and said, "Let's let you see my power, surpassing the power of the Demon King!" "

"Die!" Lezevim's strength instantly increased to the extreme, and then, in the surprised gaze of the Red Dragon Emperor, the purple pillar of light instantly pierced his wings!

The Red Dragon Emperor's wings were as hard as steel, but they were easily pierced, which made the Red Dragon Emperor himself terrified!

The Red Dragon Emperor lost his balance in an instant, and his body slowly fell!

"Tell me quickly, where is the so-called adult in your mouth?" Lezevim roared loudly!

"You are looking for an adult, are you an acquaintance of an adult?" The Red Dragon Emperor asked suspiciously!.

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