"Grufia, you shouldn't know it yet, since the magic bullet condensed by my destructive power can be bigger or smaller!" Grufia was seriously injured, and Sazex's face distorted by anger became indifferent, no, it should be said that he was very indifferent at first, and that anger was just to paralyze Grufia!

"There are a lot of small magic bullets around you right now, so small that they can't be seen by the naked eye!" Sazenx smiled!

"As far as I know, the smaller the magic bullet, the less powerful it is!" Grufia voiced the doubts in her heart!

"You're right, so I've been researching how to make the magic bullet more powerful!" Sazex said again: "Fortunately, I created it in the end, so I should be glad that I was the first to try the breed!" "

"Okay, can you tell me why you're here to kill me?" Sazex asked again!

"It's your mother's meaning!"

"No way, how could my mother kill me? It must be the King of Mystery who wants to kill me! Hearing Grufia's words, Sazex looked extremely bad!

"The Mystery King and you don't know each other, there is no injustice or hatred, why should I kill you?" Grufia asked rhetorically and smiled, her expression not changing in the slightest, as if she was talking about an ordinary thing!

"Mother has no reason to kill me!" Sazex said coldly!

"Yes, because you're from her past!" Although Grufia is telling a lie, she is serious and easy to convince!

The story of Grefia is wonderful, but how can Sazax be so easily fooled, and after Grufia's half-truths, Sazax expressed his guess: "Is it that my mother refuses to submit to the mystery king, and the mystery king sends someone to kill me and my father, and make her give up her past, right?" "

As soon as Sazex said this, Gurefia's pupils shrank slightly, her face changed slightly, and then disappeared, but she was still captured by Sazex!

"Mother, I will definitely rescue you!" Sazex clenched his fists and muttered! However, what Sazex didn't know was that Venilana had long since surrendered to Qin Feng's crotch, and was only hesitating among her old family and lover, so Qin Feng would follow Gurefia's advice and get rid of Sazex, and it would be a hundred!

And Grufia's surprise was because Sazex still guessed a small part!

"The Mystery King can send you out to assassinate, you must also be his henchman, then I will arrest you and exchange you for my mother!" Since it is already a foregone conclusion that Gurefia killed her father, and Sazex has also calmed down, it is useless to kill Grufia, it is better to exchange her mother back!

As for his father's deep hatred, the culprit is still the mystery king!

"Then you can come with me!" Sazex sneered, out of caution, Sazex did not approach, and countless magic bullets surrounded Gurefia, as long as Gurefia did not agree, then these magic bullets would definitely blast out mercilessly!

"Don't think about it, the Mystery King won't compromise because of me!" Although Grufia had a sneer on her face, she wondered if that man would compromise with Sazex for her own sake!

"That maybe, if I'm right, your relationship with the Mystery King is very unusual!" Suddenly, the space behind Sazex distorted, and then, a black sword shot out of it, piercing directly through Sazex's abdomen!

"You...!" Sensing the crisis, Sazex instinctively sensed the danger and was about to dodge, but the black sword had already penetrated the abdomen!

Sazex turned around and recognized that the woman with the black sword was the fallen angel she met in the vampire town a few days ago, when she had the same strength as herself with this sword, and in the face of the sneak attack of a strong man with the same strength as herself, Sazex couldn't dodge!

It's just that he can't understand how this woman could appear next to him without him noticing! In fact, Gabriel's ability to travel directly through space was entirely due to Inos's help

After Gabriel's sneak attack was successful, he came to Grufia's side, smiled, and said, "Lucifer Demon King, you guessed it right, Glefia is the woman of the Mystery King, so she sent me over to help!" "

"Are you alright?" Gabriel laughed!

"It's fine!" Gurefia frowned, she didn't expect Gabriel to appear, that is to say, Qin Feng was not optimistic about his fight with Sazex, since he was not optimistic, then why did he ask her to make a move! However, she also underestimated Sazex, she didn't expect Sazex's magic bullet to shrink to the point where it was invisible to the naked eye, so that the transcendent's strength could not be used before it could be injured. Maybe it's because Gurefia has the power of a snake in her body, so Gurefia is not seriously injured!

"Do you think you're going to kill me like that?" Sazex's face was a little pale, he looked at the two people in front of him, and snorted coldly! After saying that, several demon king-level demons appeared in front of Sazex and protected Sazex!

"Just these guys want to stop the two of us!" Gabriel sneered!

"And what if you add me?" The voice was a little coquettish, but no one underestimated it, because the voice was Beelzebub, the same as the demon king of Sazex, and Lot, like Sazex, was also a transcendent, and soon, a man dressed in a bewitching dress appeared in front of Gabriel!

"Trouble, I thought I could kill Sazex!" When Lott appeared, Gabriel knew that the bewitching man in front of him had the strength of a transcendent!

"Lot, you have to be careful, that black sword is weird!" The injured Sazex reminded!

"I see!" Lott looked at Gabriel with a solemn look in his eyes!

"Let's retreat first!" Looking at the many demon kings surrounded, even the transcendent ones are about to fall!

Gabriel crushed the jade piece, and suddenly, a yellow pillar of light fell from the sky!

"Lot, they're going to run away, stop them quickly!" Four years ago, the two dragons escaped from the underworld in this way, and now seeing this scene, Sazex immediately reminded him, and regardless of his injuries, he flashed over in an instant!

Seeing that Sazex dared to rush up, a hint of mockery appeared at the corner of Gabriel's mouth!

"I can't kill you, but...!" After saying that, Gabriel held the sword in his backhand, and when Sazex arrived, a sword slipped down, and then, the yellow pillar of light completely enveloped Gabriel!

Burst! A long sword mark appeared in Sazex's abdomen, and a stream of blood spurted out!

Sazex's pupils were placed, obviously he couldn't believe that he had been knocked down so easily, and his already injured body was even more seriously injured!

Sazex's body was crumbling, he couldn't even sustain his flight, and as soon as it was dark in front of his eyes, he was about to fall!

"Tázax, are you alright?" At this time, Lott came up and held Sazex in his hands!

"Hurry up... Hurry up and stop them! At this point, Sazex fell into a coma, but he still muttered!

Lot sighed slightly, perhaps because Venier Lana was captured, Sazex lost his former calm, and he alone wanted to leave two women whose strength was close to that of the transcendent, which was very difficult, especially when there was an unknown mystery king looking down on the side!

"Come on, go and control the Lucifergus family!" Lott said coldly!

"Yes! The demons nodded, and finally walked murderously towards Lucifergus's house! "

Ever since Grufia betrayed the demons, her family has been doomed to destruction!

But soon, someone came to inform him that the entire Lucifergus clan had escaped from the underworld!

At this moment, Lot's face was gloomy, and the demons of the underworld were also surprised, this family that had served Lucifer's demon king Lucifer for generations rebelled like this, it was really ironic!!

Grufia's trip to the underworld did not kill Sazex in the end, but killing Sazex's father was not nothing!

In the underworld, the seriously injured Sazex returned to the palace, and outside, heavily guarded, even Lott was guarding the door to prevent the enemy from killing Sazex while he was seriously injured!

Gurefia failed, Qin Feng had no choice but to take action on his own, with the help of Orpheus's ability, Qin Feng appeared in Sazex's room unknowingly, and the people outside did not notice it in the slightest, even Lot!

Lot, who was waiting at the door, felt that Sazex's magic was gone, his face changed, and he pushed the door in, only to find that there was no one in the room, and Sazex was dead!

Qin Feng was very careful when he mended the knife, outsiders couldn't detect it at all, this was also Qin Feng's emotions in order to take care of Veni Lana, otherwise, with his character, he would have killed the underworld in a high-profile manner! After Qin Feng killed Sazex, the underworld seemed to deliberately conceal the news of Sazex's death, and according to the information Qin Feng got, most of the demons in the underworld did not know the news of Sazex's death!

However, no demons came to trouble Qin Feng, even Lot, everything was as calm as usual, which made Qin Feng depressed, even the Demon King Lucifer was killed, are they so indifferent!!

Qin Feng didn't know that as soon as Sazex died, the underworld would be even more vulnerable, and judging from a series of actions, Lot's high-level leaders should also know Qin Feng's strength, so if you want to deal with him, you have to weigh it carefully!

This year, the forces of all parties developed peacefully, and the power of the vampire clan was greatly enhanced, especially after the Lucifergus family left the underworld and came to the vampire clan of the Ding family in the vampire town according to the orders of Grufia! Moreover, the Lucifigus family has the care of Grufia, and soon has a place in the vampire clan!

And a year later, Qin Feng's biological daughter, Zhu Nai, was about to be born, perhaps because of the strong inertia of history, even if it was a different father, Zhu Li's first child was still a girl, so Qin Feng gave her the name Zhu Nai! However, considering that Zhu Nai's birth would make a lot of noise, and the dimensional gap space was disordered, as long as there was a strong force impact, it would collapse like a landslide, so for the sake of safety, Qin Feng transferred Zhu Li to a big hospital in the town!

At this time, Zhu Li was pushed into the operating table, of course, the midwifery nurses and doctors are all women, and they are also reincarnated demons, the birth of the demon star will definitely have a powerful energy released, if ordinary humans approach, it is very likely to be shocked to death by the aftermath of the energy!

"Father, is Zhu Li's mother going to give birth?" At this time, it was still the little Lolilias who pulled Qin Feng's palm and asked weakly!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "Your sister Zhu Nai is going to come to this world soon!" "

"Okay, Lias, you must protect Sister Zhu Nai well in the future, you know!" Veni Lana also smiled, picked up Lias and said!

"I will!" Lias nodded, then hugged Venierana's neck and whispered, "Lias wants a younger brother, mother, you should have one too!" "

"Huh!" Hearing Lias's words, Venierana's face turned red, and she subconsciously glanced at Qin Feng, but found that Qin Feng was also looking at herself with a smile, and suddenly, her flushed face seemed to be bursting with green smoke!

"You kid, you're making fun of your mother!" After a year of getting along, Venier Lana seemed to have put the matter of Sazex behind her, and the smile on her face gradually increased, and at this time, Qin Feng felt that Veni Lana had truly accepted herself and accepted Lias! Actually, now Winy Lana also enjoys this feeling of home!

"Father, tell me that Zhu Li's mother will not want me after she has a child?" Lias turned her head and asked Qin Feng!

"Isn't it enough to have a mother, you child?" Veni Lana said with a smile!

"Of course it's not enough, I want two mothers! Because Aunt Zhu Li is very good to me! Lias muttered!

"Am I treating you badly?" Veni Lana asked angrily!

"No, it's just that mother, you're usually too strict, I don't have time to play, and I'm practicing all day long!" Lias said dissatisfied! It turned out that during the four years that Venier Lana was imprisoned, Qin Feng taught Lias in a free-range style, and did not teach Lias to use magic, so the four-year-old Lias only mobilized weak magic power, in Qin Feng's eyes, the sooner the child cultivated, the better, and now when Lias was still growing, it was nothing to play, and it was not too late to educate at the age of six!

However, after Venier Lana came out, she found out about this situation, and she was naturally extremely dissatisfied with Qin Feng, especially when she knew that Lias was almost killed by a fallen angel, she scolded Qin Feng a few words and taught Lias to learn magic control and magic and other knowledge!

And Lias is a child by nature, she is used to playing, and the sudden appearance of a mother who is extremely strict with control is naturally very uncomfortable, so Lias prefers Zhuli's mother!

"You... You're so mad at me! Venierana snorted again!

"Well, Lias is still a child, don't blame her!" Qin Feng smiled, in this small family of three, Qin Feng is definitely a loving father, and Veni Lana is a strict mother!

"That's it!" Lias spit out her little fragrant tongue and said!

"Lias, it's not right for you to do this, your mother asked you to cultivate for your own good!" Qin Feng smiled and said, "Have you forgotten that Aunt Zhu Li almost died to protect you?" At that time, if you had strong strength, you could protect Aunt Zhu Li! "

"Well, father, I will become stronger, and then protect my mother and father!" Lias nodded solemnly!

Here, Gu Leifia, as Qin Feng's housekeeper, naturally followed along, but Gu Leifia didn't go up to disturb the conversation of the three of them, but looked at the three of them with envy!

"Hey!" Gu Leifia touched her belly, and it wasn't a day or two with Qin Feng, but her belly just didn't get bigger!

"Head of the house, why are you here?" At this time, an old man came over with a gift, and of course he was stopped by Grufia!

"The Enigma King is inside?" The head of the house was curious and looked inside!

"Hmm!" Grufia nodded, "What are you doing here, Master?" "

"I heard that the Mystery King's child was born, so I bought some gifts!" The head of the family smiled and said, "Grufia, when will you also be pregnant with the child of the Mystery King?" "

"Master, do you say? I'm just a housekeeper! Grufia said with a rare shyness!

"Don't lie to me, I can see that you are also the woman of the Mystery King, right!" The head of the house smiled!

At this moment, Grufia paused, and said after a long time: "I don't know why, I just can't conceive forever!" "

"Then take your time, the demon's fertility rate is a bit low!" The head of the house took out a piece of paper with the formula written on it, and said again: "I bought this from the street, saying that it can increase the pregnancy rate, you go back and give it a try!" "

"Ahh Master, how do you believe in such a thing! Grufia said it, but her hand had already taken the recipe!

"Hmmm! I know! Go for it! "The head of the house also has his own purpose in doing this, if Gurefia can conceive a child, then the Lucifigus family's position in the vampire clan will be even stronger!

While the two were chatting, Grufia felt a powerful energy fluctuation, which came from the operating room, sometimes high and sometimes low, when it was high, even she felt a sense of oppression, and when it was low, even ordinary people were inferior!

Gu Refia's face changed, she knew that Zhu Nai was about to be born!.

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