When Sazex and Serafore appeared in the town, Qin Feng, who was in the ancient castle, immediately knew!

Qin Feng's surprise was not the arrival of Sazex, but the automatic delivery of the chick Seraful! When Sazex and Gortar had an encounter, Qin Feng informed Gabriel and asked her to support Gortar!

And Veni Lana, who was beside Qin Feng, also knew the news that her son had come to town!

She was about to beg Qin Feng to let her go out to reunite with her son, but Qin Feng opened the perspective of the dimensional gap, and the battle between Sazex and Gabriel could be observed inside the ancient castle!

When she saw that Sazex was almost split in half by Gabriel, Venilana was obviously frightened!

"Venilana! You have to remember, you are already my woman! Qin Feng vigorously kneaded Venilana's murderous part and said in a cold voice!

"But he's my child!" Veni Lana hasn't forgotten her child, after all, blood is thicker than water!

"Aren't you going back a hundred years? Your body is no longer the body that gave birth to a child! Qin Feng sneered!

"But my memory is still there!" Venierana retorted!

However, Sazex escaped the catastrophe, which made her feel a lot more relieved!

"Gufirea, take Venilana down and let her reflect on it!" Qin Feng snorted coldly and said!

"Yes!" Gurefia quickly pulled Veni Lana and left here, and at this time, Qin Feng set his eyes on Seraful!

"It's time to get her back!" Qin Feng muttered, and his white palm began to poke out!

The white hand directly broke through the void, and the sky of the human world suddenly became covered with dark clouds!

"What's going on?" The wind was raging, and everyone in the battle was stunned, especially Seraful, who felt a strange aura lock her, which made her very uneasy!

In the black clouds of the sky, a whirlpool suddenly appeared, and in the shocked gaze of Seraful's "Five Seven Zero", a huge palm stretched out from it!

The speed was so fast that Serafel didn't react at all, and he was caught in it, and then, the black clouds dispersed, and the heavens and the earth returned to normal!

"Serafel!" In just a quarter of an hour, Serafel was captured, which made him even more jealous of the strength of the Mystery King, perhaps, with the strength of his own transcendent, he could not fight against the Mystery King!

"Not good! Gotta go! "When the crisis came, Sazex made a quick decision, and his body was like a meteor trying to escape from afar!

Just moments after Sazex left, a huge palm fell from the sky, and then slapped the split half of the hill into a flat bottom!

"Dead!" Qin Feng muttered, then shook his head, and turned to look at his loot!

And in the human realm, Gabriel knew that this was Qin Feng's move, but it was the first time Gorta saw Qin Feng make a move, and she didn't expect Qin Feng to be so powerful!

After Serafel was captured by Qin Feng, he was locked in a secret room! After giving up the pursuit of Sazex, Qin Feng came to the secret room where Serafel was imprisoned!

"You're the King of Mysteries!" Seeing Qin Feng walk in, Seraful's pupils shrank!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng nodded!

"Then Aunt Veni Lana was really captured by you?" Serafel asked in surprise!

"Of course!" Qin Feng smiled: "You all guessed right, the vampire clan was created by me!" "

"Hmph, Sazex will soon be coming with demons to attack the vampires!"

"Whatever, even if he brings someone over, do you think he can get you out? If he hadn't escaped a little faster just now, he would probably have become a prisoner just like you now! Qin Feng sneered and said! Even if the whole demon clan is dispatched, Qin Feng will not be afraid, and besides, can Sazex mobilize the entire demon clan? There are also families within the demons, and it is difficult to mobilize the whole clan with Sazenx alone!

"I heard you have a sister?" Qin Feng sneered!

"You... What do you want? Hearing this, Serafel said sharply, sister's heart!

"If you don't want your sister to have an accident, just listen to me!" Qin Feng sneered!

Qin Feng kept approaching Seraful, and his burning eyes frightened Serafel to retreat again and again!

"I warn you, don't hurt my sister, otherwise, I won't let you go!" Seraful's voice is not loud, but there are some trills, which makes people sound really unconvincing!

"Serve me well, and I'll let your sister go!" Qin Feng sneered, and his palm had already stretched out towards Seraful's bulging fierce part!

"It's like a marshmallow, it's a wonderful touch!" Qin Feng muttered!

"Smack!" Serafol angrily slapped off Qin Feng's palm and stared at Qin Feng angrily!

"Don't you want to save your sister? You also know my strength, I can go to the underworld and get your sister back now! And then ravage her hard! "

"You dare!" Serafel said even more angrily!

"What would I not dare!" Qin Feng sneered and said!

Qin Feng looked at the cosplay costume on Seraful's body and said, "I'll count to three, if you don't take off your clothes, I'll kill your sister!" "

"Okay, I'll take it off!" The arm can't twist the thigh, and Serafore naturally knows this reality!

"Those who know the times are Junjie, you are really good!" Qin Feng smiled, with Seraful's love for her sister, Qin Feng naturally she would definitely agree!

Seraful was originally a woman with a strong personality, and when she was insulted by this, she would rather accept death, but when she thought that her sister would also suffer, she still obeyed Qin Feng's order and took off the clothes on her body! No matter what, you must protect the sister who you call Xiao Cangna!

As the clothes on Seraful's body decreased one by one, Qin Feng saw the well-developed body! With a plump body and fair skin, even Venier Lana can't compare to it!

"If I play with you, you can't hurt my sister!" After taking off all his clothes, Seraful covered his murderous part with both hands, leaned sideways slightly, and said shyly!

"Of course!" Qin Feng smiled, also took off his clothes, and then placed Serafel on a table, and then parted her legs!

"Whew!" After entering, Qin Feng let out a long sigh of relief! Next is the storm, the joy of the boudoir, not enough for outsiders!

After eating Serafel as he wished, Qin Feng returned to his room, and at this time, Grufia was waiting outside the door!

"Yo, Grufia, are you looking for me to shoot at you?" Looking at the serious Gu Leifia, Qin Feng said with a smile!

"Master, please be serious!" Grufia is still expressionless!

"Master, I have arranged for Lady Venilana, but Lady Veneniana seems to be very sad!"

"Humph!" Looking at Venilana's performance, Qin Feng was very dissatisfied, and wondered whether to imprison Venerana again!

"Tell me, Gurefia, what's the solution to this?" Qin Feng tried to ask!

"There's one!" Grufia thought for a moment and said again! "The reason for Venilana is the family, and the root cause lies with her son Sazex! As long as Sazex is killed, then Venilana will naturally focus on her master and Miss Lias! "

"Kill Sazex?" Listening to Grazia's face unchanged and saying this suggestion, Qin Feng felt strange in his heart, this history was changed beyond recognition by Qin Feng, Grefia, who was originally the wife of Sazex, now instigated Qin Feng to kill Sazex!

"What about Veni Lana's husband?" Qin Feng asked again!

"Venilana's husband and Mrs. Venilana are in a political marriage, and the two have no feelings, but if the master is not at ease, he can even kill her husband!" Gurefia suggested!

"Well, that's a good suggestion!" Hearing Gu Lyphia's words, Qin Feng narrowed his eyes! "But who is going to send to kill Sazex after all?"

"Lord Gabriel is more suitable!" Gurefia continued to suggest! She naturally saw the scene where Gabriel took out the Yemo Black Sword and almost split Sazex, so she felt that Gabriel was the most suitable candidate, of course, with Qin Feng's strength, he could win with an overwhelming advantage, but out of consideration for Venilana, Qin Feng naturally couldn't kill Sazex in person!

"No, I have a better fit!" Qin Feng shook his head! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Who is it?" Hearing this, Grufia was stunned, you must know that Sazex is a transcendent, except for Qin Feng and the Infinite Dragon God here, there should be no one who is his opponent, even Gabriel can only match Sazex by borrowing external forces!

"Far away, close at hand!" Qin Feng smiled!

"It's me?" Grufia asked rhetorically!

"That's right!" Qin Feng nodded, watching the husband and wife in the original book become enemies of life and death, Qin Feng felt very good!

"But I'm not going to be a match for Sazex!" After becoming a housekeeper, although Gu Rayfia's strength has not regressed, it has not increased, and it is still at the level of a demon king!

"Don't worry, as long as you have Orpheus's snake, you will definitely be able to defeat Sazex!" Qin Feng said confidently!

"Then I'll give it a try!" Hearing this, Grufia hesitated to speak!

"That's my good housekeeper!" Qin Feng smiled, then picked up Gu Leifia and said, "Fia, I haven't loved you well these days!" Let's make you feel refreshed! "

With Gu Refia's suggestion, Qin Feng naturally wanted to implement this beheading plan!

It's just a matter of imagining Venylana again, and now that Lias and Venylana have recognized each other, if Vignyana disappears again, Lias, the little girl, will definitely pester herself and ask for Venerana's whereabouts! Of course, this decapitation proposed by Grufia was very covert, and Venierana didn't know about it, and Lias couldn't have known about it!

Lias is active by nature, and when Sazex attacked, she was playing with Orpheus in the castle, and naturally she didn't know that she had an older brother Sazex!

Two months have passed in a hurry, and Gurefia's decapitation operation is ready, ready to go at any time! And what made Qin Feng even happier was that Zhu Li was pregnant, and the child was undoubtedly his own!

It is estimated that it was hit by the first shot, and it was two months old, so Zhu Li's belly bulged slightly! Qin Feng didn't expect to be hit with one shot, starting from crossing the first world of blood-devouring attacks, to the second world, god killers, Qin Feng has a lot of women, and he also worked hard to launch a lot of grandchildren, but none of them are pregnant, Qin Feng doesn't feel strange about this, because of the vampire physique, it is naturally difficult to conceive, but he didn't expect to have a child in the third world, and the woman is not a vampire, which makes Qin Feng puzzled!

What will the combination of vampire and demon give birth to? Qin Feng was a little excited, but also a little worried, in a sense, this is a combination of different species! Maybe because Zhu Li is pregnant, now Zhu Li's body is changing towards the vampire side, which is also something Qin Feng didn't expect, that is to say, the child born is very likely to be a demon star!

Of course, in Qin Feng's eyes, he, an unborn child, definitely has the potential to become the strongest!

Now, Zhu Li has changed into a relatively loose dress, with a slightly bulging belly, which is even more charming, and this kind of dress has caused Qin Feng to become more and more infatuated with Zhu Li's body, and he will go to Zhu Li's place for the night whenever he has the opportunity! And Zhu Li's demand has become greater, even if he has a big belly, he plays with Qin Feng every night!

This approach also caused dissatisfaction, it was Lias's dissatisfaction, she was unhappy for her eldest mother, looking at Venilana's depressed appearance, Lias felt that Qin Feng favored the second mother too much! Lias didn't know that in addition to Qin Feng's reason for Venilana's depression, it was more because she was caught between the man she didn't want to admit but liked in her heart and her son!

She didn't have any feelings for that Ji Mengli's husband, but her love for Qin Feng was earned bit by bit, and it was impossible to forget it easily!

Venier Lana stayed in the room, remembering that when she was kidnapped by Qin Feng, she gritted her teeth with hatred for Qin Feng in her heart!

She tried to escape, but she didn't succeed, and then, despite her own opposition, Qin Feng turned her body back to a hundred years ago, and then took possession of herself roughly, maybe at that time, Qin Feng's domineering approach left an indelible impression on Venierana's heart!

In the following four years, she was imprisoned in a secret room, and the only person she saw was Qin Feng, and the meeting with Qin Feng was more of a physical exchange!

Day after day, she was gradually conquered by Qin Feng's rude movements and domineering expression!

It was only at this time that she suddenly understood, and she was entangled between her lover and her son!

"Mother, don't be sad, I'll find you father!" Lias clenched her little fists and said with a snort in her little nose!

When Lias came to Qin Feng, Qin Feng was finishing exercising with Zhu Li, and at this time, Zhu Li's face still had a crimson afterglow!

"Father, you've gone too far!" Lias walked over, saw Qin Feng and Zhu Li stripped naked and slept together, and said loudly!

"What's going on?" Qin Feng was slightly stunned!

"The big mother is crying!" Lias was dissatisfied and muttered, "You have to treat your two mothers fairly!" "

"Alright, Lias, you go back first, your father will pass in 4.0!" Zhu Li touched Lias's head and smiled slightly, Lias's sudden intrusion just now really scared her, if her crazy and bold movements were seen, then she really wouldn't live!

Now that this situation is seen by Lias, she is still shy!

"Hmmm! Then I'm out! Lias also listened to Zhu Li's words, nodded, and walked out!

Next, Zhu Li naturally didn't allow Qin Feng to stay overnight, but instead withdrew Qin Feng from the door and asked her to find Venilana! Zhu Li still doesn't know the situation of Veni Lana, so she thinks that during this time, Qin Feng is indeed a snub beauty!

Qin Feng smiled bitterly and came to Venier Lana's room!

"What are you doing here?" Seeing Qin Feng come in, a flash of joy flashed in the depths of Veni Lana's eyes, and then disappeared and said in a cold voice!

"Look at you!" Qin Feng muttered, he could also feel the entanglement in Venilana's heart, and thought to himself: Since you can't make a choice, then I'll help you make a choice, as long as Sazex dies, then Venilana's heart will definitely be on her daughter Lias, and of course her lover, Qin Feng, it's just that Qin Feng doesn't know that Venerana loves him deeply!

Qin Feng still thought that Venierana was entangled between Lias and Sazex, after all, both of them were her children!

When she came to Veni Lana's room, it was naturally indispensable to communicate with her body, and Veni Lana also knew this, so she was very cooperative with Qin Feng's behavior!

After spending the night at Venilana's, Qin Feng found Grufia, because the day after tomorrow was the day when Glefia carried out the beheading plan!

Qin Feng deliberately asked Orpheus to make a snake with a greater increase in energy and give it to Gu Feria, so that Gu Fei had the strength to fight!

After Gu Razia took the snake of Orpheus handed over by Qin Feng, she gladly accepted the order and left the dimensional gap!

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