"You... Don't do that! Suddenly there was a tearing feeling, and the tears of Gurefia, who knew what was going on, flowed uncontrollably like a, although she said that she didn't have anyone she liked, but her first was handed over like this, and she gave it to someone she didn't know at all, which made her despair!

Gu Rayfia still wanted to struggle, but found that no matter how she struggled, it was in vain, which increased Qin Feng's desire to attack, so that Gu Rayfia could only look at the ceiling blankly, and then let Qin Feng attack her body!

"It feels so good!" Qin Feng smiled, and then threw the distracted woman to Gabriel and let her arrange it!

At this time, in the underworld, after Sazex came back, his face was gloomy, and it was difficult to see the extreme!

"Thalex, where is your mother? Didn't she say she would support you? Why didn't I come back with you? When he returned, Sazex's father asked! Sazex's father has long red hair and looks very similar to Sazex, only more mature than Sazex-!

"Father, I'm sorry, my mother was taken away!" Sazenx said in a deep voice!

"Ahh Who is it? Could it be someone from the Old Demon King's faction? "

Hearing this, Sazex shook his head and said, "It's the White Dragon Emperor and the Red Dragon Emperor!" "

"White Dragon Emperor, Red Dragon Emperor!" Hearing this, Sazex's father muttered, his face was also difficult to see, he knew the meaning of these two names better than Sazex, although he didn't go to that battle, but what he heard the most was the words of fear of the demons who survived, how the man called the Mystery King dealt with the siege of the three major forces, and then how to defeat Lord Lucifer!

I have to say that those demons who came back have lost the courage to fight Qin Feng, because they are extremely terrifying, and they are also suspected of growing their morale and destroying their own prestige, but it is undeniable that their words have left an indelible impression on the small heart of Sazex's father!

Because of the war caused by the two dragons, the three major forces were defeated, and now, his wife was captured by that person, so do you have the strength to rescue her!

"Father, don't worry, I will definitely save my mother!"

"Rescue, how to save it!" Sazex's father smiled bitterly! "Let's not say that we don't know that person's whereabouts, even if we do, with our strength, we can't save your mother at all!"

Hearing this, Sazex's face was gloomy, he didn't know that the chance of rescuing his mother was slim, and at the same time, he felt sorry that Gurefia was also taken away, and this demon that made him feel was also taken away, which made Sazex hateful, in his heart, only a powerful female demon like Gurefia could be worthy of himself!

"By the way, did Erlong say anything?" Sazex's father asked!

"They said all women should be taken away!" Sazex said in a deep voice!

"All women must be taken away!" Sazex's father muttered, "Does that mean that the purpose of the Enigma King is not Venilana, it's just that Venylana happened to be on the battlefield and was taken captive!" "

"Maybe there's a chance to rescue Venilana!" Sazex's father said to himself!

In fact, Sazex's father still doesn't understand Qin Feng's temperament, how can the woman who fell into his hands be released!

"I'm sorry!" At this time, Serafel lowered his head and said! If it weren't for her own weakness, Veni Lana wouldn't have been captured!

"It's none of your business!" Sazex waved his hand, then said, "I'll send someone to find out where the Enigma King is hiding!" But now the most critical thing is the problem of the old and new demon kings, and now the old and new demon kings have become fire and water, if we fail, then the demon clan is likely to perish! "

"Sazex, that's what I'm going to say to you! Lott has a very novel idea, since the fertility of demons is low, it is better to find a way out from other races! "Lott will inherit the title of Beelzebub in the future, he is a very bewitching man, the basic theorist of a chessboard reincarnated demon, and like Sazex, he is also a transcendent!

"What do you mean?" Sazex said!

"It means turning other races into demons! Commonly known as the Reincarnation Demon! "

"Is this possible?" Sazex is even more puzzled!

"Don't worry! I have faith in Lot! "

"Which race did Lott choose as reincarnation?" Sazex asked again!

"Humans, I heard that there are the largest number of humans!"

"That'll do!" Sazex nodded! "But we still have to solve the problem of the old Demon King faction!"

"Lezevim's strength is so strong, it's hard for us to take it!" Sazex's father sighed!

On the other hand, in the old demon king faction, after Lezevim came back, his mood was still very heavy!

Although he broke the barrier of space, he also gave Erlong a chance to escape, which was really an insult to him, at this time, he found out that the strength of the Mystery King was stronger than his own, of course, this discovery was inferred from the powerful Erlong who was willing to become the Mystery King's subordinates!

"Damn the Mystery King!" Lezevim scolded! He has the ambition to dominate the world, but the reality has given him a blow to the head!

"What do we have to do to defeat the Mystery King?" Lezevim had to think about it!

When he had nothing else to do, a man approached Lezevim, who was none other than Hades of hell!

After Hades got the Dragon Eater, he has been investigating Orpheus's traces, and after checking for a long time, he found that Orpheus had come to mix with the Enigma King!

So Hades took the Dragon Eater to Lezewim to discuss cooperation!

is also a powerhouse of the same level, Lezewim naturally has the qualifications to cooperate with him!

Lezevim was also very curious about Hades' arrival, and asked suspiciously: "Hades, you are not in hell, what are you doing here?" "

"I'm here to give you strength!" Hades Lezewim is also ambitious, and he also knows that Lezevim is very dissatisfied with the matter of the two dragons making trouble in the underworld, that is, he has a lot of dissatisfaction with the mystery king, and because Orpheus followed the mystery king, he also regarded the mystery king as an enemy, and the two had the same purpose, which was the basis of their cooperation!

"What power! My power is strong! Lezevim sneered!

"If your strength was really strong, then you would have destroyed the reform faction a long time ago!"

"It's none of your business!" Lezewim sneered: "If it's okay, then send it off!" "

"Come out!" Hades ignored Lezevim's words and said to the Void! Immediately after, a creature with an angel on the upper body and a dragon on the lower body rushed out!

"This is a dragon eater? Hades, what do you mean? Naturally, Rezevim knew Samael

"He can increase your power and give you the power to surpass the transcendent!" Hades said again! "You should know the characteristics of the Dragon Eater!"

"Well, all dragon-like creatures are no match!" Lezevim nodded

"You only know one thing, but you don't know the other, this dragon eater can also devour the dragon's energy!"

"Devouring the power of the dragon, I can deal with the Red Dragon Emperor and the White Dragon Emperor alone!"

"I'm not talking about two dragons, but the Infinite Dragon!"

"Infinite Dragon!" Lezewim frowned, the Infinite Divine Dragon was born in the dimensional gap, and it is said that it has infinite energy, if you can get its energy, it may really be possible to surpass the transcendent, but the Infinite Divine Dragon is a legendary creature, will it really exist!

"Does such a thing exist?" Lezevim asked curiously!

"Of course, the Dragon Eater was created by the Angel God, and it was originally a powerful weapon used by the God to deal with the Infinite Divine Dragon, but after being beaten away by the Mystery King, it fell into my hands!" Hades smiled, "Through him, I also know that the Infinite Dragon and the Mystery King are together now!" "

"I see! I understand, will you give me the Dragon Eater, there is a mystery king here" Lezevim laughed: "Otherwise, how could you miss the opportunity to get such power!" "

"Although the Infinite Divine Dragon is with the Mystery King, I have already thought of a way to deal with the Mystery King for you!" Hades said again! "You can resurrect the Beast Emperor who was sealed by the God of the Bible!"

"Very good idea" Hearing this, Lezevim suddenly became enlightened, as Hades said, the Beast Emperor can deal with the Mystery King, in the original book, Lezevim just wants to deal with the Red Dragon God Emperor who is more powerful than the Infinite Divine Dragon by resurrecting the Beast Emperor!

"But I guess you should have your own purpose in helping me like this!"

"Of course, my purpose is the Infinite Divine Dragon, I hope that after you absorb the power of the Infinite Divine Dragon, don't kill her, and give her to me!" Hades said!

"Naturally, this is no problem!" Lezevim nodded, and then said, "You should know where the Enigma King and the Infinite Dragon are hiding!" "

"Nope!" Hearing this, Hades also shook his head and said, "The Infinite Divine Dragon can survive in the dimensional gap, so I think they are very likely to be in the dimensional gap, but have you heard of the vampire clan?" "

"Vampires? That emerging fourth power? "For the forces that emerged a hundred years ago and developed rapidly, Lezewim still paid attention!

"That's right, as far as I know, the supreme leader of the vampire clan is Gabriel! And Gabriel, who was taken captive by the Enigma King two hundred years ago! And God has fallen! Hades sighed, "I think if we can catch Gabriel, then we will be able to know the location of the Enigma King!" "

"Good!" Lezevim nodded, it can be regarded as a cooperative relationship with Hades!

"But the process of resurrecting the Beast Emperor is a bit complicated!" Lezevim frowned!

"Then let's set up another force, and it's called the Disaster Group!" Lezevim muttered!

Qin Feng didn't expect that without the Infinite Dragon God taking the lead in establishing the Scourge Regiment, Liezevim himself made a Scourge Regiment and became the leader of the Scourge Regiment!

Hades guessed correctly, Qin Feng had already hidden his ancient castle in the dimensional cracks, of course, it was Orpheus who used his ability!

Orpheus is really a very naïve girl, and now she has completely believed in Qin Feng, and she has unconditionally implemented Qin Feng's words!

At this time, after Gurefia was taken down by Gabriel, Qin Feng originally wanted to go to see Venilana, but was told by Gabriel that Venerana could give birth to a little life at any time, and Gabriel's implication was that Venerana couldn't do it, and if she had to do it, she couldn't do it until she had a child!

Of course, Qin Feng still came to see Veni Lana, although he moved his hands and feet, but he didn't have a loaded gun, this bit of proportion, Qin Feng still has it!

Qin Feng pinched Viny Lana's face that resembled Lias, her skin was supple and her hand felt very good, and she couldn't help but sigh with emotion, she didn't expect that such a girl-like woman would be the mother of two children! Naturally, he was able to sense the gender of the child in Veni Lana's womb!

At this time, Veni Lana, who was still in a coma, showed a look of pain on her face!

"Is this a sign of birth?" Qin Feng muttered, and then called Gabriel!

Gabriel naturally wouldn't do this kind of work, and in the end, it was Gurefia who helped Venier Lana deliver the baby, and with a loud cry, Lias, the heroine, finally came to this world!

Qin Feng naturally didn't feel like being a father, and after throwing the swaddling Lias to Gabriel to raise, Qin Feng's eyes were on Cardilea!

When Qin Feng arrived, Cardilea had already woken up, but she was imprisoned in a separate space, and the spatial barrier was something she couldn't destroy with her magic power!

"Who is it?" Seeing Qin Feng coming in, Cardilea frowned, and began to condense magic power in her hands, just about to teach Qin Feng a lesson!

"My name is Qin Feng, you don't have to be nervous, I have no malicious intent!" Qin Feng spread his hands, and as Qin Feng's words fell, Kadireya found that her magic power dissipated and could no longer be condensed, at this time, she knew that it must be the man in front of her who used some props to imprison her magic power, after all, during her coma, the people of the reform faction can do a lot of things! Kadireya was already in a coma before she was brought back by the Red Dragon Emperor, so she didn't know about being kidnapped by a third party later, so she thought she was in a reformist prison!

"You... What have you done to me? "Man is a sword, I am a fish, Kadileia's tongue trembled!

"Oh, so that everyone can have fun together, I have sealed the magic in your body a little!" Qin Feng smiled!

"How... How can it be? You must have taken some kind of drug! Kadileia said coldly! She didn't believe anyone could seal her magic!

"Hurry up and let Sazex come and see you!" A dignified demon king is not as good as a demon who has only been born for less than a few decades, which makes her face very ugly!

"Sazex, there's no one you're looking for here" Qin Feng shook his head and said!

"Then call someone who can be responsible to come to me," continued Cadilea!

"Oh, that's already here, I'm the one in charge" Qin Feng rubbed his chin and nodded!

"You're the person in charge, that's right, hurry up and let me go" Kadireya said coldly!

"No, you're a gift from my men, and although it's a giveaway, you can't miss it!" Qin Feng shook his head!

"This isn't Hades?" Listening to Qin Feng's self-talk, Cardilea quickly discovered that something was wrong, and then said her own conjecture!

"Of course, my men worked hard to snatch you from Sazarx!" Qin Feng smiled! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Who the hell are you?" Finding herself in the hands of an unknown person, Kadileia is furious!

"Didn't you say that it was called Qin Feng, oh, you may not have heard of this name, you should have heard of the Mystery King!"

"You're the King of Mysteries!" Hearing this, Kadireya swallowed a mouthful of saliva, she had naturally heard of the title of the Mystery King, and being able to be crowned with the title of king by the three major forces shows her strength, so what he said just now about imprisoning his own magic power is not a lie! With the strength of the Mystery King, it is definitely possible to seal his magic power!

"Don't be surprised, although you are a gift, if you are obedient, this king will still spoil you!"

"Who wants your favor!" Cardilea scolded secretly in her heart, but thinking of Qin Feng's terrifying strength, her face always had a smile on her face, and she didn't show a trace of dissatisfaction!

"Hehe, it seems that you are also very happy, so let's take it while it's hot!" Qin Feng looked at Kadireya's smile and nodded as a matter of course!

"I...!" Kadireya was about to refuse, but Qin Feng began to take off her clothes!

"You... What are you doing? "In the face of the approaching Qin Feng, Cardilea kept retreating!

"It's better not to resist!" Qin Feng said with a smile, stretched out his palm, and then burst out with a powerful suction, sucking the retreating Cardilea over!

"Although I hope you cooperate, I think it's better to use strong!" Holding Kadileia with one hand, Qin Feng had already pressed her underneath!

Soon, Qin Feng grabbed Cadilea's hands, and then tore Cadilea's professional outfit that resembled a dancing girl, and suddenly, Cadilea's beautiful figure was exposed in front of Qin Feng!

"No... Don't be like this" As a female demon, although she is dressed a little unrestrained, she is still very conservative, and at this moment, Cardilea, who has always been arrogant, shed tears of grievance!

"Very well, you're getting me more excited about this!" Kadireya's tears did not get Qin Feng's sympathy, but made Qin Feng excited!

Qin Feng had already kissed Kadileia, his hands constantly roaming over her Miaoman's body.

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