"Haha!" Qin Feng was indeed excited, Cardileia was different from other loli and girls, so the feeling was different!

When Qin Feng's lips left, Cardilaya also let out a gasp, and female instinct took over!

"Hey, that's how it feels!" Qin Feng kept pinching and muttering! "Don't worry, I also caught two demons, the name seems to be Grufia, you won't be lonely, serve me obediently!"

"Even Grufia has become a prisoner!" Kadileia asked, a little surprised! Although she is also a member of the Old Demon King faction, her relationship with Gufirea is not good, probably because they are both women, and Gurefia's strength is stronger than herself, so Cardileia is hostile to Gurefia!

"No... She's not a prisoner, she's already my princess! Qin Feng said with a smile!

"If you don't work hard to serve me, your status will be lower than hers!" After hearing Qin Feng's words, Cardilei was stunned! After being caught by the mystery king, who still has the strength to save himself out, he will definitely have to live here in the future, it is better to obey and seek good treatment!

One of the most important reasons is that she doesn't want her status to be lower than Gurefia!

"What if... If I obey you, will I be given a higher status than Grufia? Kadileia asked!

"Well, it depends on my mood!" Qin Feng smiled! His hands were constantly roaming over Kadileia's body.

"Well, I promise you!" After Cardilea took a deep breath, she obviously felt Qin Feng's disdain for him, but in this case, she had already lost her ability to judge! In Qin Feng's heart, Cardileia is just a giveaway, so naturally he won't value it!

"You just take the initiative!" Qin Feng smiled!

After Kadireya persuaded herself, she took the initiative to take off her clothes, and then, that mature and beautiful body appeared in front of "Zero Ninety" Qin Feng!

For the first time, Qin Feng felt that maybe this gift could also bring different enjoyment!

After Qin Feng conquered Cardilea, on the other side, Qin Feng heard that Venierana had escaped from the castle with Lias in her arms!

At this time, Qin Feng couldn't help but sigh, the demon's recovery power was really amazing, and he was jumping up and down just after giving birth!

"Master, don't worry, I've sent someone to catch her back!" Gabriel said in Qin Feng's ear!

"No need, I'd better go for a trip!" Qin Feng shook his head, this is a dimensional gap, if Venierana accidentally walks into the castle and falls, then Qin Feng doesn't know where to find these two people, however, Qin Feng is a little dissatisfied with Gabriel's carelessness, of course, Gabriel may be a talent externally, but not internally, and many things are pressed on Gabriel, and it is inevitable that there will be mistakes!

Gurefia is an all-round talent, but she took her the first time by force, and now she still hates herself, how can she do things for herself!

After Qin Feng came out, he quickly discovered Venilana's traces! The castle is so big, Venilana can't find a way out at all!

When Qin Feng found Venilana, she was wearing a white loose robe, although it was loose, but the two bulging headlights in front of her still held up the loose white robe perfectly, and Venerana was holding Lias in her arms, her eyes were anxious, constantly looking for a way out!

"Found it!" After Veni Lana heard Qin Feng's voice, her face changed, and then she looked around vigilantly, and then, she saw Qin Feng suddenly appear in front of her!

"Where are you going?" Qin Feng sneered!

"You're the King of Mysteries!" The moment she saw Qin Feng, Veni Lana asked in a deep voice! She's just like Grufia, a very clever woman!

"That's right!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "This is the dimensional gap, you can't leave here, come back with me!" "

"No, I can't go back with you!" Veni Lana remembered her son and her husband!

"Are you worried about your husband and son?" Qin Feng tried to ask!

"Hmm!" Veni Lana nodded and said, "I don't know what you caught me here for, but I have a reason why I have to leave!" "

"Why!" Qin Feng muttered, "Then I'll give you no reason!" A hundred years ago, you were still a girl to be married! "

"What!" Veni Lana was stunned, she was married to a wife, and she had a son, unless she could turn back time!

Qin Feng seemed to know Veni Lana's thoughts, and said, "That's right, it's time to turn back!" After saying that, powerful magic gushed out!

"Come out, white steel of the water spirit!" After saying that, the magic power then formed a water demon with the lower body of a blue-white giant snake and a long-haired water demon composed of countless snakes!

"This is!" Looking at the tall water demon, Wini Lana was stunned!

When the water demon was stunned by Venilana, the huge palm had already held down Venilana's entire body!

When Venier Lana tried to gather her magic to resist, she found that she seemed to have fallen into a whirlpool of water, and then she felt a hot pain in her body!

"Can't resist!" This was Venierana's first thought, but soon, she knew what Qin Fengsuo's words meant!

She could feel that her own realm had regressed!

In the end, she clearly felt her body reacting! Time regressed to 100 years ago, not only because of the regression in strength, but also because she found that her body had become younger!

And in Qin Feng's hands, holding Lias, who had just been born for a long time, if Qin Feng hadn't taken Lias away in time, Lias would probably have ceased to exist!

Qin Feng came to the basement of the ancient castle, and in front of him was Veni Lana, whose hands were suspended by thick ropes, and of course Veni Lana, who was in a daze!

Now, Venier Lana is very different from the previous one, her skin is also much more delicate, the Demon King Rank has dropped the top Demon Rank, of course, the most important thing is that Veni Lana is no longer a mother with children at this time, at least physically, and in terms of memory, Qin Feng said that there is no way, that is, Veni Lana will still remember that Sazex is her son!

"What to do!" Qin Feng muttered, "If you hit you on the head, you should lose your memory!" "

Veni Lana found that her strength had regressed before she fainted, and then, she found that her body had changed, and she knew that time had really regressed, of course, the regressed time was not for the whole world, but for her personally, and finally, a heart-rending pain made her faint!

I don't know how long I've been in a coma, but after Veni Lana woke up, she found that she was tied up, and looking at her was the Qin Feng who caught her!

"Where's my daughter!" The first thing she did when she woke up, Vini Lana, wasn't worried about her situation!

"She's fine, you don't have to worry!" Qin Feng smiled, "Now you should worry about your situation!" "

"What the hell do you want? If you want to kill me, give me one! Venierana said coldly!

"I won't kill you, I want you to be my concubine!" Qin Feng smiled!

"No way, I'm the woman of the head of the Gimmonri family!" Veni Lana said with some excitement!

"But you're not now, your body is already a little girl to be married!"

"Then don't think about it, at least my memory is still there!" Veni Lana said again!

"Do you really think you can resist me?" Qin Feng said coldly!

"I can choose to kill myself!" Wini Lana said anyway!

"Even if you commit suicide, I can insult you too!"

"You... You bastard! "

"Alright, Gabriel, come in!!" After speaking, Qin Feng called Gabriel and walked in! There's a baby in her hand, and it's Lias!

"Gabriel, you didn't come from an angel?" Seeing Gabriel walk in, Venier Lana was stunned, Gabriel led by four generations of Seraphs, although she hadn't seen it, she knew it!

"Well, Gabriel used to be an angel, but now it's not, she's a beast and has served me as Lord!" Qin Feng opened his mouth and said!

"I didn't expect even the Seraphs to fall!" Hearing this, Venier Lana sighed!

"Alright, you've figured it out! Then you and Gabriel will wait for me together. "

"Don't you think about it!" Winy Lana said in the negative!

"I'm sure you'll say yes!" Qin Feng said with a smile: "Even if your body changes back to girlhood, you still care about your son very much, right!" "

"Humph!" Venier Lana snorted coldly!

"You're a good mother, and Lias is your mother too!" Qin Feng muttered, "Oh, I forgot to tell you, Lias is your daughter, and I have already chosen a name for him!" "

"What do you want to do with my daughter?" Seeing Qin Feng hug Lias from Gabriel's hand, Veni Lana said with a nervous expression!

"Don't worry, your daughter is safe, if you don't obey, then it's not necessarily!" Qin Feng sneered and said!

"You're threatening me with a child!"

"I won't force you either, you can take this pill!" Qin Feng took out a jet-black pill and said!

"What is this? Poison? Hearing this, Winy Lana was stunned!

"That's right, it's poison, to prevent you from escaping!"

"Okay, I'll eat it!" Without saying a word, Veni Lana ate Qin Feng's pill!

Seeing Venierana swallow the pill, Qin Feng's eyes showed a glint of successful conspiracy, and then handed Lias to Gabriel, and then sent Gabriel away!

"Venerana, are you feeling hot right now?" Qin Feng smiled and said!

"What the hell did you give me?" Although her body was still a girl, her memory remembered the feeling, and the feeling in her womb made Veni Lana think of a bad thought, that medicine was not a poison at all, but a silver drug!

"You despicable fellow!" Veni Lana said through gritted teeth! But soon, the silver booster had already taken effect, and by this time Venilana's body had reddened slightly and began to tremble.

"Don't!" Veni Lana's face turned red, as if she wanted to rebel against the flames in her body!

"Hehe, I really didn't expect a mother and daughter to receive a double harvest, it's really good!" After Qin Feng tore the clothes on Venier Lana's body, he suddenly pressed it!

"Ahh Under the stimulation of Qin Feng, Veni Lana couldn't help but gasp out!

"Get out!" Qin Feng's attack made Venilana's expression instantly return to clarity, but Qin Feng was like a bamboo, and Venilana quickly became addicted to it!

"There's really a membrane!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

After getting Venilana, and at this time, the Governor of the Beasts, Asahir, has a new move!

Now that the Beast faction no longer has the scenery of the past, he can be regarded as the highest combat power of the Beast, in order to be able to strengthen the power of the Beast, Asachel pondered the way!!

Finally, by chance, Asacher came into contact with an artifact created by a god, and this time, he discovered that the artifact seemed to contain powerful powers!

This discovery surprised him, maybe he could expand the family of beasts by studying artifacts, and from the beginning, Asacheel began to embark on the path of studying artifacts!

In the underworld, Lezevim, who cooperated with Hades, began to deal with Qin Feng!

However, when exploring the dimensional gap, Lezevim found the existence of a different world, through the dimensional gap, Lezevim saw the blue sky and white clouds there, it was a different world that was no worse than here, and in an instant, Lezevim's ambition to conquer the other world was ignited, and he had little interest in this corner of the underworld!

Of course, with the strength of Rezevim, it is naturally impossible to pass through the dimensional gap, not to mention that there is the Red Dragon God Emperor guarding the dimensional gap, but if you get lost in the dimensional gap, it will be a very troublesome thing, but the first thing to deal with is the Red Dragon God Emperor, but as long as the Beast Emperor who was sealed by the God of the Bible is awakened, then everything is not a problem!

Now Lezevim wants to conquer the other world, and he doesn't care about the outside world, for the old demon king's faction, it is simply miserable, and for the reformers, they are naturally happy, because the old demon king's faction without Ezevim can't stop Sazex's footsteps at all!

After a few years of fighting, most of the old demon king's faction chose to surrender, and only Cruzere and other old demon kings led a small number of demons to resist 0........ However, Cruzere and the others don't even have the strength of the Demon King, so naturally they can't be Sazex's opponents, and it's only a matter of time before they are eliminated!

"Lord Demon King, the enemy is about to fight here!" At this time, in a palace ruled by the Old Demon King Sect, a demon hurriedly said to Kruzere and Charupa!

"I see!" Kruzere waved his hand and motioned for the demon to go down before he looked at Charupa!

"Failure is a foregone conclusion!" Charuba muttered! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Hey, if Lord Lezevim is still here, the Old Demon King's faction won't lose!" Cruzere muttered!

"Okay, don't say anything, let's escape!" After Lezevim disappeared and the two demon kings who were the pillars of existence fled, the old demon king's faction immediately collapsed!

"Sazex, we have achieved a total victory, and we will soon be able to wipe out the Old Demon King's faction!" The camp of the reformers, Serafel said happily to Sazex!

"Hmm!" Sazex nodded, but absent-mindedly, the same 0.7 battlefield reminded him of what happened a few years ago!

His mother was captured by the Mystery King, and there is no news yet! Because of Hades's help, Liezevim naturally knew that Qin Feng was in a dimensional gap, but it was even more difficult to find out his exact location, and Sazex naturally didn't know where Qin Feng was hiding!

At that time, if he had the strength he has now, then he would definitely be able to protect his mother, Sazex clenched his fists, at this time, Sazex's strength reached the transcendence, and compared to Lezevim, it was not much better!

Although there is no accurate news about her mother, there is news that there is a little girl in the human world who looks similar to her mother, which can't help but make Sazex slightly stunned, the little girl is likely to be her mother's daughter, her sister.

After the matter of the underworld is over, he is already planning to go to the human world!

"Lezevim is not in the castle?" Coming back to his senses, Sazex asked softly!

"No, I heard that he disappeared shortly after that fight!" Serafel shook her head! Lezevim's disappearance happened when Veni Lana was taken captive!

"Oh!" Sazex was not surprised by the disappearance of Lezevim, the reformers were able to succeed entirely because the Old Demon King's faction lost the leadership of Lezevim! In other words, if Lezevim was still around, the reformers would definitely not have taken down the Old Demon King's faction so easily!

Sazex wondered why the ambitious Lezevim had disappeared? Is he really going to give up the underworld?

After the victory of the Reformation, Lotter's research also came to fruition!

It is feasible to increase the power of demons through reincarnation demons, especially since there are humans who are also housed with artifacts, and if these humans are turned into reincarnated demons, then their combat power will definitely be stronger than ordinary demons!.

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