After Lot's research was successful, Qin Feng also got Lot's research results, the devil chess piece!

The Demon Chess Piece is based on the chess in the real world, and it also has a function, which is to increase the combat power of the demon!

Queens, castles, knights, bishops, and soldiers are all dependents of the king, the king has the ability to make people dependents, and the combat ability depends on the person, the queen has the ability to play all the pieces except the soldier and the king, the chariot has high attack and high defense, and can exchange positions with the king, the knight has speed, the monk has magic power, and the soldier has the ability to be promoted to a pawn other than the king when the king identifies it as the enemy camp, they are originally subordinate demons, and the chess pieces required to convert demons will also be different, depending on the ability of the character, In the original book, Yicheng used up all eight soldier chess pieces because of the god destroyer, and some of the chess pieces will also mutate, such as the pseudo-mother Gaspar in the original book because of the relationship between vampire blood and artifacts, he can use mutated chess pieces to turn him into a reincarnated demon!

Of course, the object of the reincarnation of the demon chess piece is also particular! Lot, who developed this demon chess piece system, was at the transcendent level, and it was naturally impossible to reincarnate Qin Feng and other characters who were even more powerful than him as demons!

Qin Feng naturally didn't want his women to use these demonic chess pieces, after all, they were created by others, God knows if there would be a problem with these chess pieces!

Qin Feng also knew that soon, the angels would also create angel cards similar to the demon chess pieces, and their functions would be similar to those of the demon chess pieces!

For these demon chess pieces, Qin Feng naturally disdained to use them! The relationship formed with demon chess pieces is not very strong, and it is not at all comparable to the bond between vampires!

"Father, what are you holding in your hand?" At this time, a small red figure rushed in through the crack in the door! Coming in was a cute girl, with waist-length fiery red hair, wearing a black and red gothic dress, and a delicate face with a shallow smile that made people feel very cute!

Lias is four years old this year, although she is only four years old, she has already begun to develop, and the chest is slightly raised, bringing out a beautiful arc line, no wonder she will have such a good figure in the future! Now, she has lived in this castle for four years, and her relationship with Qin Feng is naturally good, and Qin Feng, who also regards himself as a father, is also 10 very good to Lias, of course, all this is Qin Feng's first step out of the ghost-father road!

"This is a demon pawn!" Watching Lias snatch the chess piece representing the king from his hands, Qin Feng smiled slightly!

"Demon pawns?" Hearing this, Lias said curiously!

"Well, something that can increase the strength of demons, and it can also turn humans into demons!" Qin Feng explained a little!

"Turn humans into demons!" Hearing this, Lias's eyes glowed with gold, and then she murmured!

"Kid, you want to turn humans into demons?" Qin Feng was stunned and asked!

"No, no!" Hearing this, Lias hurriedly shook her head, and was about to secretly stuff the chess pieces representing the king into her trouser pocket, but she didn't expect that the chess pieces representing the king melted into her body like water droplets! Even Qin Feng didn't expect this situation, he didn't expect that Lias, who had changed the environment in which she had grown, would still become a king!

The correction power of the plot inertia is really strong, but Sazex uses this kind of chess piece, and Lias will naturally have no problem fusing this kind of chess piece!

"Father, what should I do? The chess pieces are gone! Seeing the chess pieces disappear, Lias suddenly became anxious and said coquettishly! The little hand hurriedly hugged Qin Feng's palm, and the little one, with that little chest, which was a little bit of scale, kept rubbing Qin Feng's arm!

"Hehe, kid, this chess piece originally belonged to you!" Qin Feng touched Lias's little head and smiled softly! Now Qin Feng has packaged himself in the image of a loving father!

"Ahh But I don't want to! Hearing this, Lias lowered her head and said with her little hands clasped together!

"Don't worry! There are also chess pieces here! "Qin Feng can't see that Lias wants a chess piece, probably he wants to turn a human being into a demon, Qin Feng also wants to know who that human being is, if it's a man, kill it, if it's a woman, just keep it, but the human being who is in Lias's picture shouldn't be an ordinary person!

In the original book, every demon dependent that Lias received was surprisingly powerful, so Qin Feng gave her the rest of the chess pieces!

"Father, why are there so many!" Lias said happily!

"Hehe, some of these chess pieces are queens, some are bishops, and a set of the king's chess pieces that you just gave you!"

"Isn't this chess?" Because the castle is very boring, Qin Feng will also bring in some entertainment things from outside, and chess is one of them, so Lias has also been exposed to chess!

"Then you should know how to play!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

"How to play?" Lias was stunned again!

"Hmmm! In the chess pieces, you are the king, and the queen, the castle, the knight, the bishop, and the owner of the soldier will be your dependents! Qin Feng smiled!

"Really, that's great!" Lias took Qin Feng's chessboard, and then left happily!

"Grufia, do you know who Lias wants to turn into a demon?" At this time, Qin Feng asked softly!

"Master, a few days ago, Lias quietly went to the town of the human world to play, I think it should be the human I met at that time!" Qin Feng's voice fell, and a silver-haired woman wearing a white apron and a serious dress walked up, holding a cup of tea in her hand! After four years, Gu Lei Fei has surrendered to Qin Feng, and now, Gu Lei Fei is acting as a housekeeper here, of course, this housekeeper is very favored by Qin Feng!

I have to say that Gurefia also gave full play to her talents, and handled the interior of the castle in an orderly manner for four years!

Cadilea, like Grufia, also expressed her submission to Qin Feng, but Cadilea is not as favored as Gupheria, and now she works with Gabriel, that is, she manages the vampire clan outside, but Cardireya is originally a woman with a strong desire for power, and it is suitable to do such a job!

For the arrangement of the two daughters, Qin Feng was well thought out, Gu Leifia is suitable for housekeeping and other jobs, which is known from the original book, and Kadireya is different, if Kadireya is forced to stay in the castle, it will be counterproductive!

As for Lias's mother, Venier Lana, she hasn't been soft for four years, so Qin Feng imprisoned Venilana! She hadn't seen her daughter for four years, and naturally she hadn't recognized Lias, who had been raised by Grufia!

"Lias has gone to the human realm? Who let her out? Hearing this, Qin Feng asked in a deep voice!

"It's Miss Gortha!" Gufirea thought for a moment and said!

"Gortar?" Qin Feng was stunned, Gorta is Gabriel's female disciple, which is a little different from the original book, although she is also related to Gabriel in the original book, she is a powerful exorcist, and now, Gorta is a powerful third-generation vampire! But Gortar has always liked Lias, so there shouldn't be any mistakes!

"That's it!" Qin Feng nodded, it was considered that there was no follow-up!

"Master, there's one thing I don't know whether to say or not!"

"Say it!" Qin Feng nodded! Most of Gurefia's opinions are well intentioned!

"Miss Lias's mother, Venierana, has been imprisoned for four years, shall we let Lias meet her mother?" Grufia hesitated!

"You mean?" Hearing this, Qin Feng looked at Gu Refia with a smile!

"I mean, maybe Miss Lias and Venierana might be better off acquainting!" Looking at Qin Feng's smiling but cold countenance, Gu Ferea instinctively felt afraid, and she and Venier Lana were both demons, and it was easy to think that she was interceding for Venylana, but as an excellent butler, she couldn't forget her duty as a butler because of the fear of her master!

Veni Lana was imprisoned by Qin Feng for four years, and it was impossible for the master to recognize Lias, and Lias naturally didn't know who her mother was, in the past, when he pestered Qin Feng to ask Qin Feng to tell him who his mother was, Qin Feng always said that his mother went to a far away place!

Thinking about it now, the master's approach is really inconsiderate, Qin Feng can't imprison Venilana for the rest of her life, Lias has to grow up, she will meet Sazex, she will find Venilana, she will know the truth, and at that time, when she finds out that the loving father in her heart is the culprit who caused her separation from her mother and her brother, will Lias still be close to her as always! At that time, Lias would hate Qin Feng!

Grufia knew Qin Feng's thoughts, so she put forward this opinion, so that Lias could accept this reality when she was a child! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"I'll think about it! You go down first! "After Qin Feng waved his hand to let Gurefia go down, and then asked Gabriel and her female disciple Gorta to come over!

Soon, the charming Gabriel came in, along with her female disciple Gortha! Gorta wore a loose white robe and a hat, and looked like a goddess!

"Master, I'm looking for you!" Gabriel smiled slightly, not caring at all that Gorta was there, and then sat on Qin Feng's body and said: "In addition to the demon chess pieces researched by the demons, the angels seem to be also studying cards that can transform people into angels, and on the side of the fallen angels, Governor Asachel began to study the artifacts made by the gods, and it seems that he wants to prepare to gain power from them!" "

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded, there is a reason why the fallen angels did not start the research of reincarnation, the fallen angels fell from the angels, as long as there are angels for a day, they will not worry about the source of life, on the contrary, the angel clan has to desperately think about how to increase the number of angels at the same time, but also think about how to enhance their strength!

"Also, I heard that the power of angels in the human world has begun to study mysteriously!" Gabriel said in a deep voice!

Qin Feng smiled, the power of angels in the human world is called the church, and the mysterious research, most of the Michael They collected the broken holy sword and wanted to recycle it, the purpose of this research was to select users from among the human beings, the leader was Barupa, and finally took refuge in the fallen angels, and then was killed!

He remembered that Kiba Yuto seemed to be a victim of this holy sword research, and when he was young, he was taken away by the church for a year of sacred sword Excalibur adaptation training and suffered, and in the end no one could adapt to the holy sword, all the children were poisoned, and they were reincarnated as demons by Lias when they were dying, and now it seems that Lias will most likely not have an intersection with Youdou, that is to say, if nothing else, Yuto, the second male, will die in poisoning!

"Alright, Gortar, let me ask you, who has Lias been in contact with outside?!" Qin Feng asked!

"Ahh Master, you know it all? Hearing Qin Feng's words, Gorta showed a look of surprise! Gorta, like Gabriel, is calling Qin Feng the master!

"Huh!" Qin Feng has a black line, what are you talking about!

"She has a good relationship with a shrine maiden in town!" After a moment's hesitation, Gorta said!

"Miko Maiden!" Qin Feng was stunned, a little worried in his heart, in a sense, the witch is a branch of the angel clan's power in the human world, and her strength is not weak, if Lias reveals her identity as a demon, it is estimated that she will be killed by this witch!

"Master, don't worry, that witch doesn't have any power in her body!" Gorta seemed to see Qin Feng's worries and said! "And there are people accompanying you to protect you, it's going to be fine!"

"Lias should be outside now, too!" Qin Feng waved his hand and asked!

"Yes!" Very honestly, Gortha nodded! Entering and exiting the castle is not so simple, you must have the token of the snake made by Orpheus to get out! Here, there are only three people who have tokens, Gabriel, Gorta, and Cadilea!

Golta must have given her token to Lias!

"What's that shrine maiden's name?" Qin Feng asked again! Qin Feng believed that Gorta would definitely investigate the identity of the witch!

"That shrine maiden is called Himejima Zhuli!" Gorta thought for a moment and said!

"Isn't Himejima Zhuli's mother Himejima Juno?" Qin Feng was stunned, "But why is Lias with Himejima Zhuli?" "

"Does Himejima Zhuli have a daughter?" Qin Feng asked again!

"Nope!" Hearing this, Gortar shook his head and said, "Although Miss Himejima Zhuli has reached the age to be married, she is not yet married!" "

"That's it!" Qin Feng smiled, it seems that Himejima Zhuli has not met Baiqiu yet! In the original book, Bai 817 Qiu is Zhu Nai's father, a fallen angel cadre with 10 black wings, whose strength is on par with Asachel, who can control thunder and lightning, and his attack power ranks first among fallen angels. After Shemhasa became the new governor, he served as the new lieutenant governor of Grigori.

"That's great!" Qin Feng laughed loudly, although because of his own intervention, Zhu Nai may not be able to come to this world, but what a good woman Zhu Li is, and she also has the S attribute, he naturally doesn't want to miss it!

"Good! Do you think so, master? Hearing this, Gorta said happily: "Miss Lias lacks maternal love, so subconsciously, Miss Zhu Li is regarded as a mother!" O master! You must bring Miss Zhu Li back and be Miss Lias's mother! That way Miss Lias won't be alone! "

Qin Feng naturally has this plan!

Listening to Gorta's words, Qin Feng knew that Lias, who was originally lacking a mother, regarded Zhu Li as her mother!

And what Qin Feng, as a father, can do is to make Lias's wish come true!

After instructing Gu Refia, Qin Feng came to the town of the human realm!

In the past two hundred years, Qin Feng has always been living in the castle, and after coming out at this time, compared with what he saw and heard two hundred years ago, he felt that things were wrong!

At this time, after Lias came out, she took the chess pieces in her hand and went straight to the shrine where Zhu Li was! Lias now regrets that she came in too much of a hurry and didn't ask about the role of each chess piece!

"Which chess piece should I give Zhu Li the right one?" Lias played with the chess pieces in her hand and thought!

"Hey, no matter, it's the queen!" Lias muttered, because in chess, except for the king, it is the queen who is the biggest!

Soon, Lias came to a small hill on the outskirts of the town, there was a white stone staircase leading to the top of the hill, and the stairs were surrounded by some green trees, and after stepping on the small stairs, after walking up, a small wooden house appeared in front of her, which looked like a very ordinary shrine!

"Sister Zhu Li, where are you?" Not seeing Himejima Zhuli, Lias shouted anxiously!

"Oh! It's Lias, you! There you are! Hearing Lias's cry, Himejima Zhuli walked out and said! At this time, Zhu Li was wearing a white witch costume, and her hair was tied with a twist rope, which looked very good!

"Hmm!!" Lias came to Zhu Li and said, "Sister Zhu Li, you can move to my house!" "

"But I'm a shrine maiden, so I can't be with demons!" Zhu Li is also a witch in any way, so she naturally sees the identity of Lias's demon, but she is not very disgusted with the identity of Lias's demon, otherwise, she would not have saved Baiqiu, who was a fallen angel, and there would be no Zhu Nai, a popular heroine with S attributes!

But it's one thing not to hate it.,If you move to live in a demon's house.,As a human witch.,,Naturally, she can't accept it.,In fact,This is the fifth time Lias has invited her.,She uses this excuse every time to shirk.,And every time,Lias is always disappointed!。

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