"Who are his acquaintances!" Lezewim said hideously: "I am challenging your family, I will kill your family!" "

"You're going to kill an adult?" Listening to Lezevim's tone, the Red Dragon Emperor was dumbfounded, in his heart, this guy dared to challenge like an adult, what courage this is!

"You're a hero!" couldn't help but praise the Red Dragon Emperor and said: "But I advise you to calm down, my lord, he is very cruel!" "

"Don't say yes! Then I'll catch you first! Lezevim waved his hand again, and a pillar of light flashed in an instant, piercing the other wing, and this time, the Red Dragon Emperor lost his wings, and his body fell like a meteor under the traction of gravity!

"What a hassle! I didn't expect such a powerful person! The Red Dragon Emperor muttered, without the slightest fear! And the pierced wings healed at the speed of the naked eye, and almost before falling to the ground, the wings of the Red Dragon Emperor were completely recovered, and with a flap of the wings, the body rose into the air, and instantly came to Liezevim!

"This ability to recover!" Seeing this, Lezevim frowned!

If a serious person will find out, at this time, the Red Dragon Emperor's eyes have turned red!

"But that's okay."

At the same time that the Red Dragon Emperor was in trouble, the White Dragon Emperor was also in trouble!

"Who are you?" Looking at the red-haired man and woman who appeared, the White Dragon Emperor asked!

"White Dragon Emperor, are you here to make trouble?" Sazex said coldly!

"No! Adults don't let us make trouble! The White Dragon Emperor muttered! He's asking us to come here and take our mother away! "

"Hey, there's another mother, although the belly is big, but it's still a mother's, in that case, then I can't let it go!" The White Dragon Emperor's tone became fierce, and even the dragon pupils turned red!

"Do it!" Sazex had already felt the momentum emanating from the White Dragon Emperor's body!

"Mother, you have to be careful!" At the same time, Sazex admonished, but during his instruction, the White Dragon Emperor's wings suddenly came to Sazex!

"What a speed!" Sazenx was stunned for a moment, and his body was hit by a huge impact, and then flew upside down!

"Son!" When Veni Lana watched her son being pulled away, and her eyes fell on the White Dragon Emperor, she found that the White Dragon Emperor was no longer visible, and was about to act, when the wings of countless light wings attacked Venilana, and it could not be said that it was attacking, but wrapped Veni Lana tightly and did not let her escape!

After easily solving one, the White Dragon Emperor's eyes were on Seraful!

The White Dragon Emperor was still thinking about catching Serafel in the same way, but he found that there seemed to be a lot of magic bullets floating around! The magic bullet was formed by Sazex condensing his own destructive power by pressing 217!

"What's going on?" The White Dragon Emperor touched it a little!

"Boom!" With a bang, the magic bomb exploded! The smoke and dust billowed out, and then, the body of the White Dragon Emperor flew out of the smoke and dust, but the black magic ball also floated up!!

"The power is not bad!" The White Dragon Emperor muttered, and then he saw the magic bullet catching up again!

"It's that guy!" The White Dragon Emperor's eyes swept away, and then he found that he was standing still below, desperately making magic bullets, and countless magic bullets chased after the White Dragon Emperor!

The White Dragon Emperor opened his mouth, and the white pillar of light was thrown out, and after destroying a large part of the magic bullet, he saw that in the gap, another pillar of energy light attacked Sazex!

However, before the white pillar of light could get close, the white pillar of light was neutralized by the magic bullet!

"Mother!" Sazex then arrives in front of his mother, who is wrapped in white wings of light, and wants to save someone!

"I can't let you save people!" The White Dragon Emperor moves fast! Piercing through countless magic bullets, he immediately appeared in front of Sazex!

"I won't let you pass!" At this time, Serafel also blocked the way of the White Dragon Emperor!

The magic power erupted from Serafel's body, and then the cold air surged out of his body, and in an instant, the radius was completely surrounded by the cold air, and in the sky, due to the intensification of the cold, the silky snowflakes began to fall, and after a while, the wind whined, and the snowflakes quickly condensed into a snow-white ice blade, and a wisp of wind gradually became a whirlpool, suddenly spreading, and after a while, it actually expanded to more than ten meters wide.

The wind whined, and sharp ice blades were projected into it, and in an instant, a white tornado storm covered with sharp ice blades appeared in the sky out of thin air, but after Serafel used this move, the magic power in his body was also squandered, and cold sweat flowed!

"Get out of here!" The White Dragon Emperor didn't care at all, and in the face of the white tornado, he didn't dodge, and rushed over directly!

Soon, the White Dragon Emperor rushed into the white tornado, and the white tornado also trapped his movements in the slightest!

"Roar!" The White Dragon Emperor roared, his wings bloomed with white light, and then, the light bloomed, and then in Seraful's surprised gaze, his wings instigated, and he directly broke the Ice Blade Tornado!

After the break, the White Dragon Emperor did not let go of Seraful, the magic power condensed, and countless light wings also wrapped towards Seraful!

Seraful is already a strong bow at this time, where can he resist it, there is not much chance to resist, and Serafel is shrouded!

The White Dragon Emperor didn't pay attention to Serafel's situation, at this time, Sazex had already broken the White Dragon Emperor's Light Wing Seal and rescued Venilana, but the next moment, Light Wing sealed the two of them separately!

"Let's go!" After succeeding, the White Dragon Emperor rolled up Serafel and Venilana and was about to leave! His purpose is not to fight to the death with the demons, but to take away these two mothers, but where can the Light Wing Seal seal seal Sazex, almost instantly, Sazex broke the seal, and then launched an attack on the White Dragon Emperor!

The two light wing seals were the same, and then, under the attack of Sazex, the White Dragon Emperor dodged left and right, and one light wing seal was knocked down!

"Forget it, there's still a mother, just go back and return to your life!" The White Dragon Emperor has come to a hill!

And after Sazex saved the first seal, he didn't give up, because he couldn't tell which seal was his mother, so he still wanted to save the second seal, and he was killing the White Dragon Emperor with great momentum!

On the other hand, the Red Dragon Emperor also had no intention of fighting to the death with Liezevim, and after skillfully taking away Gurefia, during the escape, he suddenly saw a woman on the ground who was not awake at all, well, in the eyes of the Red Dragon Emperor, it was also the purpose, so the Red Dragon Emperor rolled up and took away the unconscious Kadileia!

Both dragons came to the special hill, and in the face of the attack of Sazex and Lezevim, a crack suddenly appeared in the sky, and the yellow light that erupted from it enveloped the two dragons, and Rao could not break it with the full attack of Sazex and Lezevim!

"How is this possible?" Sazex was amazed! And Lezevim couldn't accept this fact even more, he always thought that he was invincible in the world, but he didn't expect that the Mystery King hadn't appeared yet, just this strange thing, he couldn't break it!

"Impossible, I don't believe it!" Lezevim roared, and the magic power of his whole body was raised to the extreme, and at the same time, a punch was blasted out!

"Boom!" With an earth-shattering sound, the yellow pillar of light shook, but it hadn't broken yet!

This time, Lezevim was desperate, but the sound of the click made him overjoyed!

It turned out that the yellow pillar of light was finally shattered by Lezevim, but the second dragon had already returned to the spatial crack with the loot and was nowhere to be found!

Helplessly, Sazex set his sights on the Light Wing Seal he had saved, and he hoped that it was his mother inside!

But he was disappointed, it wasn't his mother who was sealed inside, it was Seraful!

"Damn it!" Sazex had a gloomy face, and then ordered the reformers to withdraw their troops! Lezevim also beat the drum to withdraw his troops, he didn't expect the battle between the two sides to be disrupted by two dragons!

At this time, the two dragons had already brought their loot to Qin Feng's ancient castle!

"White Dragon Emperor, this will be your loss! You have only one mother in your hands, and I have two! Drager sneered!

"Hmph, you just lost, didn't you say it was good, whoever is faster will win, I'm faster than you!" Arubion snorted!

"You don't count! The person we designated to catch doesn't seem to be this big-bellied one! "

"Then your mother also picked it up easily, don't count!"

"White, do you want to fight?" Deleger said angrily!

"Fight, fight, who's afraid of whom!"

"You're all done?" At this time, the beautiful young woman came out of the castle, with a delicate face, and every move was full of incomparable temptation, it was Gabriel!

"Hmmm! I caught this! "Dregg released Gurefia and Cardilea!

"Well, that's good!" Gabriel nodded, "Arubion, what about yours?" "

"Mine is here!" After saying that, the White Dragon Emperor released Veni Lana! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Pregnant?" Gabriel was slightly stunned when he saw Venilana's big belly, and immediately looked at the White Dragon Emperor with dissatisfaction!

"White Dragon Emperor, what are you doing? Bring this stuff back! Gabriel said disgruntled (aifi)!

"I'm sorry, I'm going to catch another mother right now!" The White Dragon Emperor also knew that he had messed things up, so he immediately assured, and then glanced at Veni Lana in disgust, Ba was about to kill Venina!

"Wait! Gabriel, bring them all in! Qin Feng's majestic voice came from the castle: "Arubion, Deleg, you have done a perfect job, worthy of praise, go down and rest first!" "

Ever since the moment the two dragons entered the ancient castle, Qin Feng had already noticed, to be precise, the three women brought by the two dragons!

To tell the truth, Qin Feng didn't expect Erlong to bring him so many surprises, not to mention catching Gurefia, but also bringing Lias's mother, and at the same time picking up Kadileia from the Old Demon King Sect! Through the original book, he remembered the appearance of these women in his heart, needless to say Kadilea, and Lias's mother Veni Lana is the same as Lias, but the color of her hair is different!

However, it is a pity that Qin Feng didn't see the girl who likes cosplay, Serafle!

At this time, Gabriel had already brought the three daughters in, in fact, Gabriel was very puzzled, and the other two were okay to say, but this was a pregnant woman, what was the master going to do! Since Gabriel degenerated into a beast, Gabriel has always called Qin Feng as his master!

"Master, I've already brought people!" Gabriel looked at Qin Feng sitting on the throne with a flattering smile on his face and said!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, "Let's wake her up first!" Qin Feng pointed at Gu Razia and said! For Gu Razia, Qin Feng has been coveting it for a long time, in the original book, she appeared on the screen with meticulousness, thinking about her usual meticulousness, but she tried her best to please herself in bed, Qin Feng was excited!

Gabriel nodded, walked up and nodded lightly at Grufia's forehead!

Soon, Grufia woke up from it!

"This is..."As soon as Gu Refia opened her eyes, she found herself in a palace similar to a palace, shaking her head and dizzy, Gu Le Fia looked around, she saw Gabriel next to her and Qin Feng sitting on the throne!

At this time, Gurefia's gaze stayed on Gabriel for a moment, and then her gaze shifted to Qin Feng!

"You're the King of Mysteries!" Grufia asked calmly! Although she hadn't seen Qin Feng, it was not difficult to guess Qin Feng's identity, because she knew that she was captured by the Red Dragon Emperor, and the Red Dragon Emperor acted according to the orders of the Mystery King, so the young man sitting on the throne was very likely to be the Mystery King!

"The Enigma King! What do you mean? Hearing this, Qin Feng was stunned!

"Master, the Mystery King is referring to you!" Seeing Qin Feng's doubts, Gabriel explained! Since Qin Feng established his strength, Qin Feng has never come forward to take care of it, and Orpheus, a naïve little Lori, naturally can't manage it, so all the management is pressed on Gabriel, and she knows that Qin Feng is called the king of enigmas by the people of the three major forces, which means that he is the king of enigma!

Because Qin Feng's record is too shocking to the world, he will be crowned the king by everyone!!

"Oh, I see!" Qin Feng nodded at Gu Leifia and said, "That's right, I'm the king!" "

"Then what do you mean by you arresting me here, king?" Gurefia asked again! As for the two girls lying on the ground, she ignored them!

"Possess you!" After speaking, Qin Feng looked at Gu Leifia with an irrepressible burning heat!

"You..." Gurefia didn't expect this person to be so thick-skinned, and that expression felt like a matter of course, originally she thought that this guy would come with him!

"All right, Gabriel, go down! Well, bring these two women down too, I'm going to enjoy this woman! Qin Feng smiled and said!

"Yes! Master! Gabriel nodded, and with a wave of his hand, he took the two unconscious women down!

"Gabriel, she... Isn't she from the Seraphs of the Heavenly Realm? How did I get with you? Hearing Qin Feng call the woman just now Gabriel, Gurefia was stunned!

"You're right, but your information network is too backward, two hundred years ago, I snatched Gabriel from the gods" Qin Feng continued: "One more thing to tell you, now Gabriel is not a Seraph, but a beast, as for the reason, you can know from her calling me master!" "

This can't be blamed on Grufia, it's all because the secrecy work of the Heavenly Realm is too good, so she can't receive any news, of course, it is also possible that she has not yet been in contact with the leadership of the demon, so she can't get in touch with this kind of important news!

As for the Heavenly Realm, such a shameful thing must be kept secret, whether it can be completely kept secret, it is impossible to say!

"This..."Gurefia really didn't expect that the Mystery King would go to the Heavenly Realm to rob people! And it also caused the Seraph, whose status is second only to God, to degenerate into a beast!

Two hundred years ago, the Mystery King went to the heavenly realm to rob people, and now, he assigned Erlong to rob people in the underworld, and he unfortunately became a target, so is it possible for him to leave! Grufia is worried about her fate!

In her thoughts, Grufia saw the Enigma King come down from the throne!

"Don't come here!" Gurefia couldn't help but take a few steps back! At this time, Grufia was like an ordinary girl, she had no strength to resist, not that she didn't want to use magic power, but after entering this ancient castle, she found that she couldn't mobilize the magic power in her body!

I was shocked in my heart, I was already at the level of the demon king, and I was able to imprison my strength, how strong it would be!

"Come over to me" Qin Feng stretched out his palm, and a powerful suction force erupted from his palm, sucking Gu Rayfia's body over!

Grufia exclaimed, and her body flew over involuntarily!

And Qin Feng put one hand on Gu Refia's waist!

"Don't, don't," Grufia's meticulous face took on a rare crimson color!

In the original book, Gu Refia is a strong woman who takes away the seat of the strongest female demon, but in front of Qin Feng, she is a weak woman who has no power to resist!

At this time, the distance between Qin Feng and Gu Lei Fei was very close, and Gu Lei Fei could feel Qin Feng's breath as soon as she raised her head slightly!

"What are you going to do?" Gu Lyphia put her hands on Qin Feng's chest, wanting to push Qin Feng away!

"Of course it's to punish you!" Qin Feng said without hesitation!

"You scoundrel!" Hearing Qin Feng's words, Gu Leifia struggled even more!

"Resist as much as you want, the more you resist, the more excited I become!" Qin Feng laughed and said!

"Don't! Hurry up and let me go! Grufia struggled!

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