Actually, Qin Feng is not optimistic about Glefia, although Glefia has Orpheus's snake, she can raise her strength to the level of a transcendent, but after all, it is a borrowed power, her own strength is only at the level of the demon king, it is a line worse than Gabriel, and there are more weaknesses in strength, Qin Feng just wants to see Glefia and Sazex fight!

It must be interesting that the husband and wife in the original book become enemies! Of course, in order to be on the safe side, Qin Feng also sent Gabriel!

Grufia is a demon and has also lived in the underworld, so she naturally knows everything in the underworld, and soon Gurefia entered the underworld, but instead of going to Sazex, she returned to her own family!

Her family is a famous family in the demon family, Lucifergus, has served the demon king Lucifer for generations, and Gurefia, as the most outstanding representative of the new generation, is naturally the best person to serve Lucifer, but in that battle, Gurefia was taken captive, and the people in the family sighed!

However, Gurefia doesn't have much loyalty to Lucifer, and it is more appropriate to say that she is a woman who dares to love and hate, otherwise, she will not betray in the original book!

At this time, the underworld has been unified, the reformers have been victorious, and under the distribution of benefits, the old demon king faction has naturally been suppressed, and now, the famous Lucifergus can no longer be called a famous family!

"Grufia, you... How did you get back? Seeing the return of Gurefia, who had been missing for many years, the head of the family was stunned, and then asked in ecstasy: "Where have you been all these years?" The reformers say you've been kidnapped by the Mystery King, and we thought you're dead! "

"The reformers are right, I was kidnapped by the Mystery King, and I became his woman, and I have been living in the dimensional gap all these years!" Grufia nodded and said!

"Ahh Such! That...... So why did you suddenly come back to the underworld? The head of the house asked again, "Did you sneak out?" "

"Nope!" Grufia shook her head and said, "I really stay with the Mystery King!" There is one more thing to do when I come back this time besides visiting you! "

"How did Lucy Figgs become like this?" Grufia looked at the somewhat depressed family and asked again!

"Hey, now Lucy Figgs can't be called a famous family!" The head of the family sighed and said, "Since the defeat of the old demon king's faction, the benefits have been redistributed, where can the 10 of us who support the old demon king's faction have good fruits to eat!" "

Hearing this, Gurefia fell silent! The Old Demon King's faction was defeated, and she also got the news, after all, a large part of the information collected by the vampire clan passed through her hands, and then passed it on to Qin Feng's!

"Oh, by the way, what about my brother?" Gurefia asked again!

"Hey, after you disappeared, your brother became the first person to serve the Demon King Lucifer, and now he disappeared with Lezevim, and we don't know where he went!" The head of the family sighed and said, "Also, now Lucy Figgs is withering, but it's good for you to come back, and I will give you the position of the head of the family immediately!" "

"Master, didn't I say that? I'm going back to the Mystery King! Grufia shook her head and said!

"Why do you want to go back now that they're all out?!" The head of the family was puzzled and said!

"Family Master, I came here to tell you, let all the clansmen prepare to leave the underworld!" Grufia said solemnly!

"Leaving the underworld, where are we going?" The head of the family was slightly stunned, the underworld is their root, where is he willing to leave the underworld, just looking at Gu Refia's solemn face, the head of the family still listened patiently to Gu Refia!

"Vampire Town, that's the Enigma King's sphere of influence, go there, and with me on your side, Lucy Figgs will definitely be able to restore his former glory!"

"We're going to the human realm?" At this moment, the head of the family was stunned! "We're going to take refuge in the Mystery King?" This can't help but be the head of the family without hesitation, after all, after taking refuge in the Mystery King, it is against the demon clan, since the Mystery King made the four primordial demon kings half dead, there is this deep hatred between the mystery king and the demon clan!

Now that Lucifergus has taken refuge in the past, especially the famous family that has served the Lucifer Demon King for generations, this will be regarded as a great shame by the underworld, and when the time comes, Lucifergus will face the revenge of the entire underworld!

"Hey, master, you don't know! If you take refuge in the Enigma King, you will be the enemy of the Demon Clan! But the power of the Mystery King is unimaginable, even if Sarzex has become a transcendent, he can only keep escaping in the hands of the Mystery King! Grufia continued: "If the demon clan continues to fight against the Mystery King, they will definitely be wiped out, so it is better to join me in the Mystery King!" "

"Is the Mystery King really that powerful?" The head of the family asked in a daze!

"Hmmm! A few days ago, the Enigma King also captured the successor of the Leviathan Demon King, Seraful! "

The head of the family nodded, Seraful's disappearance was in the underworld, although there was no news coming out, but he also knew that it was not so simple at this time, but he didn't expect that Seraful was taken away!

"Alright! We're going with you, when are we leaving? The head of the house asked again!

"It's tonight!" Gufirea said again!

"Tonight? Won't it be a little rushed! The head of the house was amazed!

"I'm coming back to kill Sazex!" Grufia said in a deep voice: "I am a person from Lucifigus, whether I succeed or not, it will affect the family, so the sooner you leave, the better!" "

"Ahh You're going to assassinate Sazex? At this moment, the head of the family was stunned!

"That's right!" Grufia nodded!

"But with the strength of your Demon King, will you be an opponent?" The head of the house asked worriedly!

"Don't worry about this, I got the snake of Orpheus, and I can use the energy of Orpheus to improve my strength at critical moments!"

"Orpheus, the legendary Infinity Dragon!" The head of the house was shocked again!

"Hmmm! Orpheus is now with the Enigma King! Goofilea added!

The head of the house was silent, and he was even more inclined to Grufia's suggestion! The Mystery King alone is so difficult, I didn't expect that even the Infinite Divine Dragon would be with him!

Grufia is right, the Lucifigus family will return to its former glory!

After having an idea, the head of the family immediately set out to mobilize the whole clan to go to the vampire town without talking nonsense!

As for Grufia, she went to the palace of Sazex, since Sazex took the position of the Demon King of Lucifer, Sazex lived in the largest castle in the underworld, and Grufia did not alarm anyone, and quietly slipped into the castle!

At this time, Sazex was in the castle, and there was a man with the same red hair next to him, who was Sazex's father!

"Sazex, what's going on? Didn't Serafel go with you to your mother? Why are you the only one who came back? Father Sazex asked in a deep voice!

"Father, Serafel has been captured by the Mystery King!" Sazex said with a gloomy face! "Here's what happened, a demon came to report that a little girl who looked like my mother had been found in the vampire town, so I wondered if that little girl could be my mother's child, so I took someone there! In the end, I clashed with the people of the vampire clan, the leader of the vampire clan is a fallen angel, and the strength is a line worse than mine, but after using an unknown black sword, the strength is enough to match me, if so, I still have the confidence to deal with it, but in the sky, a huge palm suddenly appeared, directly caught Seraful, and he could only run back! With that, Sazex had a look of guilt on his face!

"Are you sure it was the Mystery King who did it!" Hearing this, Sazex's father frowned!

"I haven't met him yet, but his strength is so strong, it should be the work of the Mystery King!" Sazex said again! "And I think that the vampire clan and the Enigma King are also inextricably linked!"

"Hey, if it's really the Mystery King's doing, then it's a disaster!" Sazex's father sighed and said, "Your strength is considered to be the top in the underworld, but you were forced back without even seeing the face of the Mystery King, which shows the strength of the Mystery King, and I really don't know if it is a blessing or a curse to be an enemy of such an enemy!" "

"It's not that we want to be enemies of the Mystery King, it's that he kidnapped his mother and sister!" Sazex argued!

"That's right, if you really have a sister, she should be four years old this year!"

"yes!" Speaking of this topic, Sazex is also a little sad!

"Son, what do you think should happen next?" Sazex's father said: "A lot of people already know about Seraful's disappearance! "

"It's... Didn't I tell someone to hide it? How is it still known? Sazex was stunned and asked eagerly! Serafel is now the Leviathan Demon King, and if she disappears, it will definitely be harmful to the demon clan that has stabilized temporarily, and there may even be another civil war!

"You can't blame the people below for this, the power of the Sidi family is not weak!" Sazex's father was vaguely pointing out that the news was related to the Sidi family!

"These bastards!" Sazenx scolded! But after thinking about it, this news can be hidden for a while, but can it be kept hidden, it must not work!

"Alright, let's get the news out, it's the Enigma King who captured Seraful!"

"You mean you want to shift the conflict?" Sazex was slightly stunned!

"Hmmm! Use this to stir up the dissatisfaction of all the demons against the Mystery King, but there is also a drawback to doing so, that is, it will completely push the demon clan to the opposite side of the Mystery King! Sazex's father sighed! In fact, he has no affection for his wife, and if he can give away a wife in exchange for the political benefits he needs, he will definitely do so, but the relationship between his son and his wife is very good!

"Hey, let's take it one step at a time!" Sazex's father muttered and walked out!

Hearing the conversation between the two, Gurefia decides to kill Sazex's father with a thunderbolt, and then kill Sazex!

After hiding her magic, Grufia quietly follows Sazex's father!

After seeing Sazex's father come to a place with fewer demons!

Gurefia eats Orpheus's snake, and her powerful magic power explodes in an instant! (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"You're Gu Lei...!" The father of the nearest Sazex was the first to react, and looked at Gurefia in a daze, before the words were finished, Gurefia's wings were attacked by a large number of sappers' father, killing him, Sazex's father was only the highest demon, with the strength of such a surpassing Gurefia, he was given seconds in an instant!

Hearing his father's scream, and then feeling the huge magic power, Sazex let out a loud cry, and the magic power of his whole body also exploded to the extreme, and almost instantly, Sazex appeared in front of Grufia!

Seeing Sazex's eyes red and staring at him angrily, Gurefia was glad for a while, and it was the right way to decisively kill Sazex's father!

"Gurefia, it's you!" Sazex could see at a glance that the woman in front of him was the demon who had been missing for four years!

"Sazex, long time no see!" As people of two factions, the two have fought a few times!

"You killed my father, and I'm going to kill you too!" Sazex was furious, the power of destruction exploded, and the red pillar of energy light was thrown out directly!

"I'm also a transcendent now, you may not be able to win me!" Gu Firea sneered, and a silver pillar of light also came out casually!

The two energies collided together, and there was an earth-shattering loud bang immediately!

After the smoke and dust billowed and the aftermath of the energy was annihilated, Gurefia sprang out and calmly looked at the red-haired man in front of her!

The underworld is still gray, and the roaring sound of fighting has attracted many demons to come, many of whom know that Gurefia is a human!

"Isn't that man Grufia? Wasn't she captured? "

"Yes! And what is she doing? Fighting the Demon King Lucifer? "

"Can this be fought? Lord Lucifer is the strongest of our underworld! "

"I think it can be fought, I heard that when the civil war was not over yet, Gurefia, who represented the faction of the Old Demon King, once fought with Lord Sazex!" Of course, this is just some guys who have no eyesight, and those who have a little insight know that at that time, although Gurefia was a strong man at the level of the demon king, Sazex was stronger, and the two were not comparable at all!

Now, they found that Grufia's strength is on the same level as Sazex!

In the past four years, what has Gurefia experienced, her strength has skyrocketed so much! This is where the demons are curious!

Of course, as for why Grufia and Sazex fought, they also had a lot of speculation, after all, the position was 380 different, and Grufia might not know that the underworld had completed the change!

"I really didn't expect you to betray the demon clan!" In the smoke and dust, the figure of Sazex also came out and said!

"What is a betrayal, you defeated the four demon kings who succeeded to the throne, and then became the demon king of Lucifer yourself, this is also a betrayal!" Gurefia sneered!

"Anyway, it's just civil strife, and you're now on the opposite side of the devil!" Sazex sneered and said! "Also, tell me the whereabouts of the Mystery King immediately, and I'll let you die a happy death!"

"The whereabouts of the Enigma King?" Grufia sneered at Sazex and continued, "Didn't you already find the door? "

"You mean the vampires!" Hearing this, Sazex was stunned!

"Of course, you were forced to flee in embarrassment without even seeing the face of the Mystery King, do you think you may be the opponent of the Mystery King?" Grufia raised her hand and said with a smile, "This power of mine was given to me by the King of Mysteries!" This time, you should know the gap between you and the Mystery King! "

As soon as Gu Refia said this, all the demons' faces turned to one side, they didn't expect that Gu Ray Fia had already taken refuge in the Mystery King, but think about it from another position, if they can get such a powerful power, they may have the same choice as Gu Refia, but they still look at the betrayed Gu Ray Fia with angry eyes!

"Humph!" As soon as Sazex moved, the power of destruction poured out again, and countless magic bullets flew out again, directly towards Gurefia!

"This kind of thing is useless to me!" Gu Reyfia sneered: "You who inherited the power of destruction have the strength you have now, and you are indeed a genius, but now I will not lose to you!" After saying that, Grufia herself burst out with dazzling silver light, and then, the silver light came out of her body, directly destroying all the magic bullets!

"Everyone has heard it, it's this demon who took refuge in the Mystery King, and now even Serafel has been captured by the Mystery King!" Add another fire to the fire and make the demons full of hatred for the Enigma King!

"yes!" Ignoring the angry gazes of the demons, Grufia smiled faintly and said, "Not only am I taking refuge in the Enigma King, but even the Enigma King who is also the mother of your dear Lucifer Demon King, and Seraful, she will also become the Enigma King's woman!" "

"What, even the mother...?" This time it was Sazex's turn to be stunned!

"That's right, your lovely sister still calls the Mystery King her father!"

"Damn the Mystery King!" Sazex was completely enraged, his magic power increased again, and a huge magic bullet struck towards Grufia!

"It's useless to say everything!" With a twist of Gurefia's small hand, a silver pillar of light directly destroyed the huge magic bullet!

Immediately following the violent explosion, Grufia instantly came to Sazex, her black wings stretched out, and her steel needle-like feathers flung out!

"Boom!" However, at the same time as the feathers flew out, a series of explosions immediately sounded around Grufia!

"This is...!" At this moment, the advantages and disadvantages became obvious! Grufia has been hit hard!

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