"It's... Is this what the Mystery King Child caused? Feeling the oppression that emanated, the head of the family shuddered!

"Hmm!" Grufia nodded with a fixed expression and said, "I didn't expect this kid to be so extraordinary, it's really terrifying!" "

"Is that the Mystery King really human?" According to the Demon Documents, although there is no clear record, it is guessed that the Mystery King is a human!

"I don't know!" Hearing this, Gu Reyfia shook her head, in the past four years, she had only seen Qin Feng make a few moves at will, and no one could force him to use his true skills at all!

"I think the Enigma King may be from a higher being!" The head of the house speaks his guess!

"Hmm!" Grufia nodded, the power that collapsed in a fit of anger was really terrifying! Actually, she didn't know that vampires were Qin Feng's bloodline!

"Grufia, if you can conceive the child of the Enigma King, the talent shown by the child may be even stronger than what you have seen today!" The head of the family thought for a moment and said, "After all, your body is a demon, and she is just a reincarnated demon!" "

And Veni Lana inside is also shocked!

What kind of race is this guy, a newborn child has such a powerful talent!

In the operating room, a kind of doctor and nurse had been pushed aside by the coercion of energy, and they couldn't get close to Zhu Li at all!

"Boom!" A black pillar of light rose into the sky!

Pillars of light poured into it, and the whole sky went dark!

"Lias, don't go away with your mother, I'll go in and have a look!" With such a powerful energy, Zhu Li can't bear it, Qin Feng shook his head and smiled bitterly, Zhu Nai really tossed her mother enough!

When Qin Feng came in, Zhu Li had already fainted from the pain!

But Zhu Nai, who has a child's heart, may be extremely excited because he came to the world for the first time, and he releases his energy at will, without caring about his mother who is suffering under him!

"Settle me down!" Qin Feng no longer hesitated, stretched out his palm, and the black qi suddenly burst out, as soon as Qin Feng was born, Zhu Nai's burst of energy quickly stabilized, and after the black qi dissipated, Qin Feng was also holding a fair-skinned and chubby child in his hand!

"Show me the kids!" At this time, after no longer making trouble, Zhu Li woke up from a coma, Zhu Li, who has become a reincarnated demon, has a strong physique, even if he is constantly impacted by energy, now after waking up, his face is a little pale, and there is nothing left!

"Hmm!" Qin Feng walked up with Zhu Nai in his arms!

"Very cute kid!" Qin Feng smiled slightly! "Zhu Nai, call someone quickly!"

"Hehe, it's so small, where can you open your mouth to call people!" Zhu Li smiled and smiled disapprovingly!

After Qin Feng handed Zhu Nai to Zhu Li, he then took out two packets of bright red blood!

"What are these?" Seeing this, Zhu Li was stunned 350!

"Blood!" Qin Feng smiled, "These are fallen angels and angels, as well as the blood of demons!" "

"What are you doing with blood?" Zhu Li asked again!

"Feed the baby, of course!" Qin Feng smiled! "Because Zhu Nai has a special physique, he must have sufficient nutrition, otherwise he will die!"

"Ahh So the nutrition you are talking about is this blood? Hearing this, Zhu Li was stunned!

Qin Feng smiled and continued, "We are vampires! "

"Ahh Are vampires going to suck blood? Zhu Li's face changed, his mind moved, and sure enough, two fangs stretched out!

"No!" Qin Feng waved his hand and said, "It's just that Zhu Nai was just born, so I need to feed her some blood, and I won't need it after she is a year old!" "

"That's good!" Zhu Li nodded again!

Zhu Nai doesn't need too much blood to absorb every day, but it must be maintained for a year, so that Zhu Nai will not be stunted and short-lived!

"Mother, let's go in and see the baby too!" After seeing that the energy subsided, Lias spoke!

"Hmm!" Winy Lana nodded, and walked in with Lias in her arms!

As soon as Lias came in, she hugged Qin Feng's footsteps and muttered that she wanted to hug the baby!

"No, Lias is too small, wait for Lias to be older!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

And Gurefia also walked in, and when she saw the white and chubby Zhu Nai, her mind became active again!

Maybe I should have a child!

After making up her mind, Gu Lei Fei suddenly became enlightened, and then, Qin Feng was distressed, because the speed at which Gu Lei Fei asked became more diligent.

Basically, every day and night, Gu Lei Fei will come over, and then wear some more open clothes to tempt Qin Feng, but Qin Feng can't resist the temptation, and every time he fights Gu Lei Feiya!

Another year has passed in a hurry, and in this year, Zhu Nai, who has received sufficient nutrition, has grown taller, and his one-year-old height is on par with that of five-year-old Lias, and his physical development is about the same!

Everyone was amazed to see this!

Only Qin Feng knew that the Demon Star was so perverted, he remembered that I had a date with a vampire, and after the Demon Star was born, he was only a month old and was similar to an adult!

This once made Qin Feng wonder if the nutrition he gave was not enough, because the Demon Star was lacking in nutrition, and then accelerated its development, and finally died!

Therefore, Qin Feng suspected that Zhu Nai's nutrition was not enough, and in order to confirm it, Qin Feng gave his blood to Zhu Nai, but Zhu Nai still did not stop growing, and finally had the same height as Lias!

In addition to this surprising point, there is also a surprising point that Zhu Nai's IQ is less than a year old, Zhu Nai can speak!

Zhu Nai was able to speak, and his body grew taller, which made Veni Lana and Gurefia widen out their eyes!

This is a genius, just like Fang Zhongyong in the previous life, without anyone to teach him, he can skillfully use the magic power in his body, and the magic power in his body is surprisingly large, Lias is compared to her, it is a heaven and an underground, it cannot be compared at all, Veni Lana and Gurefia are even more envious and jealous, of course, the object of jealousy is Zhu Li, they are all orthodox demons, I didn't expect Zhu Li, the reincarnation demon, to give birth to such an excellent child!

In addition to being jealous, the two were also thinking that if they also gave birth to a child, the child born would be even better than Zhu Nai, at this time, Qin Feng had already told the two of them his vampire bloodline, and after the two listened, they found that there was really a vampire race in the world, and Gu Reyfia also suddenly realized, no wonder the force founded by Qin Feng was called the vampire clan!

Lias is very unconvinced, she is her sister, why is her sister's strength stronger than her sister, so she decisively challenged, but the ending is obvious, Lias was abused, the child didn't know the severity of the shot, if Qin Feng didn't deal with it in time, Lias would have suffered, in order to be able to win Lias, Lias always came over to beg Qin Feng, so, after Qin Feng turned her into a second-generation vampire, Lias and Zhu Nai had a draw, but the contradiction between the sisters was buried, of course, this contradiction is not a contradiction between life and death, It's a kind of healthy competition, or a competition for the ownership of the same object, just like Lias and Zhu Nai competing for the Hyoto in the original book, Qin Feng didn't expect that the two would still have such a contradiction!

Qin Feng was originally in the mood to watch the play, but he didn't expect that even this kind of contradiction would make him annoyed, of course, this is already a matter of the future!

At this time, Qin Feng, who had nothing to do, had already come out to play, accompanied by Zhu Nai and Lias!

The place of play is not the human world, but the underworld led by demons!

"Father, where are we going now?" The whole world is a gray patch, Lias was a little dissatisfied, I originally heard that the underworld is the hometown of demons, so I wanted to come and take a look, but now it seems that there is no blue sky and white clouds in the human world, and the beauty of green mountains and green waters!

"It's not fun!" Zhu Nai muttered!

"Let's walk around!" Qin Feng smiled!

"Then let's go to the city to play!" Lias suggested!

"Let's go outside!" Qin Feng shook his head, picked up the two little loli, and then jumped into the distance like a meteor!

"Father, there's a tree there!" At this time, in the sky, there is a big tree!

"Well, it's still an apple tree!" In addition, Zhu Nai also nodded!

"Haha, father, I'm going to eat apples!" Lias said excitedly!

The corners of Qin Feng's mouth smiled slightly, from the time he saw the Dragon Fruit Tree, he knew that at this time, he had come to the territory of the Dragon Saint Tanning, and his strength had reached the level of the Demon King, but it was respected as the Dragon Saint, not because of his strength, but because he was originally a Dragon King, but in order to protect a small number of dragon species that could only survive by eating DragonApple, he voluntarily reincarnated into a demon to obtain the place where DragonApple grew in the underworld as his own territory, so he was no longer a Dragon King. Because of this, the six dragon kings have become the five great dragon kings, and now he is the strongest level of the reincarnated demons, and his power is at the level of the demon king. (If you read a violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

"Father, I see the dragon!" Lias (BACF) was extremely excited, because the two dragons usually do not appear in the castle, so Lias was the first time to see the dragon, and she was extremely excited!

Qin Feng looked at it, these dragons had male and female, constantly wandering in front of the fruit trees!

"Father, catch one for me!" Lias said!

"No!" Qin Feng smiled, "There is no way for these dragons to leave this land!" "The dragons left here all survive by eating dragon fruits!

"Ahh That's it! Lias lowered her head, although she was depressed, she didn't continue to make trouble!

"Who's making a fuss here!?" Suddenly, a loud bang was heard, and a purple dragon fell from the sky!

"Father, there's a big dragon!" Zhu Nai muttered!

"Who are you?" Tan Ning's eyes were naturally on Qin Feng, because Qin Feng gave him a sense of danger!

"Hehe, Tanning, I just brought my daughter over to see the dragon fruit tree!" Qin Feng smiled!

"That's it!" Tan Ning looked at Qin Feng, and after a long time, he said in a deep voice: "I hope Your Excellency can grant the old dragon a request, don't hurt the dragon clan here, not to mention the low strength of these dragons, and they can't survive without this land!" "Tanning is also telling the truth, those who can leave the Dragon Fruit Tree have long since left, where will they stay here!

Of course, as a dragon, Tanning's temper is definitely not good, if a demon knows that he is talking to people so politely today, he will definitely be shocked, and it is not that Tanning does not want to drive away the three suspicious people in front of him, but the pressure on it from the man in the middle is too great, so it has to deal with it carefully!

However, Tanning made up his mind, if this person in front of him had the idea of these dragons, it would not be able to let them hurt the dragons even if he tried his best!

"We get it!" Qin Feng smiled! Naturally, he knew that these dragons couldn't get out of here!!

After Qin Feng agreed, Tan Ning did not leave, but stood aside and let Qin Feng visit!!

"Hmph, this guy is really hateful, I'm afraid we will hurt these little dragons!" Lias frowned cutely and said!

"Father, I want to eat an apple!" Zhu Nai pointed to the fruit on the tree that looked like an apple and said!

"This isn't an apple!" Tan Ning said, "These are dragon fruits!" "

"Can I eat it, then?" Zhu Nai bit his little hand, looked at the dragon fruit on the fruit tree with longing, and said hesitantly!

"No way!" Hearing this, Tanning shook his head and said!

"Hmph, I'm going to eat one!" Zhu Nai muttered dissatisfiedly, and was about to jump up and pick apples!

"Zhu Nai, don't make trouble!" Qin Feng touched Zhu Nai's head, "These fruits represent the heart!" "

"Ahh Such! When Zhu Nai thought of his heart, he suddenly lost interest in eating!

"Hmph, haven't you been sucking blood all the time? Why don't you dare to eat it! Lias muttered!

"You have to take care of it!" Zhu Nai snorted and said, and Qin Feng had already come to Tan Ning and said, "Dragon King, I arrived here with my two beloved daughters, in addition to playing, I also want the Dragon King to do one thing!" "

"Alright! Tell me! Although he was very unhappy with Qin Feng's tone of speech, when he thought of Qin Feng's terrifying strength, Tan Ning gave in again!

"They're still growing!" Qin Feng pointed at Lias and Zhu Nai, and then said, "I think Dragon King, you can provide some blood for them!" "

"You're not a demon?" Hearing this, Tanning was stunned, because demons don't need to consume blood, and as far as it knows, only vampires have this habit!

"You can say yes or no!" Qin Feng smiled faintly!

"Father, you are so nice!" Zhu Nai's face was happy, and he said with a smile! She had drunk the blood of angels, fallen angels, and demons, but she had never drunk the blood of dragons, which must have been delicious! Zhu Naimei thought to herself! And Lias doesn't feel much, she became a vampire halfway through and is not very keen on bloodsucking!

"No way!" Tanning flatly refused! Tan Ning didn't want to conflict with Qin Feng, but it was impossible for it to give the blood of the dragon clan to others, this was the pride of being a dragon clan!

"It's a bit tricky!" Qin Feng smiled, "Are you just ignoring the lives of those little dragons behind?" "

"Hmph, even if you die, I won't let you hurt them!"

"It's a pity, even if you die, you can't stop me, because you don't have the strength!" Qin Feng sneered!

"Then give it a try!" Tan Ning was the first to move, and his huge body was like a mountain pressing towards Qin Feng!

The black qi gushed out from Qin Feng's body, binding Tan Ning like willow silk, and with just one blow, he subdued the enemy!

"You... You let go of me! "Tannin was caught in a cage formed with black gas, and inside the cage, Tannin's claws and wings were bound, and he couldn't move at all!

"Junai, Lias, you wait, I'll get some blood for you!" Qin Feng smiled slightly!

"Hmm!" Zhu Naimei's eyes were shining brightly, as if she was watching a delicious meal, which made Tanning shiver!

Soon, Qin Feng came back with two large vats of blood, and Tanning's dragon blood was almost drained!

"Lias, why don't you drink it?" Qin Feng asked Lias, who had no action, suspiciously!

"I don't want to drink blood!" Lias said shyly!

"But drinking blood can increase your strength, if you don't drink blood, you can't beat your sister Zhu Nai!" Qin Feng said with a smile!

Qin Feng's words happened to reach her heart, all along, she had been struggling with why she couldn't beat her sister, and now when she heard that bloodsucking could enhance her strength, that little bit of reserve collapsed instantly, faster than Zhu Nai!

The tiny bodies of the two of them wiped out the dragon's blood like a bottomless pit!

The blood of the dragon clan is really a great supplement, after Zhu Nai and Lias finished absorbing it, their strength has increased significantly, and they are already intermediate demons, as for Tanning, because they lost too much blood, their strength has declined, and they are only at the level of high-level demons, not that Tanning's strength cannot be recovered, after a period of time, the blood and qi will recover, and the strength will naturally recover!

Tan Ning's expression was sluggish, and he wailed in his heart, he just hoped that these three guys would get out of here quickly, and it could be seen from Qin Feng's easy subduing himself just now that he was definitely not this guy's opponent!

"Lias, Zhu Nai, you already have the strength of a mid-level demon, and the next is the actual battle!" Qin Feng smiled, being able to have such strength at this age, placed in the underworld, is definitely a genius existence!.

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